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Right is right no matter who is

looking, and wrong is wrong

even if no one is watching.

O que certo certo, o que errado

errado mesmo que ningum esteja

Look for the positive side of each


Olhe para o lado positivo das


Be honest. Bending the rules

doesn't pay in the long run.

Seja honesto. Desrespeitar as

regras no compensa.

Public domain

If you'll be kind to others, they'll

be kind to you.

Se voc for bom com os outros,

eles sero bons com voc.

Nothing ventured, nothing


Arrisque-se. No h outra forma de


Kindness is worth more than


A bondade vale mais que a


Wherever there is a human being

there is a chance for kindness.

Onde houver um ser humano,

h uma chance para a bondade.

The world is like a mirror: Frown

at it, and it frowns at you; smile
at it and it smiles too.

O mundo como um espelho.

Quem fizer cara feia, ver outra;
quem sorrir, sorrisos.

If you want people to show you

respect, show them respect.

Quem quiser ser respeitado pelos

outros, deve respeit-los.

Happiness is not so much in

having as sharing.

A felicidade est mais no dividir do

que no possuir.

We can't control everything in

life, but we can definitely
control ourselves.

No podemos controlar tudo na

vida, mas podemos, com toda
certeza, controlar a ns mesmos.

You don't need to be someone

powerful or famous to make a

No preciso ser poderoso nem

famoso para fazer uma diferena.

Contentment isn't getting what

you want, but wanting what
you've got

Contentamento no ter o que

queremos, mas sim querer o que

You are braver than you believe,

stronger than you seem, and
smarter than you think.

Voc mais valente do que acredita

ser, mais forte do que parece e mais
esperta do que pensa.

Don't whine, but shine!

Pare de se queixar e comece a brilhar!

Image Credits:

Page 2 Vadym Zaitsev via 123rf.com; used under Free

Image License guidelines.
Page 4 - Designed by Pressfoto - Freepik.com
Page 7 Reway2007 via Flickr; used under Creative
Commons License
Page 8 Rosejesky via Flickr; used under Creative
Commons License
Page 9 - Designed by Pressfoto - Freepik.com
Page 10 Bill Benzon via Flickr; used under Creative
Commons License
Page 11 More Good Foundation via Flickr; used under
Creative Commons License
Page 14 Will-travel via Flickr; used under Creative
Commons License
All other images in public domain. Text courtesy of
Activated! magazine; used by permission.

Bilingual books for children


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