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New Zealand Patent Application No. 52 1823, October




'Introduction to Fourier optics' (Academic, New York,






Exact representation of antenna

system diversity performance from
input parameter description





S. Blanch, J. Romeu and I. C o r b e l l a



simplc formulation Io compute thc envelope correlation of an

antenna divemiry system is dcrired. 11 is shown how to compute the
envelope correlation hom the S-parameter descnplian o f the antenna
system. T h i s approach has the advantage that i t does not require the
computation nor the measurement of the radiation panem o f the
antenna system. It also offers the advantage o f providing a clca
understanding ofthe effects ofmutual coupling and input match on the
diversity performance of the antcnnii system.

Fig. 3 Predicted ond mensrrredpower distribution/or. 126 nmfhcol length

o r r q ui 10 GHz

- -0- -measured

Introduction: Antenna diversity is acknowledgcd as onc of the

techniques to increase spectrum efficiency in mobile communication
systems. It is also recognised that mutual coupling of tho antenna
degrades the performance of a diversity antenna system. Therefore
antenna designers try to design antenna systems that minimise
coupling between pons while mceting the input matching requirements. Following [I] the envelope correlation for a two-antenna
system is computed as:







The ncw antenna has a significant size advantage over the previous
focused beam solutions. For example. the same beam waist size was
obtained with the 150 x 150 mm antenna array described here as that
obtained with a spherical lens with 200 mm diameter illuminated by a
standard X band hom antenna. In addition, the antenna array with a
focused beam has a patentidl to provide advanced sensing options for
microwave inspection applications.



4) is the field radiation panern of the antenna system when
p a n i is excited, and denotes the Hermitian product. To compute ( I ) it
is necessary to know the mdiatian pattern of the antenna system and
perform the numerical integrations. This is a cumbersomc process,
whether it is done numerically OT experimentally Nevertheless this is
the approach that is followed by most antenna designcrs [Z, 31. In [4] it
is experimentally shown that the diversity antenna system performance
can be determined from (I), mutual coupling measurements or direct
envelope correlation measurement. In the following Section an exact
expression to compute ( I ) from the S-parameter characterisation of the
antenna system will bc derived. This approach has the advantage that it
is not necessary to know the radiation panem of the antenna system,
and that the explicit influencc of muhlal coupling and input match is

Acknodedgmenrs: This work was funded by the New Zealand

Foundation for Research, Science and Technology. The authors
thank K. J. Crcsswell and W. S . Holmes for their help and support.

0 IEE 2003
Electronic.< Letters Online No: 20030479
DO/: 10.1049/e1:20U30479


d ) / * d fI"l J J l ~ ~ V
4 jL

Fig. 4 Predicied and meosur.edpo,~,erdi.~iriburionfi,r

300 rnnr,focal Ien,qi/t
urroy ai I O GHz




14 Fehrubv 2003

M. Bagosanovich (Indrrsirid Reseurch Lid, PO B m 2225 Paraell,

Auckland, New Zealrind)
E-mail: m.bagosanovich@irl.cri.nz
4 . G . Williamson (Departmenr of Electrical and Electronic
Engineering. The Universit). of Auckland, Privote Bag 92019,
Auckland. New Zealand)
CRESSWELL. K.J.: 'A comparison ofthe systems for non-contact and nondestmctive namral product inspection'. 5th B E M A Conf., Rotorua,
New ZealanJ March 2003 (accepted for publication)


Fig. 1 General gevmetrpfor fwo-onfenno diverrity sy.~ienz

Ist M a y 2003 Vol. 39 No. 9


Mathematical derivation: Consider the situation shown in Fig. 1 in

which two antennas are driven by two generators at the same
frequency. The antennas are not necessarily well matched and have
nonzero mutual coupling. For a given point at co-ordinates ( I , 0, 4) in
the far-field region, the total radiated electric field is the sum of the
contributions from each antenna:

where '1 is the free-space wave impedance, k the wave number, D,the
maximum directivity of antenna i and 610, 4) its normalised complex
voltage pattern, which includes the effect of the other antenna termnated by the reference impedance Z,. Note that both pattems are
referred to a common co-ordinate system and are defined in terms of
the incident wave (ai and oz,respectively).
The total p o w r radiated by both antennas is the integral of the power
density over the whole space

antenna system input parameters and radiation pattems have been

computed using MOM. It is clearly seen that both inethods provide
exactly the same result. It is also interesting to note that mutual
coupling alone does not provide a good estimate for the envelope
correlation. Another simple application of (II)is to evaluate the
envelope correlation against operating frequency. In Fig. 3 the
envelope correlation and the S-parameters for an orthogonal-fed
square microstrip patch antenna is shown against frequency. Note
that by using (11) the envelope correlation computation is straightforward from numerical simulation or laboratory measurement. On the
contrary, the evaluation using ( I ) implies the computation or the
measurement of the radiation patterns at each frequency.

-1 0










separation between antennas. dlh

Fig. 2 Envelope correlation and S-parumetrrsjor two collinear holf-wwr
dipoles againsi their separation
0 -

far i, j = l or 2. In these equations, the differential solid angle

dn = d S / s is uscd. From the definition of the scalar product, it follows
that C,=
Equation (4) can be written in a more compact form as:






where a is the column vector of a, and u2 and C is a 2 x 2 correlation

matrix having ( 5 ) and (6) as elements.
However, the radiated power should be equal lo the total power
entering the two antennas. From S-parameter theory, this is:

P =Ea,i=l

-IO0 -


- - St1 parameter


_ . C '

b, = 8 + 8 - b+b = a+iI - S+S)a



being I the identity matrix and S the S-parameters defined in the input
ports of the antennas. The symbol ' ' indicates Hermitian transpose
operation. Identifying this with (7), it follows that C = I S+S which is
equivalent to the two following conditions:





2.95 3.00 3.05

frequency. GHz




Fig. 3 Envelope correlation and S-parameirrsfor ortltob.onol-fed square

microsnip patch ontenna ugainrt Jkquency

Therefore by considering (9) and (IO) the envelope correlation given

by ( I ) can be exDressed in terms of the S-~arametersof the antenna
system as:

Applicution: As an example application, the envelope correlation for

a two-antenna system formed by two collinear half-have dipoles has
been computed following ( I ) and ( I I). In Fig. 2 the results obtained
by both methods are shown against the spacing between antennas. The


Conclusion: The expression that has been derived can be applied to

compute the envelope correlation of any two-port antenna diversity
system. It provides a simple functional to he minimised in an
optimisation procedure dcsign. It also shows that a certain set of
simultaneous specifications such as muhlal coupling, input match and
cross-polar radiation may be redundant and in certain cases incompatible. Finally, this expression providcs clear criteria in antenna design
for minimising the envelope correlation. The expression can be easily
cxtended to a multiple port antenna system, and can be applied in
designing and assessing the diversity performancc of antennas in
mobile communications and remote sensing.
Acknowledgmenfs: This work has been partially supported by the
Spanish Govemment through grant TIC 2001-26364-CO3-01, the EC


1st May 2003

Vol. 39 No. 9

through the project IST 2001-33055 and the Department d'Universitats, Recerca i Societat de la lnformacidn (DURSI) de la Generalitat
de Catalunva.

0 IEE 2003
Elecrronics Letlers Online No: 20030495
D o l : I O . 1049/e1:200304Y5

19 Fehruav 2003

S. Blanch, J. Romeu and I. Corbella (Electromugnetics & Photonics

Engineering Group, Deportment qf Signol Themy and
Comniuwicution.s. Universitot Politecnico de Catnlcmnya. c/Jordi
Gimna, 1-3, MAdrrl D3, Campus Nord UPC, 08034 Barcelona, Spain)
E-mail: romeu@tsc.upc.es.es
S. Blanch, J. Romeu and I. Corbella: Also with the Centre de
Tecnalogia de Telecamunicacions de Catalunya (CTTC)


and ANDERSEX. J.B.: 'Antenna diversity in mobile

communications', IEEE Trons. Eh. Techno/., 1987. 36. pp. 149-172
DIETRICH, c.B.. DIETZC. K., NEALS, R.J.. and STLIIZMAN. w . ~ :'Spatial,
polanration and panem diversity for widess handheld terminals', IEEE
%om Antennas Pmpug, 2001.49, pp. 1?71-12UI
JENSEN, M.A., and RAHMAT~SAMII.Y: 'Performance analysis Of antennils
for hand-held IranscciveB using FDTD', IEEE Tmuns. Antennns Pmpag.,
1YY4,42, pp. I 106-1 1I3
KO.S.C.K., and MURCII. RD.: 'Compact integrated divenity antenna for
wireless communications', IEEE Trons. Anfennos Pmpog., 2001, 49,
pp. 954-960

radiation of the given antenna current is maximal, but lateral radiation

is significant and the pattern in the H-plane is close to the semi-circle.
When X\->r, the total radiation is smaller but the latcral one is
suppressed and both near-field and far-field panems are diverted
from the plane 121. In this Letter we show that the suppression of the
lateral radiation holds also for a complex surface impedance (the real
pan of Z, describer the transmission of the electromagnetic waves
through the impedance surface). The main difference with the case of
-the purely inductive Z, (the case of HIS) is that the panem is 8-shaped.
To obtain this kind of panem it is possible to use the known UPPBGS
[3] as the impedance surface with complex surface impedance. In
practice, suppressing the lateral waves is not sufficient for proper
operatian of the radiating system. It must be efficient, of COUTSC.
Therefore, we need to obtain constwctive interaction between the
horizontal SOUKC and the UPPBGS. It is possible if X, is positive and
high enough with rcspect to the surface resistance R,. Thus, there is a
certain frequency band in which the UPPBGS 131 operates as required.
Note, that the same consideration can be made for the source o f TMwaves (vertical or horizontal magnetic antenna) when the required X,is,
in this case, negative (the case of a capacitive UPPBGS).

Fig. I Unit cells

Unit cell ofknown smichlre (conventional JC)
h Unit cell of suggertcd shLIcNre (modified JC)

Uniplanar PBG screens for forming

antenna patterns

C.R. Simovski and B. Sauviac

conventional JC normal reflection

The possibility of farming the widehand U-shaped panem of an

antenna in thc Il-plane with rhe usc of a uniplanar phoionic bvndgap
screen (UPPBGS) is studied. TW vmants o f UPPBGS arc compared.
The first i s the known structure developed by the group ofT. Itoh, the
second i s ifs suggested modification (presenred hy the authors). I t is
shown that the modified s t m c ~ r eoperates at IOWT frequencies than
does the known S ~ N C I U ~ (for
C the same cell rizc).



htrodrrcrion: In modem microwwc tcchniques, printed circuit anten-


nas are widely uscd. Generally thcsc antennas are positioned on the
interface of a diclcctric layer with a metal ground plane. Often, one
needs to make its thickness h very small compared fa the wavelength
I. in free space. To obtain canstmctive interaction of the antenna with
the substrate and not to spend the greater part ofenergy in exciting the
lateral waves in the dielectric, it is possible to use high-impedance
surfaces (HIS). The HIS is usually thought a f a s a resonant magnetic
wall (MW) with h < < i / 4 [I].
A uniplanar photonic bandgap screen (UPPBGS) representing a
complementing screen with respect to the grid of metal Jerusalem
crosscs (JC), which was suggested and studied by T. Iroh's group, found
many applications. Of thcse, we consider the use of a UPPBG for
shaping the antenna panern. It is easy to prow that B planar perfectly
conducting structure cannot behave as a HIS on its own. To have the
propenies of a HIS (MW) a UPPBGS must be associated with a metal
ground plane. However. there are some cases when the s I N c ~ r should
not be impenetrable. Far example, the practical requirement can be to
suppress the Iatcral radiation of the antenna, whereas the radiation is
required in both upper and lower half-spaces (to form the %shaped
pattem in the H-plane). In this case the UPPBGS can be applied alone
since it suppresser the surface waves within rather wide frequency
It was shown in [2] that the moderate inductive surface impedance
Z.? = j X , (where X , > 0 is the surface reactance) i s preferable to divert the
radiation of the horizontal antenna from the impedance planc over
which the antenna is positioned. It concerns both the far-zone and nearzone of the antenna. When the surface reactancc is high compared to
the free-space impedance X,>>il (the regime of MW). the total



1st May 2003

JC 2.



d 4.2












frequency, G H r

Fig. 2 Reflection coeflcient, and nonnalired surfice impedunce, for

known UPPBGS [;I
U Reflection coefficient
6 Nomali>cd surface impedance



-I m ( b )

Band in which laferal radiation is efficiently suppressed is shown

When the working frequencies are low, and the horizontal dimen-

sions o f t h e whole SINCture are restricted by a few centimetres, thc use

of UPPBGSs becomes difficult. In this situation, the required grid
period turns out to be rathcr high and can be comparable with the

Vol. 39 No. 9


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