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Angineh Esmaili

HD 450
Reflecting upon all the readings, I would have to say the one that I found to be most
relatable and interesting would have to be Puzzling Moments, Teachable Moments. I find this
book to be the most relatable due to the exploration the book takes on understanding students
along with their cultures, and accepting and rethinking about puzzling moments that occur within
a classroom.
of the Chapers that spoke to me would have to be Chapter one. It talks about a simple
discussion that occurred during a classroom about living things. Ballenger builds on how
students view certain things differently than us adults do. Reflecting on working with children
this is an experience I have had many times. It has impacted my teaching, in regards to working
with colleagues that cant seem to accept that just because they view concepts differently than us
adults, that does not necessarily mean their views are wrong. She is able to show us her concepts
of what she refers to as Real Time, and Stopping Time. With these two concepts teachers can
reflect upon their teaching practices and certain events that occur within the classroom.
Ballengers main point in regards to Stopping Time is for us to value the students opinions
during discussions that occur in the classroom. I think the concept of Stopping Time will
impacting my teaching by guiding me to conduct research as to why certain students think the
way they do. By accepting that just because the students views are different them ours does not
simply mean they are wrong. By conducting research I can better analyze the discussions with
the students and their thoughts and reasons behind their answers, and thoughts. While reflecting
on certain experiences I have had in working with children, this chapters comes to mind. During
one of our afternoon classroom activities, the teachers was using an activity to teach the
difference between the numbers one and two. One of the students began to say that two ones

equals two, so one and two are the same. Though as an adult we see things differently and are
able to understand the difference between the numbers one and two. Rather than assume that the
students answer, or thought is wrong, we should have researched and came up with a better
curriculum and understanding of the student. Based of Ballengers thoughts and my experiences
personally a teach is supposed to be a researcher and an educator. A teacher is supposed to ask
why students think and make certain connection and analyze them and explore them further.
The other chapter would have to be chapter six. This chapter focuses mainly on us putting aside
our assumptions and thoughts in order to be able to understand the children and what it takes for
them to learn. In reading this chapter I can implement many things Ballenger talks about in my
future teaching lives. Rather than simply interfering we need to carefully observe before we
decide to make a move. All that I have learned from this book, and these two specific chapters
can impact my teaching and my future. By taking the proper steps, and being a researcher and a
teacher we can create a better learning environment for the students. We can become better
teachers and develop a better understanding of the students and their thoughts, and the way they
learn. Rather than make assumptions we should take the proper steps, conduct our research and
become better teachers for our students.

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