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5 Interesting Facts Black Women Can

Proudly Claim
A Moore

Mother Africa by BenHeine

Black Women are the Mothers of Humanity

Africans were the first to inhabit the Earth. Fossil records as well as DNA analysis
give scientific evidence to support this fact. Therefore, the first woman to give birth
was a black African woman. It is from her that all humans have come. Mitochondrial
DNA analysis has traced all human beings back to one Black woman who is
estimated to have lived between 99,000 and 200,000 years ago, most likely in East
Africa, when Homo sapiens sapiens (anatomically modern humans) were
developing as a population distinct from other human subspecies.
Early African civilizations understood the importance of the woman as the creator of
life. This is why many African civilizations developed matrilineal societies where the
woman was the central figure. That does not mean women dominated the men, but
rather that men learned to respect and appreciate the importance of the Black

Black Women Were The First Women to Rule

The earliest females in recorded history to rule nations were African women. The
best-known female ruler was the Egyptian Pharaoh Hatshepsut (1503 to 1482 B.C.),
dubbed The Ablest Queen of Far Antiquity by historians. While several male rivals
sought to oust her from power, Hatshepsut withstood their challenges to remain
head of what was then the worlds leading nation for 33 years.
To help enhance her popularity with the people of Egypt, Hatshepsut had a number
of spectacular temples and pyramids erected, some of which still stand today as a
testament to one of the most successful female rulers in history.
Although it was uncommon for ancient Egypt to be ruled by a woman, it was not
unprecedented. Hatshepsut is the first for which the detailed records have been
discovered, but other Black women before her held the highest title of the land.
The 18th dynasty pharaoh was preceded by Merneith of the first dynasty,
Nimaethap of the third dynasty, Nitocris of the sixth dynasty, Queen Sobekneferu of
the 12th dynasty, and the warrior queen, Ahhotep I of the 17th dynasty.

Black Women Produce the Strongest Babies

In his book, The Developmental Psychology of the Black Child, Dr. Amos Wilson uses
test results taken from the research of white social scientists to show that contrary
to being inferior to whites, Black children show superior psychomotor development
over European children.
He writes:
Whenever motor differences between white and Black American infants have been
noted in research literature, the Black babies have been advanced in comparison
with the whites. this is also the case with Black children of other nationalities,
particularly of African origin.
According to University of Florida researchers, Black baby girls born weighing 2.2
pounds or less are more than twice as likely to survive as white baby boys born at
the same weight, when many preemies are still too tiny to make it on their own.
Analyzing data from more than 5,000 premature births, UF researchers pinpointed a
link between gender and race and the survival rates of babies born at extremely low
weights, according to findings released Jan. 3, 2006, in the journal Pediatrics.
It is the first scientific evidence of a phenomenon doctors have observed for years,
said Dr. Steven B. Morse, a UF assistant professor of pediatrics and the articles lead

Black Woman Consistently Fight on The Frontlines For The Black Community
For centuries Black women have been at the forefront of our struggle for freedom.
Some have used religious practices or social and political endeavors, others have
used the sword or the gun to demand freedom, racial justice, gender equality, and
economic security for their children and communities.
Assata Shakur took bullets for the cause. Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat on
a bus and sparked a boycott that changed America. Harriet Tubman helped more
than 300 slaves escape the South on the Underground Railroad. Nanny led the
Maroons and nearly brought the British military in Jamaica to their knees, while Yaa
Asantewaa and Queen Nzinga showed European slave traders just how costly it is to
try to oppress African people led by a strong Black woman.
The list of fearless, intelligent women who fought against oppression goes on and

Black Women Have Black Men

There are many Black men who recognize that their women have a lot to be proud
about. Both Black men and women fought racial oppression, often side-by-side, and
together we have learned how to survive and thrive, despite its existence.
Major media outlets, books, blogs, and society at large have persistently
propagated misconceptions about Black love and relationships. On the heels of all
the doom and gloom news and stories about Black-on-Black love is the supposed
cure: interracial relationships. However, statistics show that Black men have not
abandoned their women as is portrayed in the mainstream media. The vast majority
of them are still opting for a relationship with a sister.
According to Howard University researcher Ivory A. Toldson, 88 percent of married
African-American men of all education and income levels marry Black women.
Most rich and successful Black men do not choose to marry outside of their race: 83
percent of six-figure-earning brothers and 85 percent of college educated AfricanAmerican men find a Black woman to call his wife, reported Toldson.


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