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Written by Ashu Prakash

Space and Time has a very great coordination. Time of everything is fixed.
The Time of each and every object is known when it is born. For example
When an iron pin is manufactured in a factory (the combination of iron
atoms), its life is fixed. This is another way to see time. Time has no definite
How is space related to time?
As the iron pin, our galaxy, planets and stars are born; they are manufactured
in this vast factory of space. So, the total life of our space is defined, it is
fixed. Somewhere it is clearly mentioned that the space will end on this
following day. Time has very different characteristics:Time also experiences gravitational forces. Our earth has a standard time
that is 60=1hour. But these are made by us according to our need. We may
experience a very different ratio of timing in space and near heavy masses or
what we say a black hole or white dwarf.
Time is also influenced by the change in speed. A very different theory of
Modern physics. A very great formula

t = time indicated by the clock placed in the speeding vehicle.
t = time indicated by the clocks of the Earth system
v = speed of the speeding vehicle
c = speed of light

Lets take an example for easy understanding of this theory.

Let there be a train. The railway track is straight on the earth. Let equator be
the railway track at zero degree latitude on earth. So, the railway track is the
circumference of the earth.
Circumference of the earth is 127567443142857 metres.(approximately)
So, let the speed of the train be 259800000 m/s .
Hence, by the calculation well get a very very interesting conclusion.
Let the train travelled at that track for fifty years. (Fifty years according to
the timing of Earth system.) This just means that the person who was 10
years old is now 60 years. But this phenomenon will not happen in case of
our superfast train. At that speed the people inside the train will travel time.

Now, take another case. There is an another boy of 10 years enjoying in our
superfast train. Now what will happen when he comes out of the train after
50 years of Earth timing? A very exciting thing happens. The boy who
travelled inside the train is now only 35 years old. About half of the boy who
was 10 years old with him.
So, this function of the space and time is referred as Time Dilation.
Twin Paradox - The twin paradox uses the symmetry of time dilation to
produce a situation that seems paradoxical. The really strange thing about
time dilation is that it is symmetrical: if you and I have relative motion, then
I see your clock to be running slow, and you see mine to be running slow.
This is just one example of the weird logic of Einstein's theory of Special
If we limit our physics to special relativity, interstellar flight is
technologically impossible. Distances between the stars are too large. If
anyone will accelerate any spacecraft with high enough speed, then also its
impossible. The crews of the spacecraft will be crushed due to such high
acceleration. Even if we overcome this crushing problem, the speed of light
c becomes a cosmic speed limit. If we overcome this problem also (which is
not possible till now) fuel requirements will not be completed. All these
problems can potentially be done away through a new field of research
called metric engineering. It is possible that we will be able to engineer a
metric that will change the remote coordinate speed of light around starships
thus removing the speed c limitation, or to engineer a metric that
manipulates inertia itself making a state of acceleration the natural state of
the ship instead of a state of constant velocity. This would eliminate fuel
requirements altogether as well as eliminate the problems of the crew
becoming crushed from the acceleration of the ship.
An example of metric engineering
The vacuum of space is actually filled with fields and because of their
existence also virtual particles. This means that the vacuum has a nonzero
energy density even though vacuum is usually taken to be the zero point for
energy density. Now consider if we might polarize the vacuum so that some
of the energy from one spot is moved to another spot. Now we have one spot
that has a positive energy density relative to the zero point and another spot
with a negative energy density relative to the zero point. This second spot is
called a hole. Now the positive energy density will have the properties of a
mass. It will attract all things toward itself, including the hole. On the other
hand, the hole would have the properties of a negative mass. It would repel
all things from it including the positive mass. As a result the positive mass

accelerates in the direction away from the hole and the hole is drawn by the
positive mass to chase it. The natural state of this system is a state of
acceleration instead of a state of constant velocity. The cabin of a ship could
be placed between the positive mass and the hole and it would be drawn to
accelerate along with the system. The crew would be drawn to accelerate
away at the same rate as the cabin and so they would not be crushed against
the walls of the ship.
A wormhole is any structure connecting two regions or areas otherwise
distant or unrelated. They have long been discussed as a possible mode of
interstellar travel and even of time travel. Wormholes connect two otherwise
unrelated regions to form what is called a multiply connected space. They
present paths much quicker to travel than the paths presented by ordinary
space. For example, travel from Point A to Point B in the image is greatly
facilitated by the presence of the wormhole. Wormholes may be possible on
microscopic distances as a result of the quantum foam which allows
particle/antiparticle pairs to leap into existence momentarily, then
subsequently disappear. Interestingly, wormholes allow travel between
different times as well as different locations, so time travel may be
theoretically possible. Wormholes are commonly postulated to exist at the
centers of black holes or between parallel universes with no other

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