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WHITE DIAMOND INDUSTRIES LTD. Diamond + Export + Import _ 312A. Kallas Plaza, Vallabh Baug Lane, _hatkopar (East), Mumbal - 400.077. INDIA Web: www.wdil,in_| Email: info@wdil.in 36912M111990PLC0S5860 21* September, 2016 BSE Limited Corporate Relations Department, Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers, Dalal Street Mumbai- 400001 Ref : Scrip Code: 513713 / Announcement on the BSE Website. Sub : Appointment of CEO for its Agro business. ‘The management has appointment young and dynamic Mr. Kunal Bhayani as the CEO of the company with immediate effect. Mr. Kunal Bhayani has several years experience in cultivation and distribution of agro products, Mr. Kunal Bhayani is committed to make your company reach sky heights and optimist about the overall growth of the business. in the coming years. He says "As decided, we shall be launching all the products under a single brand ‘White Organics’ and all the stores shall be named ‘White Organic Retail’. We are very excited about the launch of our first retail outlet within next few days and rolling out the franchisee model, We are looking at opportunities to appoint Franchisee initially in suburbs across + Mumbai.” Yours Faithfully,

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