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On-page SEO guide Technical aspects

On-page SEO Checklist for marketers, content writers and IT


All website pages should contain a link to the homepage

Use a copyright symbol and statement within the page footer
Copyright date should be the current year
Each page must contain a link to the axa.com portal
All pages should have tracking tags
All pages should contain headings
All pages should contain an <h1> heading
All pages should contain a <h2> heading
Do not use more than one <h1> heading
Do not use underlining to highlight text
Large blocks of content should be broken up using subheadings
Headings should be no longer than 10 words in length
Paragraphs should be no longer than 100 words in length
Homepage should have at least 250 words of sentence style text
Only colours specified in the brand palette should be used
Do not use fonts other than Arial and Franklin Gothic for copywriting
Only colours specified in the brand palette should be used (Germany only)
Use correctly nested headings
Page should not have no broken external links
Page should not have no broken internal links
Page should not have no broken links to images
Do not use meaningless phrases such as "click here" or "more" as entire link text
Do not make links too long
Do not have links without content
Indicate when a link will open in a new window
Homepage should contain 60 links maximum
All images should specify an "alt" attribute
Provide "alt" text for each clickable hotspot within an imagemap
Images should not exceed 50Kb
PNG Images should not exceed 200Kb
Specify the file type when linking to non-HTML files
Include information about document size within or next to the link
PDFs should be tagged for accessibility
All downloads should open in a new window

PDFs should have a meaningful title specified

Page titles should be populated and meaningful
Pages should contain metadata description
Limit <title> tags to 65 characters or less
The title tag should contain the company name
Do not use multiple title tags
Title tag, use the right words in the right order
Metadata description should be no longer than 156 characters
Do not use deprecated tags or attributes
Do not use special characters within file or directory names (URLs)
Do not use unauthorised web beacons
All pages should contain a privacy link
Always write the company name correctly
Use relative font measurements (such as percentages or ems) not absolute ones (such as
points or pixels)
Use relative, not absolute, measurements for objects
Dont use inline styles
Use linked style sheets to control layout and presentation
Dont use graphics for spacing
Dont use onmouse and onkey triggers in scripting
Dont disable or suppress the ability to zoom
Do not use Flash

Common technical SEO issues

Broken links test

Checks on the website for broken links

Broken links will damage the websites rankings by preventing different search engine
websites from indexing the page
Broken links will redirect visitors to error pages

Best practices

Manual checking of pages for broken links

Automated checking of pages for broken links using the following:
o Dead link checker - http://www.deadlinkchecker.com/
o Screaming frog (software) - http://www.screamingfrog.co.uk/seo-spider/

Inline CSS test

checks the webpages HTML tags for CSS properties

inline CSS is used to to apply a unique style for a single element.
Inline CSS is an old technique (along with inline JS) who wants to look for high search
ranking visibility.
Avoiding the inline CSS will make the code clean, easy to search for spiders and crawlers,
decreases file size and increases the speed and performance of the loading of each page

Best practices

Move all inline CSS rules in an external file to make page loading more faster and to
decrease the code
Things to avoid: CSS codes appearing on source code

Deprecated HTML tags

Checks if the page is using old and deprecated HTML tags

Using deprecated HTML tags will lose browser support and the pages will render differently,
creating bad user experience for those who visits the page

Best practices

Update old/deprecated HTML tags to new tags (HTML 4.1 and HTML5)

Google analytics test

Checks if the page is connected with Google analytics

Having Google analytics will track the websites site visits, demographics and other metrics

Best practices

Include Google analytics code in the website

Favicon test

Checks if website has favicon installed

Favicon is a graphic icon that is helpful for branding the website and for easy navigation on
the list of bookmarks
Favicon will also be displayed when the site is being searched
Favicon acts as an ID, also marks credibility and trust to the website

Best practices

Create and install a favicon for the website

Follow favicon specifications for different browsers and mobile screens

Sample Favicon on browser

Sample favicon seen on search results

URL SEO friendly test

Checks if the URLs are SEO friendly (no underscores, no spaces, no special characters, no
canonical URLs)
Having a poorly constructed URL structure will make the website not being crawled by
search engines, decreases the site rankings and may damage the ranking authority of the
pages and/or the whole website itself
Dynamic URLs, though they are acceptable to use, may tend to be difficult to read, for they
contain both parameter names and values
Dynamic URLs may contain information that is transmitted outside the URL that could
create duplicate content, security and other features

Best practices

create a user/SEO-friendly static URL, do not use dynamic URLs in creating one for the
audit all URLs for proper syntax
check for errors using Google and Bong webmaster tools for duplicate content, page
construction and other SEO issues
301 redirect duplicate URLs to the correct version
Configure URL parameters in webmaster tools and direct search engines to ignore any
parameters that cause duplicate content
Add canonical tags to webpages that direct search engines to group duplicate content and
combine ranking signals
Have the website rewrite all URLs to lowercase to avoid mixed case URLs

Media print test

Checks if the site is using media print CSS property for custom printability
Used to provide an optimized version of printing for visitors who want to print your pages

Best practices

Check if there is a media print CSS property on the website

Edit style changes to print.css
Use developer tools for the print preview:
o Firefox web developer toolbar - https://addons.mozilla.org/enUS/firefox/addon/web-developer/
o Firefox print preview add-on - https://addons.mozilla.org/enUS/firefox/addon/print-preview/
o Google Chrome web developer tool https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/webdeveloper/bfbameneiokkgbdmiekhjnmfkcnldhhm

Page objects test

Checks if the full list of objects requested by your page can be retrieved
If the page contains objects that cannot be retrieved then the page wont be displayed
correctly, and this impacts the sites user experience and search engines will also penalize
the website
Having too many HTTP request will also slow down page loading

Best practices

Minimize HTTP requests by doing the following methods:

o Combining files combining all scripts into a single sheet, combining all CSS into a
single stylesheet
o CSS Sprites used for reducing the number of image requests by combining the
background images into a single image and use the CSS background-image and
background-position to display the desired image segment
o Image maps used to combing multiple images into a single image
o Inline images using the data:URL scheme to embed the image data into the actual
Using a content delivery network deploying the content across multiple servers will create
faster page loading
Adding an expires or a cache-control header there are two aspects to this rule:
o For static components: implement never expire policy by setting far future expires
o For dynamic components: use an appropriate cache control header to help the
browser with conditional requests
Gzip components using the compression components in the webpage reduces the
response times by reducing the size of the HTTP response
Putting stylesheets at the top moving stylesheets to the document HEAD will makes
appear to load faster and will allow the page to render progressively
Putting scripts at the bottom
Avoiding CSS expressions use one-time expressions, where the first time the expression is
evaluated it sets the style property to an explicit value, which replaces the CSS expression.
Another option is to use event handlers instead of using CSS expressions.
Create an external stylesheet and script for all JavaScript and CSS JS and CSS files are being
cached by the browser, making the page load faster
Reduce DNS lookup this reduce response times and makes better page performance
Minify JavaScript and CSS by removing unnecessary characters to code in order to reduce
page size and for faster page loading
Avoiding redirects this will slow down user experience, it delays everything in the page
sine nothing in the page can be rendered
Removing duplicate scripts this hurts site performance for it creates unnecessary HTTP
requests and wasted JavaScript execution

Configure ETags
Make Ajax cacheable by using the following rules:
o GZip components
o Reduce DNS lookups
o Minify JavaScript
o Avoid redirects
o Configure etags
Flush the buffer early it allows to send the partially ready HTML response to the browser
so that the browser can start fetching components while the backend is busy with the rest
of the HTML page.
Use GET on AJAX requests
Post-load and preload components
Reduce the number of DOM elements having a high number of DOM elements in
JavaScript that needs to be improved with the markup of the page without removing the
Split components across domains it allows to maximize parallel downloads
No 404s having 404 pages in the website will slow down the user experience without any
Reduce cookie size reducing cookie size will minimize the impact on the users response
Use cookie-free domains for components
Minimize DOM access
Develop smart event handlers having too many event handlers attached to different
elements of a DOM tree will make pages feel less responsive
Choosing <link> over @import CSS should be at the top in order to allow progressive
Avoid filters in CSS having the AlphaImageLoader filter blocks rendering and freezes the
browser while the image is being downloaded. It also increases memory consumption and it
is applied per element and not per image.
Optimize images use the following to optimize the images
o Check GIFs if they are using a palette size corresponding to the number of colors to
the image. Use imagemagick for checking
o Convert GIFs to PNGs
o Run pngcrush (http://pmt.sourceforge.net/pngcrush/, PNG optimizer tool) to all
PNG images
o Run jpegtran to JPGs, for it does lossless JPGs operations such as rotation and it can
also be used to optimize and remove comments and other useless information from
the images
Optimize CSS sprites arranging the images in a sprite horizontally results in a smaller file
Make favicon.ico small and cacheable make the favicon small, preferably under 1k.
Keep components under 25k pages being accessed to mobile browsers on different
devices wont cache components that are bigger than 25k

Pack components into a multipart document it helps fetch several components with one
HTTP request
Avoid empty image src having an empty image string src will cripple servers by sending a
large amount of unexpected traffic and will corrupt user data

Site speed optimization

HTML page size test

Checks if the HTML size is the size of all the HTML code on the web page
HTML size does not include images, external JavaScripts and external CSS files
Average web page size is 33 kb
Total page size should be 200kb
Having a big HTML page size can lead to slower site loading, lost visitors and decreased

Best practices:

Check the size of the HTML page using the following testing websites:
o Page size extractor - http://www.prioritysubmit.com/seotools-page-sizeextractor.html
o Web page analyzer http://www.websiteoptimization.com/services/analyze/index.html
Minimize the number of page request
Use site/GZIP compression
Move all CSS into one minified and external CSS file
Minify all JavaScript files and combine them into a single minified file

HTML compression/GZIP test

Checks if the page is using HTML compression

Using HTML compression will reduce the pages loading time, resulting to faster page access
and file transfer. It also saves bandwidth.
Gzip is best used for files that are larger than 150 bytes
Compression proves to be best used for those who are using mobile phones for business
GZIP compresses .html, .css, .js, .php and .asp; image files are not allowed.

Best practices

Setup GZIP server when using IIS, Apache, cPanel and Php

Page cache test (server side caching)

Checks if the page is serving cache pages, used for temporary storage of web documents,
(HTML pages and images) to reduce bandwidth usage, server load and perceived lag.

Image expires tag test

Checks if the page is using an image expires tag, that specifies the future expiration time of
the images
Having this enabled will help speed up the website
Expires headers tells the browser if the resource on a website needs to be requested or if it
can be fetched from the browsers cache
Having this feature enabled will also avoid unnecessary HTTP request, which slows down
page loading
The browser will store the resources in the cache once the expires header is set

Best practices

Use expires headers for all the images, favicons, Javascript and CSS files
Enable the expires headers module in the .htaccess file
Use default directive for a default expiry date

JavaScript (JS) minification test

Used to check if the external JavaScript files used in the page is minified
JS minification will also affect the websites performance and response time

Best practices

Use the JS minification tool to minify the script:

o Minify code - http://minifycode.com/
o Javascript minify tool - http://www.cleancss.com/javascript-minify/
Activate GZIP compression on the web server
Use Googles Closure Compiler for JS minification https://developers.google.com/closure/compiler/
Before compressing the Javascript file, its best to have a file backup in case debugging is

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) minification test

Used to check if the external CSS files used in the page is minified
Like JS minification, CSS minification will also affect the websites performance and response

Best practices

Activate GZIP compression on the web server

Use YUI compressor for CSS files
Before compressing the CSS file, its best to have the file backup in case debugging is

Nested tables test

Checks if the site is using nested tables that slows down page rendering in the users
Using nested tables requires longer site loading time that affects the overall page load
Using nested tables can also cause issues for screen readers and page printing
Nested tables are not flexible, therefore it is not advisable when being viewed on mobile

Best practices

Use CSS instead of HTML for creating tables

CSS offers more flexibility by allowing you to define a printable area, accommodate
accessibility and make changes in a faster way

Frameset test

Checks if the website is using frames, multiple HTML documents that appears in one single
Using frameset can hurt the SEO link structure, which in turn can hurt the link [popularity
and the page rank rating
Using frameset will also unable search engine crawlers (spiders) to follow the frame sources
from the frameset page

Best practices

Eliminate frames as much as possible, convert it into a CSS design

Doctype test

Checks if the page is using the doctype declaration rank

If defines the XHTML/HTML version that the site is currently using
A DOCTYPE declaration needs to be specified before the HTML tag so that the browser
understands the standard before it parses the content
Not having any Doctype declaration on the website will cause problems in the layout and
showing elements that is meant to be hidden as plain text

Best practices

Include DOCTYPE declaration in every page before the HTML tag

Site loading speed test

Determines the loadtime speed of the website

Average site loading speed is 5 seconds
Studies show that pages that loads longer than 5 seconds can lose up to 50% of users

Best practices

Analyze the websites speed by using the pagespeed insights tool https://developers.google.com/speed/pagespeed/insights/
Check the following in order to resolve the problem:
o Reduce the number of HTTP resources
o Use GZIP compression
o Use HTTP caching
o Move all CSS styles into a single, external and minified CSS file
o Minify all CSS and combine them into a single external JS file
o Include external CSS files before external JS file
o Place JS files at the bottom of the page
o Optimize web graphics and website database

Flash test

Checks if the page is using Flash, an outdated technology that is used for multimedia
Using flash objects does not work well on mobile devices and do not adhere to certain HTML
standards (especially to HTML5), therefore it cannot be crawled by different search engines
Though flash applications and its elements are now seen on SERPS, there are still problems
being encountered upon using them on websites

Best practices
Use these practices to optimize flash that is included in the website:

Split flash content into separate files

Avoid using flash for site navigation
Associate flash files with HTML content
Include flash files in the XML sitemap

Server and security

URL canonization test

Checks for URL canonization issues

URL canonization describes how the website can use slightly different URLS on the same
o For Apache web server:
o for Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS):
http://www.samplesite.com/default.asp (or .aspx)
http://samplesite.com/default.asp (or .aspx)
not configuring the URl will result to duplicate content

best practices

set a preferred domain/URL in the page

create a 301 rewrite rule in the .htaccess file so that both addresses resolve to the same
URL (include the lines after RewriteEngine On line)
o RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www\.samplesite\.com$
o RewriteRule ^/?$ http\:\/\/samplesite.com\/ [R=301,L]
Use sitemap to indicate preferred URLs to the same content
Use 301 redirects for URLs that are not canonical
Indicate hot to handle dynamic parameters
o i.e. https://www.samplesite.com/sample.php?sessionid=14344 should be the same
as https://www.samplesite.com/sample/test.php
use HTTPS instead of HTTP for canonical URLs

IP canonization test

Checks for IP canonization issues, if the IP address and the domain name displays the same
IP canonicalization describes how the sites IP address and domain name display the same
page but do not resolve to the same URL

Best practices

Enter the websites IP address to see if if it redirects to the corresponding domain

If the IP address doesnt redirect to the corresponding address, create a 301 rewrite rule in
the .htaccess file so that the sites IP points to the domain name (if using Apache, include
these lines in the .htaccess after RewriteEngine on line:
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^XXX\.XXX\.XXX\.XXX (note: replace X characters with
IP digits)
RewriteRule (.*) http://www.samplesite.com/$1 [R=301,L]

Safe browsing test

Checks if the site contains malware and/or if theres any suspicious phishing activity seen in
the website.
Any website that contains malware and/or suspicious phishing activity is seen as a threat
and risk to the online community

Best practices

Run a virus scan on the web server

Run a high-quality, internet-security utility on every client computer that uses elevated
rights to connect to the production web server and scan the computers for malware
Monitor Google/Bing webmaster tools for malware reports
Use Googles safe browsing diagnostic tool:
http://www.google.com/safebrowsing/diagnostic?site=http://samplesite.com (note:
replace samplesite.com to domain of choice) for checking the websites malware history
Review anti-malware best practices advise from Google and Bing
If SERP listings identify the website as compromised/malware infected, clean up the website
and request a malware review from Bing and Google to clean the SERP listings of any

Server signature test

Checks if the websites server signature is ON.

Server signature is the public identity of the web server and it contains sensitive information
that could be used to exploit any known vulnerability.

Best practices

When using Apache:

o Open Apaches configuration file (httpd.conf or apache.conf) include the following
at the ServerSignature:
ServerSignature Off
ServerTokens Prod
o After modifying the configuration file, restart the Apache server
When using IIS
o Use ISAPI filter to hide banner information
o Install UrlScan security tool, for it contains the RemoveServerheader feature, which
removes or alters the identity of the server from the server response header in
response to the client.

Directory browsing test

Checks if the server allows directory browsing

Turning the directory browsing on will cause search engine spiders to index everything that
is uploaded to the server, including unnessesary files, i.e. test scripts, database files, security
files and many more.
To enable the directory browsing will also affect the search engine rankings in several ways:
o Reputation management wrong/hidden pages has a higher chance to have it
crawled by search engines on multiple pages of the website, it is likely that
Duplicate content if the same content is generated repeatedly on different pages of the
website, there are chances that search engines will choose the wrong page to rank
Reduced topical relevance this can cause duplicate content issues and will make things
complicated when it comes to how search engines categorize the website.

Best practices:

Use the directory browsing test online tool:

Create a copy of the .htaccess and add these lines to the .htaccess file:
# Disable Directory Browsing
Options All indexes
Upload the new .htaccess file (overwriting the existing one) and verify that the directory
browsing is disabled

Libwww-PERL access

Checks if the server allows access from user-agent Libwww-Perl

The said user-agent are botnet scripts that automatically looks for vulnerabilities in the
Removing libwww-perl access can block simple bot attacks, save bandwidth quota by
blocking certain bots or spiders from crawling the website

Best practices:

By using robots.txt:
o Include the following code in the robots.txt file:
User-agent: Libwww-perl
Disallow: /
When using APACHE server:
o Add the following code on .htaccess file: (the following code will return a 403 error
to Google)
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} Googlebot [OR]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} AdsBot-Google [OR]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} msnbot[OR]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} AltaVista [OR]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} Slurp
RewriteRule .-[F,L]
o Replace the last line above with this code if you prefer to redirect the bots to the
specific page:
RewriteRule ^.* http\:\/\/\www.samplesite\.com\/nobots.html [r=301,L]
When using IIS server:
o Install IIS URL Rewrite Module
o Open IIS server manager, select the site you want to block and open URL rewrite
o At the upper left of the window, go to add rules
o Select request blocking and click OK
o Use the following settings
Block access based on: user-agent manager
Block request that: matches the pattern
Pattern (user-agent header): Googlebot| AdsGoogle|msnbot|Altavista|Slurp
Using: Regular Expressions
How to block: send an HTTP 403 (forbidden) response
o Then click ok
Test settings using this tool, User Agent Switcher: http://chrispederick.com/work/useragent-switcher/

Plaintext emails test

Checks the webpage for webpage email addresses

Emails posted in public is likely to be collected by bulk emailers (aka email harvesting) that is
added to bulk marketing databases, resulting to more spam in the network

Best practice
Obfuscate the email to prevent them from being harvested by spammers using the following

Reverse the text direction using CSS:

o Ex: me@samplesite.com
<span class=obfuscate> moc.etiselpmas@em</span>
.obfuscate { Unicode-bidi: bidi-override; direction: rtl;}
Note: using this method works to eliminate email harvesting, but is has downsides:
o It requires the user to type out the address manually
o The email will display backwards if the CSS is not available
o The email will appear backwards if the user will copy-paste the CSS-coded
obfuscated email
o Bots can decipher the strings easily
Using null test
o Ex: me@samplesite.com
o Add CSS tag first:
o .obfuscate span { display: none; }
o Use the following code to obfuscate the email
<span class=obfuscate>me@<span>null</span>samplesite.com</span>
<span class=obfuscate>
Note: using this method is easy for those who want to make the email visible but not being
crawled, however there are also downsides:
o The user will require to type the email manually, as the mailto: link wont work
o The email address will display the null text if the CSS is not available
o The email address will include the null text if the user will copy and paste the
o There are bots that can decipher convoluted email addresses
Using ROT13-encoded address using javascript

Mobile usability
Media query response test

Checks if the page implements responsive design functionalities using media query

Testing media query responsiveness of the website

Test the mobility of the website by doing the following: (on desktop)

Resize the browser (using chrome, firefox)

Use google chrome to view the website according to mobile devices
o Right click > inspect element > click mobile button beside the glass icon > click
drop down button to select device
Check on tables, embedded media files, online forms, buttons for mobile

Best practices

Use website tools to check the sites mobile functionalities on different screen sizes
o https://www.google.com/webmasters/tools/mobile-friendly/
o http://mobiletest.me/ (needs account)
o http://ready.mobi/

Social media
Social media check

Checks if the page is connected to important social media networks

Best practices

Search for the websites verified accounts via Facebook. Twitter and other social media

Social media activity

Checks the activity on social media networks of the website/URL.

Measured in the number of shares, likes, comments, tweets, +1s, pins
Covers only the URL and not the social media accounts linked with the webpage

Best practices

Check on the social media activity using these website tools for metrics:
o AHRefs - https://ahrefs.com/
o Social media optimizer - http://smo.knowem.com/

Advanced SEO
Microdata schema test

Checks if the web page takes the advantages of HTML microdata specifications in order to
markup structured data
Using microdata to web pages can help search engines to better understand the content
and to create rich snippets in search results.

Best practices

Using HTML5 is one way to add semantic markup to the web pages

noindex tag checker

indicates if the webpage is using the noindex meta tag

the said tag instructs search engines not to show your pages in search results

best practices

use the noindex tag on pages that doesnt need to be crawled by search spiders

canonical tag checker

checks if the webpage is using a canonical tag

canonical tags are used to indicate a specific page if there are pages that has duplicate

best practices

use the canonical tag if there are several pages that has similar content, and indicate the tag
to the page that you want to be crawled in search engine results
do not use the canonical tag if the page doesnt have a duplicate content

nofollow tag checker

checks if the page is using the nofollow meta tag

the nofollow tag will tell search engines not to crawl any outgoing links from the webpage.

Best practices
Use the nofollow tag on the following:

Paid links
User-generated content
Embeds for widgets and/or infrographics from other websites
Any link that is seen as an endorsement to the other website

Disallow directive checker

Checks if the robots.txt is excluding some parts of the website

The disallow directive is used if you want to advise the search engines not to crawl and
index the page, file or directory.

Best practices

Use the disallow tag on robots.txt on pages, files and/or directories that doesnt need to
crawled by search engine spiders

Broken links


Inline css


Deprecated html


Google analytics




Media print


Page objects


HTML page size


GZIP/HTML compression


Image expires tag

http://blogs.msdn.com/b/carlosag/archive/2009/06/09/are-you-caching-your-images-andscripts-iis-seo-can-tell-you.aspx (for IIS/windows server)

Javascript minification


CSS minification


Nested tables




Doctype declaration


Site loading speed





URL canonization


IP cannonicalization


Safe browsing

http://www.google.com/safebrowsing/diagnostic?site=http://axa.com.ph (change url to the

link of choice)

Server signature



Directory browsing


Libwww-Perl access


Plaintext emails


Media query response



Social media check/activity


Microdata schema


Noindex tag


Canonical tag


Nofollow tag


Disallow directive


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