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8 suggestions when it's the

right time to use an NDA


When in-depth
business discussions are underway
You may be worried that if you share your secrets with another party,
they may misuse the information for their own purposes or share it
around recklessly.

You can protect your confidential information with an NDA (1).

(1) Link to https://everynda.com/blog/sample-non-disclosure-agreement-template/

Confidential information can include things such as:

Customer lists
Technical designs
Your business plans
And so on

When hiring freelancers

An NDA is not required if you dont intend to share any
confidential information with the freelancer.

You can combine the non-disclosures clauses with the IP

assignment clauses in your freelancer agreement.

When hiring employees

The clauses to bound the employee to confidentiality obligations are
included along with the employment contract.

When during a licensing negotiation

Request to sign an NDA before the discussions take place.

You may also want to make sure that whenever you allow another
party to evaluate your product/service, that they have signed an NDA
and agree not to reverse-engineer your process.
The Recipient acknowledges and agrees that any Software Source Code and Software Products received under this
agreement, and any Software Products derived or compiled from the Software Source Code, are subject to the following

1. Recipient may use the Software Products for evaluation purposes for a period of sixty (60) days from the date of
this agreement, or with a valid software license obtained from the Discloser. All other uses are expressly
forbidden by this agreement.
2. Recipient may not grant rights to use the Software Source Code or Software Products to any other individual or
entity. Usage of these is limited to the Recipient signed below.
3. Recipient is subject to all terms and limitations set forth in all separate software licenses provided by Discloser to
Recipient with the Software Source Code.

When you want to protect the

intellectual property
NDAs are a MUST if you intend to share trade secrets (2).

The law is clear: if you want to keep your trade secret status, you
need to take reasonable steps to protect the confidentiality of your
trade secret.

(2) Link to https://everynda.com/blog/confidential-information-vs-trade-secrets/

Ask for an NDA
If an NDA can't be signed, consider limiting what
information you share to generic, non-confidential
Icon from slide 2 created by parkjisun from the Noun Project.
Icon from slide 6 created by Jenny Chisnell from the Noun Project.
Icon from slide 9 created by romzicon from the Noun Project.
Icon from slide 11 created by Gregor renar from the Noun Project.

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