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Task Based Activity: Skills and Personality

Warm-Up Ask students what their parents do for a living. Then discuss different professions and how
they all have different skills and qualities that make them good at their jobs.

Vocabulary Review the vocabulary words highlighted on the cards in the activity

Define Negative Qualities vs. Positive Qualities by making a list on the board of different ones, and
explaining why they are good/bad. For example:

Negative Qualities

Positive Qualities



Drill (grammar structure learned in the previous lesson) Modal: would

The following lead in could be performed:
Teacher: If I were stuck on an island, I would bring my dog. What would you
Student 1: I would bring my family.
Student 2: I would bring my dads boat.
Student 3: I would bring a flashlight.
Student 4: I would bring my fishing pole.

Introduce the Activity Explain to students that they are each going to be given a card with a job title
and a description of a personality written on it. Once, they are handed their cards, they should read it
over and memorize it. Demonstrate how each student will be required to rotate around the classroom and
present themselves to each of their classmates:

Teacher: Hi, my name is Rick. I am a movie actor. I am very good looking,

strong, athletic, and a great cook. However, I am not very smart and I dont know how to build

Then, describe the situation: You will be stuck on a deserted island for 10 years with five of the card

Explain the Task - The task is to decide which 5 people they would choose to be on the island with for
10 years, based on their job titles and personalities. So, tell students that they should take notes of the
qualities of each person because they are going to be asked to tell the class who they chose and why at
the end of the activity. Illustrate on the board how notes should be taken:

Actor good looking, strong, athletic, not smart

Nurse knows first aid, hardworking, bossy
Doctor -

Split Up and Explain Rules of Rotation - Then split the class into pairs and explain the rules:
o When the teacher gives the signal, they will have 1 minute to tell each other their job titles and
explain their assigned personalities (and take notes)
o After 1 minute, the teacher will instruct them to rotate to their left and repeat until every student
has had a chance to talk to each other

Provide each student with a card with a job title and a description of personality written on it with
previously learned vocabulary highlighted. Once the students are assigned their descriptions, discuss any
new vocabulary that they do not understand from their card.

Example Cards:
o Doctor Good at treating wounds and diseases, but not resourceful in terms of construction,
cooking, finding food, etc.
o Lawyer Smart, good communicator, and good at brainstorming with ideas, but selfish and
power hungry.
o Teacher Friendly, good cook, knows how to make fires, good at geography and climate
awareness, but not physically strong or brave.
o Plumber Expert at building and fixing, knows how to fish, physically strong, but has a very
short temper and can be violent.
o Coach Very strategic mentality, works well with teams, physically strong, athletic, but is very
old, doesnt know how to build anything, and is unreliable
o Pro athlete Extremely strong and athletic, good looking, practical, and hard-working, but is
self-centered, and verbally abusive toward people.

Each student will rotate around the room and describe themselves each other, taking notes of each
persons positive and negative qualities.

During the exercise, the teacher should rotate around the room and monitor for errors, helping students
when needed, making sure they stay engaged, and correcting and errors in pronunciation or grammar.

At the end, each student will stand in front of the classroom and explain who they chose and what
rational purpose each person will serve.

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