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Learning to Listen

Guidelines for Dessert

Not Unless you Finish Your Dinner

10 Family Guidelines for Living
with a hyperactive child
10 Tips for Talking with Kids About the News
A Best-Kept Secret of Your Teen: They Really Do Care What You Think
A Checklist for Parents and Teenagers
A Doctor Challenges Teens to Act Responsibly
A Parent's Response to bullying
A Parent's role in preventing eating disorders
A tired child may not be sick
AAP Offers Advice on Communicating with Children about Disasters
Ad Spotlights Teen Abuse of Medicinal Drugs
ADHD and Your School-Aged Child
Adolescence (eating disorders, fatigue, family, gu
Adolescence (peers,questioning,rules)
Adolescence (Suicide, Tobacco)
Adolescence (understanding, vehicles, extra readin
Adolescence(body changes,communication,drugs)
Adolescence(hepatitis,independence,juvenile delinq
Adolescence(Learning disability, Music, Nutrition,
Adolescent Rebellion can be Quelled
Adolescent Suicide:
What are the Warning Signs?
Advise Teens: Sharing Prescriptions is Dangerous
Anorexia Nervosa: A serious eating disorder
Answers to questions about ADD/ADHD
Are You a Healthy Eater?
Are You an Emotional Eater?
Are You Contributing to An Eating Disorder in your Child?
Arguing and Back-Talk
Arguing and Back-Talk
Asking Your Teen about Relationship Violence
Attention Deficit Disorder (Short Attention Span)
Be sure to ask the right questions
Body Mass Index
Bribery vs. Reinforcement
Bulimia: A common eating disorder
Bully Proofing Our Kids
Can I Borrow the Car?
Caretaking Parents, Entitled Kids
Children and Stress: Are you pushing your child too hard?
Children and Terrorism
Children Grieve in Their Own Ways
Children's Sleep Habits
Childrens Sleep Problems: What they are and what to do about them
Choosing a Drug Treatment Program
Communicating with health care providers about developmental and behavioral topics
Communicating with Your Teen

Communicating with your teen: Door Openers and Door Slammers

Communication Tips for Parents
Creating a "Backtalk-Free" Home
Deal Calmly with Anxiety Attacks
Depression in Children
Diagnostic Guidelines for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
Disorders That Affect Adolescents
Divorced or Separated Parents can make holidays bright for children
Do You Know Where Your Child Is?
Does my child have A D D ?
Ego-Builders to Use with Your Teen
Examining Eating Disorders
Experts Offer Free Advice About Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
Facts on Sports and Smoke Free Youth
Family Meetings Build Stronger Ties
Family: Your child's best anti-drug
First Cigarette in Grade 6 or Below Not Uncommon
Five Truths about Teen Smoking
Four Big Tips for Parents of Teens
Good Teens Start With Good Beans
Gov't Warns Of Inhalant Abuse Among Kids
Growth Milestones - 12 Years
Guidelines for using Time Out with Children and Pre-teens
Habit ReversalTraining
Hair Tests reveal Ecstasy Use on the Rise
Healthy Sexuality in Children
Healthy Sexuality in Children, part 2
Help Steer Teens Away from Alcohol
Help your Teen Lose Weight
Helping Children Deal with Teasing
Helping Children Grow Socially
Helping Children Manage Their Weight
Helping Children who are Bullied
Helping Kids stand up to peer pressure
Helping Our Children Deal with Shocking Events
Helping our Children Feel Safe: Tips for Every Parent
Helping your Child Cope
Helping Your Teenager Cope with Cliques
How are Our Boys Doing?
How much at Risk is your Teenager
How Much at Risk is your Teenager?
How Much Smokers Pay for Cigarettes
How to decode your teen
How to Help Teenage Girls Blossom
How to Help the Grieving Teenager
How to keep your teen safe on the Internet
How to Live with an Adolescent
How to make sure your child does not become a BULLY
How to Talk so your Teen will Listen

Hyperactivity and Attention-Deficit Disorder

Inhalant Abuse Information for Parents
Inhalants - A Middle-School addiction that kills
Innocence Lost: Helping your child cope with tragedy
Is it okay to search my kid's room?
Is Working After School Good for Teens?
Is your child at risk for an eating disorder (results and resources)
Is your teen at risk for an eating disorder?
Is Your Teen Drug Dependent? Would You Ever Know?
It's Time for the Big Talk
Now what?
Its a Drug and its not benign
Just a Few Clicks Away
Keeping Your Child Substance Free
Kids Heed Anti-Smoking Messages From Schools, Parents
Kids Need Encouragement Not to Smoke
Know the Signs of Eating Disorders
Lessons Learned from Littleton
Make America Safe for Children
Marijuana Slang Dictionary
Marijuana Teen Questions
Marijuana: How to Tell Your Kids to Say No, Even if You Didnt
Mastering the Change from Elementary to Middle School
Mommy, what does it mean to be gay?
Most Headaches not Cause for Serious Concern
My kid, the Lawer Wannabe
Nail Biting
Narrow down the causes of sudden declining grades in your teen
New Book Clears Up Misconceptions About Eating Disorders
Nine Tips for Raising Unspoiled Kids
Nine Ways to Help Your Child Fail
Not Going to School - Separation Anxiety
One Test You Don't Want To FailThinking About Drug Testing
Our Children: Are They Suffering From Stress?
Our Resources for Avoiding a Parent's Worst Nightmare - Substance Abuse
Out of Control Teen Drinking Devastating
Overweight Children - a light at the end of the tunnel
Overweight Kids More Likely To Be Bullied
Overweight: A Weight Reduction Program
Parenting of teens has roots in Toddlerhood
Parenting Tip of the Week - How to Tell if It Really Hurts
Parenting Tip of the Week
Family Overload and How to Manage It!
Parenting your teenager: It doesn't have to be all or nothing!
Parenting Your Teenager: Who - What - Where - When
Parents and Coaches can save good sportsmanship from extinction
Parents Should Help Kids Prepare for September 11 Anniversary
Parents! Join the Fight Against Teen Smoking
Parents' Involvement Helps Kids Overcome Peer Influence on smoking
Pediatricians Urge Elimination of Smoking from Movies

Point-Counterpoint: What to say to your kids about Marijuana

Preparing our kids for peer pressure
Prescription Drug Abuse Crisis among American Teens
Preventing Adolescent Suicide
Prom: PROMise to Keep It Safe
Psychological effects of childhood obesity
Put a Stop to Teenage Bullying Behavior
Put Your Best Face Forward
Raising Self-Assured Teenage Girls
Resisting Peer Pressure - Advice from Teens
Respect: Getting What You Give
SeeSaw: A Teen's Right to Privacy
Setting Limits with Teens
Seven Parenting Tips to Help Your Kids Avoid Drugs
Siblings Fighting with Each Other
Sleep-Deprived Teens Pose Safety Hazard
Spring Break and your Adolescent
Stages of Adolescent Substance Abuse
Stayling Home Alone - Is your chld ready to fly solo?
Stepfamilies - Facts and Fictions
Steroids Don't Work Out
Stomach Pain can Tell Another Story
Stomach Pain is Common
Stop Picking Your Nose
Successfully Raising Teenagers in Today's Crazy World
Summer Months Tempting Time for Teenagers to Try Drugs, Alcohol for the First Time
Symptoms of Adolescent Depression
Talking to Kids about Puberty
Talking to Teens about Sexuality
Talking with Children about Today's Tragic Events
Talking with kids
Talking with Kids about Smoking
Talking with Kids About War
Talking with your Kids: Resources on Kidsgrowth.com
Teaching Kids how to Avoid Peer Pressure
Teasing and the Short Child
Teen Curfews
Teen Facts
Teen Gambling is not always a safe bet!
Teens abusing cold remedies in record numbers to attain PCP-like high
Teens and Depression
Teens at Risk: Stressors and Signs
Teens staying home alone this summer
Teens' reactions following a Crisis
Ten Signs Your Teenager is Burning Out
Ten Things Every Teen Should Know About Marijuana
Ten Tips for Live-away Fathers
Ten Tips for Nurturing Your Child
Ten Tips For Parents To Help Their Children Avoid Teen Pregnancy

The Anxious Child

The Brain's Response to Drugs
The Effects of Anabolic Steroid Abuse
The Enforcer Strikes Out
The Facts about Cocaine
The Facts of Cough Medicine Abuse
The Family Chip/Reward System
The Good News and Bad News about Teen Driving
The Hidden Consequences of College-Age Drinking
The Myths and Realities of Adolescent Suicide
The peril of drunk driving
The Respectful Child
Therapy Helps Teens with Social Phobia
Three Mistakes Parents of Overweight Kids Make
Three Teen Tools to Create Cooperation and Build Respect
Tips for Parents: Helping Kids say No to drinking
Tips for Raising Teenagers
Tips for Spotting Adolescent Depression
Tips for Teens: The Truth About Tobacco
To Clean or Not to Clean (Your Child's Room)
Tobacco Industry Targeting Teens
Too Sexy, Too Soon
Trichotillomania (Hair Pulling) in Children
Trips to the Bathroom
Turn the Radio Down!
Understanding Teen Suicide
Understanding Teens: Opening the Door to a Better Relationship
Understanding the feelings and behaviors of the Middle School Child
Using Tampons: Advice for the Teenage Girl
Using Time Out for Negative Behaviors
Violence is Back in the News
Weathering the Tween Years
Weight can Damage Self-Esteem
What are Your Values?
What Could Happen if You Drink and Drive
What is bullying?
What Parents Can Do to Help their daughters love their bodies!
What Parents Should Know about Club Drugs
What should I do if my child says he or she is too scared to go to sleep?
What to Do If a Friend Talks of Suicide
What to Do if You Don't Like the Letters in that Little Piece of Paper Called a Report Card
What to do if your child is being bullied
What to do when a Child Steals
What to Expect of Your Teenager
What to Say if Your Teen is Smoking
What Your Pediatrician is Reading:
Quick Tool May Help Identify Victims of Abuse
When a Child Uses Bad Language
When Busy is Too Busy

When Children Lie

When Older kids steal
When should parent's search their child's room?
Why do Teens Cave into Peer Pressure?
Why Won't My Child Talk To Me?
Winds of Change
Worries about Weight
You can Save Your Child's Life
Your Kids and Drugs: 20 Tips for Parents to Help You Make a Difference

Health Information from our Experts

My twelve year old daughter seems too concerned about her weight. I think her weight is normal,

but she says she is too fat. What should I do? ...
I do not think it is correct to reward or bribe my child for work they do around the house. Do you
What do you do when your teenager starts hanging out with the wrong crowd? ...
While cleaning my teenage daughter's bedroom, I found an empty box of Vivarin in the
wastebasket. Is this medicine dangerous? ...
Three of my teenage grandsons are outgoing and excel at sports. A fourth is quiet and something
of a loner. He not only does not play sports, he doesn't know anything about them. How can I help him
become more of a typical boy? ...
Why do my children seem to be so discouraged? ...
How is the Attention Deficit Disorder diagnosed?...
My high school son is thinking about getting a tattoo. What are the medical dangers of a tattoo? ...
I recently learned that my teenage daughter is smoking. She knows that smoking causes cancer
and heart disease. What kind of discussion can I have with her to encourage her to stop? ...
My two sons have always been polite and well-mannered, but every since starting a new school
this year they both are coming home and swearing and using bad words and expressions. They are
nine and eleven. Neither my husband nor I use such language. How s...
My ten year old is quite small. He comes by it naturally, both my family and my husband's family
are short. We had him checked out by the pediatrician and there is no medical reason (except
hereditary) for his size. However, he is concerned about his he...
My 12 year old brother who is active in hockey and soccer started sleep walking abour a year ago.
It seems to be getting worse as he tries to go outside in the middle of the night and once my parents
were at a hotel and he walked out into the hallway. ...
I am having trouble falling asleep at night. It seems to take forever (at least an hour or two) even
though I'm really tired. I go to bed at about 10 p.m. and have to get up at 6 a.m. I'm really tired in the
morning. This has been going on for the pa...
My dad caught me smoking a plain old cigarette. I'm grounded forever. I can't see my friends and I
have to mow the lawn all summer. My brother doesn't even have to help. Why is he so upset? It isn't
fair. ...
I'm 13 and my mother says my room looks like the city dump. We constantly get into fights about
it. What should I do? ...
Last week my best friend was involved in an automobile accident. She was charged with driving
under the influence. I dont drink but my parents keep acting like they think I do. Should I do
anything? ...
I hate having diabetes. It gets in the way of everything. I have to eat all of these snacks and test
my blood sugar levels. I get low blood sugar in class and the teacher makes a big deal out of it. Now
my doctor wants me to take a third insulin shot...
I am fifteen years old and would like to get my tongue pierced. Are there any medical reasons why
I shouldnt?...
How successful are stimulant drugs in treating Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder? What are
the side effects? If one drug does not work, does that mean that all of them will not work? ...
Will a urine drug test be positive for marijuana if my teenage son claims he was just in the same

room with other teens who were smoking it? How long is a test positive after a child has smoked
marijuana? ...
My 16-year old daughter recently came to me and indicated that she had sex without using a
condom and that her friend said he had chlamydia. We have made an appointment to see my
gynecologist. What are the symptoms of chlamydia?...
Our daughter is eleven and is very shy. My husband thinks it would do her good to go to summer
camp for either two weeks or a month. She can spend the night sleeping at friends house but has
never been away from home for more than one night. Do you think i...
I read that gangs recruit members at a young age. Is there any way to tell if my adolescent is
involved in a gang? ...
I am a 13 year old boy and I want to get my ear pierced. My parents think this means Im gay. Boy
are they wrong. What should I do? ...
I suspect that my 15-year-old daughter is drinking alcohol. What's the best way to approach her
on this? ...
I'm 13 and am arguing a lot with my mother because she won't let me date. I think I'm old enough,
I get good grades, and don't get into trouble. All of my girl friends can date. It just isn't fair. How can I
convince her to change her mind? ...
I am 17 and have a part time job. My mother says I can't work more than 20 hours a week during
the school year. My boss wants me to work more. She's unfair....
I just found out that my son and his friend, both not quite 12 years old, were on the internet and
got into several pornographic sites. We have a rule that our children are not to be on the internet
without our permission, which he did not have. So I hav...
I have an 11 year old that refuses to listen. Most of the time he is rude, disrespectful, and acts as
though he makes the rules. When he was 5, I would spank him when he did things wrong but that did
not work. So, I would use time out. That would work as...
My doctor just told me I should take an antidepressant because she believes Im depressed. I
dont feel like killing myself and I dont take drugs....
Have you ever heard of a child with "button" (as in the type that come on clothing) phobia? This
started with my son before his second birthday. I thought he would grow out of it. He is now
approaching his fifth birthday and still cannot wear anything with...
Our daughter is going to be eight years old next month and I am starting to think about talking to
her about growing up, getting her period, etc. What do I say? How much do I tell her about sex at this
age? Is eight too young? I bought her a workbook and...
My daughter, who recently divorced her husband, has two beautiful daughters aged seven and
five. They are totally unruly and ignore everything she tells them to do. She has tried her best to be a
good mother, but she is finding it more and more difficult...
I have a 13-year-old boy who is terrified of the dark. Should I be concerned? He will not sleep
without the overhead light on (not just a night light). He is actually my husband's brother who has lived
with us for the last four years. When he first moved...
Is it okay for my teenage daughter to be a vegetarian?...
I am worried that my teenage daughter may be bulimic. How can I tell?...
I am a 13 year old girl and I really feel depressed recently. My parents are great sometimes, but
they really make me feel bad because they call me fat and too short. They won't let me do anything
such as :go out with my friends to the mall or movies, we...
What is the best way to stop my eight-year-old from biting her nails? ...
I am so stressed out about school I cant sleep at night. Im a good student so why am I always
feeling so anxious about my grades? ...
My 11 yr. old son is very thin and small for his age. He had a nervous stomach when he was 4-6
and had episodes of stomach cramps periodically. We were told he would outgrow this and he
apparently did. In the last year he has had extreme flatulance. He...
I'm worried that my older brother is doing drugs. He hangs out with bad kids and seems kind of
out of it to me. If I say something to him or to my parents, hell hate me. What should I do? ...
I am a 14 year old girl and have a dark mustache I hate. My mother says it doent show but its
driving me crazy! Im afraid to just shave it off. Do creams and other methods work? ...
I have an eleven year old daughter who suddenly is having trouble falling asleep at night. She
works herself up into such a frenzy that it takes a while to get her to sleep, and she sometimes is up

even after my husband and I go to sleep. She is doing w...

I hate school! There is nothing there that interests me and I have two years until I graduate. Im
not old enough to take the GED but I feel like Im just wasting my time. The only reason I go now is
because I know there arent many good jobs out there for...
I have two boys, one is six the other three. My six year old is a sweet boy with a heart of gold, but
he's been getting in trouble at school. He's not doing anything too serious just basically goofing off. He
tends to be impulsive and lacks self control...
My 11 year old daughter has been feeling very tired and depressed lately. She is not doing well in
school. I have been trying to help her with her work but we seem to always end up fighting, or she
runs to her room crying. This is her first year at middle...
I know of at least 4 teenagers who cut shallow lines on themselves when they feel stressed. They
are all friends and seem to be otherwise normal, active kids. None of them are taking drugs, drinking
or otherwise worrisome. All of them are stressed by w...
My son is going to be nine right away, and my question is...Since he was little he's always had a
bad temper, but it definately has escalated. My friends have even commented on how badly he loses
it. I give him time out's but he seems to think that everybo...
My 6-year-old, kindergarten daughter has been having a problem with daytime wetting. Infection
and diabetes have been ruled out. She does very well staying dry at night time. Having daily wet pants
was very traumatic for her since starting school. I am...
Everytime my daughter does not get what she wants, she whines, and it is driving be crazy. What
is the best way to stop this annoying behavior? ...
My nine year old has just started to swear (probably picked it up at school). My mother in law says
I should wash his mouth out with soap. How do you think I should handle this problem?...
My eleven year old daughter has had problems with being easily distracted ever since first grade.
We have had her tested by the school psychologist, and were told she is a very intelligent child (in the
gifted programs) but has trouble sticking to task. Sh...
I have a 15 year old boy who is creating a considerable amout of stress in our household. He is in
9th grade. He does the minimum amount of work to pass, though he has tested out gifted. He gets
himself into trouble over things like not showing up for de...
I am eleven years old and do not want to eat meat. Is it okay for me to be a vegetarian?...
My parents are getting a divorce and theyve told my sister and I that were all going to family
counseling. I dont want to go and cant see that it would help anything. If I refuse to go, what will
happen? ...
Our nine year old daughter constantly lies. She has "told stories" since she was 6. Now, she down
right lies to our face. One of us will ask why something happened and she answers. Knowing it can't
be right, we ask her if she is telling us the whole tru...
What are the average times in minutes that you would expect a childs attention span to last?...
Our 6-year-old grandson has encopresis. His parents are separated which only compounds the
treatment problem. I have him for several weeks this summer. Mommy has decided he is holding
bowel movements on purpose and has discontinued the mineral oil. ...
I have an 11-year-old daughter who is beginning to show some bodily changes. I want to be able
to explain to her what is happening and what is going to happen, but I'm frightened to death of saying
the wrong thing or too much. I didn't have a mother grow...
I just read the response you gave to the parent that was worried about his/her son's weight. While
I understand everything you said, I was wondering what you would tell a parent whose child is all
ready what I consider to be obese? It's my nephew. He's 1...
I suspect my nearly 11-year-old daughter took $40 out of my wallet this morning. My husband and
I think she has taken $3 before, and $15 "mysteriously disappeared" from my purse as well. We have
been trying to monitor things (he's been marking his money;...
The behaviour of my 5 year old nephew is becoming quite worrying in both his actions and the
danger he is becoming to younger girls that we know. He has just recently started school and my
worry is that he will try the same things at school. Some of his ou...
I have a four year old daughter who likes to rub her genital area on the floor. She's been doing this
since she was3 and I had hoped it would get better once she was potty trained but instead it got
worse. At times her vagina is rubbed raw and I'd like to ...
My 13 year old son spends a lot of time on the telephone and chatting with his friends on the

computer.He get's straight A's in school an is quite responsible but this new social side of him has me
wondering just what is an appropriate time limit for these...
Thank you in advance if you can answer my question. My 5 year old son has started to blink
excessively. He is definitely not aware that he is doing this. Should he been seen by an eye doctor? Is
this a nervous condition? ...
Is it okay to sniff nail polish?...
What can you do if you suspect a friend has an eating disorder?...
At my school I see knives and small handguns all around, but nobodies getting caught. I've
thought of carrying one for protection from the other kids. Is that OK? ...
I have an 11 year old son who has some learning disabilities and has ADD. The teachers and
programs at school have been wonderful for him. I only breast fed him for about 4 weeks after his birth
and then used formula. I've now been reading that breast fed ...
What is appropriate sexual behavior for 6 yr old boys? I am getting contradictory information on
this. I have a 6 yr old grandson who exhibits overt sexual behavior towards his mother. I have recently
read some information that would suggest that this is b...
Who are the children more likely to become juvenile delinquents? How can one identify the child
or adolescent, at-risk for becoming a delinquent, and what should be done to prevent it? ...
What is an appropriate weight for a 12 year old male, height 5'2"? My son now weighs in at (what I
consider to be) a healthy 140 pounds. His exercise level is moderate. He doesn't seem to be fat,
however, I am concerned about other health risks and long te...
My daughter is 7 years old and very shy. I currently reading the book "A SHY CHILD". I was
wondering how would I know if and when my daughter needs professional help. ...
My daughter will be six years old in july and she is scared of everything. She is especially afraid of
dogs and other animals, however, we go through phases where the "object" of her fear is something
completely different. Recently, she had a virus and had...
My daughter told a friend that she is smoking pot and I was told. She just got her own car and she
is only 16. She keeps denying that she is doing it and is angry at me and won't talk to me. What
should I do? ...
I am extremely concerned about my daughter's weight problem. She is 12 years old, has stretch
marks on her stomach and legs, and looks very overweight. She does not over eat. I think diets are
unfair, particularly to a teenager. She had her thyroid checked...
Can stress in the family affect a childs growth? ...
Could an 11 year old girl be anorexic at such a young age? What behaviors would be a red-flag? If
she says she's not hungry in the morning and doesn't want to have breakfast would you let her go to
school without eating anything? She talks about being f...
My son is 6 and has trouble going to sleep. We have a regular routine that gets him in bed by
8:30, but it usually after 10:30 before he falls asleep. This has been going on for about a year and
does not seem to be affected by how much activity he had duri...
I have a child that is 4 years old and very hyper. We have tried different things in the past and
have seen our regular peditrician about this problem. His doctor says that he will out grow this problem
and if by the time he starts school there is still a ...
My 9 1/2 year old son has lost a few pounds over the last few months and is five pounds less than
he was 10 months ago (at his last exam). He's not a good eater and does not sit well at meals.
However, he has always grown despite similar eating patterns. H...
I have a teenage son (15) he will be a senior next year. Over the last few years he has gone from
being an A student to D and F student. He is not interested in any school social events, he is always
tired. He doens't have friends over. He does talk with a...
My parents insist on me having a curfew. I am 15. My boyfriend is 16 years old and he drives and
in two years he will be an adult. It gets me steamed to think how my parents try to control him and me.
He has to have me in by mid night! On the weeke...
WORRIED TEEN How do I help my ten-year old son have self-esteem and confidence? He is a
worrier. He worries about things that are over a year into the future. He is having trouble focusing in
school and it is effecting his grades. ...
My daughter is 10. She has had behavior problems and weight problems since she was 3. We
have been to multiple physicians including endocrinologist, gastroenterologist, mental health
professionals etc. I have no more help now than I did when she was 3. She...

I've looked everywhere for information about trichatillmania..not sure of the spelling. My son has

begun pulling out his hair to the extent that he has bald spots and I'm very worried. We have a lot of
changes in our lives here recently and he just started...
I now have custody of my 4 year old grandson which we want to tell him that my son is his natural
father and not the dad who is in prison which he loves very much. His step father will be getting out
son and there is a chance the natural mother and step...
My 11 year old daughter has suddenly started crying every morning about going to school and
leaving me. She says she misses me and can not control her feelings. She is miserable. What can we
My son, who will be turning four in February has trouble with bedweting. He was potty trained
before he was two and loves to use the potty. Wearing boxer shorts and cartoon underwear made it
very easy to train him. However, sometimes when he takes naps at ...
My 9 year old son who was completely potty trained by 2 1/2 is now having bowel movement
accidents. My concern is the bm is very pasty, it also is extremely large and appears to be the full
length of his colon. He gives me several reasons from it hurts, to...
My six-year-old is stealing from his first-grade teacher. This behavior just developed. Prior to this,
he was in a top-notch pre-school and never stole anything. However, he has always been a hoarder.
He has loved bags and purses since he was a toddler and...
Is it unhealthy for an 11 year old boy to sleep wtih his single mother? ...
I am worried that my 8-year-old might be depressed. Is this possible? What should I look for? ...
As a teacher assistant in an alternative learning program, I am often faced with children who are
identified with learning disorders. What suggestions can you give me when a student refuses to do his
or her work?...
How would I know whether my child is hyperactive?...
My 10-year-old daughter was diagnosed at three and re-evaluated at age six for ADHD. While she
was "hyper" at one time, her symptoms began to gravitate toward problems with concentration,
following directions, and forgetfulness. She began exhibit...
After browsing through your Q & A site, I haven't seen any information specifically related to
anxiety disorders. My 8 yr. old son was just diagnosed with anxiety disorder by a psychiatrist. He was
prescribed buspar and along with the medication has to see...
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