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is QOD Vera Lucia Menezes de Oliveira ¢ Paiva (Org.) LINGUA INGLESA REFLEXOES E EXPERIENCIAS a Pontes 2005 Copyright © 1996 dos autores | Coordenagao editorial: Emesto Guimaraes Capa: Claudio Roberto Martini Revisdo: Equipe de revisores da Pontes Editores PONTES EDITORES Av. Dr. Arlindo Joaquim de Lemos, 1333 13100-451 Campinas SP Fone: (19) 3252,6011 Fax: (19) 3253,0769 ponteseditores@ponteseditores.combr | ~w.pontesecitores.com.br APOIO PARA 7 Centro de Extensio da Faculdade de Letras da UFMG DEPARTAMENTO DELETRAS ANGLO-GERMANICAS FALE-UFMG. Av. Antonio Carlos, 6627 Belo Horizonte - MG 31270-901 Fone: (31) 499-5123 Fax: (31) 499-5124 leag@oracuilo. lee. ng.br 2005 Impresso no Brasil INDICE walk 41 A questio dl de primeiré e segundo gr ST igens tradlicionais ¢ estruturais a de aul WO Refletindo sobre 0 processo ds aprenclzagem: un estudo COMpArAtiVO.. seme revo SN el: Laura Stel tem medo de ng Comprehension? ....mnesO3 Ensino de inglés através dle técnicas de teattO.nnenene ee S iz lores Nogueira D ‘logo ino Livro dickitico cle inglés.....123 ret A performance do Avany Pazzini Chi © TEXTO LITERARIO NO ENSINO DE LINGUA INGLESA MAGDA VELLOSO FERNANDES DE TO! Unie INO. iclacle Federal de Minos Gerats Ensino de lingua através de através da lingua? A pergunti é pertinente, que a educacio enfrenta nes di desabam, pata o professor de ratura OU ensino de literatura de hoje, problemas reraturas em inglés, na dlificu 1 na Ieitura de textos no ar como experiéncia € uma tentati- 10 mesmo tempo em que con- ‘empl a “Nos dltines tempos tem havkto-unr relaGonaimento pouco confortavel entre o ensino de lingua estrangeira ¢ 0 ensino de sua teratura, especificamente no contexto de segunda lingua, com ratura, estrange’ © objetivo € se lornar um professor di 1 mesmo um tradulor, ou apenas um , baseacos em ; €m outros cur- de cnsino de O meu 7 pee comprcender ¢ 0 objetivo de se usar textos literirios é de di deste texto, para que cle possi ‘Ao mesmo tempo, 0 texto 1 at leituia de textos pequicnos ¢ diversificados, nos com menos co- acreditamos que as mesmas izaclas no aprenciizado de Eu cito aqui uma série de exemplos de wabalhos dese volviclos em sala ce aula que tiveram, Wenrtte objective espec © objetivo gertl de 0 texto grava- texto se encontra indo. este compreensio de ides, que entiquecem pressiio pessoal mais cfeti Ps com a texto jos elementos de ur ‘ curso. Est mas = uso de pronomes: uso de omissio de palavrag redun - uso de conectives, ou © 0 bom senso gar do texto; (os; b) sv conclusion, de eventos 2, sentido a tos 1esposta, pedido/convite ¢ recusa/aceite, cacao pelo leitor do signilicado de 0 especific Inferéncia: decod ses que sul ldeias principais: lev texto ou de cack pari 64 Vocabulario: a) descobert Jecids através clo contexto; b) io; ©) amp! a compreensio glot s vezes & preciso se fazer um estu- simbolo, eke, & por ex., que nom: seria impossivel em apenas um capitulo de livro; portanto fomos obrigados a selecionar alguns exemplos. meciniea do exercicio consiste em ordenar as frases apresentadas, para que se tenha no final um didlogo coerente. Para este exercicio, o objetivo € trabalhar com cocréncia ¢ coesio, © para tal o aprendiz vai ter que levar em conta os itens listados (referncia, elipse, pronomes, artigos, ete): Exercicio 1): DIALOGUE Order the sentences below so that they constitute a mean- ingful dialogue: know? To see icing about that song, 3. - Lam thinking about a person long ago who used to sing that song, 4, He is deacl, He died when he was only seventeen. Isn't it a terrible thing to die so young as that? 5. - Gretta dear, what are you thinking about? Tell me what it is, Gretta. I think I know what is the matter, Do I know? 6. - And who was the person long ago? 7. - What for? 8. It was a person I used to know in Galway when I was living with my grandmother. 9. - What’ about the song? Why does that make you cry? 40. - It was a young boy 1 used to know named Michael Furcy. He used to sing that song. He was very delicate. I can see him so plainly. Such eyes as he hack: big carl eyes! Anel such an expression in them - an expression! AL was why you Wanted to go to Galway with that Ivors git? 12, - Someone you we (From “the D by James Joyce) Order 62 CP CP CV OI OV COO OD Exercicio 2) Este exercicio testa inferéncia € predicao: ‘the text below is the first paragraph of a short story by Bret Harte, Read it carefully and then proceed to doing the exer- cises presented: HOW SANTA CLAUS CAME TO SIMPSON'S BAR It had been raining in the valley of the Sacramento. The North Fork had overflowed its banks, and Rattlesnake Creek was impass- a at Ie. The few bou marked the summer for Simpson's Crossing were obliterated by a vast sheet of water sire 1g to the foothills, Tl e the mail had been abandoned! in the tules, the ming lor hi fe, "An area,” remarked the “Sierra Avalanche", with pensive loc neler waicr.” large as the St a) INFERENCE: Identify what the following names, found in the first paragraph of the short story, stand for: 1, Sacramento OIE TEN a erties agar ee Rattlesnake Creek. ae Simpson's Crossing =—________— he up-stage 2 3 4, 5 6. Granger's eel el ae ole Bas 2 7. 8. 9. The The Si Simpson's Bar 1b) PREDICTING: 1. What time of the year wa 2, What kind of people are likely to appear in this story? 3, What would you say is the setting for this story? Exercicio 3) A meciaica do exercicio consiste em combina: os @ 0 trabalho com coesiio © cocrén- 182 DIALOGUE EXCHANGES Combine each sentence in list A with another from list B: LIST A: he husband's, | mean? . A whole fortnight, And nothing to do but ly good! stiff'to me. ing-room, it's a frightful mess in here. ‘ possibly walk home in 9. Who's playing up there? id he die of so young? Consumption, » Where do you teach? 12. Oh, could 1 speak to Mr. Pabst? latforms for Stantwich?l4. May I have a light? Do you want a drink in exchange? 15. Anc war coming to them a chance of avoiding i 16. Where is your car, Miss Waring? 17. Where have you been? 18. Have you any idea what time it is? 19. Would you really shoo: me? again. Do you think there's still 20. I'm afiaid we haven't a clock 21. Why then did you leave me last night? 22. My prime request, which | do last pronounet der, if you be maid, or no? LIST B: 1. I'm sorry, he's in a meeting just now. Can I take a message? b, It's down near the harbour, can't you see how fright ng or other, 1 think. ¢. You need not try to get round me. ugly it is? 183 f In your hour of need, © you on acu d for me. 0. don't see how you're going 1 stop me. p. [think ('d rather wait til lates q. 1 - of course. I'm sorry. 1 didn't olfensive 1 Are you sure you're feeling Exercicio 4) £ um exercicio mais extenso, que vai incluir coesio, coeréncia, inferénci idéias principais, Fungio ret6rica, vocabultrio (ea questio corres pondente) ‘The following text is taken from the novel Madan, will you talk?, by Mary Stewart. Read these four paragraphs carefully and proceed to doing the exercises asked: Paragraph a) ‘The two men at the next table to me were Germans, One was thin he other was the fatnecked German of the “Ach, so?” to his companion it cid- 1 young cou- guess, American, ‘Then ic of the book, Fi here were two other 184 Jooked bout he hotel would probably be English too. But the collection so seemed varied enough. I began to play the game of guessing at people's professions - and, in this case, nationalities, One is ays wrong, of course, and it isa game too often played ie people who are apt to announce that they re... but | played it, nevertheless, ph When T got down into the little courtyard, it fill up. Louise was not down yet, so I found tabl and ordered a Cinzana, Questions: DOrder the paragraphs. (Coeréncia ¢ coesao) M1) Summarize each pagtaph in one sentence or with 4 title, Gaéias principais) UID Answer the questions below: Gnferén 1. Where would you say the narrator was? 2. Is the narrator male or female? Give reasons for your answer. 3. What nationality would you assign to the narrator’ Give your reasons. 1V) Find the rhetoric function for the text; deseribing/ narrating past events/ giving instructions/ building hypothesis/ predicting/ perstading/ commenting/ reporting classifying/ arguing/ others. (Fungao retorica) beginning to n the shade, a) V) Find words in paragraph x ‘0 the L 2. 3. a. group of things or people 4, of differen: types, sizes or qu: 5. 6. 185 VD Answer: (pred 1D How do you thin 2) What do you th he next paragraph wi I the story is going to be about? APENDI Referéncia bibliog L. Mary Stew: 2. Idem, p.6 3. Idem, p.10 4. Idem, p.63 5, Margaret Di 6. Idem, p.102 7. Idem, p.142 ble: The Garrick Year, p.40 8. James Joyce: The Dead, p.145 9. Idem, p.161 10. Idem, p.171 LL. Davicl Lodge: Small World, p.293 12, Idem, p.274 13, Ruth Rendell: A Judgement in Stone, p.37 14, James Hilton: Random Harvest, p.292 15, Idem, p.294 16, Mary Stewart: ‘This Rou 17. Idem, p.97 18. Idem, p.101 ha Christie: N or M p75 APENDICE 2: CHAVES DE RESPOSTA Exercicio Exercicio 2: a) La river (the 05-02-09-03-06-08-12-10-11-07-01-04 ucramento rive 186, river river, it cannot be passed because of the overflow of water); 4.2 ford, place where you can cross a river on foot (the word crossing in the name implies that that is the place where one can pass and cross from one side of the river to the other); 5. the stage going up to the big city (word upindicating the dlinec- tion of the nearest big city); 6, stage stop or a farta (the ‘ indicates that after the name we can add a place - Granger's stage stop or Granger's farm); 7. the last mail conch, the one which carries the ma 8.the local newspaper, the inference comes from the word remarked, the inverted commas inclicating what that remark was, the formal structure of the remari, the word local, the name Sierra Avalanche in capital letters and in inverted commas to indicate a proper noun of something that “remarks”, it not being a person because the name is preceded by the article the, 9. the town where the story takes place (the title indicates that Simpson's Bar is a place - see verb come and piace preposition ‘o. The first paragraph is giving the reader an indication of the ways in which one can reach this place), 1. December; the title talks about Sta. Claus, and with so much in we can only think of winter. 2. Cowboys, cattlemen, village people, a child - there must be 3. A village and surrounding country in western 19th Century North ‘America. Words like mail, stage, such wild surroundings and the description of the wet countryside indlicate a rough country and uncivilized sorroundings, The reference to the State of Massachussets points to the United States. ‘The name Simpson's Bur is a typical name for a town of the American west. Exercicio 3: A chave correta, de acorclo com a bibliografia citada ¢: Tech 2B; Bek; 4-U; 5-€; Gr; 7-0; Bs 9-4; 10-h; L-s; 12a; 13-my 14 pj 15-; 16-b; 17+); 18-q; 19-4, 20-1; 21-f, 22-n. Mas outras possibilidades existem, e podem ser discutidas em classe, criando-se inclusive nesta ativiclade uma aula de conver sagilo, Outras possibilidades seriam: 187 1 cds; 3eik,u; 4a; 6-g.jshqs es Bas 9-

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