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Fundamental 2

Avaliao de Ingls
6o ano 3o bimestre




1. Complete the text with the best alternatives.

My names Clara. I have a small family. There ( ) is / ( ) are four people in my family: dad, my stepmother,
one little brother and I. My stepmother ( ) have / ( ) has a baby and hes cute, but he cries a lot.
He ( ) has / ( ) have brown eyes and blond hair. ( ) It has / ( ) There are three bedrooms in our house
and thats OK. The problem is that there ( ) is / ( ) are only one bathroom.
2. Choose the best preposition for each case.
a) We have Math ( ) on / ( ) in Tuesdays.

b) Our lunch is ( ) at / ( ) from 12:00 am to 2:00 pm.

c) Karen is not here. Shes ( ) on / ( ) at the mall.

d) I always forget my keys ( ) in / ( ) on the car.

3. Write the time and what you usually do at that time. Follow the example.


Its noon. I have lunch at noon.







4. Complete using (s) or ().

Ex: My brothers_ dog is funny!

a) Paula is Joana _ sister.

b) The boys _ father is very young.

c) That is my grandparents _ house in the photo.

d) Valria is my mother _ boss.

5. Complete with What about or Lets.

a) __ movie session?

b) __ have some hot tea?

c) __ have breakfast very early today?

d) __ more sugar?

6. Put the activities into the correct columns.

to the park soccer on a picnic sports cycling video games
for a walk football bowling basketball skating tennis



to the park

7. Make suggestions using the expressions in exercise 6. Follow the example.

Ex: Lets go to the park?

a) _________

b) _________

c) _________

d) _________

8. Write a paragraph describing your school.

Fundamental 2 Avaliao de Ingls 6o ano 3o bimestre

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