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Joel Esposito, U.S. Naval Academy

Carl E. Wick, U.S. Naval Academy
Kenneth A. Knowles, U.S. Naval Academy
Professor Emeritus Weapons and Systems Engineering

Society for Engineering Education, 2011

The MATLAB Toolbox for the Intelitek Scorbot (MTIS):

an open source educational robotics development library
Abstract - We present a MATLAB toolbox that interfaces directly with the Intelitek Scorbot
one of the most widely used educational articulated robots. The toolbox provides a userfriendly, open source method of accessing the robots functionality from within MATLABs
powerful integrated development environment, which already includes numerical solvers, image
processing routines, neural network libraries, and control system design tools. We describe the
development process and the toolboxs features; and illustrate its capabilities with some projects
from our own Introductory Robotics class where it was beta tested. A student opinion survey
indicated that the toolbox was well received, but suggests its stability could be improved.

1. Introduction
It has been widely noted that engineering students benefit from a variety of teaching approaches,
in particular visual and experiential learners prefer hands on laboratory experiences [1].
Teaching robotics is no exception [2, 3]. More recently there has been a movement toward
developing and distributing free and open source software (FOSS) for robotics education and
research [4, 5]. Inspired by these ideas, and the success of the MATLAB Toolbox for the iRobot
Create [6] and Robotics Toolbox [7], we present a MATLAB toolbox that interfaces directly
with the Intelitek Scorbot one of the most widely used educational articulated robots.
For the past two decades the robotics educational scene has been dominated by the Intelitek
Scorbot robot line. These devices have been among the most widely used tabletop articulated
robot manipulators used for education.

Figure 1: (left) The Intelitek Scorbot, with teach pendant and control box. (right) A close-up of the teach

Older versions of this robot were provided with a control box that could be controlled by either a
dumb serial terminal or a personal computer (PC) via an RS232 serial port connection. A set
of simple native ASCII commands were provided to control the robots basic functions. While
RS232 data transfer rates could be slow, it had two main advantages. First, the interface was
driverless making it platform independent. Therefore the robot could be controlled by any

terminal, PC, or microcomputer with a serial interface. Second, the relatively simple ASCII
commands were completely transparent, making it relatively easy to develop open source
libraries to control the robot from a variety of high level programming languages, such as C,
C++, Python, or MATLAB. In particular, the authors have had many years of experience using
MATLAB as the development environment of choice in their classes. MATLAB has been
especially useful since robots are rarely stand alone systems. As such, they are frequently
interfaced with existing image processing or path planning routines, which may likely have been
written in one of these higher level languages.
In contrast, the latest Scorbot model, the ER 4u, is no longer controlled through an RS232 type
serial link. The new interface requires connecting a PC to the control box via a Universal Serial
Bus (USB). This provides superior data transfer rates, but requires a proprietary software
environment (ScorBase) to control the robot.
This paper describes the development and use of a MATLAB Toolbox for the Intelitek Scorbot
(MTIS). This Toolbox provides a series of seamless, high level MATLAB functions that can be
used to control the Scorbot-ER 4u directly.
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 details our detective work for
reverse engineering the required DLL files. Section 3 provides an over view of the MATLAB
functions in the toolbox. Section 4 provides example code and projects from our undergraduate
robotics laboratory at the U.S. Naval Academy. Section 5 presents some benchmark tests, to
confirm the performance superiority of the USB interface to our previous RS232 interface.
Section 6 concludes with the results from a usability survey we conducted from a test group of
over 40 users. Appendix A provides installation instructions and compatibility information.
Appendix B contains a Quick Reference of the toolboxs functions.
2. Reverse Engineering the Intelitek Dynamic Link Library Upon inspection we determined
that the ScorBase Software provided with the Scorbot simply calls an Intelitek proprietary and
undocumented dynamic link library (DLL) to communicate with the Scorbots Control Box.
Although a complete picture of the routines encapsulated in this DLL is not known outside of the
manufacturer, there are web sites that share some incomplete knowledge about the DLL routines
[8]. In addition, these primitive routines are very similar to those used with the old Scorbot.
However, our initial efforts to load the DLL into MATLAB failed. Unfortunately, it turned out
that the new DLL was apparently written in C++ and was compiled in such a way that the library
function names could not be successfully read by MATLAB.
The reason may be obscure to many non-computer scientists, and has to do with some of the
flexibility afforded by programming languages like C++. One of these flexibilities is to be able
to have several software routines with the same function name, but with different lists of
parameters (similar to overloading). The compiler is left to decide which variant to use based on
the parameters the programmer provides. This extension also allows for default parameters
when incomplete lists are provided. For the compiler/linker to be able to decide upon which
routine to use and how to handle parameters to the routines, each routine name must somehow
have additional information available for the compiler/linker to use for proper selection. In C++

the term to describe this additional information is name mangling. Essentially, when C++
names are mangled, each routine name is changed in such a way that parameter information
becomes part of the subroutine name. What is gained is that other C++ programs can potentially
access variable class information directly and make correct decisions about which routine variant
to use under any circumstance. What is lost in this process is unfortunately there is no universal
way that name mangling is done. To be truly universal, a software package would currently have
to be able to detect the method of mangling it sees from a large number of methods in use by
different compiler manufacturers. The default taken by MATLAB (and probably many others) is
to simply try to read names and give up if they are mangled. The end result is that we could load
the DLL in MATLAB using the loadlibrary command, but no subroutine names could be found.
When the DLL was opened with a text editor (notepad) a quick search for known DLL
subroutine names quickly confirmed the use of name mangling. Consulting mangling techniques
in use by several common compiler writers revealed that the technique was common to
Microsoft compilers.

MATLAB Functions

Name Mangled DLL


Control Box

Intermediary DLL

Figure 2: The calling structure of MTIS. MATLAB functions call an intermediate DLL, which calls the
manufacturers name-mangled DLL to control the Scorbot via a USB connection.

After much thought, it was determined that it still could be possible to use the original Scorbot
DLL routines if a second intermediate DLL was written and compiled without mangling the
names (see Figure 2). This second DLL would, for the most part, simply pass parameters and
call the mangled functions in the original, but by writing and compiling it with Microsoft C++,
the second DLL would be also able to resolve the mangled names in the Scorbot DLL. If name
mangling was turned off when the second DLL was compiled, the routine names contained
within the second DLL could be loaded into MATLAB.
Development of the new intermediate DLL proceeded by selecting from the known routines in
the existing Scorbot DLL those routines normally used in our laboratory environment and for
which sufficient knowledge was known to write an interface statement. As synchronization
issues exist between robot motion and software (for example, robot motion must be completed
before a new command is issued), several Callback functions from the original DLL were also
used to help synchronize MATLAB calls with robot motion.

Parallel to this effort, it was discovered by examining software packages that came with the
Scorbot, and with some trial and error, which directories the DLLs should reside in (see
Appendix A for installation instructions).
3. Operating Principles
Once the DLL issue was resolved, we wrote a series of MATLAB wrapper functions that call
the intermediary DLL (using MATLABs callib function). Installation instructions for the DLL
and wrapper function is given in Appendix A. A comprehensive list of toolbox commands and
syntax is provided in Appendix B. This section provides an overview of some of the
conventions and operating principles the toolbox employs.
Role of the Wrapper Functions: The wrapper functions are matlab files that call the DLLs. In
some cases these functions simply replace particularly enigmatic or cumbersome library calls,
with intuitively named functions. For example, setting the speed to 20% of maximum speed is
much easier using the MTIC wrapper function, even though one could call the DLL directly
without it.
Matlabs DLL Call:
Using MTIC:

calllib( 'RobotDll' , 'RSetSpeed',int16( 20 ) )


In other cases, the wrapper functions perform more sophisticated roles, such as grouping together
sets of library routines commonly called together, performing unit conversions, resolving sign
inconsistencies, performing error checking or expanding the functionality of the original DLL.
Naming: Every function in the toolbox begins with the letters Scor to readily distinguish
them from any built in MATLAB functions (ex. ScorInit, ScorHome, etc.). Commands that set
properties of the robot have the word Set in them (ex. ScorSetSpeed); while ones that get
sensor readings have the word Get (ex. ScorGetGripper).
Absolute vs. Relative Motion: All sensor/motion commands return/send absolute positions,
unless otherwise stated. Relative, or incremental motions can be commanded using the version
of the motion command with Delta in its name (ex. ScorCartMove vs. ScorDeltaCartMove )
Units: All commands use Centimeters and Degrees to indicate position and angles respectively.
Coordinates: The tool box uses two types of coordinates: Cartesian and Joint, as illustrated in
Figure 3. Cartesian coordinates are specified as a 5 X 1 vector of the form [X Y Z Pitch Roll].
Commands that utilize Cartesian coordinates contain the characters Cart in the function name.
(ex. ScorCartMove( [X Y Z P R] ). Joint coordinates are specified as a 5 X 1 vector of angles
the form [Base Shoulder Elbow Pitch Roll]. Commands that utilize Joint coordinates contain the
characters Joint in the function name (ex. ScorJointMove( [X Y Z P R] ) . Users should note
that Intelliteks DLL is internally inconsistent in that the positive sense of the angles does not
match the positive sense used by the teach pendant. The toolbox corrects for this mismatch
matching the labeling of the teach pendant.

Also, note that Pitch is defined differently in these two coordinate systems. Cartesian pitch is
the orientation of the end effecter relative to the horizontal plane, whereas the joint angle version
of pitch is defined as the relative angle between the forearm and the end effecter.

Figure 3: Illustration of the two coordinate systems used in the toolbox. (left) Cartesian coordinate system
(XYZPR) and (right) Joint coordinate system (BSEPR). Note that pitch is defined differently in the two
coordinate systems, but the roll angle is identical.

Teach Pendant Modes: There is a dial on the teach pendant to switch between Teach Mode
(in which the teach pendant controls the robot) and Auto mode (in which the Control Box as
authority over the robot). It turns out that the Scorbot cannot properly confirm that a motion is
completed in Teach mode. The toolbox automatically detects which mode the pendant is in and
asks the user to switch modes as appropriate.
Confirmation: Most commands in the tool box have an optional output argument called
confirmation, which indicates the command was successfully executed (confirmation =1) or
not (confirmation = 0). For example a command to move the robot outside the boundaries of its
workspace will result in failure
>> confirmation = ScorCartMove( [1000 0 0 0 0])
confirmation = 0
When in teach mode, the proper execution cannot be determined, and the value of confirmation
is set to -1.
Command Blocking: It is possible to send commands to the robot much faster than it can
physically execute them. This creates the possibility of missed commands if the buffer
overflows. To remedy this, the toolbox blocks MATLAB from sending new commands to the
Scorbot until two conditions are met. First, Inteliteks DLL contains a function called
RmotionIsDone' which, despite its name, returns a Boolean indicating if the robot has received a
command not completed it. Second, we also block the sending of new commands until the
Scorbot is within 5 millimeters of the commanded pose (this tolerance can be adjusted).

Kinematic Functions: Several functions are provided with the toolbox to solve typical
kinematic problems in articulated robotics: forward kinematics, inverse kinematics and
translational velocity Jacobian. These functions do not interact with the hardware in anyway,
and are independent of the DLLs. Educators may wish to remove them from their installation if
they want students to solve these problems themselves.

4. Example Program and Projects

An example of a very basic MATLAB program which uses the MTIS wrapper functions to pick
up an object and determine its size is included below.

% Loads the DLL and initializes USB

% The Scorbot must be homed before beginning
% Set speed at 80 percent of max

ScorCartMove( [ 40 0 30 -90 0] ); % Moves to a position 40 cms in front of robot

with end effector pointing down
ScorSetGripper( -1 );
% Opens gripper fully
ScorDeltaCartMove( [0 0 -10 0 0]); % Moves down 10 cms to pick up object
ScorSetGripper( 0 );
% Closes fully around object
ObjectWidth = ScorGetGripper(); % Get width of object in gripper in cm
fprintf(The object is %f centimeters wide. \n, ObjectWidth)

The following are some additional laboratory exercises, taken from our introductory robotics
class, to illustrate other functionalities of the toolbox.
Example Project #1: Towers Of Hanoi
Students program the Scorbot to solve the classic puzzle (Figure 4 left) which involves moving a
stack of rings/blocks from one peg to another according to specific rules. Typically students use
the teach pendant and the ScorGetXYZPR command to record the location of the three pegs.
ScorDeltaCartMove is used to complete the vertical motions, and ScorGetGripper can be used to
sense which, if any, of the three blocks is currently in the gripper.

Figure 4: Three example projects: Towers of Hanoi Puzzle, Defusing an IED, and Cup Crushing.

Example Project #2: Defusing an IED (or Hasboros Operation game)

Students attempt to thread a inner diameter washer, along a taut vertical wire (Figure 4
center). A small pager motor and a 9 volt battery were rigged to buzz if the washer accidentally
touches the wire. Students use ScorGetBSEPR to get the joint angles and ScorJacobian to
compute the Jacobian matrix. They use the inverse of the Jacobian to determine how to move
the end effector in a straight line using only ScorDeltaJointMove.
Example Project #3: Cup Crushing
Students use the Scorbots end-effector to crush inverted plastic cups (Figure 4 right). While
crushing a single cup is trivial, stacks of two or more cups can only be crushed in certain optimal
locations in the workspace due to current limitations (thus maximum torque available) on the
Scorbots motor drivers. Students write a program which samples points in the robots
workspace, computes the joint angles using ScorInvKin, and the Jacobian with ScorJacobian.
They find the location which maximizes the robots mechanical advantage, and then crush plastic
cups using ScorDeltaCartMove.

5. Benchmarking
We did three benchmark tests to compare the old RS232 interface with the USB interface:
1. Encoder Reading: Mean time to measure the joint angles ( ScorGetBSEPR ), across
1000 trials.
2. Movement Time: Mean time to execute a 10 cm vertical motion with a desired movement
time of 1 second: ScorSetMoveTime( 1 ); ScorDeltaCartMove( [0 0 10 0 0] ). A
stopwatch was used to record the motion duration. Averaged across 60 moves.
3. Sequences of Motions: A test program sent the Scorbot a rapid sequence of 100 random
motion commands. We manually recorded how many were missed.

Encoder Reading (avg time in seconds)

RS-232 interface




Movement Time (target is 1 second)

Missed Motions (of 100)




As expected, improvement in performance is indicated in every test. In the case of the encoder,
since the hardware is essentially identical, we conclude the difference in times is attributable to
the time it takes to transmit the data over the RS232 (19200 baud) vs. the USB interface. In the
case of the Movement time, since the hardware is identical, the difference is likely due to the
data transfer rate, but may also depend on some of the inverse kinematic computation in the
Scorbots control box as well. However, we note that the additional time of 0.01 is within the
margin of error of the stop watch. For us, one of the most significant improvements is that there
were no missed motions by the Scorbot. Using the older RS232 interface, missed motions or
worse yet crashing the robot was a relatively common occurrence. Students often inserted
pause commands in their code, in an ad hoc manner, to avoid this. This improvement is most
certainly due to the improved error handling of the toolbox.

6. User Survey
The resulting MTIS package presents a seamless interface to the student and can be maintained
within the MATLAB environment. As many software developers know, one of the best places
to test software is in a student laboratory setting. The transition to these new robotic arms has
been incredibly smooth. At the end of a semester-long course, which included eight 2-hour
laboratory exercises involving the Scorbot, students (N=42) were asked to rate how easy it was
to use the Toolbox (Figure 5) and how stable the Toolbox was (Figure 6), according to a
predefined scale.

Very Easy


The function names were The help file

self explanatory, no further resolved any
documentation needed.

Some help files
confusing or

After reading the help
file, I still could not
figure it out.

Figure 5: Student users of the toolbox (N=42) were asked: How easy was it to learn how to use the
functions in the toolbox? According to the scale provided, the vast majority rated it as easy.

Rock Solid

Issues in Early Labs

Moderately Unstable


Rarely crashed.

Rarely crashed after bug Frequently crashed after Bug Crashed so frequently I
fixes were installed.
fixes installed.
could not complete the
Figure 6: Student users of the toolbox (N=42) were asked: How stable was the toolbox? According to
the scale provided, most rate it Rock Solid or Stable After Bug Fixes.

Regarding ease of use, Figure 5 shows that the vast majority of student rated it Easy. We are
satisfied with this result, considering that the survey subjects are novice programmers /
MATLAB users. Informally, we would guess that if the same students were asked to rate
MATLABs overall ease of use, they would likely rate it moderate on average.
Regarding stability, Figure 6 shows that all but 6 of the students were happy with the stability by
the end of the semester. The initial deployment of the toolbox did not perform some of the error
checking discussed in Section 3. In particular, it did not force the user to switch the teach
pendant to Auto mode, nor did it check to see if the motion was complete before allowing new
commands to be sent to the robot. These changes were added after the second of eight
laboratory exercises, and had a notable impact on stability. However, even after the bug fixes,
six of the 42 students still rated the stability as Moderate Frequently Crashed even after bug
fixes were installed. Unfortunately, we were unable to replicate these issues and are currently
investigating their cause.

7. Conclusion
In conclusion, we have provided a MATLAB interface consisting of a DLL and a set of
documented wrapper functions that allow one to control the Intelitek Scorbot ER-4U from within
MATLABs integrated development environment.

There are several advantages to this.

1. The toolbox takes care of the low level hardware interfacing, allowing instructors who do
not possess such programming expertise to offer laboratory based exercises in their
2. The online distribution of this material frees researchers to focus their time on algorithm
development instead of reinventing the low level interfaces.
The functions are freely available on the web. While the toolbox is free, of course MATLAB
itself requires a license to use. In that sense it is not FOSS (Free and Open Source Software).
However, we feel MATLAB is a viable alternative since:
1. many universities, the target market for the Scorbot, already possess a site license for
2. MATLAB, as compared to Python or Java, is frequently taught to non-computer science
majors such as mechanical engineers; and finally
3. MTIS allows one to integrate the Scorbot with MATLABs other powerful toolboxes
such as Neural Networks, Control Systems, and Image Processing as well as third party
toolboxes such as the Robotics Toolbox [7].
Regarding avenues of future work, one is to investigate the cause of occasional crashes. A
second major thrust is to expand the capability of the toolbox to include velocity-based control
commands. Finally, we plan to investigate the compatibility of the toolbox with Octave and
other freeware MATLAB clones.

APPENDIX A: Getting Started

Version Compatibility
The toolbox is developed for the Intelitek ER-4U with USB connection. The Scorbase software
version was The control box software was version 14.
The toolbox was tested on MATLAB R2009B, but is likely to work on releases dating back to
2007. It is likely to work on any 32 bit version Windows based operating system. It is unlikely
to work on 64 bit operating systems or Apple operating systems. It has not been tested on
Octave or other freeware MATLAB clones.

1. Download and unzip the files from
2. Copy the contents of the ToMATLABBinWin32 folder and paste them into your
MATLABs BinWin32 directory
3. Copy the contents of the ScorbotMATLABFiles in a convenient and accessible location.
4. In MATLAB add the folder from step 3 to the path. The path is the list of directories
MATLAB looks at for function definitions. For example, if you placed that folder in
>> addpath 'C:\MATLAB\ScorBotToolBox';
You will need to do Step 4 each time you restart MATLAB. If you want the change to be
permanent add:
>> savepath;

All of these things have to be true in order to move the robot. If your robot is not working, find
and check each of them.
Software: Open MATLAB, and type >> ScorInit; MATLAB will prompt you to put the
teach pendant in Auto Mode;
Emergency Stop: The
button on teach pendant is raised;
Emergency Stop: The
button on control box is raised; and
Deadman Button: depressed or Teach pendant is in the magnetic holster.
TIP: Mnemonic SEED

APPENDIX B: Quick Command Reference

Command Syntax
Confirmation =
Confirmation =
Confirmation = ScorSetSpeed
Using the Encoders
Moving the Arm
ScorCartMove (XYZPR)

ScorDeltaCartMove(deltaXYZPR )

Loads DLLs, Enables Motors, Sets up USB
Homes all joints
OnOff=1 turn on all motors, 0 Off
Useful to recover after impacted axis errors. Can also be
done on Teach pendant. CONTROL ON/OFF <ENTER>
Sets time limit to execute move in seconds -- effectively
dictating speed. A very low time can cause moves to fail
(Confirmation = 0 after motion commands).
Set speed to an integer between 1 and 100. Units are
percent of max. Optional output argument is 1 if
command successful and 0 if it fails.
Returns current position as BSEPR= [Base Shoulder
Elbow Pitch Roll] degs 1X5 vector note .
Returns current position as XYZPR = [X Y Z Pitch Roll]
cms / degs 1X5 vector.
Moves the end effector in a straight line, from current
position to XYZPR = [X Y Z Pitch Roll] in centimeters
and degrees respectively. Will fail if move is outside of
workspace. Note XYZPR must be 1 X 5.
Incrementally moves the end effector in a straight line, by
deltaXYZPR = [deltaX deltaY deltaZ deltaPitch
deltaRoll] in centimeters and degrees respectively. Will
fail if move is outside of workspace (confirmation =0).
Note deltaXYZPR must be 1 X 5.

confirmation = ScorJtMove(BSEPR) Moves the end effector, from current position to BSEPR=
[Base Shoulder Eblow Pitch Roll] defined in degrees.
Trajectory is a straight line in joint space (apparently
arced in Cartesian space). Will fail if move is outside of
workspace. Note BSEPR must be 1 X 5.
confirmation =

Incrementally moves the end effector from current

position by deltaBSEPR= [deltaBase deltaShoulder
deltaElbow deltaPitch deltaRoll] defined in degrees.
Generally deltas should be small (<<180). Note BSEPR
must be 1 X 5.

Gripper Functions

cm= ScorGetGripper
Kinematic Solutions



confirmation =

cm=-1: Open gripper

cm=0; Close gripper
cm = 1-7 centiimeters, resolution of 1mm
Does not account for width of pads (about 3 mm).
Returns distance in centimeters gripper is currently open.
Linear Velocity Jacobian (3 X 5 Matrix). Given joint
angles [Base Shoulder Elbow Pitch Roll] (deg) computes
Jaconian. Units are centimeters
Forward Kinematic Solution. Given joint angles [Base
Shoulder Elbow Pitch Roll] (deg) computes [X Y Z Pitch
Roll] (cms and degs)
Inverse Kinematic Solution. Given [X Y Z Pitch Roll]
(cms and degs) compute joint angles [Base Shoulder
Elbow Pitch Roll] (deg)
Used by other commands. Save a pose as point # Pt (1
to 999). Pose specified in XYZPR = [X Y Z Pitch Roll]
format (cms, degs). Must be a 1X5. See ScorGetXYZPR.
Will fail if point I outside of workspace. Not
recommended as a method to store points since points are
erased if robot rebooted.

[XYZPR, confirmation] =

Record current pose as point # Pt (1 to 999). For your

reference, it returns X,Y,Z in cm and Roll, Pitch in
degrees. .Not recommended as a method to store points
since points are erased if robot rebooted.
Note that
teach pendant should be in Teach Mode.


Moves to a previously recorded point Pt (integer from 1

999). See ScorCapturePose. L produced a straight line
motion. J moves in a straight line in joint space which
produces curved paths.


Converts 1X5 vector of encoder counts to a 1X5 vector of

joint angles [Base Shoulder Elbow Pitch Roll]
Converts a 1X5 vector of joint angles [Base Shoulder
Elbow Pitch Roll] to a 1X5 vector of encoder counts to a



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