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PAGE 6, CAMPUS CARRIER Features November 6, 2008 November 6, 2008 Features CAMPUS CARRIER PAGE 7

Meet Berry’s Chase Davis, Vice President want to stay in higher level administration,” scends through his work on campus,” Richard

Elected Officials
Davis said. Hughes, associate professor of psychology,
of Campus Services Davis, who grew up in Fayetteville, Ga., said of Davis.
Amanda Griswell
said he decided to run for this position to gain Davis said that over this year he wants to

Asst. Features Editor
experience and leadership skills. He said that increase student involvement in SGA and at
he considered what he could bring to SGA and events on campus. Others seem pleased with
Many students join SGA to be more in- what he could gain from being a part of SGA what he has accomplished through his posi-
volved in the decision making process for the before deciding to run for this office. tion so far.
numerous activities on campus and to get in- “I chose to run because I felt like it would “Chase is taking an initiative to increase
volved in the Berry community. broaden my horizons and experiences. It felt school spirit across the campus, which includes
Senior Chase Davis, vice president for cam- right,” Davis said. a ‘Go Vikings’ banner signed by various stu-
pus services, said he helps improve Berry’s As an SGA executive officer, Davis works dents to be on display at home athletic events.
campus by working with students, faculty, with various search committees and helps He has also brought in different athletic teams
staff and administrators. After becoming vice with a variety of events in order to make a to come introduce themselves to SGA,” Kelli
president, Davis said he saw a side of Berry difference on campus. The diversity of his in- Stansell, junior class president said.
that he had not seen before. volvement is the best part of being an SGA of- Davis said SGA is “a great experience,”
“I now have a deeper or better understand- ficer, Davis said. and he said it is a great way to get involved
ing of what it means to be an involved student “His ability to get along with anyone tran- at Berry.
at Berry. I also came to the realization that I
Leigh Jackson this year,” she said. “People are much “been really funny,” but her roommate
Features Editor more willing to help if they are work- has become much more outgoing and
ing on something they feel passionate involved in campus life than she was
Attendance at SGA meetings this se- about.” as a high school student.
mester has reached record highs, with A key goal the group established Sutton’s relationship with SGA
more than 100 students consistently is leading Berry to become more envi- began her freshman year when she
attending the weekly gatherings. Ask ronmentally friendly. SGA has created served as the SGA representative for Jesse Milby, Vice President senator. Former SGA member Cleve Miller, a senior
“My great grandfather was a state sena- marketing major, said Milby is a good voice
SGA President Laura Sutton the reason a Green Team, a smaller group of stu- Habitat for Humanity. After being en- of Student Services tor, and my grandfathers were a mayor and for the students and isn’t afraid of superiors.
for this spike in attendance, and she dents who are focusing on driving the couraged by friends and older SGA Briona Arradondo
a judge,” said Milby, a senior history major. Miller said he admires Milby’s initiative to
just might say it has something to do effort to make the campus more eco- members to run for a class officer po- Staff Writer
“There is a long standing tradition in my fam- raise questions.
with the jokes she tells at the conclu- friendly. Sutton said that this initiative sition, she ran and was elected as the
ily, and we are fairly well-known for being “Anything that comes his way that is
sion of every meeting. is dual-focused, with both short-term secretary of her class as a sophomore. Vice President for Student Services Jesse service-oriented. I want to live up to that.” controversial he’s not afraid to bring it up,”
“I love a good joke. My weekly goals and achievements the group Sutton said that it was during this time Milby calls himself a voice for the silent major- Outside of SGA, Milby serves as president said Miller. “He’ll keep fighting for what he
jokes are my corny thing that I enjoy,” would like to see occur over a longer when she decided she wanted to run ity. Milby said that through his position he ad- for the Churchill Society. Eric Sands, assistant believes.”
the senior said. While other students period of time. Immediate changes for SGA president one day. dresses relevant issues on campus and strives professor of government, has had Milby as a Milby said he likes that the Berry adminis-
say they appreciate Sutton’s jokes each the group would like to see are a de- “I loved the community service as- to better the student community. student in several classes and said they worked trators actually listen to students. However, he
week, most have more substantial crease in the overall waste produced pect of the job,” she said. Sutton said Milby said that he got involved in SGA un- together in the Politics and Law Society and said he is afraid that Berry will begin sacrific-
things to say about her and the lead- by the college and an increase in recy- that she enjoys the position of presi- willingly as a result of a joke. He said his hall the Churchill Society. Milby’s leadership roles ing its standards to meet student numbers.
ership skills she has demonstrated this cling. In the long term, the Green Team dent thoroughly and not just because mates tricked him into being their representa- and connections with the government depart- “No matter how much I criticize and scold,
year. would like for Berry to possibly create of the “super sweet office with a win- tive his sophomore year. ment facilitated his penchant for debate. I do it because I want the school to live up to
“Laura is one of the best SGA presi- “green” policies similar to those at oth- dow view” she occupies on the third Hiss involvement solidified his decision “Jesse’s one of those people that’s never what it can be. Berry has such amazing poten-
dents I’ve seen in four years here,” said er universities. floor of Krannert. to continue in politics after graduation. Mil- afraid to draw attention to the elephant in the tial,” said Milby. “I don’t want Berry or peo-
SGA Treasurer John Cason, who works Sutton said that most of her time “It’s one of the most rewarding by, who is from Meansville, Ga., has a fam- room,” said Sands. “When Jesse sees a prob- ple to rest on its morals. When we’re content
closely with her. “She is dedicated to serving as SGA president is spent pre- jobs on campus because you get to see ily history in politics and wants to become a lem, he wants to go after it.” where we are, that’s when we start to lose.”
student opinions and really listens.” paring for or attending meetings and how what you do affects students,”
“When she goes to meetings, she writing speeches. She serves on 11 dif- she said. Sutton said she also enjoys
speaks on behalf of the students, but ferent committees and attends an aver- opportunities the job has brought her,
she’s not afraid to say what she really age of 10 to 15 meetings a week. Sut- such as being able to attend board of
thinks about things,” said senior Erin ton said that she spends a great deal of trustees’ meetings where she can learn
Horne, Sutton’s roommate. “I think time preparing for these meetings by about Berry’s future.
that’s a good trait for someone in a researching and preparing statements. “You also get to work with faculty,
leadership position.” Since being elected, she has delivered staff and administrators who think Lauren Ramsey, Secretary her position, she is able to talk with influen- in until 10 a.m, going to lunch with her room-
Sutton said seeking student opin- 13 speeches. highly of students, which is encour- Laura Price tial leaders including President Stephen R. mate, senior Kate Slusser, and then studying
ions and using her voice to represent “I keep joking that I wish there was aging. I love the opportunity to make Staff Writer Briggs, Dean of Students Debbie Heida and outside if it is a nice day. Ramsey’s friends de-
the student body accurately are some a place I could buy more time,” she a difference in a place that has made the board of trustees about issues that affect scribe her positively.
of her first priorities as president. said. “Between school, working, hav- such a difference in my life, and I see the Berry community. “One word that describes Lauren would be
“Her smile is contagious. She is so full of
“A big part of my job is communica- ing a social life and making time for [this job] as a way to help students,” “It is a privilege to be able to use my voice caring,” said senior Josh Etress.
life,” said Brian Jory, professor and director of
tion,” she said. “One of the things I have myself, I always feel like something she said. to talk to these people,” Ramsey said. “She is awesome,” said junior Lindsey
family studies, of senior Lauren Ramsey. Ram-
tried to do is make myself available to has to give.” Sutton, who is majoring in both One of the biggest changes that Ramsey Banks.
sey serves as the secretary of SGA and said
people so that they feel comfortable Sutton said that this year she has management and marketing, said she said she has seen over the past year at Berry is Ramsey’s hometown is Knoxville, Tenn.,
that she has always been actively involved in
talking to me if they have concerns.” tried to make an intentional effort to would like to continue making a dif- the adjustment in visitation hours. and she said she supports the University of
her community. She said that she ran for the
Sutton said that one of the ways she make sure she is having fun. Her defi- ference after she graduates from Berry. “It was a change that was good, and it Tennessee’s athletic department.
secretary position because she likes to be in-
tries to achieve this goal is by attend- nition of fun consists of trips to the Currently, she is researching graduate is refreshing to have and see change,” said “I am a huge Tennessee fan. I love foot-
volved in planning and implementing impor-
ing meetings of student organizations. outlet mall in Calhoun, fishing on Lake programs where she could earn a mas- Ramsey. ball and basketball,” she said. In high school,
tant ideas. Ramsey said that she also enjoys
She said that she views this as a way to Guntersville with her dad and 16-year- ter’s degree in organizational psychol- Ramsey said that her weeks are usually she supported athletics as a competitve
representing her friends on campus through
become as informed as she can about old brother and spending time with ogy. One of her dream jobs is serving as busy with school and SGA, but on the week- cheerleader.
her position.
issues that matter to students. her friends, whom she said she does the CEO of a non-profit organization. ends she is able to slow down. Ramsey, who is majoring in community de-
Ramsey considers it a privilege to be an
“It’s important that students com- not get to see often during the week. Sutton said that she could also see her- “Saturdays are my saving grace,” she said. velopment, said she hopes to work for a non-
executive officer for SGA and to have con-
municate with faculty and staff and Though her peers say that leader- self working for a consulting company Her typical Saturday consists of sleeping profit organization after she graduates.
nections with the college administrators. In
vice versa,” she said. Sutton said she ship comes naturally to Sutton, she handling leadership development and
sees her position as key in facilitating said that when she came to college, she best practices training.
this communication, and she said she never thought she would be the head Politics may or may not be in the fu-
wants to help increase dialogue be- of the student body. ture for the student body president.
tween the two groups. “I wasn’t a leader in high school,” “I haven’t thought about it,” she
In addition to the personal goals she said. “I just played basketball.” said. “I feel like SGA is different [than
Sutton has for serving as SGA presi- Horne, who attended Hoover High politics], but I really enjoy public
dent, she also has goals for the orga- School with Sutton in Hoover, Ala., speaking and being in front of an audi-
John Cason, Treasurer Cason began learning magic in third grade he’s smart enough to come up with innovative
Megan Gilker and used it as a hobby, but by the time he new ideas.” In fact, Cason is getting involved
nization and the campus as a whole. and has lived with her for three years, ence, so who knows.” graduated from high school, he was perform- in a family business that sells barbecue sauce.
Staff Writer
Consistent with her mission to let stu- agreed. For now, Sutton will continue to ing three to five magic shows a month. This “I’ll be either the fourth or fifth generation
lauren wright, photo editor dents’ voices be heard, she and the ex- “I didn’t know her as well in high lead the student body at Berry, where provided business experience. that will be making it,” he said.
ecutive officers sought the opinions of school, but she was pretty quiet,” she said she hopes to encourage more Along with the student activites fee came a
“When I turned 16 I started marketing my- With a so much in his future, Cason’s girl-
“I don’t know how to measure this, but I would love the student body in creating their goals Horne said. “She has really taken on a students to get involved in student or- Berry student who considers himself passion-
self, which is actually why I chose to be a mar- friend, sophomore Laura Diepenbrock, said
to see every student involved and passionate about at the beginning of the semester. new role at Berry than she had in high ganizations and feel valued. ate for people and business.
keting major,” Cason said. “I was extremely that his ideal retirement might be enjoying the
something at Berry,” Sutton said. “That’s how you “We encouraged the SGA reps to school.” Horne said that Sutton has “I want to find as many ways as I John Cason, a senior from Statesboro, Ga.,

talented at doing magic at 16, and I had no ocean.
get so much out of Berry, by putting into it.” participate in the goal-setting process always had the same personality and can to make a difference,” she said. with a double major in finance and marketing,
way of selling my product so I started reading “He’s always said ‘I could live on a sailboat

has been involved with SGA since his fresh-

these marketing books.” because you don’t have to pay property taxes,’

man year and is currently the treasurer.

10 to 15
SGA President Laura Sutton does not be- and so I could see him on a sailboat with some
“I was excited [when I was elected] because
lieve his SGA position will be the end of Ca- black coffee and a newspaper,” she said.
it was the first year of the student activities

...or more
son’s business career. Until then Cason, a Boy Scout, Executive
fee…and it was an opportunity to manage a
“I can see John being (what we call) a ‘serial Round Table president, magician and entre-
quarter of a million dollars,” Cason said. “And
entrepreneur,’ which is where you just keep preneur, will follow his grandfather’s motto:
meetings Sutton attends speeches Sutton has committees jokes Sutton tells at SGA I thought with my skills in finance and bud-
delivered since be- students who attend Sutton serves on geting, it would be kind of a good experience
coming up with these ideas and keep starting “More people die in bed than anywhere
each week meetings each week these new companies,” she said. “He’s going else, so get up.”
coming president SGA each week photos by lauren wright, photo editor
to do that.”
to be a very successful entrepreneur. I think

To see a video interview with SGA President Sutton visit


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