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In this SBA the topic is to find the factors that influence the consumption of alcohol amongst
young people in Chateaubelair. This has become one of the main problems that are faced in my
community today. Now a days many of our young people are more addicted through alcohol than
before. One of the main factors are social events, peer pressure and just to have fun. Many young
people drink because of stress and peer pressure. Many young people I saw buying these
beverages in shops and shop vender are selling these under age young people these beverages
therefore I hope the government will look into this by giving a law by telling shop keepers to
stop the selling of alcohol to under age young people



Task 1: Statement of the problem______________________________________4
Task 2: Reason for selecting area of research_____________________________ 5
Task 3: Method of investigating ________________________________________6
Task 4: QUESTIONAIRE_____________________________________________7-8
Task 5: Procedures for data collection___________________________________9
Task 6 Presentation of Data:__________________________________________10-12
Task 7: Analysis and Interpretation of Data______________________________13
Task 8: Statement of Findings _________________________________________14
Task 9: Recommendation and Implantation Strategy ______________________15
Task 10: Acknowledgement____________________________________________16

I will first like to express my gratitude to the lord for sparing my life to do this Social Studies
I will secondly like to thank my teacher for taking the time supply me with all the guidelines and
also to my parent who lend a helping hand.
Finally to the community who play their role in answering the questionnaires I am truly grateful.

Task 1: Statement of the problem

What are some factors that may influence the consumption of alcoholic beverages among young
people in Chateaubelair?

Task 2: Reason for selecting area of research

The research has discovered that in the community of Chateaubelair there are a number of young
people who are involve in the consumption of alcoholic beverages on a regular basis. Some of

them get involve in controversial behavior after drinking and this can affect some persons in the
Young people can be influenced to consume alcohol by diverse factors, and the main factors are
social events like parties, club or sporting activities. Concern have been raised on radio talk
shows about the matter of young people part taking of alcoholic beverages. Therefore the
researchers reason for investigating is find out the factors that really influences the consumption
of alcoholic beverages by young people.

Task 3: Method of investigating

This study was carried out to discover the factors that may influence alcohol use among young
people in Chateaubelair. The researcher will collect the data by the usage of questionnaires.
Questionnaires are use because they are very convenient and also it maintain the confidentiality
of the respondent by not giving names. It also requires a little to collect a lot of data. 20
questionnaires will consist of 13 questions. The instruction will require you to place a tick where
it is necessary and to give short answers on the blank line/ lines provided below the questionnaire


Petit Bordel,
ST. Vincent Grammar School

Dear Respondent,
My name is Junio Kelly and I attend the ST. Vincent Grammar School and I am
a fifth form student. I am engaged in a Social Studies School Base Assessment (SBA) which
deals with the consumption of alcoholic beverage amongst young people. Since it is not
necessary to write your name on the questionnaire I would truly appreciate if you give honest
answers, no one will know who answer this particular question.
Instruction: please place a tick where applicable or write in the space below.
[ ] Male
[ ] Female
Age Range:
[ ] Under 14
[ ] 14-16
[ ] 17-19
[ ] 20-22
1. What is your religion?
[ ] Pentecostal
[ ] Methodist
[ ] Anglican
[ ] Seventh Day Adventist

[ ] 23-25



2. What type of family do you belong to?
[ ] single parent family (one parent and child/children)
[ ] Nuclear family (Both Parent and children)
[ ] Extended Family
[ ] Sibling Household (no parent and the home is run by children)
3. Do you consume alcoholic beverages?
[ ] yes
[ ] No
4. Do people your age consume alcohol?
[ ] Yes
[ ] No
5. Were you ever exposed to alcohol?
[ ] Yes
[ ] No
If you were exposed to alcohol beverages please answer questions 8-13
6. How were you exposed to alcohol?

7. At what age did you started to consume alcohol?

[ ] 13-14
[ ] 15-16
[ ] 17-18
[ ] 19+
8. What alcoholic beverages do you consume?
[ ] Beer
[ ] Rum
[ ] Guinness
[ ] Wine
[ ] others {please state below}
9. How do you obtain these beverages?
[ ] by friends [ ] by parent [ ] buy it yourself
10. Why do you consume alcohol?
[ ] Relieve Stress
[ ] Peer Pressure
[ ] Drinking sakes
[ ] For Fun
[ ] other {please state below}
11. How often do you drink?
[ ] Multiple times
[ ] Once a day
[ ] Once a Week
[ ] Special occasion
12. Where do you drink?
[ ] Home
[ ] Parties
[ ] Public
[ ] All of the above
13. What do you think the community can do to resolve this problem?

Task 5: Procedures for data collection.

There were 20 questionnaires consisting of 13 questions which were

randomly distributed to young people in Chateaubelair. The questionnaires
were distributed on the 10th August 2015 between the hours of 10am to 1pm.
These questionnaires were distributed to young people whose age ranges
from under 14 to 25 at a sporting event that was taking place. The
questionnaires were received as soon as the respondent finished answering
the questions. Everyone co-operated therefore no problem was encountered.

Task 6 Presentation of Data:

Figure 1

Where do the respondent drink

All of the above; 25%

home; 25%

All of the above

Parties; 19%
public; 31%

Figure 1: a pie chart showing where respondents drink

Figure 2:


how often the respondent consume alcohol

number of respondents



Axis Title
frequency of drinking

Figure 2: this is a column chart which show how often the respondent consume alcohol

Table 1:


Reason for drinking

Relief stress
Peer pressure
Drinking sake
For fun

Number of respondent


Table show the reason why the respondent consume alcoholic beverages.

Task 7: Analysis and Interpretation of Data

This research was conduct by the distribution of 20 questionnaires consisting of 20 questions in

Chateaubelair. 80% of the individuals were exposed to alcohol therefore 20% were not exposed.
10% of these respondents were under age 14, 4 or 20% of them were between ages 14 to 16, 7 or

35% which is the majority were between 17 to 19 years old, 4 or 20% of these individuals
between 20 to 22 and the least were ages 23 to 25 which are 15% or 3.
The gender that consume the most alcoholic were the males of about 75% or 12/16 males
consume alcoholic beverages 25% are females. A fraction of 8/16 respondent part take of beers,
3/16 consume rum, 5/16 consume all of the above. The researchers have found that over 50% of
the respondent began to drink alcohol at ages 15-16 which is greater than those 19+ years old.
50% of these respondent obtain their alcoholic beverages by buying it for themselves, 37.5% or
6/16 of them obtain alcohol by friends, and 12.5% or 2/10 actually obtain these beverages from
When the research was conducted of about 31% of these respondent drink in public, 25% drinks
at home, and 19% drinks at parties and 25% drink at all of the above. The majority of these
individuals consume alcohol on special occasion of about 7/10, 4/16 of them drink once a day,
3/16 of these respondent drinks multiple time per week and 2/16 drinks once per week.
Majority of these individual that consume alcohol belongs to the Anglican religion of about 75%,
the Pentecostal was the religion that had fewer alcoholics. 9/20 or 45% of respondent belongs to
nuclear family, 25% or 5/20 belongs to extended family 10% belongs to a sibling house hold.

Task 8: Statement of Findings

80% of the respondent consumes alcoholic beverages

The majority of the respondent that consume alcohol are males
45% of them belongs belong to the Anglican religion

Task 9: Recommendation and Implantation Strategy

: Recommendation:

It is recommended that parents or guardians should make it their number priority to

educate their child about the consequences of consuming alcoholic beverages. Therefore


the parent should take full responsibilities in ensuring that their child or children dont
attend any social events that encourages under age children part taking of alcoholic
It is also recommended that the vendors in Chateaubelair enforce the law of not selling
under age young people alcoholic beverages.

The government should implement strict rules and penalties on those individual who
promotes social event that condone under aged young people consuming alcoholic beverages.
Therefore placing security at these events will definitely help reduce under aged alcoholics

These are some photo that show the consumption of alcohol amongst young people.



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