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My Own Thinking on Issues

We all have to contemplate about topics pertaining to life and how to be better human
beings. I like to write controversial information to make myself and others think.
Sometimes, a person evolves in his or her thinking as time moves in his or life. I’m a pure
representation or example of that, especially when it comes into economic issues. My
evolution of thinking as it relates to economic issues went into a higher level in late
2009. Even before 2009, I’ve had some economic populist viewpoints like I’ve opposed
debt-filled processes of the Federal Reserve Bank and I’ve opposed the nefarious trade
deals of NAFTA & GATT. Yet, I still embraced some of the dogma from the Austrian
school. This changed when I’ve started to subsequently researched alternative views on
financial issues. In late 2009, I was at a barbershop. An older man there said that his health
care costs were massively increasing being expensive. I’ve had my health system then my
health care prices started to increase. The older man legitimately desired health care
reform in order to stabilize the out of control costs and numerous problems with the
status quo. This event dawned upon me the urgent need to preserve our safety net in
America. Barack Obama passed his health care reform bill. ). In my personal opinion, this
new health care law will have mixed results. Some parts of the law are fine (like you
can‘t discriminate against patients with pre existing conditions), but the new law isn’t
perfect as many laws aren’t. Dr. Martin Luther king Jr. in a speech to the Medical
Committee for Human Rights from 1966 said that: “…Of all the forms of inequality,
injustice in health care is the most shocking and inhumane…” The truth is that there
are greedy private entities have hijacked the health care system for decades. They
desire charge an arm and a leg (even the savings of the American people) The health
care paradigm on the right side promotes the deception that if you support the government
to finance the cost of health care in an universal health care system, then you want the
government to act as a Nazi system (and control health care in any fashion via a top down
action. Even single payer advocates don‘t support that action). Others in the health care
paradigm from the left believe that anyone who opposes governmental total control of
health care itself automatically opposes universal health insurance (even though some
single-payer advocates would oppose the former and support the latter). The government
shouldn’t run health care in a dictatorial fashion. Although, under the phony, Austrian "free
market" alone alternative, that lets over privileged insurance and pharmaceutical
oligopolies price-gouge everyone into bankruptcy. You have a more indirect form of
population reduction -- with millions of people dying prematurely due to health care costs
having been artificially driven out of their reach. This is why a singer payer system is taboo
even among some Democrats. The health care law has been exposed by independent
progressives and independent conservatives as being financially aided by the Big Insurance
companies. The law lacks a public option. So, this new health care law has good parts and
errors. True health care reforms should continue forth though. Later, I’ve looked at research
from Revolt426 and geolibertarian. Their works were displayed prominently in the Internet.

Their views gravitated toward my interest since it was beyond the typical Left/Right
Paradigm spin on economics (or political matters). Obviously, the monetarist cartel-
capitalist system doesn’t work to alleviate economic inequality. Also, this inequality
can’t be solved by so-called “color-blind policies” since you have to address class, race,
and other components in the world to solve socio-economic problems. Many deceptive
people claim that people like us haven‘t criticized the Bush administration before.
That‘s a lie since we conspiracy fact researchers exposed the Bush/Cheney regime
much more than Barack Obama. This was done in a strong fashion. George W.
Bush even said in Washington D.C. from August 5, 2004 that: “Our enemies are
innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to
harm our country and our people, and neither do we.” I wrote hundreds of pieces of
prose disagreeing with the President George W. Bush completely since the early
21st century (even before the Iraq War). The Patriot community have done an
unparalleled, excellent job in exposing the Bush administration. The facts that they
(or Revolt426 and geoliberatarian) have presented were real, tangible, and independent.
Learning about economic populists like Ellen Brown and Bill Still lead me into a better
road. Economic problems like financial inequality are real. Luxembourg, Denmark, the UK,
and the Netherlands have a higher annual wage rate than the United States of America. This
proves that multinational corporations have no mandate whatsoever to enact whatever
action that they wish. Very strongly disagreeing with the concept of derivatives is one
economic premise of mines as well. This “free trade” rhetoric that globalists like David
Rockefeller subscribe to isn’t free nor fair. That system is about a few international
corporations using in some cases governmental power to influence global trade in an
authoritarian fashion (above and beyond sometimes legitimate trade among countries).
Now, I fully embrace the tenets of the general welfare of the people, labor freedom,
economic populism, election reform, and other liberty based concepts. Like others have
said, human beings should not be subservient to the state, but the state should serve
the interests of the people. I’m still pro-Nationalism, Pro-Second Amendment, Pro-Civil
Liberties, Pro-9/11 Truth, Pro-Religious Liberty, and pro-Life. I don’t agree with
imperialism. Yet, I will never deplete my concern for the poor or the environment. Not to
mention I will expose the new world order. The new world order is real. Quotes (plus other
forms of documentation) definitely prove that some elitists desire the new world order or
global government. This refutes the lie made by MSNBC, Chris Matthews, the SPLC, the
ADL, and others that no such agenda exists. Here are some of such quotes:

We shall have world government whether or not you like it, by conquest
or consent."
-Statement by Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)
member James Warburg to The Senate Foreign Relations Committee on
February 17th,

"The Council on Foreign Relations is "the establishment." Not only does it have
influence and power in key decision-making positions at the highest levels of
government to apply pressure from above, but it also announces and uses
individuals and groups to bring pressure from below, to justify the high level
decisions for converting the U.S. from a sovereign Constitutional Republic into
a servile member state of a one-world dictatorship."
-Former Congressman John Rarick 1971

"The New World Order will have to be built from the bottom up rather than from
the top down...but in the end run around national sovereignty, eroding it piece
by piece will accomplish much more than the old fashioned frontal assault."
-CFR member Richard Gardner, writing in the April l974 issue of the CFR's
journal, Foreign Affairs.

"In the next century, nations as we know it will be obsolete; all states will
recognize a single, global authority. National sovereignty wasn't such a great
idea after all."
-Strobe Talbot, President Clinton's Deputy Secretary of State, as quoted in
Time, July 20th, l992.
Global Government is antithetical to the constitutional right of a nation-state. This right
and other freedoms are found in the Bill of Rights & the Constitution. Even when I was in
elementary school, I’ve a had strong love of thinking in a proficient manner in order to
make up my own mind on issues. I like to have my own thinking. The Baby Boomer
Generation is getting into senior age rapidly. The torch of fighting for real liberty is
passing into Generation X (and my Generation of Y plus beyond). A lot of people don’t
like this generational change. This change is about embracing more issues, having more
tolerance of people of difference backgrounds, and seeing complexity in life. At the same
time, we still have threats about fear, our rights are being challenged, and we have a right to
fight against extremism. There are those from the Left/Right Paradigm from the Daily Kos
and the Council on National Policy that exist in order to discredit real Patriots too. One of
the leaders of Daily Kos supports the CIA when they have done criminal, illegal actions
since their inception from 1947. The CNP is closely tied to the John Birch Society. The
JBS’ early leaders have been tied to the Federal Reserve. Even Rand Paul supports the war
in Afghanistan and considers military actions against Iran. Yet, the Alex Jones crew still
supports Rand Paul of Kentucky (whose ideological predecessors like Reagan, Thatcher,
and Freidman loved austerity measures. Their ilk supported the dictator Pinochet from
Chile) despite being a neo-conservative in terms of how he conducts foreign policy. Ron
Paul refused to give back a donation from Don Black even though Don is a racist white
supremacist. Don Black is apart of Stormfront. History proves that market forces left to
their own devices deteriorate into corruption. The Gilded Age proves this historical fact.
Alex Jones is Alex Jones as we know. Alex Jones can claim to be fighting against the new
world order. Although, Alex Jones [he aides Midas Resources, which
promotes gold selling. There is nothing wrong with using gold in collection,
but not use it as a sole currency device] won’t expose the John Birch
Society, the Council on National Policy, or the eugenics ties to the anti-
immigration movement. These items are taboo among even some of those
within the “alternative” media. They like Jones & the JBS legitimately
expose corrupt government, but rarely do they expose safeguards needed
to fight against corrupt private interests (unless it‘s something that‘s
blatantly wrong). History in the past and the present documents that the
radical privatization of society leads in the social, economic & political
exploitation of human beings. This fact is exemplified in Reaganomics. Alex
Jones, using just another mans pass as if he was this guy, went past or through
three levels of the highest security (with just one man’s pass) to enter the
Bohemian Grove. He stood around presidents from all over the world with a
hidden camera, so he says. Alex Jones says that we need to escape the
Left/Right Paradigm, but he supports Republican party candidates
(including the views of extreme liberatarianism). Dick Armey Phil Gramm,
Milton Friedman, and Malcolm Forbes, Jr. are the 2nd generation neo cons
promotion their views (under the guise of the Heritage Foundation funded
Conservative Revolution). The new and 3rd generation of such pro-Austrian
people include Rand Paul and Marco Rubio. Their agenda hasn‘t changed
since 1994. They want the non-effective policies of radical spending cuts in
domestic services, they desire welfare cuts or banning welfare outright,
and monetarism is their motto. They believe that an aggressive or a pro-
neo con, confrontational foreign policy is the ideal, and they respect
privatization (These are all of the views of von Hayek. Not to mention that
free market without any safeguards causes the oligarchs to control the

Llewellyn Rockwell is an agent of von Hayek’s philosophies. Von Hayek

was aided by the Rockefellers (a globalist family) and that should tell you
something. These extremists (who spewed this message in a higher level
since 1981) should be publicly disagreed upon. I want to this mention this.
These fascists say that if you fail in life, it‘s your own fault. These liars
omit that oppression and means of control have damaged societies for
eons (and this isn‘t the fault of the victims of oppression at all). You have
the right to be a Republican, Democrat, a Libertarian, a Green, an
Independent, or whatever if you want. No one should be ashamed of their
political philosophy at all. I don’t view a man or a woman less than me,
because of their political views at all. Although, a real society shouldn’t be
ruled by an aristocracy, but by the people. Power exists among the people.
That is why true diversity is a threat among a fascist. A true fascist can’t
stand people of different backgrounds living in one nation.

I don’t need Ron & Rand Paul worship. Rand is the fellow that commented that it’s anti-
American to strongly criticize BP. That is a statement that I completely disagree with. I
don’t need political hypocrisy either. See, Rand’s ilk hate government intervention, but they
look to the government to rein in Wall Street. They hate taxes, but lie and claim that the
poor don’t pay enough taxes in the U.S.A. They claim that we have a huge debt crisis, but
allow the military industrial complex budget to rise into huge levels. While CNP member
Weyrich can claim to consist of family values, he supports NAFTA & GATT. Weyrich also
represents Big Business interests, whose agenda have harmed numerous families on many
fronts. Margaret Thatcher, back in the early '80s, came under fire, in a sense (if that's
possible) for subsidizing private schooling for the wealthy, using tax money to subsidize
the wealthy. She rationalized it by telling the truth, as they (or the elite and their
puppets) very often do. She said that these wealthy educational buildings are where
the future leaders of the United Kingdom come from. In other words, these select,
intergenerational bloodlines have inordinate power in the world. What Thatcher did
was wrong of course, but she exposed the truth that the elite promote their own
interests, which is apart from the interests of the rest of the people. Thomas Malthus
bashed the poor too. The evil man Malthus believed that the poor should be restricted
of resources in the following words:

``We are bound in justice and honour formally to disdain the Right of the poor to
support…To this end, I should propose a regulation to be made, declaring that no child
born from any marriage taking place after the expiration of a year from the date of the law,
and no illegitimate child born two years from the same date, should ever be entitled to
parish assistance.... The infant is, comparatively speaking, of little value to society, as
others will immediately supply its place.''
--Thomas Malthus, An Essay on the Principle of Population

Like usual, Thomas Malthus had links to the British East India Company. Malthus
promoted the lie of overpopulation. Malthus viewed that left alone, population will grow
exponentially beyond food population causing starvation, wars, etc. He wanted even a
fascist problem to stabilize population growth. Later, their supporters promote the same lie
in order to advance the goal of depopulation of not only the Third World, but most of the
world. Even recently, Ted Turner, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, and Oprah Winfrey had a
secret meeting where they discuss about the “population problem.” Ironically, the oligarchs
(or imperialists) stole the land of the Third World and have the nerve to promote decreasing
their populations. This is why 1% of the planet control 40% of the world’s wealth. Even
former Wall Street Phil Heilberg owned huge lands in Africa acting a ’predatory buccaneer’
or a 21st century neo-colonialist according to Dr. Jared A. Ball. I respect individual rights.
Yet legitimate regulation is better to embrace than embracing a fetish against any form of
regulation. Some of these neo-con hypocrites bash government spending. On the other
hand, some of them (even some Tea party activists) want to keep their Social Security and
Medicare. They don’t even talk about the errors from the previous administration as if they
need to study history only from January 21, 2009 and beyond. That is why I will never ally
with the neo cons. They can lecture about law and order all they want without mentioning
the epidemic of crowding prisons along with innocent people in those prisons. The radical
neo cons mention profusely about fiscal responsibility, but it’s better to have concern about
human lives above financial costs (though, fiscal policy and debts are vital to talk about).
They can spew paranoia about socialism, but Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution cite
things. It cites the right of the government to create taxes, build roads, have a post
office, promote the arts, and other components of a free and open society. What you
need to escape this recession is to have investments (via debt-free currency) in
medical research, infrastructure development, build up our hospitals, rebuild our ports
& our water supply systems, and invest in our alternative energy sources. You don‘t
need to liquidate all of our resources and allow everything to crash by doing nothing (as
supported by the Austrian economists. Some of them say that’s too bad if you die,
which is cruel. The deficit hawks don‘t talk about these issues). Typically, some of the
super rich obsess with inflation, while ignoring the populist need to try to improve jobs
in the U.S.A. The attack on teachers is even on with “the Race to the Top” agenda
propaganda as promoted by the corporate mainstream media. I‘m starting to learn that
big Foundations are funding some charter schools including the parochial schools.
Some charter schools have made some educational improvements though. Covertly,
corporate, religious theocratic influences are creeping into the public school system
(even though I do believe in voluntary school prayer in public schools. That is apart of
religious freedom. Religious freedom doesn‘t end inside of your home). I believe in
educational choice or freedom, but I reject educational destruction.

One thing that the extremists say is that slavery is over from 145 years ago. No,
slavery is still in the world even in America (where it’s illegal). Just because the
Civil War ended, doesn’t mean oppression is completely extinct. Cultural and
mental slavery are just as devastating and immoral as is physical slavery.
Harmony is a mirage without cultural, social, & political awareness. You have to
know who and what you are as a human being if you want real harmony in the
world. You fight against injustices in the world in order to get changes. You don’t
ignore these evils as a means to catch amnesia and wish them away. I’ve learned
from my youth that you can love a person all you want and nothing will change if
people do nothing to change corruption. The establishment wants people like me
and you to accept a homogenized thinking or a hive mind. I reject their goals
completely. A human being should be free and independent with full appreciation
of his or her background. The necessity of personal self determination is much
better than self denial. Human confidence is a direct part of personal, spiritual
renewal instead of self hate. The love of humanity and God are vastly better
propositions than the worship of materialism. Wisdom is better than paralyzing
fear & abhorrent bigotry.

These neo-con extremist liars talk about us being free in the USA. They omit the reality that
police brutality is here, laws still exist that violate our rights like the USA Military
Commissions Act, and Big Brother is growing. These simple words refute the core dogmas
of the neo-conservative ideology. The neo cons use other code words too. They use the
word “entitlement” to covertly express the intention of funding the military industrial
complex instead of real domestic services to help the people. These reactionaries aren’t the
only ones to blame either. There are fake liberals or left gatekeepers that criticized Bush for
promoting war, spying against innocent citizens, and corporate welfare plus corporate
corruption. Yet, when Barack Obama continues much of these same destructive policies
(including supporting the USA Patriot Act), these same so-called “liberals” have nothing to
say. Although, President Barack Obama isn’t responsible for all of these evils in the world.
There is the Israeli and Gaza controversy. Israel attacked a humanitarian ship in
international waters. Israel claimed that they enacted self defense, while the humanitarians
claimed that Israel immorally attacked them. Nations globally have condemned Israel’s
actions. The United Nations wants an non-biased international probe into the incident. The
truth is that Israel over reacted in international waters and the Gaza conflict should come
into a peaceful resolution. Also, some of the activists used excessive violence against some
of the Israelis as well. Both sides made mistakes in this affair. It‘s easy to see that the
blockade of Gaza should end in order for the Palestinians to have their standard of
living improved upon. The human rights of the Palestinians & the Israelis ought to be
respected since for centuries my own people fought for similar human rights (and still
do). We know that the intense hatred against Jewish people and Arabic people
in the Middle East are evil and Satanic. In the coming years and decades, anti-
Semitic racists are trying to make us to have this anti-Semitic agitation to betray our
brothers and sisters who are of Semitic descent. We shouldn’t that this bait at all. We
should love all people equally. There has been recent news is that Israel offered then the
apartheid state of South Africa nuclear weapons back in the 1970’s. This is proof that Israel
ought to clean up its house just like every nation does. Humanitarian aid ought to exist in
Gaza. The people of Gaza should have their liberties and Israel should have peace. Yet,
peace is a 2 way street. The Palestinians also should exist with their own nationalism and
peace as well without oppression. No one should experience a military occupation
regardless of their nationality or race. All human beings like the Palestinians should live
their lives full of 100% basic human rights. Anti-Semitism is forever wrong whether if it’s
against Jewish people or against Arabic people. I will say that I reject imperialism by the
radical Muslims too (who want slavery in Africa and oppression there too. These evil acts
of slavery still occur in Sudan, Mauritania, and other places). I don’t accept religious liberty
violations in Saudi Arabia either. The leadership of Israel and other Middle Eastern nations
have been infiltrated by Papal Knighthoods, high level Freemasons, the Pilgrims, and other

People wonder about how did I become Pro-Life. Well, it happened a while ago. Back in
the 1990’s, the pro-abortion movement reached its peak in American society. Tons of
people I know were pro-abortion. Some Pro-Life folks back in the ‘90s were in the closet
about their views in fear of criticism. Today, it’s different since more young people are
more Pro-Life than in over 30 years ago. People are more respectful of Pro-Life views now
than 15 years ago. So, back when I was in the 8th grade (in the time of 1996-1997), there
was discussion about euthanasia and Jack Kevorkian. Many students supported euthanasia
and I was neutral about this issue. 2 years later in 1999, a teacher asked who was Pro-Life
and I rose hand up. That was about half the classroom. Many of my family members are
Pro-Life. In 2001, I’ve been exposed to the evils of partial birth abortion. In the 21st
century, I’ve seen the Christian Sister Tracy refute the famous pro-abortion ad (that had the
patriotic music showing). I’ve been to Life News and other pro-life web pages to get more
research and facts to strengthen my own beliefs. In 2001, I’ve understood the eugenics
history of Margaret Sanger and Planned Parenthood. The corruption of Planned
Parenthood can be found and fully expounded in videos, books, the Internet,
speeches, and other sources. Sanger said that she wanted more births of the fit and
less for the unfit. The fit in PP‘s early members were Nordics and Northern
Europeans. While, Planned Parenthood intentionally targeted all people of color
(including Black people), Southern Europeans, Asians, Native Americans, Jewish
people, etc. for trying to lower their populations. 2001 was a revolutionary year in my
life. All of us experienced 9/11 in that time and 9/11 solidified my own core convictions.
Other folks have changed their political outlook completely as a result of the 9/11 attacks.
Yet, that never occurred for me. What struck me about being Pro-Life is that scientific
evidence proves human life exists in conception (because human DNA is present and the
human’s cellular structure moves making it alive) and the negative side effects from
abortion. Not to mention that human rights and the right to life trump choice. You don’t
have the right of choice to rape, to murder, to assault, or to enslave another human being.
Morality is legislated all of the time in dealing with perjury, fraud, and other
morality-related crimes. Therefore, man is limited in what choices he or she can achieve.
Man isn‘t God. Intentionally destroying innocent human life is strictly wrong since that life
can be a great leader. Innocent human life merits nothing for death. Abortion negates the
possibility of a human life to improve the world plainly. Abortion eliminates choices and
negates true human potential (that can develop and grow a community). Abortions also
have stripped billions or possibility trillions of dollars of potential revenue that can build up
our infrastructure in America. Abortion is similar to cannibalism since the fetus is regularly
crushed, chopped, sliced, and disposed of like a piece of meat in a butcher’s shop (some of
the fetus are used in cosmetics and vaccines covertly). Abortion on demand is violation of
Some of this infrastructure development is what neo cons (and some Dixie-
Confederates) reject since they adhere to their false god of neo-liberal economic
philosophy. They falsely think that the free market alone can solve these economic
complications. Some of our power grids (and roads) haven‘t been repaired in
decades, yet these neo cons don‘t care about rebuilding them with funds. They
don‘t care about people losing their jobs, but they care about sending billions of
dollars to the Middle East. That is why their talk radio agents promoted lies to
justify the Iraq War. A myriad of people don’t agree with me on this issue and that’s
fine. Yet, the international bankers and the corporatists fund (including support) abortion
on demand. Even when Bill Gates recently made an appearance on the Larry King show,
Bill will never expose how his father was a leader in Planned Parenthood. Gates funds
population control efforts as well. Bill Gates loves the dangerous GMO crops too and wants
sterilization. I see the game Gates is playing. See, his liberal establishment ilk claims to
love people of color. Yet ,they use evil slick tactics (of sterilization, abortion, GMO crops)
under guise of some legitimate “policies” (that they do in the USA including worldwide) as
an excuse for the elite (via the WWF, multinational corporations, etc.) to control lands plus
resources in the Motherland of Africa. So, I recognize the game some people like Gore,
Gates, and Soros play. We can agree to disagree on the life question. I will still have own
thinking though.

It’s a great thing also for me to know about health freedom issues and the evils of
fluoridation. As for immigration, I agree with legal immigration. I oppose illegal
immigration, while I do want compassion sent unto people. The extremists don’t have my
support whether they are anti-legal immigration activist Tom Tancredo (his ilk have ties to
eugenics groups and the Knight of Malta Pat Buchanan. Tom said that he wants a civics test
before a citizen can vote in a poll. This is a throwback to the old poll tax. He called Miami
a Third World like city) or some racist Mexican supremacist people (who are funded by the
Ford Foundation). I’m not naïve, so I don’t agree with the racially motivated violence
occurring in Southern California or anywhere in the world. Not all Mexicans and Hispanic
people are like that though. Most Hispanic people & most Americans are tolerant and want
the best for America. Some anti-immigration activists are motivated by hatred. The new
Arizona immigration law is a violation of human civil liberties and it doesn’t even deal
with border security. Immigration solutions should be a combination of compassion, use
the law to target criminals (especially against human smugglers that harm immigrants), and
have the preservation of our borders with Mexico & Canada. Also, people have right to
criticize the law. The controversial sections of the law can ambiguously effect all citizens.
The law broadly allows the police to send you to jail if you fail to provide papers to police
officers (after they suspect you of being involved in another crime). The Arizona State
Police Chief's Association is opposed to the bill on the grounds that it could damage the
relationship between police and immigrants who are potential witnesses. This law had input
according to new sources from fascists. In my thinking, I was more of a hardliner on
immigration issues. Then, I’ve studied more about how extremists on both sides were aided
by the same elite. It doesn’t matter if most of the country supports this immoral law
since one time most of this country supported the Iraq War. The majority isn't
always right. I thought about the virtues of immigration. Immigration enacted a profound
positive impact in the make up of American culture. Henceforth, Immigration isn’t a curse
word. It’s a blessing by God to benefit all mankind.

Troy recently have exposed Lord Christopher Monckton. Brother Troy found that he
have had ties to British Intelligence. So, this man is apart of disinformation. I believe
the climate change isn’t totally done by man, but mostly by natural forces, we shouldn’t
ally with a man like Monckton. His appearances with Alex Jones is interesting. Now,
Monckton as Troy (from the UK) greatly found out that he’s a member of the Knights of
St. John of Jerusalem and the Papal SMOM (as a Knight of Honour & Devotion).
Christopher is a member of the Roman Catholic Mass Media Commission and he
worked for Margaret Thatcher as a policy adviser when she was Prime Minister of the
United Kingdom. Thatcher would later be apart of the Dame of the Duke of Castro’s
Royal Order of Francis I. Monckton’s father is even a SMOM (in the Biliff with the
Grand Cross of obedience) and a Knight of St. John. His father was apart of the
Constantinian Order (in the level of Biliff Knight Grand Cross) and the royal Order of
Francis I (in the Knight Grand cross). Christopher Monckton’s mother was a Dame
of Malta. Christopher Monckton's sister was the confidante of the late Diana,
Princess of Wales. Christopher’s brother joined MI6 in 1987. So, Monckton’s family
have ties to Papal orders & British intelligence. These facts ties the Papacy with the
International intelligence Network in more ways than one. This isn’t unusual since
Roman Catholics back during WWII include high level Nazis & Knight of Malta Franz
von Papen (that worked with Pope Pius XII & Hitler). Even researcher Christopher
Story exposes the Jesuit links to spy networks.

There is the BP controversy. The offshore oil rig called Deepwater Horizon exploded in the
Gulf of Mexico. The crude oil have damage the ecosystem and spreading all over the Gulf
Coast region. Folks are blaming BP for not doing enough adequately procedures to stop the
oil transpiring out of the water. Others blame the federal government for not doing
enough to stop the oil transfer as well. There are those who blame both the
federal government and BP for the oil disaster, which is the accurate view. Any
type of solution according to Bill Nye and others must take into consideration the water
pressure. Since, the water pressure can be unstable thousands of feet below sea level, you
have to be careful in the instruments you utilize in trying to stop the oil spill. BP have had
long legacy of a terrible safety record. According to Public Citizen, BP paid $500 million in
fines. Back in 2005, BP’s Texas city refinery exploded. This resulted in 15 workers being
killed and the injuring of another 170 people. In 2006, one of its Alaska pipelines leaked
200,000 gallons of crude oil. Questioning BP intensively is a fine policy as well. Some
have called this incident the worse environmental disaster in American history. The oil is
threatening to spread into Alabama and Mississippi. This oil disaster is a sign of exposing
the errors of corporate malfeasance and governmental regulatory failure. BP was the
company that engaged in the CIA plot to overthrow the democratically elected government
in Iran during 1953. There are concerns health concerns that can be caused by the oil
disaster. CFR and Club of Rome strategy manuals from over 30 years ago desired a
world government under the guise of neo-feudal policies by forming artificial scarcity.
Decades before discussions about global warming, the Club of Rome discussed about
exploiting the environment to promote anti-civilization policies. This is accelerated
when we have been de-industrialized and the elite blame our economic disintegration
on lack of energy supplies. Quotes from environmental extremists expose their
plans. “Isn’t the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse?
Isn’t it our responsibility to bring that about?” asked Maurice Strong, the founder of the
UN Environment Program, during his opening speech at the Rio Earth Summit in 1992.
Strong said in an interview in 1972 that the zero population growth agenda of the Club
of Rome (during the late 1960's) was legitimate (to control population and economic
growth). The Club of Rome is a population control group with ties to European and
American banking elite even the Bilderberg Group.
Even the Libertarian-based CATO Institute legitimately exposed how the SWAT Team
units nationwide have been involved in the violations of the civil liberties of citizens. These
units look like the fascists of yesterday year with their militarized weapons. The
militarization of America is a big epidemic, especially after 9/11.

*Fundamentally, the elite wants centralized power in their central banks and assets.
They try to install a totalitarian system without real Constitutional provisions. They do
this by having puppets or Presidents passed Executive order, and illegal laws to get the
machine moving. The result is that the military industrial complex grows, while the
civilian economy reduces its vitality. This causes more poverty and urban & rural
decline. Peter Dale Scott is an expert even exposing these facts. He was a Professor at
U.C. Berkeley. Their consolidation of power is among global corporations and
international intelligence agencies (They control mainstream media, the establishment
religions, and other forms of propaganda). While this is going on, the internationalists
use distractions (like the celebrity issues, etc.) in a scientific classic means to brainwash
citizens of society. This isn’t by accident since if you worry about distractions, you have
a lower risk to not focus on the real issues in the world. There is no need for a man-
made theocracy at all anyway. Christ perfectly said "Render under the things of
Caesar and render unto the things of God" and "The kingdom of God is not of this
world." The mainstream media are owned by select corporations and act as gatekeepers
instead of watchdogs on governmental/corporate corruption.

The United States have many issues as people realize. Unlike Dr. Paul Craig
Roberts, who is always pessimistic, we should have hope that things should get
better. In the end, the world will be better like always. After WWII, America took
the major role of supplying most of the world's international markets. This allowed
the neo conservative movement to rise up and promote the falsity that military have
the right to use preemptive warfare if necessary. The purpose of the neo cons in
projecting that view is that in their minds, it can make a difference in establishing a
more tranquil foreign policy. The West is battling in the Middle East in other to have
Western hegemony. That foreign policy have caused crimes in Pakistan, Gaza,
Afghanistan, etc. There are unjustified drones attacks. On the other hand, Craig
Roberts omits how some Muslim radicals are committing crimes in Sudan,
Mauritania, and Saudi Arabia. The Bill of Rights has been harmed even after the
assassination of JFK. The overt violations of our liberties reached into a new level
after the Bush/Cheney regime came into power. Nowadays, people are being called
domestic terrorists if they disagree with the policies of the government. Citizens are
falsely called socialists & communists if they support the preservation of
entitlements or social services. The corporate power structure has controlled the
leadership of the Republicans and the Democratic. Globalism has destroyed much of
the labor unions. US GDP and millions of well paid American jobs are shipped into
countries like China and India (where cheap labor reigns). This has been going on
since about 1990. Trade imbalance continues and foreigners buy US assets
constantly. This is all the more reason to fight for the truth.

By Timothy

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