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Honors/Pre-AP Biology Syllabus

Richmond Community High School

201 E Brookland Park Blvd
Richmond, Virginia 23222
Instructor: Ms. Kathryn Fossaceca
Email: kfossace@rvaschools.net
Phone#: 804-780-4332
Course: Honors/Pre-AP Biology
Textbook: Biology by Glencoe Science
Introduction and Purpose:
This course is an introductory course designed for students who have demonstrated an
advanced level of interest and achievement in sciences and mathematics. This course
requires higher order thinking skills such as analysis, synthesis, and critical thinking. It
emphasizes problem solving skills necessary to examine alternative scientific explanations,
conduct experiments, analyze and communicate information, and gather and use information
in scientific literature. The history of biological thought and the evidence that supports it
are explored, providing mechanisms of inheritance, dynamic relationships among organisms,
and the change in organisms through time. All contents covered in this course are related to
the Standards of Learning (SOL). Students are encouraged to continue to AP Biology in the
future. Also, students will be expected to maintain an interactive notebook and complete
formal lab reports. Students will learn how to synthesize their thoughts into formal lab
reports and projects. Finally, students will be able to utilize and gain resources from the
class website. http://rchsbio.weebly.com
All students must adhere to the RCHS and class rules:
Arrive on time. Be in your seat before the tardy bell rings.
If you are tardy, you must fill out tardy form. If tardiness continues student will
face serious consequences
Stay on task
Cooperate with your team.
Listen to all directions. Write all assignments in your agenda by looking at the board.
Keep up with the class information on class website http://rchsbio.weebly.com
Maintain your interactive notebook
Be organized and prepared for class see materials.
Do your very best each class. Complete all assignments.
Turn in all HW to the HW basket at the begging of class
Check for your own missing work if you are absent
Turn in all make up work as needed.
No talking while the teacher or another student it talking. Show respect for all
classmates. Do not criticize ideas or thoughts of another student.
NO FOOD, CANDY, DRINKS, GUM are permitted in the classroom or lab area.
Respect all property: the schools, your own, and of others.
Attend mandatory after school and Saturday sessions as necessary.

At the end of the period, remain in your seat until dismissed

Follow all other unwritten rules not discussed in the syllabus
Have fun!!!!!

Folder for loose papers
Pencil/pencil sharpener
Pens, blue/black
Graphing Calculator
Markers/colored pencils
Tissue box
Paper towels
Extra materials for interactive notebook- Extra Credit Varies

Laboratory Investigations:
Lab Fee: There is a $10.00 lab fee for all Honors Science Courses. This fee is due Monday
September 16, 2016
Investigations are designed to promote critical thinking, to analyze and interpret data, and
to form conclusions. All students are expected to follow all lab safety rules. Also all
students are expected to clean their work stations appropriately.
Attendance, Tardiness and Absences
Students must try to attend class. It is necessary you understand the impact that tardiness
and absence can have on your academic progress. If at all possible, try to arrange outside
appointments for after school.
If a student is tardy to his or her class, he or she must fill out the tardy form upon arriving
to class class indicating the time they arrived, if they have a pass, and reason for being late.
Students are then responsible for making up any work they missed and collecting missing
assignments from the rchsbio website.
This procedure will be followed for multiple offenses:
First Time-Warning
Second Time- Parent Contacted
Third Time- Lunch Detention and parent contacted
Fourth Time- After school detention, referral to the principal, parent/guardian conference
It is your responsibility to secure any missed assignments and/or notes. If you miss an
assignment, test, quiz, or lab, it is your responsibility to make it up within a one day period
of your return. You may find your missing work in the missing work draw for your
designated class. If you miss a test or a quiz, you will have to arrange a time with Ms.

Fossaceca for when you will re-take quiz. Note: Quizzes and Exams must be retaken
within one week of the absence. If the test or quiz is not taken within the week the
student will lose 25% of the grade. If the test or quiz is not taken by the end of the
semester, the student will receive a zero.
Extenuating circumstances should be discussed with the teacher and substantiated by a
written note from your parent or guardian. All planned absences should be shared with the
teacher prior to the time and assignments received before leaving. All assignments should
then be submitted upon your return.
Late or Missing work Policy:
Students are expected to submit all work on time. A penalty will be imposed when
assignments are not submitted on time. For each day late without a written legitimate
excuse, 25% points will be deducted from the missing assignment. This may result in loss
of points or a zero. Your parent will be contacted when you miss an assignment and a record
will be kept in order to apprise the principal of repeat offenders.

Grade Breakdown
Grades will be based off a percentage-based grade system:
Assessments (Exams, Quizzes, Interactive Notebook Included) and Projects: 70%
Snapshot Quizzes: 5%
Labs: 5%
Homework: 5%
Classwork: 5%
Interactive Notebook Student Graded Checks: 5%
Snapshots: 5%
Interactive Notebook
Students will learn how to maintain a proper lab notebook and interactive notebook this
year. Both will reinforce each students critical thinking skills and creativity. Each will serve
as a portfolio for the student to keep. Each will be graded and checked on a weekly basis in
order to ensure the student is maintain it appropriately. Laboratories will be performed
online and at the lab bench. Materials for the interactive notebook will consist of activities,
notes, snapshots, and other materials that the student will be instructed to glue in. All
materials will also be posted on the class website for the student to print. Students can
receive extra points if they contribute materials related to helping construct the
interactive notebook.
Saturday Sessions
Students will be required to attend Saturday sessions based on their choosing toward the
end of February. During these sessions, students will have the opportunity to take a full
length SOL exam and review for the test. Students can also perform lab experiments if

Required Tutoring Sessions

Tutoring will be held on a select day every week after school until the end of the year.
Students who attend tutoring will gain extra points for attending the FULL session.
Students must arrange transportation home.
Some incentives for good behavior or work is the stellar work section and pizza
points/breakfast area. For the pizza/breakfast points classes will participate each nine
weeks to get the most points in order to win a pizza/breakfast party with a science movie
for the class period.
My goals for this course

I learn from you and you learn for me

You learn how to think
You learn organizational skills
You enjoy science and you learn how to apply it to other subjects
You pass the SOL exam advanced!
We have fun and learn a lot!

Contact/Permission/Lab Form for Honor/Pre-AP

***Return this Page with Lab Fee to Ms. Fossaceca through 9/7/2016-9/16/2016 (50
point quiz grade)***
I have read, understand and agree to the requirements given in the syllabus and the lab
safety rules for this class. I understand that I must adhere to all the rules and
requirements. I further understand that I must attend all mandatory afterschool and
Saturday sessions. Failure to abide by the safety rules will result in my dismissal from the
lab and other activities that must be completed. Failure to attend sessions or complete
requirements will affect my academic progress in this class.
I give permission for my child to participate in the lab sessions and all mandatory
afterschool sessions for this class. I have read, understand and agree to the requirements
given in the syllabus for this class and the lab safety rules. I understand that my child must
adhere to the requirements, obey all lab safety rules and attend all mandatory afterschool
sessions. I further understand that failure to abide by the requirements and safety
regulations will result in dismissal from the lab and will affect my childs academic progress.
Print Students
Students Telephone Number:
Students Email:
Parent/Guardian Telephone Number:
Parent/Guardian Email:
Does your child wear glasses/contacts? ____ yes ____ no
List allergies/important
Lab Fee Enclosed: $10.00 _________ Cash __________ Check #

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