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18 Sep 2016,

Jesus invites us into the kingdom of God

(Matt 4:17 & Colossians 1:11-14)

Friends, during the 1940s, hundreds of small towns across rural America were offered a
new way of living. You see, during the 1940s, the US Electricity Commission extended their
power lines into country areas for the very first time. And so for the first time ever, electricity
became freely available to people who were living on farms. And so suddenly peoples
lives could be completely changed. I mean, the way the farmers worked, the way they
washed their clothes, the way they cooked their food & the way they cleaned their houses
could all be changed. And as the old farmers saw the new power poles go up along the
main roads in front of them, the message from the government to these farmers was very
clearRepent, because electricity has come near. In other words, repent (or turn away)
from using your kerosene lamps & your lanterns, repent from using your iceboxes & cellars,
& stop using your peddle powered sewing machines & your old battery powered radios.
Now is the time to turn your life around & start living a new way- with electricity in your life.
Now is the time to start living with light bulbs & fridges & vacuum cleaners & electric radios.
Repent from the old life & start living a new & better life with electricity in your lives come
into the kingdom of electricity. And friends, most people did repent, most people stopped living their old
way & they hooked up to the power lines & they began to enjoy a new way of life - with electricity. But
amazingly not everyone did repent. You see, some people didnt want to change & so they missed out.
They missed out on a great opportunity to live in the kingdom of electricity. A kingdom we still enjoy
Well friends, this morning, I want to tell you that our lord Jesus Christ offers each of us a new opportunity in
life, & its more radical & more powerful than electricity. And this new opportunity is to live your life with
the risen Jesus -in the kingdom of God, today. And really, that is the message from the Bible to you & to
me. Repent because the kingdom of God is now here, today. And friends, life in this kingdom of God is
very different to the way that people around us live their normal, everyday their lives, today. And its so
different that the Bible describes this change like moving from darkness to light, or like moving from death
to life. Look at Colossians 1
God has rescued us from the kingdom of darkness & brought us into the Kingdom of his dear Son, Jesus, 14
who has bought our freedom & forgiven us our sins.

You see, the good news of the Bible is that there is now a new way to live, Now, there is a better way to
live in the kingdom of Gods dear son, Jesus. Now the truth is friends that if you havent been here over
the last couple of weeks then this probably doesnt make any sense to you. Because over the last 2
weeks, as weve looked at Genesis 3, we have discovered that the world we live in today is lost in great
darkness where sin & death now rule over all of people - even as they go about living their normal,
everyday lives. You see, 2 weeks ago, when we looked at Genesis chapter 3, we saw that the first
humans rebelled against God. They wanted to be independent of God, they wanted to have their own
human wisdom - without God. And so for the first time ever they doubted Gods goodness & then they
disobeyed God. And as soon as they rejected God they separated themselves from the one who gave
them life - & so death entered into their lives. And if you remember from last week, we saw what living in
this new death actually looked like. Because suddenly, for the first time ever, the first man & woman
experienced powerful, destructive emotions like shame & fear & guilt. And suddenly, there was blaming
& pain & frustration, & for the first time ever, the man & woman would fight for control in their relationship.
And then one day, their bodies would stop & physical death would come & they would be separated
from God forever. Friends, this was how the kingdom of darkness & death first entered into our world. And
it has been here ever since. And really, if we are honest with ourselves, we will see that we too live in the
same world that Adam & Eve created - through their disobedience. Because if we think carefully &
honestly about our own lives, & the lives of our families & our friends & our neighbours, we will see the
same destructive things that Adam & Eve experienced in the garden in our own lives today.
Friends, the truth is, that every time we experience shame, or fear, or guilt, or pain; every time we blame
each other & every time we argue with our wives & husbands - we are experiencing the consequences
of living in a world where people are separated from God, where people do not know God, & where we
are separated from the life God gives, separated from His purity & goodness & grace. Friends, the Bible
calls this situation the kingdom of darkness & death. And it is very dark & there is no light switch. I mean,
you cant just flick a switch & everything will be okay. No!...this death, this life without God surrounds us &

it is in us, because we all naturally want to be the god of our own lives, & we all want to do what we
want to do when we want to do it. And because we want to be god, we are separated from Gods life,
& so we live in death - with shame & guilt, with fear & frustration, with hostility & greed, with jealousy &
pain. Friends, that is the world we live in today! And yet, in just the same way that electricity came to
those farmers in America back in the 1940s to bring them a new way of living - so Jesus has come close
to us. to bring his light & his life & his kingdom into this dark world. Look at John 8:12
Then Jesus spoke to them again. He said, I am the light of the world. Anyone who follows me will never
walk in the darkness but will have the light of life.


Friends, one of the most important things we must understand is that Jesus doesnt just save us from
death & sin. Jesus also saves us for something - Jesus saves us for a life with him. You see, Jesus is the light
of the world who saves us from living in darkness (without him) & he saves us for living in his light with
him. In other words, following Jesus brings truth where there was once lies. Obeying Jesus brings clarity
where there was once confusion. Relying on Jesus brings comfort where there was pain, & trusting Jesus
brings joy where once there was sorrow. You see, Jesus is the one who brings Gods kingdom & Gods
light into our dark world.
And friends, the quality of this new life in the kingdom of God, with Jesus, is so very different to the way
people normally live in this world, today. For example. look at Romans 14
The Kingdom of God is not about what you eat or drink- but of goodness, peace & joy in the Holy Spirit.
If you serve Jesus Christ in this way, you will be acceptable to God & approved by others.


You see, the apostle Paul who wrote these words knew very well, what people in our world spend most of
their time & energy doing. I mean, he clearly understood what most people in our world think is important
& its satisfying our stomachs & our desires. And really, our world is still the same today, isnt it? I mean,
things like money, food, fashion, wealth, popularity & comfort. These are the things that people in our
dark world most want & most desire. But the problem is that living for these things really is foolish, because
living for these things will always brings worry & jealousy, fear & anxiety into our lives. And that is how most
people live their lives, today And then Jesus comes along & starts to say things like this (Matthew 6:25)
Jesus said, Dont worry about your life31 saying What will we eat? or What will we drink? or What
will we wear? 32 Because people who dont know God eagerly desire all these things, & your heavenly
Father knows that you need them. 33 But seek first the kingdom of God and his goodness, & all these things
will be provided for you.

Friends, is Jesus crazy to talk like this? I mean, Jesus sounds like that singer, Mr Bobby McFerrin. You know
that song Bobby wrote: Dont worry, be happy. The song sounds nice, doesnt it? But you cant really
live like that, can you?live without worrying & without being anxious? Well, Jesus says you can live
without worry because when you come into the kingdom of God & you begin to live your life with Jesus,
each day - you move into a new life that continues forever. And this life with Jesus cannot be destroyed.
I mean, ever after our bodies stop working, Jesus promises that just as he was raised back to life, so you
will be raised with himAnd because this new life with Jesus is eternal - there is hope. And because there
is hope - there really is no need to worry anymore - about anythingReally! Friends, Jesus says youre
perfectly safe with me. And so now you can even sing that song Dont worry - be happy & mean it!
You see, Jesus says if you follow me we do not need to worry anymore because God owns everything in
this universe & Gods kingdom is all around us, its here, & Jesus is the king, & God knows what his children
need, & so God is able to provide what we need, when we need it - at just the right time. You see, living
in the kingdom of God- with Jesus, replaces worrying about stuff - with peace & assurance. And this
peace with God, & this assurance of His love & his ongoing care for us, brings joy into our lives. And Gods
peace & joy frees us to trust God more & it enables us to do good to others. You see, this new life with
Jesus, in the kingdom of God, frees us to become good like Jesus.
Friends, 2000 years ago, Jesus died on the cross & on the cross, for the very first time, Jesus was separated
from his father- in death. And Jesus experienced death so we could be forgiven. And thats great news
for us! But thats only half the story, because now Jesus been raised from the dead. And now, Jesus has
been given all authority & power, & Jesus now rules everything in heaven & on earth. And as ruler & king,

Jesus now offers each of us the same eternal life that he has always enjoyed - with his father. Now, Jesus
offers us a new life, an eternal kind of life. Really, Jesus offers us the greatest opportunity any human
being can ever have - a deep relationship with God. You see, the risen Jesus, offers each of us - A LIFE. A
new life - his life, living in the kingdom of God. A life where the old things like shame & fear & guilt can be
replaced by the love & joy & peace that God has in himself.
Friends, during the 1940s, power poles went up across rural America. The electricity lines were
connected & the farmers had to make a choice. Would they keep living the old way, or would they live
a new & better way in the kingdom of electricity? Friends, today we too have a choice to make
because Jesus has brought the kingdom of God into our world- it is here, & Jesus is now ruling over all
things. And Jesus has done everything that needs to be done for us to be saved from our old lives of sin &
death. & to move us into this new life, this new kingdom- with him. Jesus has died & he has been raised
from the dead. Friends, the invitation is there, the opportunity awaits. Will you make the change? Will you
leave your old life behind & will you come & live in the kingdom of God with Jesus, today?
Lets pray

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