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Mdulo I
Parte 1 - Estratgias de leitura:
 Palavras Transparentes
 Prefixos e sufixos
Observe como com apenas algumas regras muito simples voc pode aprender mais de 400
palavras em ingls. claro que para essas regras existem excees, mas essas servem apenas
para confirmar a regra. E quem deixaria de aprender 400 palavras por causa de algumas
Regra 1 ty = dade
Para as palavras que em ingls terminem com TY, substitua o TY por DADE
E.g. City = Cidade
Veja agora um pouco das cento e tantas palavras que voc j aprendeu com essa regra e que
esto presentes no manual que voc usar:
Polarity = Polaridade
Viscosity = Viscosidade
Quantity = Quantidade
Electricity = Eletricidade
Exercise 1. Translate:
Capacity = .................................
Gravity = .................................
Quality = .................................

Facility = .................................
Stability = .................................
Ability = .................................

Regra 2 tion = o
Para as palavras que em ingls terminem com TION, substitua TION por O
Nation = Nao
Veja agora algumas das centenas de palavras que voc j aprendeu com essa regra. Observe que
mesmo com as pequenas diferenas ortogrficas, essa substituio deixa claro o significado da
palavra sem que voc tenha que buscar um dicionrio.
Section = Seo
Situations = Situaes
Attention = Ateno
Combustion = Combusto
Exercise 2. Translate:
Description = .................................
Illustrations = .................................
Injection = .................................
Installation = .................................
Lubrification = .................................
Operation = .................................
Precautions = .................................
Protection = .................................
Reduction = .................................
Specifications = ................................
Tension = .................................
Application = .................................
Communication = .................................
Condition = .................................

Functions = .................................
Information = ...............................
Insertion = .................................
Junctions = .................................
Vibration = .................................
Position = .................................
Projection = .................................
Publication = ...............................
Rotation = .................................
Station = .................................
Action = .................................
Combination = ............................
Concentration = ..........................
Connection = ..............................
Apostila de Ingls Instrumental

Construction = .................................
Demonstration = .................................
Distribution = .................................
Identification = .................................
Instruction = .................................
Organization = .................................
Position = .................................
Recommendation = ...............................
Revision = .................................
Rotation = .................................
Separation = .................................
Relation = .................................
Solution = .................................

Correction = ...............................
Direction = ..................................
Friction = .....................................
Inspection = ................................
Introduction = ..............................
Oscillation = ...............................
Preparation = ..............................
Restriction = ...............................
Revolution = ...............................
Selection = .................................
Suction = ....................................
Indication = .................................
Compensation = .........................

Regra 3 ly = mente
Quando voc encontrar no texto original uma palavra que termine com (L)LY ou LY,
experimente trocar essa terminao por MENTE
Naturally = Naturalmente
Exercise 3. Translate:
Approximately = .................................
Immediately = .................................
Specifically = .................................

Completely = .................................
Potentially = .................................

Regra 4 nce = ncia

Para as palavras que em ingls terminem com NCE, substitua NCE por NCIA
Essence = Essncia
Abaixo, voc poder conferir exemplos em que essa regra funciona que esto no manual:
Reference = Referncia
Sequence = Seqencia
Exercise 4. Translate:
Difference = .................................
Distance = .................................
Sentence = .................................
Assistance = .................................
Balance = .................................

Circumstance = .................................
Resistance = .................................
Tolerance = .................................
Circumference = .................................

Regra 5 al = al
A mais fcil de todas as regras: Quando voc encontrar uma palavra terminada em AL, pense
nela como uma palavra em portugus, pois mesmo quando h mudanas na ortografia, essa
mnima e no far nenhuma diferena na significao.
Veja alguns exemplos que tambm esto no seu manual.
Universal = Universal
Vertical = Vertical
Manual = Manual
Original = Original
Total = Total
Material = Material
Terminal = Terminal
Radial = Radial
Apostila de Ingls Instrumental

Exercise 5. Translate:
Additional = .................................
Special = .................................

Signal = .................................
Spiral = .................................

ATENO: Actual no atual, e sim real.

o que chamamos de falso cognato.
Regra 6 ry = ria(o)
Sempre que em ingls a palavra terminar em RY, troque por RIA ou RIO
Injury = Injria (ferimento)
Accessory = Acessrio
Exercise 6. Translate:
Necessary = .................................
Category = .................................

Primary = .................................
Industry = .................................

Regra 7- Os cognatos!
Com certeza esta a melhor de todas as regras. Algumas palavras so escritas da quase mesma
forma em ingls ou em portugus.
Leia e veja como fcil.



Mesmo que no siga nenhuma das regras acima, muitas palavras ns somos capazes de entender
o significado sem ter que olhar no dicionrio.
Exercise 6. Translate:
access = .................................
adjust = .................................
alignment = .................................
analyze = .................................
antecipate = .................................
article = .................................
basis = .................................
center = .................................
circuit = .................................
color = .................................
comparison = .................................
component = .................................
conductor = .................................
contract = .................................
control = .................................
copy = .................................
curve = .................................
date = .................................
department = .................................
design = .................................
diagnosis = .................................

accident = .................................
air = .................................
analysis = .................................
angle = .................................
arrangement = .................................
atmosphere = .................................
cause = .................................
characteristic = .................................
code = .................................
column = .................................
compartment = .................................
compression = .................................
contact = .................................
contribute = .................................
conversion = .................................
corrosion = .................................
customer = .................................
defect = .................................
deposit = .................................
detail = .................................
diagram = .................................
Apostila de Ingls Instrumental

diameter = .................................
divide = .................................
efficiency = .................................
emergency = .................................
equipment = .................................
example = .................................
expansion = .................................
extend = .................................
form = .................................
front = .................................
group = .................................
impact = .................................
instructor = .................................
item = .................................
level = .................................
list = .................................
mark = .................................
minute = .................................
movement = .................................
note = .................................
operator = .................................
page = .................................
part = .................................
percent = .................................
phase = .................................
piece = .................................
power = .................................
present = .................................
product = .................................
repair = .................................
result = .................................
scale = .................................
second = .................................
sign = .................................
space = .................................
suspension = .................................
system = .................................
tension = .................................
time = .................................
top = .................................
transport = .................................
type = .................................
vacuum = .................................
valve = .................................

dimension = .................................
effect = .................................
element = .................................
energy = .................................
error = .................................
exhaust = .................................
expected = .................................
force = .................................
frequency = .................................
future = .................................
hour = .................................
implement = .................................
instrument = .................................
kit = .................................
line = .................................
lubricant = .................................
method = .................................
moment = .................................
name = .................................
number (N) = .................................
order = .................................
paragraph = .................................
passage = .................................
period = .................................
photo = .................................
point = .................................
precision = .................................
problem = .................................
reason = .................................
reserve = .................................
return = .................................
schematic = .................................
service = .................................
sound = .................................
support = .................................
symbol = .................................
temperature = .................................
test = .................................
title = .................................
training = .................................
triangle = .................................
use = .................................
value = .................................
voltage = .................................

Apostila de Ingls Instrumental

Parte 2 Tempos verbais:
 Present and Imperative
1. So dois os tempos verbais mais usados nos manuais, o presente e o imperativo. O presente
geralmente usado para descrever e o imperativo para dar instrues.
E.g.The force of governor spring (1) always pushes [present] to give [infinitive] more fuel to the
engine. [] When these two forces are [present] in balance (equal), the engine runs [present] at
a constant rpm. (page 11)
Quando voc olha nos dicionrios, encontra os verbos em sua forma bsica, ou seja, o infinitivo.
O imperative em ingls muito fcil, pois igual ao infinitivo.
Por exemplo, o infinitivo do verbo remover remove(e o imperative tambm).
E.g. 1. Remove [imperative] the pressure cap from the radiator.
2. Put [imperative] the pressure cap on the 9S8140 Cooling System Pressurizing Pump Group.
3. Look [imperative] at the gauge for the exact pressure that makes [present] the pressure cap
open. (page 73, from: Systems Operation Testing & Adjusting)
O present tambm se forma a partir do infinitivo. A terceira pessoa do singular (ele/he, ela/she,
ele ou ela/it) recebe a letra 's' como complemento no final.
E.g. turn turns (virar - vira)
1. Os verbos terminados em ch, sh, o, s, x, e z recebem es na 3 pessoa do singular
E.g. reach reaches (alcanar - alcana)
do does (fazer - faz)
wish wishes (desejar - deseja)
bypass bypasses (desviar -desvia)

2. Os verbos terminados em y precedido de consoante trocam o y por ies.

E.g. apply applies (aplicar - aplica)
identify identifies (identificar - identifica)
Observe: O verbo have (ter) tem para a terceira pessoa do singular a forma has.

2. TEXT TRANSLATION. Vamos traduzir o texto abaixo (no caderno)?

Mas antes vamos aprender algumas palavras bsicas contidas nele:
for = por, para
the = o, a
and = e
with = com
a/na = um, uma
of = de (da, do)
Difficult words:
Brake = freio
Pump = bomba
Steering = da direo
Inputs = entradas
Increase = aumento, crescimento
Decrease = diminuio, queda

Turns = gira
How = como, de que maneira
Sharp = fechada (curva)
Bevel gear set = coroa
Planetary gear train = engrenagem planetria

Apostila de Ingls Instrumental

Steering Differential And Brake Group With Planetary And Brake Group
(1) Housing (brake). (2) Support (motor). (3) Pinion (steering). (4) Gear (ring). (5) Carrier. (6)
Gears (planet). (7 A) Gear (sun). (7B) Gear (sun). (8) Gear (bevel). (9) Gear (ring). (10)
Housing. (11) Carrier. (12) Spring (Belleville). (13) Piston (brake). (14) Discs and Plates
(brake). (15) Hub. (16) Gears (planet). (17) Gear (stationary ring). (18) Discs and Plates
(brake). (19) Housing (brake). (20) Piston (brake). (21) Spring (Belleville). (22) Carrier. (23)
Gears (planet). (24) Gear (sun).

Reference: For a more detailed description of the hydraulic pump and steering controls; refer to
SENR9498 Hydraulics with Differential Steering, and SENR8367 Power Train Electronic
Control System.
The machine uses a differential steering system. The basic system has a steering differential, a
hydraulic pump, a hydraulic steering motor and steering controls.
The steering differential has two power inputs: One power input is from the transmission for
speed and direction (forward or reverse) and the other power input is from the hydraulic motor
for steering (right or left).
The steering differential uses hydraulic motor power input to increase the speed of one track and
equally decrease the speed of the other track. The resulting track speed difference turns the
Direction of the rotation of the hydraulic motor determines the direction of the turn and motor
speed determines how sharp or gradual the machine turns.
The steering differential consists of two planetary gear trains, a bevel gear set and a brake group.
The transmission bevel gear set and another planetary gear train and brake group are used with
the steering differential to complete the mechanical part of the steering system. [page 28
Systems Operation]

Apostila de Ingls Instrumental

Parte 3 - Estratgias de leitura:
 Figuras e pistas tipogrficas
 Conhecimento tcnico/de mundo
Exercise. Use as figuras e o seu entendimento do assunto para realizar a traduo destes textos.
Text 1
Assemble Rocker
Shaft Assembly 1102016

Text 2

Oil Filter & Oil Filter Base

Remove Oil Filter & Oil Filter
Base 1318 & 1306-011


Tools Needed

Strap Wrench

1. Install rocker arms (5), brackets (1), washers (4)

and springs (2) on the rocker shaft.
2. Install rear support bracket (6) on the rocker
shaft. Make sure the hole in the rear support bracket
is in alignment with the hole in the rocker shaft.

Put pin (3) in position in the bracket.

1. Remove the oil filter from oil filter base (1) with Tool
2. Remove the bolts that hold c1ip (5) and tube assembly
(3) to the engine. Remove the gasket and tube
assembly. Remove the O-ring seal from tube
assembly (3) if necessary.
3. Remove the bolts that hold tube assembly (4) to the
engine. Remove tube assembly (4) and the gasket.
Remove the O-ring seal from tube assembly (4) if

Difficult words:
Hole - buraco
Hold - segurar
Gasket junta de vedao

4. Remove four bolts (2) and oil filter base (1) from the
5. Remove the two O-ring seals from the top of the oil
filter base if necessary.

Apostila de Ingls Instrumental

Parte 4 - Conectivos
No manual que ser usado por vocs aparecem apenas construes simples e, por esse motivo,
existem poucos conectivos que vocs necessitam saber, sendo os principais [todos os exemplos
so do caderno Disassemby & Assembly] abaixo.
Voc pode traduzir as frases?
1. and O conectivo and tambm aparece como & e significa e em portugus.
a. Remove bolts (33) and torque control group (34). [p.13]
b. Remove bolts (2), covers (3) and the gaskets from the oil filter base [p.37]
2. before O conectivo before pode ser traduzida como antes que/de.
a. Thoroughly clean the area around each fuel injection before removal of any
fuel injection lines. [p.3]
b. Disconnect batteries before performance of any service work. [p.3]
3. if O conectivo if indica possibilidade e pode ser entendida como se ou no caso de.
a. The nozzles will be damaged if the top of the nozzle turns in the body. [p.5]
b. Remove the Oring seal from tube assembly (4) if necessary. [p.37]
4. that Quando fica no meio da frase o that pode ser substituido por que, para que ou a fim
de que.
a. Remove bolts (3) and (5) that fasten the mounting brackets to the cylinder
head. [p.5]
b. Use a 5S9566 Slidind T-Wrench and a universal socket to remove nut (16) that
holds the compressor wheel (15) to the wheel assembly (19). [p.45]
5. until Until indica tempo e corresponde a expresso at que do portugus.
a. Turn the camshaft until the lobe of the camshaft is down for the pump to be
installed. [p.25]
b. Install the bushing by hand until it is even with the top of the housing. [p.25]
6. when O conectivo when d idia de tempo e deve ser entendida como quando.
a. When both rocker arms are loose, tighten bolt (7) to a torque of 270 25 N.m
(199 18 lb ft) [p.10]
b. Do not put a side force on the shaft when the nut that holds the compressor
wheel on position is tightened. [p. 46]
7. or Or, em ingls indica oposio e corresponde ao ou do portugus.
Cap or plug immediately. [p.4]
The cylinder head can be damaged if the vent hole is not open or if the gasket is
installed wrong. [p.96]
8. so So pode ser traduzido para o portugus como ento ou portanto.
a. Use a wrench to hold fuel nozzles (4) so they will not turn. [p.5]
b. Hold Tool (B) so the center line of the tool is in alignment with the centerline
of fuel injection nozzle (3). [p.6]

Apostila de Ingls Instrumental

9. because Because d a idia de causa, e pode deve ser traduzido como porque.
a. Do not set the cylinder head assembly on a flat surface because of the possible
damage to the fuel injection nozzle tips. [p.54]
b. The engine will be damage if a defective fuel injection nozzle is used because
the shapes of fuel (spray pattern) that comes out of the nozzles will not be correct. [p.5]

Extra Exercises. Translate:

Remove four bolts (2) and oil filter base (1) from the engine. [p.36]
Install the O-ring seal on tube assembly (4), and put clean engine oil on it. [p.37]
If is desired to remove only the governor so the fuel injection pump housing can be
disassembled, do only steps 1, 2, 15, 21, 25, 26, 27, 28, 31, 33, 37, and 37. [p.11]
If was necessary to remove the studs put 5P3931 Anti-Seize Compound on the threads that fit
into the cylinder head. [p.42]
Locks can be thrown from valve when the compressor is not released if they are not in their
correct position on valve stem. Personal injury can be the result if not carefully removed.


Extra text. Vamos praticar agora todas as estratgias que aprendemos. Vamos traduzir?

Oil Filter and Tank

Oil Filter And Tank

(1) Tank (oil). (2) Port (return). (3) Filter group. (4) Port (return). (5)
Port (suction). (6) Valve (bypass).

Difficult Words:
Through atravs
Cases caixa
Shown mostrado
Become tornar-se
Full of cheio de
Debris resduos, fragmentos

During normal operation of the implement and/or steering

circuits, return oil from the control valves flows to return port
(4). Oil to return port (4) flows through filter (3) and into the
Cooling oil through the pump and motor cases flows to a filter
group (not shown) installed over return part (2). Gil through
the filter group flows in return port (2) to the tank.
If the filter elements of the filter groups become full of debris,
the restriction to flow of oil causes a pressure increase inside
the filter groups. The pressure increase causes a bypass
valve in each filter group to move and let oil flow directly into
the tank. When the oil does not flow through the filter
elements, the debris in the oil will cause damage to the
components in the hydraulic system.

Apostila de Ingls Instrumental

Você também pode gostar