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Nama: Irwanda Pratama

NIM: H13112048

Tugas Resume Artikel

Waste land in Indonesia
Some trash on the Indonesia ground will be destroyed but some are not easily destroyed. For the
example is plastic. People just throw plastic garbage on the ground and therefore make it
contaminated. And some trash in Indonesia could actually be destroyed by land, for example
scraps. The animals such as dogs, cats, and chickens were throwing dirt, but they are not retained
by the feces of plastic so they are crumbling dirt around. Animal waste in the soil are easily
destroyed within a couple days.
In conclusion, someone who is about to throw trash on the ground must distinguished between
organic and inorganic waste. Organic waste can easily destroyed by the ground meanwhile
inorganic waste is hard to be destroyed. Example of organic waste such as food scraps, paper,
tissue and inorganic waste example such as plastic, metal, and broken glasses. Inorganic waste
better thrown in the trash to be picked up by the collectors, thus the land wont be contaminated.

Trash : sampah
Throw : melempar
Garbage : sampah
Scraps: sisa
Dirt: kotoran
Retained: menahan
Crumbling: menjadi hancur
Distinguished: membedakan
Meanwhile: sementara itu
Picked: diambil/dipungut

Nama: Irwanda Pratama

NIM: H13112048

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