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The Manifestations of God and

Their Function in Human History

Iscander Micael Tinto

Introduction Him alone, can man attain ‘second

birth’. Through Him and Him
alone, can man know God.1

he Bahá’í Writings explain that the
motive force in the development This powerful statement explains very
of mankind is the coming of the well who is the Manifestation of God,
Manifestation or Prophet of God. Very and introduces a very important concept:
few people would disagree that human that the knowledge of God can only be
history has been influenced by the achieved through the Manifestation of
Founders of the world’s great religions. God. Bahá’u’lláh affirms:
The powerful impact on civilization of
The source of all learning is the
Christ, Moses, the Buddha, or Manifestation of God, exalted be
Mu˙ammad can be seen both in the col- His Glory, and this cannot be
lective development of humanity and in attained save through knowledge
the life of every individual. From an his- of His divine Manifestation.2
torical point of view, the Manifestations And in another similar passage He says:
of God are a few well-known personages
Whose existence may be questioned but The door of the knowledge of the
Whose traces are so evident that no man Ancient Being hath ever been and
can fail to acknowledge them. will continue to be, closed in the
face of man. No man’s under-
The greatness of the Manifestations of standing shall ever gain access
God has been described as follows: unto his holy court. As a token of
His mercy, however, and as a
The Manifestation of God is the proof of His loving-kindness He
Archetype, and His life is the hath manifested unto man the
supreme pattern. His vision not Day-Stars of His Divine Guidance,
arrested by time and space, the Symbols of His divine unity,
encompasses the future as well as and hath ordained the knowledge
the past. He is the only and neces- of these sanctified Beings to be
sary link between one cycle of identical with the knowledge of
social evolution and another. His own self.3
Furthermore, the Manifestation
of God releases deep reservoirs of It is in the lives of these Luminous
spiritual powers and quickens the Beings that the deeper meanings of God’s
forces latent in man. By Him and attributes can be most perfectly under-

Lights of ‘Irfán Book Five

stood. Of course, only those who live very often leading to some form of per-
during the time of a Manifestation of secution, which sometimes ushers in the
God have the opportunity of observing violent death of some of the
Him directly. Bahá’u’lláh explains that Manifestations, and the murder of sever-
the essential connection between the al thousands of Their followers.
individual and God is maintained However, despite these events, the
through the Writings and words of each Manifestations of God eventually
Manifestation. Bahá’ís believe that the demonstrate their power of renewal: they
Writings of the Messengers of God are transform society and usher in a new civ-
the Word of God and it is towards these ilization. The teachings of these
Writings that man should turn to grow Personages, unlike the guidance of
closer to God and acquire a deeper philosophers, conquer humanity through
knowledge of Him. Bahá’u’lláh writes: the power they inherently possess, and
through the practice of their teachings
Say: the first and foremost testi- flourishing civilizations are created:
mony establishing His Truth is His
Own Self. Next to this testimony every civilization we know was born
is His Revelation. For whoso through such a process.
faileth to recognize either the one In one of His Writings, ‘Abdu’l-Bahá
or the other He hath established explained that “two calls to success and
the words He hath revealed as prosperity are being raised . . . the one is
proofs of His reality and truth . .
the call of civilization, of the progress of
. He hath endowed every soul with
the capacity to recognize the signs the material world.”5 This call belongs to
of God.4 the phenomenal world, and helps man-
kind achieve physical accomplishments.
We may begin our investigation by
It comprises all the laws and regulations,
studying the common historical aspects
principles and lofty ideals which are the
of the Manifestations of God. Each
result of “sound minds,” and the efforts
Manifestation of God comes from a dif-
of the wise individuals in the course of
ferent background: they include princes
time. “The propagator and executive
and noblemen like the Buddha and
power of this call is just government.”6
Bahá’u’lláh, priests like Zoroaster, mer-
Next, there is “the soul-stirring call of
chants such as Mu˙ammad and the Báb,
God, Whose spiritual teachings are safe-
craftsmen like Jesus, and courtiers like guards of everlasting glory . . . and cause
Moses. Each also brings a message to the attributes of mercy to be revealed in
humanity, a message that is God given, the human world and the life beyond.
and which deals with the spiritual aspects This second call is founded upon the
of the life of humanity. instructions and exhortations of God.”7
In the beginning very few people fol- After a certain period of time, these
low the Manifestations of God, creating teachings lose their effectiveness
great scandals within the population, amongst men, and according to the law

Manifestations of Go d

of evolution, since they offered their He Who is everlastingly hidden

contribution, they decline and die. from the eyes of man can never be
known except through His
It is after such events that a new Manifestation, and His
Manifestation appears, bringing new Manifestation can adduce no
laws, announcing a new message so that greater proof of the truth of His
humanity can grow towards spirituality Mission than the proof of His
through a further stage, As we have seen Own Person.11
previously, “the circle of existence ‘Abdu’l-Bahá addresses this very impor-
returns” and the purpose “in them is the tant issue in this way:
evolution of spiritual men.”8
One of the proofs is through the
The Manifestations of God differenti- fullfillment of former prophecies,
ate Themselves from the great heroes of the second proof are the creative
history for two reasons: words and phrases which salute the
1. Their teachings, set forth mostly by hearts of humanity, the third are
words and deeds, constitute the their deeds and fourth are their
magna charta for the spiritual
development of humanity. ‘Abdu’l-Bahá does not regard prophe-
“Without the teachings of God the cies and miracles as very important, as
world of humanity is like the animal they are very hard to understand and can
k i n g d o m . . .” These teachings, be refuted very easily; also, they are
‘Abdu’l-Bahá adds, “are the “convincing to a limited number only.”13
bestowals specialized for man . . .” Instead, ‘Abdu’l-Bahá gives importance
and are “the basis of all progress in to deeds of the Manifestations of God,
the history of humanity.”9 to Their teachings, and to the influence
2. The spiritual energy they give to Their words have on the human heart. He
any person who voluntarily decides thus writes: “The Divine Educator must
to get in touch with this force is the teach by words and also by deed, thus
cause of his transformation. revealing to all the straight path of
truth.” Among Their deeds He empha-
Proofs and Purposes of Their Mission sizes Their “strength and endurance”14
under tests and difficulties. About the
How can mankind recognize these influence of the Words of the
Luminous Beings, these Perfect Mirrors? Manifestation of God, ‘Abdu’l-Bahá
As we have previously seen there are writes:
three steps: the first step establishing this
truth is “His Own Self,” the second step The proof of the validity of a
Manifestation of God is the pene-
“is His Revelation,” and the third is “the tration and potency of His Word,
words He hath revealed as proofs of His the cultivation of heavenly attrib-
reality and truth.” 10 As Bahá’u’lláh utes in the lives and hearts of His
explains: Followers and the bestowals of

Lights of ‘Irfán Book Five

divine education upon the world know them by their fruits. Do men gath-
of humanity. This is absolute er grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?”19
proof. The world is a school where Since we can recognize the
there must be Teachers of the
Manifestations of God by ‘Their fruits,’
Word of God.15
we should try to understand what these
In one of His Writings we read: fruits are.
If we wish to discover whether When They appear, the Manifestations
anyone of these Souls or of God have a twofold purpose: to foster
Messengers was in reality a
the spiritual development of every
Prophet of God, we must investi-
gate the facts surrounding His life human being, and to promote the
and history, and the first point of progress of society. Bahá’u’lláh explains:
our investigation will be the edu-
God’s purpose in sending His
cation He bestowed upon
Prophets unto men is twofold. The
m a n k i n d .16
first is to liberate the children of
Moreover He writes: men from the darkness of igno-
rance, and guide them to the light
It is evident, then, that the proofs of true understanding. The second
of the validity and inspiration of a is to ensure the peace and tran-
Prophet of God are the deeds of quillity of mankind and provide
beneficent accomplishment and all the means by which they can be
greatness emanating from Him. If e s t a b l i s h e d .20
He proves to be instrumental in
the elevation and betterment of Furthermore, Bahá’u’lláh states in one of
mankind, He is undoubtedly a His Writings:
valid and heavenly Messenger.17
And yet, is not the object of every
Elaborating on the requirements of the Revelation to effect a transforma-
Manifestations of God, ‘‘Abdu’l-Bahá tion in the whole of mankind, a
states: “The essential requirement and transformation that shall manifest
qualification of Prophethood is the itself both outwardly and inward-
training and the guidance of the peo- ly, that shall effect both its inner
life and external conditions? For if
ple.”18 The transformation produced by
the character of mankind be not
the influence exercised by the changed, the futility of God’s
Manifestation of God upon His follow- Universal Manifestation would be
ers is so great that some of them offer up a p p a r e n t .21
their lives for the Faith they have According to ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, the
embraced. History will show if the claims Prophets of God have been sent with
of these Prophets are right or just words
of an impostor. the purpose of quickening the soul
of men into higher and divine
At the request of one of His disciples, recognitions . . . to train the souls
Christ explained how to distinguish true of humanity and free them from
prophets from the false ones: “Ye shall the thralldom of natural instincts

Manifestations of Go d

and physical tendencies22 proofs of His most loving provi-

dence, the symbol of His most
and to perfect grace.27
teach and enlighten man, to
explain to him the mystery of the Sufferings and Denial
power of the Holy Spirit; to
enable him to reflect the light, and “In the beginning of every revelation
so, in his turn, to be the source of adversities have prevailed, which later on
guidance to others.23 have been turned into great prosperi-
The forces released by the ty.”28 As we have seen, the appearance of
Manifestations of God are those instru- the Manifestation of God upsets the
ments capable of transforming the heart equilibrium of the society in which He
of man, namely those negative qualities lives; later, His teachings gradually
which through the power of the Word of envelop the whole of humanity breaking
God are capable of such a transforma- all the time-honoured traditions, which
tion. The first purpose fulfills the sec- mostly have turned into prejudices. In
ond: “to carry forward an ever advancing the Bible we read:
civilization,”24 or as ‘Abdu’l-Bahá would
He answered and said unto them,
say, “unifying humanity and establishing
Well hath Esaias prophesised of
universal peace”. In this sense we can say you hypocrites, as it is written,
that “the Prophets have founded divine This people honoureth me with
civilizations.” 25 their lips, but their heart is far
Therefore, the Manifestations of God from me. Howbeit in vain do they
worship me teaching for doctrines
are the Educators of mankind, which is in the commandments of men. For
need of Them because “the world of exis- laying aside the commandments of
tence is but a jungle of disorder and con- God, ye hold the tradition of men,
fusion, a state of nature producing noth- as the washing of pots and cups:
ing but fruitless and useless trees.”26 The and many other such like things ye
Manifestations of God are thus like the d o .2 9
sun: its warmth helps the seed planted in Through the help of the Manifestations
the soil of the human heart to grow and of God the soul of man can make a con-
develop and yield its fruits. scious effort to draw closer to God and
The Words of Bahá’u’lláh pay befitting return to Him. This is an educational
homage to such an important Being, process in which man is transformed.
Whose recognition is vital for every indi- Thus if these Personages were attractive
vidual: and evident to human eyes — that is, to
that same nature that must be overcome
It is God’s supreme testimony, the — how could this be a free choice?
clearest evidence of His Truth, the
Signs of His consummate wisdom, It is for this reason that all the
the tokens of His mercy, the Manifestations have to pass through

Lights of ‘Irfán Book Five

severe trials: to enable every human Manifestation of God is a “perfect

being to purify their soul. Christ accept- soul,” “like a mirror wherein the Sun
ed to die on the cross for the well-being of Reality is reflected . . . the perfect
of humanity, Bahá’u’lláh and the Báb expression of the Sun.”32
exclaim likewise that Their sufferings are When we compare the souls of the
the source for the improvement of man’s Manifestations of God to those of
character. Bahá’u’lláh writes: other human beings, we see that Their
Consider the former generations: souls occupy a different position.
Witness how every time the Day- ‘Abdu’l-Bahá says:
Star of Divine Bounty hath shed The individual reality of the
the light of His Revelation upon Manifestations of God is a holy
the world, the people of His Day reality, and for that reason it is
have arisen against Him and repu- sanctified and, in that which con-
diated His Truth . . .30 cerns its nature and quality, is dis-
It is beyond the scope of this essay to tinguished from all other things. . .33
deal with this issue at any greater length. The difference between the souls
This topic in fact deserves a more careful of the Manifestations and ordinary
study and investigation on the part of human souls it is like that existing
every seeker. between the sun and the moon: one is
the source of the rays, the other
Their Threefold Reality reflects them.
Each Manifestation of God also
In the Bahá’í Writings we read that the
possesses a “rational soul” or “human
Manifestations of God convey to spirit” says ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, and
mankind “the Revelation of the Soul of “share[s] it with all mankind.” He
God”. That is, the first Emanation of the explains that Their degree of percep-
Divine Reality is reflected in the human tion is far different from man’s and
reality of these Beings like the sun is transcends human knowledge, in the
reflected in a perfect mirror. The sense that is “a conscious power, not a
Manifestations of God are thus charac- power of investigation and of
terized by a threefold reality: research.”34 In the station of Their
1. Material: Their bodies which, as for individualities, They are thus “so many
every human being, are subject to different mirrors, because They have a
birth, to growth, to death, to sleep, special individuality, but that which is
and to the need of food and water. reflected in the mirrors is one sun.”35
2. Human: This refers to Their soul, It is comprehensible how these
Their individuality. In this connection Luminous Beings, though differing
Bahá’u’lláh says that “Everyone of from Each Other in many respects, yet
Them is a Mirror of God.”31 He writes are essentially one and the same.
moreover that the soul of the 3. Divine: This is the Word of God;

Manifestations of Go d

‘Abdu’l-Bahá explains that this reality gencies of His Own creation.39

has neither a beginning nor an end; it
And ‘Abdu’l-Bahá explains that:
is eternal, yet it is inferior to God,
because it was created by Him. . . . differentiation of stages in the
‘Abdu’l-Bahá compares these three contingent world is an obstacle to
aspects — material, human, divine — understanding . . . Every superior
stage comprehendeth that which is
with a niche, a lamp within the niche,
inferior and discovereth the reali-
and the light which emanates from the ty thereof, but the inferior one is
lamp, respectively. Bahá’u’lláh writes unaware of that which is superior
that each Manifestation of God occu- and cannot comprehend it. Thus
pies a “double station,” divine and man cannot grasp the Essence of
human and has a “twofold nature,” D i v i n i t y .4 0
“the physical . . . and the spiritual.”36 The active attributes of the Essence of
The Manifestations of God have God shine in the world of the kingdom
access to the Will of God and there- and become manifest in the human world
fore they are “the vehicle for the through the Manifestations of God.
transmission of the Grace of the Therefore, the Manifestations of God are
Divinity Itself.” not incarnations of God, nor do They
manifest His Essence. Bahá’u’lláh states:
The Essence of God and The Know thou of a certainty that the
Manifestations Unseen can in no wise incarnate
His Essence and reveal it unto
We have seen in the previous chapters men. He is, and hath been,
that the Essence of God is unknowable immensely exalted beyond all that
and unreachable, as He “is immensely can either be recounted or per-
exalted beyond every human attribute” ceived . . . He Who is everlasting-
and “no tie of direct intercourse can pos- ly hidden from the eyes of man can
never be known except through
sibly bind Him to His creatures.” 37
His Manifestation, and His
‘Abdu’l-Bahá explains that Manifestation can adduce no
the Divine Essence surrounds all greater proof of the truth of His
things. Verily, that which sur- Mission than the proof of His
rounds is greater than the sur- Own Person.41
rounded, and the surrounded can- The Manifestations of God are thus an
not contain that which is sur- emanation of God; ‘Abdu’l-Bahá explains
rounded, nor comprehend its real-
that They
Bahá’u’lláh unequivocally states: . . . are as mirrors which have
acquired illumination from the
Every attempt which from the Sun of Truth, but the Sun does not
beginning that has no beginning, descend from its high zenith and
hath been made to visualize and does not effect entrance within
know God is limited by the exi- the mirror. In truth, this mirror

Lights of ‘Irfán Book Five

has attained complete polish and s t i r r e d . ” 45 In another passage He

purity until the utmost capacity explains very clearly this relationship:
of reflection has been developed
in it; therefore, the Sun of Reality This is the station in which one
with its fullest effulgence and dieth to himself and liveth in God.
splendour is revealed therein.42 Divinity whenever I mention it,
indicateth My complete and
The Manifestation of God is the visible absolute self-effacement. This is
expression of that same creative spirit the station in which I have no con-
which is the cause of existence and which trol over mine own weal or woe,
guides the whole universe, and which nor over my life nor over my res-
manifests itself in a Being Who has the u r r e c t i o n .46
material, human and divine qualities Similarly, Jesus states: “. . . Truly, truly,
expressed in their perfection, so that I say to you, the Son can do nothing of
mankind can freely recognize Him and his own accord, but only what he sees the
by virtue of the immense reservoir of Father doing . . .”47
energy released by the Manifestation The lives of the Manifestations of God
attain to that transformation which is offer clear examples of the complete
the core and purpose and purpose of submission unto the Will of God. They
human life. are also an example of how in our indi-
Elaborating on the theme of His rela- vidual lives we should accept the Will of
tionship to God, Bahá’u’lláh states: God as it comes and not in the way we
When I contemplate, O My God, would like It to be.
the relationship that bindeth Me
to Thee, I am moved to proclaim The Relationship between the
to all created things: ‘Verily I am Manifestations of God
God’; and when I consider My
Own Self, lo, I find it coarser then In the Bahá’í Writings, the
clay.43 Manifestations of God are seen in Their
In the same way, Christ states: “And he mutual relations in two different per-
said unto him, why callest thou me good? spectives: the station of unity and the
There is none good but one, that is, God: station of distinction.
but if thou wilt enter into life, keep the In the Station of Unity — that is, the
commandments.”44 station “of pure abstraction and essential
Though the Manifestations of God are unity”48 — all of the Manifestations of
powerful and pour upon mankind a great God “have but one purpose; their secret
amount of energy, yet they are complete- is the same secret”.49 During the time of
ly submitted to the Will of God and have Their Dispensation, moreover, each One
no will of their own. Bahá’u’lláh refers of Them is the depositary of the “Most
of Himself as “but a leaf which the winds Great Infallibility.”50 Bahá’u’lláh thus
of the Will of Thy Lord . . . have explains this important concept:

Manifestations of Go d

Know that the term ‘Infallibility’ tinct individuality, a definitely

hath numerous meanings and prescribed mission, a predestined
divers stations. In one sense it is revelation, and specially designat-
applicable to One Whom God ed limitations. Each one of them is
hath made immune from error. known by a different name, is
Similarly it is applied to every soul characterized by a special
whom God hath guarded against attribute, fulfils a definite mis-
sin, transgression, rebellion, impi- sion, and is entrusted with a par-
ety, disbelief and the like. ticular Revelation.54
However, the Most Great
Infallibility is confined to One In this station, the Manifestations of
Whose station is immeasurably God are different from Each Other, yet
exalted beyond ordinances or pro- according to the Bahá'í Writings, the
hibitions and is sanctified from process of revelation is an eternal phe-
errors and omissions. Indeed He is nomenon. Bahá’u’lláh explains that
a Light which is not followed by
darkness and a Truth not overtak- the manifestations of His Divine
en by error. Were He to pro- Glory and the Day Springs of eter-
nounce water to be wine or heav- nal holiness have been sent down
en to be earth or light to be fire, from time immemorial, and been
He speaketh the truth and no commissioned to summon
doubt there be about it; and unto mankind to the One True God.
none is given the right to question That the names of some of them
His authority or to say why or are forgotten and the record of
wherefore. 51 their lives lost is to be attributed
In even more powerful language to the disturbances and changes
that have overtaken the world.55
Bahá’u’lláh states that “Whoso maketh
the slightest possible difference between ‘Abdu’l-Bahá further explains that “. . .
their persons, their words, their mes- the kingdom of God is an ancient sover-
sages, their acts and names, hath indeed eignty . . . it is not an accidental sover-
disbelieved in God.”52 eignty . . .”56 and therefore there have
always been Manifestations of God com-
Referring to the Station of Distinction
ing to mankind and there will always be.
of the Manifestations of God, on the
other hand, Bahá’u’lláh writes that He goes on explaining that there have
“[e]ach and everyone of them hath been been Manifestations of God one thousand
the Bearer of a distinct Message,” of a years ago, even more, because the radiance
“divinely revealed Book” 53 and has and bounty of God have always existed.
demonstrated to humanity special quali- As we have tried to analyze through
ties. This station this essay, the Manifestations of God
come One after the Other and all repre-
pertaineth to the world of cre-
ation, and to the limitations there- sent a further stage in the evolutionary
of. In this respect, each process that Bahá’u’lláh calls “the chain
Manifestation of God hath a dis- of successive Revelation”57 and Their

Lights of ‘Irfán Book Five

teachings are progressive. Bahá’u’lláh 13. ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Selections p. 56

thus states: 14. ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Promulgation p. 341
15. Ibid, p. 341
Should the Word be allowed to 16. Ibid, p. 366
release suddenly all the energies 17. Ibid, p. 411
18. Matt.7:16
latent within it, no man could sus-
19. Bahá’u’lláh, Gleanings pp. 79-80
tain the weight of so mighty a 20. Bahá’u’lláh, Kitáb-i-ˆqán pp. 240-41
Revelation. 21. ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Promulgation pp. 310
He adds: 22. ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Paris Talks p. 61
23. Bahá’u’lláh, Gleanings p. 215
Their Revelation may be likened 24. ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Promulgation pp. 97, 375
unto the light of the moon that 25. Ibid, p. 466
sheddeth its radiance upon the 26. Bahá’u’lláh, Gleanings p. 195
earth. Though every time it 27. Bahá’u’lláh, cited in Advent p. 82
28. Mark 7:6-8
appeareth, it revealeth a fresh
29. Bahá’u’lláh, Gleanings p. 56
measure of its brightness, yet its 30. Bahá’u’lláh, Gleanings p. 160
inherent splendour can never 31. Ibid, pp. 74,66
diminish, nor can its light suffer 32. ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Promulgation pp. 173
extinction.58 33. ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Some Answered Questions
p. 154
Even if They appear at different 34. Ibid, pp. 151, 208, 151, 218
moments in the history of mankind, and 35. Ibid, p. 155
notwithstanding the differences between 36. Bahá’u’lláh, Gleanings pp. 66-7
37. Ibid, p. 67-8
Them, all the Manifestations of God 38. Bahá’u’lláh, Kitáb-i-ˆqán p. 66
manifest the names and attributes of 39. ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Some Answered Questions
God. Bahá’u’lláh writes that “they only p. 146
40. Bahá’u’lláh, Gleanings p. 318
differ in the intensity of their revelation 41. ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Dr. Forel p. 15
and the comparative potency of their 42. Bahá’u’lláh, Gleanings pp. 49
light.”59 The Bahá’í Texts unequivocally 43. ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Promulgation p. 114
explain that whoever does not believe in 44. Bahá’u’lláh, cited in World Order p. 113
45. Matt.19:17
the unity of the Manifestations of God, 46. Bahá’u’lláh, Proclamation p. 57
does not believe in the oneness of God. 47. Bahá’u’lláh, Epistle p. 41
48. John 5:19
49. Bahá’u’lláh, Kitáb-i-ˆqán p. 152
Notes 50. Bahá’u’lláh, Gleanings p. 78
1. Balyuzi, King of Glory p. 7 51. Bahá’u’lláh, Tablets p. 108
2. Bahá’u’lláh, Tablets p. 156 52. Ibid, p. 108. Bahá’u’lláh in another of
3. Bahá’u’lláh, Gleanings pp. 49-50 His Writings calls it “Supreme
4. Ibid, pp. 105-6 Sinlessness” (Prayers and Meditations p.
100) cf. also God Passes By pp. 214, 219
5. ‘Abdu’l-Bahá Selections p. 283
53. Bahá’u’lláh, Gleanings pp. 59-60
6. Ibid, p. 283
54. Ibid, p. 79, 74
7. Ibid, p. 283
55. Ibid, p. 174, 52
8. ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Promulgation p. 220
56. ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Promulgation p. 463
9. Ibid, pp. 297, 61, 361
57. Bahá’u’lláh, Gleanings p. 74
10. Bahá’u’lláh, Gleanings pp. 105-6
58. Ibid, p. 79
11. Ibid, p. 49
59. Ibid, p. 48
12. ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Divine Philosophy pp. 39-40


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