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demotivation in the following will concern specific external forces that reduce or diminish the

motivational basis of a behavioural intention or an ongoing action (Dornyei 2011:139)

According to Dornyei (2001: 139) Zrozumienie konceptu zwanego demotivation jest do
atwe. Mona go zdefiniowa jako wszystkie negatywne wpywy ktre sprawiaj e motywacja
zanika. Osob demotivadeted charakteryzuje to e z pewnych powodw stracia on zapa lub
zainteresowanie dan czynnoci. Bdem jest rwnie sdzenie ze demotywacja jest cakowitym
brakiem motwacji, pozytywne motives mog by nadal obecne lecz czynniki negatywne s w
takim przypadku silniejsze.


of the self-determination theory Edward deci and Richard Ryan definie amotivation as
lack of motivation ktrego powodem jest poczucie przez dan osob incompetence and
helplessness w stosunki do zadania ktre jest przed nimi
Na poziom amotywacji wpywa wiele czynnikiw, Vallerand (1997) wyroznia 4 ktre s zrdlem
peoples amotivation.
a) Brak wiary w to e mona podoa danemu zadaniu
b) Strategie mog okaza si nieefektywne
c) Obawa przed iloi effort jaki jest wymagany do osiagniecia celu
d) they have the general perception that their efforts are inconsequential considering
the enormity of the task to be accomplished (helplessness beliefs).

According to Vallerands (1997) overview, it can have four sources. People can be amotivated
they think they lack the ability to perform the behavior (capacityability beliefs);
they do not consider the strategies to be followed effective enough (strategy beliefs);
they think the effort required to reach the outcome is far too excessive (capacityeffort
they have the general perception that their efforts are inconsequential considering the
enormity of the task to be accomplished (helplessness beliefs).

Amotivation as defined by Deci and Ryan (1985) refers to the relative absence of motivation
that is not caused by a lack of initial interest but rather by the individuals experiencing
feelings of incompetence and
helplessness when faced with the activity

Deci, E.L. and Ryan, R.M. (1985) Intrinsic Motivation and Self-Determination in Human
Behavior. New York: Plenum
Vallerand, R.J. (1997) Towards a hierarchical model of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation.
In Zanna, M.P. (ed.), Advances in Experimental Social Psychology. Vol. 29. San
Diego, CA: Academic Press: 271360.


According to Dornyei (2001: 139) Understanding of the concept so called 'demotivation' is

relatively easy. It can be defined as all negative influences that make that motivation disappears.
The person who is demotivated can be characterized as someone who for some reasons has lost
enthusiasm or interest in a particular activity. Wrong is also judging the demotivation is the total
lack of motivation, positive motives may still be present in human behaviour, but negative factors
in this case stronger .
Authors of the self-determination theory , Edward Deci and Richard Ryan define amotivation as a
lack of motivation.
which is caused by the sense of incompetence and helplessness towards the task which they must
The level of amotivation is affected by many factors, Vallerand (1997), pointed out 4 which are
the source of people's amotivation.
a) Lack of faith in their abilities and that can cope with a given task
b) strategies may be ineffective
c) The fear of the amount of effort that is required to achieve the
d) they have the general perception That Their efforts are inconsequential considering the
enormity of the task to be accomplished ('helplessness beliefs').

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