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AFFIDAVIT OF AYRIN MASON STATE OF OHIO HI A) 88 county or RR) ‘The undersigned, being first duly cautioned and swom, says that the following facts are {rue to the best of her knowledge: 1, On the night of July 21, 2016. at approximately 11:45 pm, 1 attended the Social Room located at $27 North Park Street, Columbus, Ohio with Tiffany Thompson | Tiffany”) 2, Atapproximately 2:00 am on July 22, 2016, | exited the Social Room with Tiffany to walk to our vehicle, and Tiffany was approached by another female who procéeded to physically assault Tiffany by first slapping Tiffany in the face and pulling her hait. 4, -A fight ensued for approximately-a few minutes Before it was broken up. 1 was able to help break up the fight by grabbing Tiffany's waist to help separate her from | the other female. | 4, After the fight outside the Social Room, Tiffany and 1 walked to our vehicle and ‘Tiffany explained to me that Ezekiel Elliott (“Ezekiel”) was having a gathering at his i rented apartment at the Carriage House located a { e 5 , Tiffany drove herself and I to the Carriage House, and because we were the first ‘ones to arrive, we waited in our vehicle in the parking lot for Ezekiel and his friends to also arrive. 6. Wien Bzekiel’s vehicle pulled up to the Carriage House parking lot, Ezekiel was sitting in the passenger seat and another female was driving. 7. When Tiffany saw another female driving Ezekiel’s vehicle, Tiffany exited our vehicle, approached the female driver in Ezekiel’s vehicle, and started screaming at the femate driver. 8. ‘The female driver, Ezekiel, and the other passengers in his vehicle exited and, started to walk towards the Carriage House. At no point during Ezekiel’s walk to the ! Carriage House, of at any time during the night, did I witness Ezekiel come into i physical contact with Tiffany or touch Tiffany. 9. While Ezekiel arid his friends entered the Carriage House, Tiffany yelled.to Ezekiel that she was going to “ruin his cafeer” and call the police.

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