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Arguing for a position:

Instructions: Your final assignment of the semester will be to take a position on one of
the three current argument/issues in Unit 5: Arguing a Position. The three topics you
have to choose from are 1) the banning of the hejab in France; 2) the legalization of
Marijuana; 3) the effect of video games on social behavior. Each topic has a folder
containing two essays with opposing viewpoints. You must carefully read both, and
then take a position.
This assignment demands integration of the two sources (articles) you read.
Youll need to summarize the main points of each essay, integrate quotes, and
paraphrase where necessary. The minimum length for your essay is 3-4 pages, plus a
references page. Your thesis must take a clear position on the issue, and your
following paragraphs must offer support for that position; i.e. what are the reasons
you support the side you do.
It will be necessary for you to capture the main reasons/arguments from both
sides of the issue; so even though you will argue for one side, you must also consider
the counter-argumentswhat the opposing side says. You can concede and/or refute
opposing points to strengthen your position, but dont ignore the opposition. Look for
logical fallacies and other weaknesses (vague language, assumptions, etc.) in the
opposing arguments.
This essay will be written in class a little bit each day for the next couple of
weeks. Well start with summaries, then extract important quotes, move on to intros,
drafts and the final versions. See schedule below for important dates.

Important end-of-semester dates

Dec 14: Summary of 1st argument essay; Summary of 2nd argument essay
Dec 16: Introductions and key quotes from each essay to be written with follow up
Jan 4: Peer Evaluation
Jan 6: Final versions of argument essay due

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