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Student Staff Feedback System This system is generally

used by four kinds of users:

Head of departments

The application should have a database of questionnaire which will

be given to the students after a secured login. A mechanism should
be there to add, modify or delete a question to/from the database.
The application should evaluate the answers given by the students
based on the feedback (which will be given by a no. 1 5) and a
percentile / grade has to be generated to all the staf members of a
particular department.
These feedback report was checked by the hods. He can
view overall grades and view the grades obtained to the lecturers
and give this report to the principal and he can give counseling to
the college staf
We have developed Student Staf Feedback System to provide
feedback in an easy and quick manner to the college principal and
hods.So we call it as Student Staf Feedback System which delivers
via the student staf interface as online system which acting as a
Service Provider
By using this online system we make it better and quick way.

We have developed Student Staf Feedback System to
provide feedback in an easy and quick manner to the college

principal and Hods. So we call it as Student Staf Feedback System

which delivers via the student staf interface as online system which
acting as a Service Provider
By using this technology we can make fast feedback about the staf
by students on time to head of departments as they referred in
online system.
This project has four kinds of users Student, Staf, Hods, and
Principal. The student can give feedback in online system provided
by college staf. First of staf can prepare questions & add, update
these questions to the online system. After that it was viewed by the
students and can give feedback about the lecturers.
This feedback report was checked by the Hods. He can view
grades and view the grades obtained to the lecturers and give this
report to the principal and he give counseling to the college staf

Cut your time by giving feedback on online system when
compared to the manual process this saves time of user.
Manage the entire process the entire process of giving
feedback and viewing that report after giving feedback can
manage easily
Enhance the staf find the details about the lecturers
interest in teaching to the students
Meet web standards an easy to use system that
successfully combines form with function
Using the latest Microsoft technology, the .Net framework
and ASP.Net, our system is a complete feedback management and
staf interaction system with built-in features proofing that easily

supports Integration with the latest student staf feedback system

This system is designed to be simple to use, simple to
understand and easy to implement and configure to fit. It is
provided as an Application Service Provision thus ofering low setup

Coming to the existing system the feedback is done by
manual process. In the existing system students can give
feedback about the lecturers by using paper and pen. By this
process. Student can give feedback in online system without
waste his time in writing. After giving feedback by every student.
Papers are collected by the Hods and calculate the overall grade
for each subject and each lecturer. After that those all grade
report is viewed by the principal which is given by the Hods.
Hence estimating the performance of lecturers and giving
counseling to college staf.
So, the existing system is carries more time to do a piece of
work for this reason
The online system feedback is implemented.
This is the major advantage of the existing system for giving
feedback about the
Lecturers and viewing report of lecturers.


Here we aimed to design online web application for

issuing the feedback about the lecturers by students, this is
named as student staf feedback system. Student Staf feed
Back System to provide feedback in a easy and quick manner to
the college principal and Hods. So we call it as Student Staf
Feedback System which delivers via the student staf interface as
online system which acting as a Service Provider
By using this technology we can make fast feedback about
the staf by students on time to head of departments as they
referred in online system.
This project has four kinds of users Student, Staf, Hods, and
Principal. The student can give feedback in online system provided
by college staf. First of staf can prepare questions and add, update
these questions to the online system. After that it was viewed by the
students and can give feedback about the lecturers.
These feedback reports were checked by the Hods. He
can view overall grades and view the grades obtained to the
lecturers and give this report to the principal and he can give
counseling to the college staf
As compared to the manual system, online system is very simple to
use and also understand.


Saves your time

Manage the entire process in easy and quick way
Enhance the staf
Improve the issuing standards

In the proposed system generally used by

four kinds of users:

Head of departments

By using this online system we make it better and quick way.

The proposed system consists of four

o Student :
Student can give the feedback about the lecturers on the
scale of five. Students can give feed back about the
lecturer based on interaction of lecturer in the class room
with students. According to that, students can give
feedback as per the given grades.

o Staff:
The feedback given by the students can be viewed by the
staf and improve their performance in teaching and
other aspects

o Head Of Departments :
These feedback reports were checked by the Hods. He
can view overall grades and view the grades obtained to
the lecturers and give this report to the principal and he
can give counseling to the college staf

o Principal :
Finally, report was referred by the principal
and give suggestions to lecturers to improve their
These are the four modules present in the project so we have
developed these things in very easy and clearly understandable way.
So, by seen above description the proposed system having many
advantages as compared to the existing system.

The project is mainly divided into three modules. They are

Student module
Staf module
Head of the departments module
Principal module

The student will have the authorities on this as following:
1) Add questions
2) Update questions
3) View questions
4) Giving feedback about the lecturers
Add questions:
In this module the student or staf or Hods can add
questions if he is interested to add another question to
database to rate the lecturers.
Update questions:
In this module the student or staf or Hods can


View questions:
in the

In this module students can view all questions

database to give feedback about the lecturers

Giving feedback about the lecturers:

In this student can give feedback about the lecturer
according to questions given in the database

The staf will have the authorities on this as following:
1) Add questions
2) Update questions
3) View questions
4) View report
Add questions:
In this module the student or staf or Hods can add
questions if he is interested to add another question to
database to rate the lecturers.
Update questions:
In this module the student or staf or Hods
update questions.

View questions:

In this module students can view all questions in the

database to give feedback about the lecturers
View report:
After giving feedback by the students; lecturers, Hods,
principal can view report

Hods will have the authorities on this as following:
1) Add questions
2) Update questions

3) View questions
4) View report
Add questions:
In this module the student or staf or Hods can add
questions if he is interested to add another question to
database to rate the lecturers.
Update questions:
In this module the student or staf or
Hods can update questions.
View questions:
In this module students can view all questions in the
database to give feedback about the lecturers
View report:
After giving feedback by the students; lecturers, Hods,
principal can view report

Principal will have the authorities on this as following:
1) Add questions
2) Update questions
3) View questions
4) View report
Add questions:

In this module the student or staf or Hods can add

questions if he is interested to add another question to
database to rate the lecturers.
Update questions:
In this module the student or staf or Hods can update
View questions:
In this module students can view all questions in the
database to give feedback about the lecturers
View report:
After giving feedback by the students; lecturers, Hods,
principal can view report
This feedback report was checked by the Hods. He can
view overall grades and view the grades obtained to the lecturers
and give this report to the principal and he can give counseling to
the college staf. Finally principal and Hods can organize the
meeting and give instructions to the staf to improve the
performance, communication to teach in a easier way.

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