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Shelton (1895-1985) was a pioneer in fasting in the modern Western world.

He ran
a fasting retreat in Texas and wrote several books and articles on Natural Hygi
ene--a comprehensive health care system based on ideas dating back as far as the
These "ideas" were radical for the 1800s. They made the assertion that health is
a product of lifestyle and environment. That sunshine, clean air and water, a q
uality diet of fresh vegetables, fruits, nuts, grains and seeds, make for a heal
thy individual. Also necessary are sufficient rest and exercise, emotional poise
, and self esteem.
Not such radical ideas anymore. We now know the truth of those assertions.
As important as the therapy of water fasting was to Shelton, he did not advocate
it as an isolated therapy but as a part of his overall system of Natural Hygien
e. The patient was taught how to make healthier life choices.
Even though the last edition of this book was copyrighted 1978, this work is far
from irrelevant. One can't overlook the level of experience Shelton had gained
from supervising fasts. He claimed to have conducted over 25,000 fasts (some pla
ces say 40,000) in 30 years. No one else can rival that amount of experience in
the study of fasting for the purpose of healing disease.
But it is true that some information in this book should be taken with an unders
tanding of the context in which it is given. Medical knowledge of the human body
is far greater today than in 1978. And, in my opinion, his cautions seem weak,
as there clearly can be complications during a fast, but then, I must remind mys
elf, he never recommends water fasting without professional supervision by those
trained in the process.
Some feel it is an outdated notion to not give enemas to those fasting, which is
what Shelton advises, but here is where Dr. Fuhrman's experience and medical ex
pertise can help. In his more recent experience with supervising fasts, he confi
rms that enemas are not necessary, that toxins are not reabsorbed into the syste
m, that it is fine to let the colon "take care of itself".
Fasting Can Save Your Life is a very inspiring read that is full of case study a
fter case study. Shelton had a lot of cases from which to draw--as many as 40,00
0! All cases demonstrating the body's ability to heal itself. After reading this
book, you will be motivated to begin a water fast.

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