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Article for UWS

The disappearance (and subsequent killing) of 43 students in Iguala, Mexico, in

September 2014, has sparked such uproar within the country that it even
threatens the stability of the presidency of Pea Nieto; the rule of law
throughout the states where drug-related violence is rampant; the legacy and
legitimacy of many actors and institutions. These events fundamentally come to
shake the pillars of trust between individuals and institutions, and the prevalence
or lack of public accountability in the lines of command. These students were
protesting against what they said were discriminatory hiring practices and they
went missing after clashes with police.
The brutal events that surround the killing of the students from the teachers
college are yet to be fully explained, and details vary depending on the source
and the intent from those who seek to explain it. Invariably the effects of those
events are to be felt for many, many years, if not generations. Take as a case in
point, the Tlatelolco massacre in 1968 when Mexican authorities killed a number
of students who were protesting against the government on a number of
different fronts. Mexican society became further polarised, political implosion
followed and there was a social shift that slowed economic growth for some time.
There are many examples all around the world to illustrate the lingering effects
on individuals and institutions of unresolved tensions. Student activism is a
catalyst for social change and yet the way authorities choose to respond can
trigger further conflict which can remain unsolved for decades.
Throughout Latin America, student activism has been one of the pillars of social
movements and has been a catalyst in achieving reforms in many areas of social
and economic activity. In 1918 there was a series of student protests in Cordoba,
Argentina, that resulted in what has been called the university revolution,
because it transformed universities not only in Argentina itself but it spread
across Latin America. In Latin America, the prevailing idea of the university and
institutional autonomy is an outcome of the Cordoba uprising. In the case of
Iguala or anywhere in the world such as Chile, Argentina, Hong Kong, Thailand, is
that often student protests start with the principle of seeking improvements to
the nature of education and they can take a life of their own and beyond the
realm of student-related issues. In reality this is the effect of any movement that
seeks to alter something that is seen as not working right under democratic
Student protests more often than not make headlines in the news. Images of
those involved are flashed while it is newsworthy. As times goes by, the imagery
of the protests disappears. Reporting of events move on to other topics and that
is the nature of the news and political cycle. Often what remains unreported is
the legacy of the protesters and the lingering effects for the relatives of the
missing. Relatives are often left on their own devices to deal with the uncertainty
and turmoil of what happened to their loved ones. There are no formal structures
that provide ongoing support and counselling which may be necessary for many

years after these traumatic events. This is the cruel nature of the emotional wellbeing for surviving relatives. They are left to ponder about life without much
support thereafter while trying to live a normal life. Supporting the well-being of
the surviving relatives of victims of conflict should be paramount in making
mends and blending in with the rest of society. Bringing justice through legal
means is also important and providing a process by which reconciliation can
occur would be gigantic steps towards healing.
It is tantalising to see that often the culprits of those atrocities remain at large or
are unaccountable for their actions, whether it is because of impunity,
rightfulness of the legal instruments at hand, or simply unwillingness to pursue
matters further. This lack of accountability should not be happening in the
contemporary world and it only serves to erode trust in the set of institutions and
the legal framework which surround them. Some action that can be measured in
results on the part of those in government may prove crucial in bringing peace,
resignation and making mends with those affected.
Gone are the days of political turmoil and civil unrest which brought considerable
instability and delayed economic development to Latin America. There are
sufficient reminders throughout the region of the legacy of conflict and these
should form basis for seeking better ways to deal with discontent, civil unrest or
social uprising. Latin America as a region has been undergoing an important
transformation for some decades. Events such as those of Iguala bring instability
to the road of sustained development to Mexico and the entire region.
Mexico is a country with a rich heritage and has played a pivotal role in the
development of The Americas, but Mexico -like most Latin American countries- is
confronting a number of different challenges (many resulting from uneven
development). How authorities seek to respond to these challenges - such as the
killing of the Iguala students - will set the path for reconciliation, an important
step in the process to bring about lasting change, and national unity. Around the
world, there are many countries that are yet to overcome the hurdles of conflict
and build the required trust in institutions for the longevity of these and for
upholding the values and aspirations of the people it seeks to represent.
In any society, the lack of conflict resolution can hinder economic and societal
progress. To the extent there is sustained effort in minimising social exclusion, it
can foster hopes that trust can be restored in the set of institutions that
individuals elected to look after the collective interests of their citizenry. It can
also be a healing pill to the soul of the departed.


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