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Aleksandar M.



In the elements of writing-artefacta finding in the Old Europe (Primary Vinca in Serbia and tordos in Rumenia), we
was able to applied hermeneutic facts of finding writing documents so many millenia before Christus naissance, and also the
language adequate to this discovered material. For these times, we know for existence of Vinca-letter and make a hypothesis
that it correspond to the first Old European language, by all signs and marks one Proto-Serbian language. Dr Radivoj Pesic
is by the following his poetical enthusiasm and science invention, stand on the poin of wiew of reading Vatinski
prljenak(The engraving ring from Vatina) as ivot je ljubav /The life is love/. It is linear shape artifact presents courious
written message. That inscriptions are the testimony of mentality of that old people who wanted to leave a sustained
message to the Earth civilization.

The fact concerning the origin of the letter and language we may find in the Balkan is the most
significant than until now. It is naturally accept in present time that the exploration of the origin of the letter is
essential for all the regions in the world. Reason is in the making louminus shine on the roots in the world
literacy. The question of sence of language existence is put in the position of the deep historical background and
practically means work on the materials as investigations and discoveries of the unknown and known sign
contents. With that interpretations of sign contents we have a better and mostly real picture of the development
of that literacy. In today`s written systems it is possible to see the branches of millennium tree of Old Europe
letter-civilisation generating in Vinca. The slant proposed in applied hermeneutic is possibility to expressed
through the revision and reinterpretation of themes pertinent to the discipline of philosophy of language and
speech; themes which are congruous with other themes pertinent to the discipline of right intention in theory. In
the discipline of philosophy, intentionality is a term first used by the Scholastics in the Middle Ages to define, in
terms of natural and unnatural motion, the intent of God in relation to his creation and the free will of man to
choose or reject a virtuous life. In the elements of writing-artefacta finding in the Old Europe (Primary Vinca in
Serbia and tordos in Rumenia), we was able to applied hermeneutic facts of finding writing documents so many
millenia before Christus naissance, and also the language adequate to this discovered material. For these times,
we know for existence of Vinca-letter and make a hypothesis that it correspond to the first Old European
language, by all signs and marks one Proto-Serbian language.
The new archaeological discoveries that have been made during the last two centuries offer us very rich
documentation, which definitively rejects all hesitations, doubts and playing with history. The archaeological,
anthropological, ethnological, semiotic and linguistic explorations of this century are the new lights of history,
which can no longer be blind to the facts. The extremely rich culture that can be found in neolithic regions in
Serbia (Lepenski vir, Starcevo, Vinca, etc.) as well as in the regions of Hungary, Macedonia, Greece, Romania
and Bulgaria, despite slight differences in style, we do not have enough ground for doubting the similarity or
homogeneity of these cultures in such a big area. The extremely early appearance of literacy (the Vincan
alphabet), and its diffusion, are the testimonies of a high degree of civilization in this cultural area. The valley of
the Danube, especially the part between the middle and the lower regions, as the cradle of literacy which was so
wide-spread, systematized and in so frequent, everyday use, is the testimony of the way of thinking which raised
the achievement of human mind to the consciousness level of holiness. The new anthropological explorations in
these regions have discovered the artefacta who needs the results of the common characteristics of those people
who knew how to express their creative energy, described by recent investigations of dr Pesic Radivoje (Vinca
letter), dr Shann Winn Milton (: Pre-writing in Southeastern Europe: The Sign System of the Vinca Culture ca
4000 BC, Calgary, 1981), and Haarman Harald (:Early Civilization and Literacy in Europe. An Inquiry Into
Cultural Continuity in the Mediterranean World, Berlino, New York, 1995.) In that works we find a complete
endorsement of the origin of letter in Balkan, and with the energy power point for opening the doors of new
perceptions by the intensify the resarches on the origin and the progress on the letter-discoverings in this region.

Duty of each generation is to place effort to relighting the dark zones of early history in the way to
understand our existence, our behavior and aspirations, and to make strong reflexions in defining flexibility of
our orientations. Vinca letter have like any language and letter in the world, their own mutual root from the
language of gestures and significal passes into the phonetic language. Transformations means slowly changes
itself in a local dimensions and accustomed by the development of communicative needness in social, economic
and spiritual sence.
Haarman and others studying the Old European culture and literacy are maximally exploiting the
foundings from the written ceramics from plates. But strictly says dr Radivoj Pesic as first rigt see that
pictograms and mythograms are in the context ofgravures in the shape of geometrical signs, which he identify as
signs out of which directly comes out the phonetic alphabet. Cupolas, recticules, lines and hyphens are the first
graphisms with who began the development of the world culture and literacy. Recticules latter show up or the
netted gravures, maby next stage in the development of the Balkan written system. More of the exhavating
engraved complexes are interesting by the type with lines and hyphenes, amongst which the written forms are
dominating, forms originated with cross matching or other combination of the basic signs, as well as the lines
and hyphens. The analysis of the form of the gravures shows that engraved gravures are in the shape of single
written signs, in a linear order, and thereare also small group of written form look like modern words. In the
vicinity of some of the written signs a simpler forms (engraved such as a modern kirillic), are complementary to
the form of the sign and they are determining its meaning, as a well known phenomenon in the paleographic. It
is clerly shown that the gravures confirms the idea that they are representing written signs, and not just ornament
mark. The inscriptions is a combination of simple signs, which form grupes in the complex meaning in the
interpretation. It is interesting that by the cupolas and recticules we have also the symbol of cross as an old
engraved and painted form because that pictogram from the beginning representing a man. The whole engraved
complex, as dr Pesic insisted, signifies one religious-philosophical idea. As the pattern, cross with spots on the
endings of the lines is a rear sign in the world, but frequent in the inscriptions in Vinca artefacts, and probably
have a religious content. The written cross in scripted as a quadrant is infiltrated in many old written systems,
wit a lonely feature who comes in a context of cupolas engraved from maybe marks the earth, judging according
to a composite gravure of sun and quadrant, where the centre of the quadrant and the centre of the sun are
connected with a line, as if the artist-graver wanted to affirm that the earth can not be without its life source in
the sun. Thre are also so many stela-megalits engraved in the complexity cruciform of an open hand who
explaining the spiritual function of hand, and also in the different sizes and in linear shape presents courious
written message. The inscriptions in some cases looks like made in the Christian cross, and it is not impossible
that cultivator as if has wanted to leave a sustained message to the Earth civilization. By the investigations of dr
Pesic, the crosses alike letters later evolve in other form of letters, in a combination with other types of written
signs, and also, some of the written signs (about 20) in the same form are made known in the prehistory, as kind
of pictograms shows as written signs in some old Balcan systems of writting up to the modern time, and it is
not nonsence that all old signs have parallel in some of old written systems. It shows that no limited definition on
the question when the prehistory ends and when the history begins. Artefacta from Vinca are prehistoric objects
according to the production, but also historic according to the signs on them.
For the Old European letter the science says that it remains deciphered because namely numerous
factors are making the interpretation impossible. Truth is really different, because main subject of prehistoric
gravures shows the secret of the birth and death, the fertility, the renewal of life, not only the human, but the
entire life on the earth and in the whole cosmos, developing in a perfect alphabetical system. It is possible to
distinguish the written signs from the signs that represent ornaments or marking of possesivity. The ornament
must not be observed as a regular, but as a complex sign with a strongly expressed symbolical meaning. As the
time moves on, the semantics of the complex ornaments is lost, and remains the form that plays the role of a
psycho-gram meaning that, it evokes spiritual astonishing at the ones that watches it, without knowing the
semantics of the producet ornament. The written sign originate from the abstract signs and symbols, from the
pictograms and ideograms, but the geometrical signs out of which are arising a big number of alphabetical
systems, surely are originating from the pictograms and ideograms. All the written systems are upcoming from
the old signs that have represented people, animals, visible objects and natural phaenomenon, which were tightly

connected with the religious symbolism. By the meaning of dr Radivoj Pesic that many signs are reforming its
meaning in the envoy by depending of how and in which part of the sign are used spots, look at the latter general
using, with the clear phainomena that duplication and multiplication may have a (white)magic purpose sence.
In the study Gods and Goddesses of the ancient Europe, dr Maria Gimbutas means that other origins of winding
lines and signs in a form of a letter V are also incised in the figures from Vinca. On the edges and surfaces of
laege vessels and pots, there appear incised signs as well. They cannot be interpreted as pottery signs because
they are not separated geometric signs, but a series of linear signs. She originated Vinca-script to the fifth or
sixth millennia BC as the earliest ever script of the ancient world, and says: The incised testamentary objects
speak clearly of the existence of ancient European linear signs, and in general, of a very early appearance of the
script. From the material discovered up to now it could be concluded that the beginning should be sought at the
end of the Neolitic and the beginning of the Halcolitic Era (the later Starcevo early Vinca on the Central
Balkan) ca. 5500-5000 BC. Further research of the script is pending (but see the dissertation by Milton Winn,
UCLA, 1973, book for the analysis of the signs is to appear in 1982). Our modern scientist from Macedonia, dr
Dusko Aleksovski also find the primogenetic level of alphabet linear writing in Vinca as the real old Europe
written signs. He says: I think that the Rock Art is the foundation of the world literacy, i.e. that the explorers of
the Rock Art are facing the basis of the worlds culture and literacy, namely the source of the entire world sacred
legacy and its their task to keep it clean and not permitting anyone to filth it. (Expose in the symposia The
signs of civilizations). He also have a meaning that the nature of that old protoeuropean language is close to the
Slav languages, and in the matter of fact to the Serbian in the varieties of old Serbian, Serboslavic, Slavonic,
Dalmatian, Bosnian, Serbo-Croatian, antique and modern Macedonian, enough Bulgarish and Rumunian and
Greek also, as the languages dominating on the territory of Old Europe.
The Proto-European or Yaphetic stage of the development of the Slavs, besides the Illyrians, Thracians,
Scythians, Sarman(t)s and the above-mentioned Etruscans, also includes the Kemerians (Iberians), whom Milan
Budimir (From Balkan Sources, Beograd, 1969) identifies with the term sebar-serf (the old form is simb/e/ro)
which was later used to denote the Serbian Slavs. In the spirit of the Yaphetic theory, Mavro Orbini ( The
Kingdom of the Slavs, 1601) finds the ethongenesis of the Slavs in the ethnic formations of the Sarmats,
Scythians, Vends (Veneti), Antes, Serbes (Serbs), Swedes, Finns, Prussians, Vandals, Burgundians, Poloni,
Bohemians, Illyrians, Thracians, etc. Mavro Orbinis theory has not been so widely accepted or thorouly verifies,
the fact is that the vestiges of the Slav inhabitants have remained in all the regions mentioned in territory of Old
Europe, and also in England, Germany, Austria and Italy.
The great explorer of Slav history P.I.Safarik (Slovanske starozitnosti, Praha, 1837) never questions the
autochtony of the Slavs in the Balkans. In a documentary way, he rejects the credibility of Porphyrogenits
information about the alleged migrations of the Slavs and their settlement on the Balkan peninsula in the 7th
century. Categorically rejecting the veracity of Porphyrogenits information, Safarik considers it to be
deliberately involved so that it could realize its political apologia. The history of the research of the Slav
origins has come across such apologias for contemporary politics before, as well as after Safarik, but political
apologias can never be accepted as history, but only as another kind of history. Besides Letopis by Nestor of
Kiev and the chronicle The Kingdom of the Slavs by Mavro Orbini, the distant past of the history of the Serbs
and Slavs enough is the subject of the so-called Isenbecks tablets, the parts of which were decoded and first
published in 1954-1959 in San Francisco and edited by A.A Kur and J. Mirolubov. The complete edition of this
unusual document of Slav history, entitled Vles kniga, appeared in ten volumes translated into Ukrainian and
edited by M. Skripnik in the Hague, 1967, and naw also in translation on modern Serbian language from dr
Radivoj Pesic in Belgrade, 1998. An unknown writer wrote down on these tablets (wooden ones), in the preCyrillic alphabet, the history of the Slavs from the year 650 B.C up to the 9th century A.C, on the basis of which
one may suppose that the document was written in the 10th or 11th century. This newly found chronicle of the
Slavs, all together unusual, raises many fundamental questions concerning the Slav ethnogenesis and history and
attracts the attention of scholars by pointing to the records of the Slavs in the epoch B.C existing in the very
large area of the European and one part of the Asian continent. For example, the ancient Armenian chronicler
Moses of Chorene (370-487), in the early forth century AD, points out: Thrace lands are situated east of
Dalmatia, at Sarmatia, and Thrace has five small and one large province peopled by the Slav tribes (in quae

septem genera Slavorum habitant), as well as Goths, and they have hills, rivers, sea, islands, and the capital, the
happy Constantinople. It mention of famoust Armenian is possible to linking with the old people in the Balcan
mentioned bay Greek historiographers. That another line to situation in a proto historical connection was
excellently revived in our time by Milan Budimir in his study of the relations of the old Pelasgians and the
Slavs /what means by Pliny the Elder (69 BD), Ptolemy (175 AD), Strabo (49 BC) etc. the Serbs/. Material on
Pelasgian and Serbs issues scattered about and thrown around, was painstakingly reinvestigated through
historical linguistic layers in the quest after the relation with the oldest peoples, according to Pelasgians by
ancient beliefs. To bring them into correlation with the peoples of the Serbian ethnic, who were historically
completely marginalized, pseudo-named or entirely anonymous, is more than a courageous pioneer enterprise.
The South Slavs were cruelly branded as the gravediggers of the ancient culture by Gibbon and Fallmerayer,
showing the extremely destructive state in the Nordic science, which can only be a result of internal psychic
convoulsions from menances. About that famoust Serbian arcaeologist Miloje M. Vasic expressed his opinion
thereabout in his short article Dirigovana arheologija(Directed archaeology), publicly discussed in 1950 and
published in 1955, and Milan Budimir also in the work Problem bukve i protoslovenske domovine (The
problem of the birch and proto-Slavic homeland, Rad, JAZU, Zagreb, 1951), explicitly pointing out the
continuity of the matter in his paper Antika i Pelasti: As far as I know, professor M.M.Vasic was the first to
raise his voice against the Nordic theory and to relate the Carpathian-Middle Danube Basin cultures with those
of the Anatolia and East Mediterranean. Due to the fact that the German scientist ruled with their activities
nearly a century and a half the European science, particularly with regard to the antiquity and the East, a long
period of time will be needed to revise the traditional cognitions createt in the spirit of the Nordic theory. (M.
Budimir, Antiquity and the Pelasians, Live antiquity, Skopje, 1951., p.88) But, dr Harald Haarman changed
that picture about Nordic theory in the same time as the systematization of the Vica script by great dr Radivoj
Pesic at us. In the article Migrations or the geometry of identity dr Pesic shows the testimonies and controversies
on the migration of European peoples during pre-Christian era, and marked the barrier for seemed to have closed
the Pelasgian circle, as bed causal branch of usual thinking that the offered mythology and inconvincible
conclusion of missing written sources, often pointed out at the mention of the Slavs and their migrations. Also,
the Vinca script expanded as far as the end of the second millennium, while the beginning of the flourish of the
Etruscan civilization was shifted to a deeper past, on the basis of the most recent archaeological resarches. It is
still obvious the circle has yet not been closed. The old civilizations point to a somewhat different geography
comparing to the one they have been drawn into. (R. Pesic, Denial plot, Bgd., 1996., p.35) Chronological and
comparative point of view there is not more a foreign influence on to the progress of literature on the Balkans,
which is a confirmation of the originality of the Vinca letter that has its roots in this artefacta engravings, and it
is possible to find them all over the Balkans including Sclavonia and Hungary. They are closely connected with
the religious believes, and with them the European abstract symbolism becomes more explicable. This European
heritrage for which Europe it self is not yet adequately aware off, also is the foundation not just Serbian, but for
all the Old Europen identity.

Dr Radivoj Pesic is by the following his poetical enthusiasm and science invention, stand on the poin of wiew of reading
Vatinski prljenak(The engraving ring from Vatina) as ivot je ljubav /The life is love/. It is linear shape artifact
presents courious written message. That inscriptions are the testimony of mentality of that old people who wanted to leave a
sustained message to the Earth civilization. That tradition belongs to the Serbs and Slavs people, who are the ancient tribes
of Old European civilization. It is same people who belonged to the pelasgian corpus of nations in the linie to defense of the
ancient town of Troy in thirteenth century BC, what meaning to prove to originate from the fifth to nine millennia BC
makes no nonesic. In the Danubian Value and Balkan in that time further research find the linear script decoding by the
knowns of Pelasgians, Etruscian and old Slavic systems of language. Systematization of Vinca script who makes dr Radivoj
Pesic (after him Dusko Aleksovski, Harald Haarman, Shan Winn) is logicly consequent and illustrated by so many
identifications of the coincidences who makes a rool of writing and also root of reading.

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