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Clarity * Confidence* Ease* Success

Is This You?
YOU WANT DEEP TRANSFORMATION. To live a life of meaning and joy. To
overcome fear and old patterns that are keeping you stuck. You have a feeling
that theres more for you, and that feeling keeps tugging at your heart. You
want to make better decisions, and have an easier time doing it.
WE ARE LIVING IN A DYNAMIC TIME. I believe more and more people are
feeling called to rise up, evolve their inner selves, and live more consciously.
YOU ARE UNIQUE, exceptional, and have valuable gifts to share that can help
others. And the world NEEDS more people like you. But HOW can you fully
step into your higher calling?
INNER WISDOM, you will feel more supported, more energized, and be able
to powerfully create the life you want. At the same time, your own happiness
and success will increase as a natural byproduct of you being in true alignment
with your core values, and your inner compass.
WHAT WOULD IT BE LIKE to really trust yourself? HOW WOULD IT FEEL to
experience more fulfillment, more confidence, and to finally be living your life
on purpose?

Intuition, creativity, and listening are all imperative in

creating an inspired life."~Jonathan H. Ellerby

Created b y Kr ist y n Ca et ano , I nt ui ti ve Co ach & Hy pnoth er api st www. e l ixi f yy our l if e . com

My "Why"
Ive learned to listen to my own inner messages over time, and they never fail to
steer me in the right direction. It wasnt always that way though. I spent a good
chunk of my life frozen with indecision, afraid to really be seen in the world, and
doubting myself.
And then I decided to change my life, to take more risks, to get stronger. Once I
made the COMMITMENT to seriously cultivate and trust my intuition, it really
liberated me. It helped me create my own blueprint for happiness a foundation
from which I could base all my decisions and actions with confidence.
My core values + intuition make up a strong inner support system for my life, but
also provide a practical method of helping me take action in a way that really feels
I have a deep desire to help you live a fully
expressed life. I envision a world where each and
every one of us is truly living our potential, feeling
alive and vibrant, and shining in the world.
Can you imagine? I can!
So I invite you set aside some sacred time to
explore this workbook, and give yourself the
beautiful gift of activating and honoring your
With lots and lots of love ~


Creat ed by Kri st yn Cae t ano, I ntu it iv e Coa ch & Hy pno the ra pist www. el i xi f y your l if e . com

Table of Contents
*Intuition Defined
*How to Use This Toolkit
*Intuition Activation TOOL #1: Your Intuitive Communication
*Intuition Activation TOOL #2: Stillness, Breath, and Awareness
*Intuition Activation TOOL #3: Journaling and Inner Inquiry
*Intuition Activation TOOL #4: Play and Practice
*Intuition Activation TOOL #5: Non-Dominant Hand Exercise
*Intuition Activation TOOL #6: Getting Answers & Making

Creat ed b y Kr ist y n Ca et ano, I nt uit i ve Coa ch & Hy pnothe ra pist www . el i xif y yo url if e . com

What Is Intuition, Anyway?

*a tool for quick and reliable insight, decision making, and problem solving
*an innate sixth sense that we all have
*a deep inner knowing, without necessarily knowing how we know
*a physical sensation (gut feeling, tingling spine, etc.)
*guidance from the Divine (God, Spirit, Source, or however you choose to
define it)

When you combine intuition with the power of your mind, you can create
unlimited possibilities for yourself!
This is because your intuition connects you to your subconscious, which is
where beliefs and habits are formed, changed, and sustained. Your
subconscious mind is a powerhouse of potentiality, and intuition speaks the
language that your subconscious mind understands.

The Divine consciousness speaks to our human consciousness, offering us

quick, keen insights into the problems of everyday life and suggesting potential
solutions through the language of intuition-the language of the soul.
~ Mona Lisa Schultz

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What Intuition Can Do For You

Your intuition is one of the most powerful tools you can use to achieve your
biggest dreams.
Cultivating your inner knowing is also one of the most impactful ways to
improve your overall happiness. Your intuition will always bring you back
home to yourself.
I believe that the soul wants to express itself in meaningful ways, and when
were NOT living our deepest truth, it can be very painful and leave us feeling
restless, dissatisfied, and depleted.
The trick is, you NEED to stay energized and positive in order to bust out
your beautiful mojo in the world (in whatever creative form that takes), and
to feel the joy that you so deserve!
The more you trust and use your own inner knowing, the more easily and
consistently you will be able to:
*Make better, heart-based decisions more often and more quickly
*Creatively solve practical problems
*Gain confidence and clarity
*Achieve success and fulfillment at home, work, or school
*Feel more inspired and uplifted, rather than drained
*Overcome doubt, fear, stuck-ness, and anxiety

The intellect has little to do on the road to discovery. There comes a leap in
consciousness, call it Intuition or what you will, the solution comes to you and
you don't know how or why. ~ Albert Einstein

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The Intuition Activation Toolkit

This toolkit is designed to help you understand and reconnect with your
intuition, plus help you USE it to guide every area of your life...your work,
health, and relationships.
Anyone can learn to develop and strengthen their intuition muscle!
How to successfully use the tools:
The first step is to pay closer attention to your FEELINGS and sensations, and
the information they contain. The next step is to further develop your ability
by creating a HABIT of using it, so that it becomes a regular and readily
accessible part of your daily life.
The key to fully activating your intuition in a powerful way is to COMBINE the
wisdom of your inner knowing with the practical abilities of your brain. This
blending of logic and insight, the bridging of your left brain and right brain, is
what will give you the full empowerment you need.

"Intuition will tell the thinking mind where to look next."

~ Dr. Jonas Salk

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Are You Ready To.

*Manifest your dreams
*Deeply connect with yourself
*Commit to following your own North Star every day
*Live from your truth
*Achieve the ease, freedom, and impact youre looking for
*Shine in the world and fully express the gifts of your soul
Remember, theres no right or wrong way to do this. There is no one size fits
all method for intuitive development. The exercises shared here are offered
as a starting point for an exploration into YOUR unique way of receiving
messages from your inner self, and applying their wisdom in your life.
So I invite you to be curious. Have a beginners mind as you go through the
content, and see what unfolds for you.
Wanna make friends with your intuition? LETS DO THIS!

You have to leave the city of your comfort and go into the wilderness
of your intuition. What you'll discover will be wonderful. What you'll
discover is yourself. ~ Alan Alda

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Intuition Activation TOOL #1:

Your Intuitive Communication Style
The first thing to determine is HOW does your intuition speak to you?
Intuition has its own language. It doesnt tell you in sure-fire, vivid detail what
it knows. It communicates in more subtle ways. Intuition can come in the
form of dreams or symbols (Visual) , an inner voice that you can hear
(Auditory), physical sensations (tingling, a gut feeling) (Body-based), a flash of
insight, coincidences and synchronicities, or you may simply feel right (or
wrong) about something ( Sensory).
People usually receive information MOST OFTEN through one or two of the
main types of intuitive communication; Visual, Auditory, Gut/Body Based, or
Click here to discover your unique intuitive type:

How did it go? What are the top 1-2 ways that you receive intuitive
Awesome! Youre well on your way to understanding and honing your
unique intuition language!

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Intuition Activation TOOL #2:

Stillness, Breath, & Awareness
Focused awareness through meditation, breath-work, qi gong, walking in
nature, etc. helps you connect with your subconscious mind, your body, and
helps you clear mind chatter and find focus. When you develop a habit of
cultivating present moment awareness, you create space for your intuition to
be heard.
For many people, it does take some commitment to develop a consistent
habit. Practice makes perfect! Get used to listening, and you will soon develop
an intuition habit for yourself .
Here are some tips for success:
*Ensure that you designate time and space for mindfulness and meditation.
Make it sacred. It helps to choose the same time every day. Try doing it for
just 5-15 minutes a day. If that goes well, then you can begin to increase time
and build from there.
(For example, I do a regular daily meditation + energy clearing practice during
my lunch break. I can feel a big difference even by doing this for only 5 or 10
minutes a day)!
*Its important to be in a neutral state of mind. Slow down. You must be in
the present moment in order to discern and notice the subtleties of your
intuitive messages.
*Please be gentle with yourself. If you fall off the mindfulness wagon, just get
right back on again. You already know how.

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Simple Mindfulness Practices to Try...

1) When you wake up in the morning, before you get out of bed just take a
few extra moments to lie there and become aware of your surroundings.
Next, breathe in slowly and steadily while saying I am to yourself, and as you
breathe out say calm. (You can switch out the word calm for any other
word or phrase that resonates, such as strong, peace, joy, healthy,
grounded, alive, etc.). Repeat this at least 5 times, then go out and enjoy
your day!
2) Get out somewhere in nature, even if its just a little patch of grass in the
Just enjoy BEING as you tune into the sights, sounds, and smells around you.
Does the air feel crisp, or warm? Can you hear birds chirping, or leaves
rustling? Allow yourself to just zone out on the beauty of your natural
surroundings. The earth is connected with the rhythms of the seasons, the
cycles of the moon, and more. Its automatically conducive to unplugging and
tapping in.
3) While youre there, you can try another breathing exercise:
Breathe in slowly and steadily while counting to 10. At the top of your
breathe, hold it for the count of 5. As you breathe out, count to 10. Release
the tension in your body. Repeat this several times.

Stay still, be quiet and listen to your heart.Then, when it

speaks, get up and go where it takes you.
~ Susanna Tamaro
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More Mindfulness ...

4) You can also create a simple visualization for yourself. Here's a sample:
Imagine a safe and tranquil place. It could be your favorite beach, a beautiful
garden, or any other scene that feels good to you. Engage all the senses while
you visit your special place in your mind. Are there particular colors, sounds,
or scents there? Now imagine that a group of wise teachers has come to visit
and provide you with guidance. Some people like to imagine these teachers as
angels, ancestors, or other magical beings. Let them know that you are open
to receiving information that will help you. Talk to them and tell them about
your concerns. You can ask them questions, then just feel the answers pop
into your mind as you continue the dialogue. Ask them what the lessons are,
and what you need to do next.
Pro Tip: If your mind keeps racing and is having trouble letting go, you can
also use simple imagery to help clear it and deepen your state of relaxation.
Here are a few options:
*Imagine an old black trunk in front of you with brass hinges and handles.
Raise the lid of the trunk and place all your worries, fears, anger, and sorrow
inside. Close the lid of the trunk. Your mind is now free.
*See before you a huge tent filled with people, objects, and feelings. As you
concentrate on this tent, a sudden gust of wind blows through and sweeps the
tent free of clutter. Your mind is now as clear as that tent.
*Imagine you are walking along the shoreline of a beautiful beach. Trace your
name in the sand, and then watch the waves wash it away. Continue tracing
your name and watching the waves wash over it for a minute or two, until
your mind is able to let go.
Now open your eyes. How do you feel?

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Intuition Activation TOOL #3:

Journaling and Inner Inquiry
Getting into the habit of writing down your impressions, thoughts, dreams,
synchronicities, and feelings can help you recognize and name your intuitive
Keeping a journal also helps validate your intuition. As you look back on your
notes youll be able to see patterns, and confirm the times when your intuition
and impressions turned out to be right.
As you write, dont censor yourself. Record every vibe or inkling that flashes
through. You never know if something that doesnt make sense now will have
meaning later on. Just put down whatever comes to mind, whether its words,
symbols, or images.
Keeping a journal also directs your subconscious mind to acknowledge that
your intuition is important, so that it will begin to cooperate more and more in
helping you receive clear signs. Every time you write something down, you are
sending the message that its worth noting, and your subconscious mind will
begin to pay attention.
ProTip: Intuition works best when you focus on what you WANT, so its
important to ask yourself the right questions. Instead of asking, why am I
stuck in this miserable job?, ask, what type of work makes me feel lighter,
happier, and more energized?
On the next two pages you'll find some journaling prompts to guide you as
you explore your intuition.

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Journaling Prompts
*Write down what you KNOW to be true (about you, a particular situation,
your work, etc.)

*What people, places, or habits FILL you with ENERGY? DRAIN you of

*Imagine your future self 5 yrs, 10 yrs, and 20 yrs down the road. What advice
or insight would s/he give you?

*What gets in the way of you trusting your intuition? Making quick decisions?

*What do I need to know in order to have a beneficial outcome? To take my

next step?

*What do I want in this situation? (but dont try to figure out how youre going
to get it)!

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*What is the most loving (authentic, wise, spiritual, forgiving) decision right

*Where does my sweet spot (what you love to do) meet the needs of the
larger world? (aww yeah)!

*What are the questions or yearnings that won't leave me alone?

*What do I need in order to heal? To move forward? To trust myself?

*How do I want to FEEL (in any given situation)? What does my heart long for?

*What brings me joy?

Try journaling and asking yourself questions every day. The more you do it,
the easier the answers will come!

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Intuition Activation TOOL #4:

Play and Practice
There are some fun games you can play as a way of practicing and
strengthening your intuition. Remember, its like a muscle that can be trained
and developed!
Here are a few to try:
1) Guess whos calling when the phone rings (before you look at caller ID, of
2) Cut up several pieces of colored construction paper, and place single
small pieces into plain envelopes.
*Next, create 3-4 envelopes containing the same color, and use at least 5
different colors so that you have 15-20 envelopes total.
*Have a friend number the envelopes so that you have no idea what numbers
correspond to which colors. Shuffle the envelopes.
*Go through them one by one, and try to sense what color you feel is inside.
*Write the number and color on a tally sheet.
*When you have gone through all the envelopes, open them and see how you
did (this is a great one to do with kids).

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More Play and Practice...

3) Choose random cards from a deck and try to guess which ones they are
without looking. Record how many you get right.
4) Hold an object belonging to someone you dont know very well. See if you
get any images, feelings, or information about this person. Confirm your
intuitive messages with that person, or someone who knows them well.

Dont worry if some of your answers are wrong at first! The more you
practice, the better youll get.

Feelings are your guide. Trust your feelings and learn to express them.
Be yourself, observe yourself. ~ Barbara Marciniak

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Intuition Activation TOOL #5:

Non-Dominant Hand Exercise
Your non-dominant hand is the OPPOSITE of the one youd normally write
with (for example, since Im right-handed, my non-dominant hand is my left).
Each of our hands is connected to the opposite hemisphere of our brains. So
your right hand is connected to the left brain; the side responsible for
language, judgment and intellect. And your left hand is connected to the right
brain; the source of creativity, perception and empathy. Studies indicate that
one hemisphere or the other can be active when we use our dominant hand,
but BOTH hemispheres are activated when we use our non-dominant hand.
So regardless of which hand we favor, writing and drawing with the nondominant hand gives us greater access to qualities like feeling, intuition,
creativity, and spirituality.
In this exercise, you can use your non-dominant hand to help uncover any part
of you that may be hidden or not fully expressed, such as a personal fear, a
certain emotion, a part of your body, or your inner knowing. Its a great way
to create dialogue with your intuition and your subconscious mind, plus get
answers to your burning questions!
*Note: if youre ambidextrous, just close your eyes for a moment and ask
yourself which hand should act as the dominant one today, just for this
exercise. And its ok to change it up the next time.

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Non-Dominant Hand Exercise

Heres how to do it:
Set aside a bit of time so that you can be undisturbed to do this exercise. Youll
need to gather a few supplies; plain white paper, your favorite pen or pencils.
You may want to play soothing music in the background, or light a candle.
Create a nurturing space for yourself.
1) Close your eyes and take a few moments to breathe and get grounded
within yourself.
2) Now form a question in your mind. Perhaps you have a problem that needs
solving, or a decision that needs to be made, or you want to gain insight into a
negative belief or pattern that keeps showing up in your life.
3) Now ask yourself this question out loud or in your head (you may also
write out the question with your dominant hand).
4) Next, pick up a pen with your non-dominant hand and allow it to express
any answers or insight with pictures or words (you may want to choose a
different color pen than what you used to write with your dominant hand).

Its important to just let it be a free-flow stream of consciousness. Anything

goes! Try not to judge or analyze whats happening.
Your non-dominant handwriting may look wonky and be hard to read, but it
can also contain some pearls of wisdom coming directly from your

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But Wait, There's More!

You can deepen the experience with additional questions and statements,
while continuing to use your non-dominant hand to answer. Here are some

*What do you WANT to feel (in this situation)?

*How DO you feel about this decision?

*What do I need to know?

*Its ok to express all this.

*Im listening.

*Im open to receive wisdom from my higher self.

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Intuition Activation TOOL #6:

Making Decisions + Getting Answers
Ever feel like you just cant decide the best course of action, no matter how
hard you try? In fact, you may be trying too hard (i.e. thinking too much).
Here are a couple of different methods to help you make decisions more
easily, and be able to have confidence that its the right course of action for
1) Write a few sentences about a decision youre faced with. Write down
two different options you have, and call them Choice A and Choice B. Now,
close your eyes, breathe and get centered.
* Imagine yourself making the decision to go with Choice A. How does it feel
to make that decision? Do you feel elated and enthusiastic? Or down and
* How does your body react to the decision? Does it feel light and open? Or
tight and tense?
* Do any words or visual pictures pop in your head when you make this
decision? Do you hear words like yes or no? Do you see optimistic pictures,
or do you see the decision with a big X marked through it?
* Now repeat the process with Choice B.
Your inner guidance always directs you to the choice that will be the
healthiest and most fulfilling for you.

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Getting Answers...
2) The Sway Test (also known as Body Pendulum)
You might have heard about muscle testing (or Applied Kinesiology) as a way
of getting answers, or to find out what impact something is having on your
energy system (positive or negative). The Sway Test is the one of easiest types
of muscle testing you can learn.
How does it work?
Just like a tree leans to face the sun, the human body will naturally be drawn
toward what is positive and true, and will naturally be repelled by something
that doesnt feel good to it.
This is called an ideomotor response, which means that your thoughts and
emotions can produce a certain response in your nervous system, which then
connects to a motor response (movement in your body).

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The Sway Test

Heres the setup:
*Stand straight with your feet pointing forward, about shoulder width apart
so that you feel comfortably balanced. The room should be quiet and free of
*Close your eyes and relax your body completely with your arms at your side.
*Right away you will notice that its impossible to stand perfectly still. Your
body will continue to make slight shifts as your muscles work to keep you
standing, and these movements are not within your conscious control.
*Now youre ready to establish your baseline to make sure youll be getting an
accurate response to your questions.
Here's the process:
1) First think or say aloud the word Yes with a positive feeling (alternatively,
you can use a statement that you KNOW to be true, such as My name is
____.) Wait and notice your bodys subtle response to Yes. It should begin to
sway noticeably in one direction (for most people, yes induces a forward
2) Now think or say aloud the word No, with a yucky negative feeling behind
it (or make a completely UNTRUE statement such as My name is Cookie
Monster). Notice which way your body moves.
Your bodys response may seem subtle at first, but you should be able to
sense a definite sway one way or the other.
You can repeat this a few times for practice.

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The Sway Test...Continued

NOW you can start asking questions using the Sway Test!
Remember, for this technique you need to formulate questions that only have
the possibility of a yes or no answer (rather than multiple choice).
Examples of some questions you might ask are:
*Should I go out on a second date with that man/woman?
*Would it be beneficial to take _____course or class?
*Is this supplement going to benefit my health?
*Should I apply for that job?
*Is ____ a good investment?

And so on.

*Note: If you have trouble standing, this test can also be done while sitting.

How did it go?

Were you able to discern a clear yes or a clear no for the questions you

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Fear vs. knowing...how to tell the difference
When your intuition gives you a clear course of action, do you ever find
yourself wondering if its not really your intuition speaking, but maybe its
actually some sort of deep self-sabotage or fear undermining your happiness,
and in fact, you really should do the opposite?
Learn to tell the difference between irrational fear and authentic knowing.
Here are some warning signs to pay attention to that help you know when
youre getting off track and stuck in fear mode:
*you feel stressed, emotionally charged, unsettled, depressed, hopeless,
depleted, or drained.
*your body feels tight, contracted, strained, or numb
*your mind is racing
*you begin catastrophizing, analyzing, worrying, or projecting
On the contrary, genuine and reliable intuition comes across like this:
*it feels right in your gut or body
*it provides information NEUTRALLY and without emotion
*it has a compassionate, affirming tone
*it conveys a detached sensation, similar to being in a theater watching a

Good instincts usually tell you what to do long before your

head has figured it out. ~ Michael Burke

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More Troubleshooting...
Falling off the intuition wagon...and how to get back on
Ever feel like sometimes youre really good at listening to your intuition...and
other times not so much?
Even though our innate sixth sense is always inside us...we sometimes lose
sight of it and are afraid to trust it. Even worse, we squash it and override it.
We get bamboozled by fear, naysayers, external pressures, internal shoulds,
and feelings of unworthiness or doubt.
Then what I call our mental hamster wheel starts spinning out. Our minds
begin to race and our bodies feel tense, as we continue to fear, dismiss, and
imagine the worst possible outcomes. This results in second-guessing
ourselves, and then we become paralyzed and unable to move forward on our
most passionate goals.
We forget to lean in and investigate our feelings, whether theyre
uncomfortable or not. We forget to drop out of our brains and into our bodies,
where we can find inner stillness and hear the messages more clearly. We fail
to claim our power.
So how do we get back on the wagon in those moments and begin to trust
ourselves again?

"The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a

faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant
and has forgotten the gift." ~ Albert Einstein

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Getting Back on The Intuition Wagon!

Here are few quick things you can do the moment you notice that your
intuitive connection feels out of whack:
*Stop and breathe
*Feel your feet on the floor and get grounded with the earth
*Tune into your physical surroundings, notice any sounds, sights, etc. Relax
into it.
*Stop, focus your awareness, and just FEEL. Allow yourself to feel more, and
also to feel more deeply.
*Ask yourself how does this feel in my body? Where do I feel this in my
body? What is my body trying to tell me, and why?
*Ask yourself how do I feel when I think about this situation? Energized,
excited, or calm? Tangled, stuck, or anxious?
When you take the time to do these things you can sense whether or not you
are connected to Source, and to your intuition.
Pro Tip: The better you feel, the more connected you are. The worse you
feel, the more disconnected you are.
In fact, actively using our intuition is our natural state of being. NOT using it
goes against our basic human design.

"Don't give in to your fears. If you do, you won't be able to

talk to your heart."~ from The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

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You made it!

Thank you for checking out this toolkit.
I truly hope it has been useful and inspiring!
Remember, sometimes activating your intuition is a process of unfolding. It
requires that you trust the first sign, which leads to the next, and the next.
You are courageous for being here. Following your intuition is not always an
easy path filled with rainbows and butterflies. It might call on you to do
something really difficult. Sometimes it takes strength to put your intuition in
motion. But its always worth it. Trust that. You are unlimited!

When you do something from your soul, you feel a river moving in you,
a joy.~Rumi
**If you have any friends who might like this Toolkit too, please feel free to
share the link with them
*Id love for you to keep me posted on your progress or just reach out for
support on Elixify Your Life's facebook page HERE
*Or stay connected via twitter HERE
As an Intuitive Business + Lifestyle Coach and Hypnotherapist, I can teach
you how to use your intuitive wisdom as a foundation for creating your
Sacred, Fulfilling, and Prosperous Life and Biz!
****CHECK OUT ALL THE DETAILS on the next page!****

Created b y Kr ist y n Ca et ano , I nt ui ti ve Co ach & Hy pnoth er api st www. e l ixi f yy our l if e . com

Higher Calling Coaching

Awaken Your Lifes Work. Set Your Higher Calling In Motion.
Unleash Your Potential.
Are you a Conscious Entrepreneur, Healer, Coach, or Wellness Practitioner
who feels an undeniable calling to make a positive impact in the world?
Youve landed here for a reason. Its time.
Time to fully devote yourself to your Higher Calling.
What Could you Become if You Threw your Whole Self into Your True
Destiny? What if you could create a Purposeful, Thriving, Conscious
business that helps others AND fills you up at the same time?
But How? If you yearn to DO something with your Higher Calling but need
help getting there, Im here for you! I know what its like to feel that pain
inside because you KNOW youre not living your purpose. Trust me-Ive been
So if you're READY to ready to turn your dreams into a Real, Sustainable,
and Abundant Reality, then I invite you to submit an Application HERE to
inquire about working with me one-on one.
*And if you want to get MORE details about the Higher Calling Coaching
program, you can click HERE

I believe there's a calling for all of us. The real work of our lives is to become
aware. And awakened. To answer the call. ~ Oprah Winfrey
Created b y Kr ist y n Ca et ano , I nt ui ti ve Co ach & Hy pnoth er api st www. e l ixi f yy our l if e . com

Natural Born Intuition-Lauren Thibodeau, Ph.D
Trust Your Vibes-Sonia Choquette
The Intuition Principle-Angela Artemis
Mother Wit-Diane Mariechild
Divine Intuition-Lynn A. Robinson
Compass of the Soul-Lynn A. Robinson
The Power of Your Other Hand-Lucia Capcchione
The Emotion Code- Dr. Bradley Nelson

Created b y Kr ist y n Ca et ano , I nt ui ti ve Co ach & Hy pnoth er api st www. e l ixi f yy our l if e . com

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