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What is law?

John Salmond, an expert in law defines law as those principles applied by state in the
administration of justice. He and Thomas Aquinas considered justice as the goal of laws.
Thus, laws are a set of rules for society, designed to protect basic rights and freedom, and to
treat everyone fairly. It is a set of obligations to each other to enable society as whole to live
in peace and harmony. Laws are either made by individuals through contracts or are imposed
on them by a law establishing body.
Rights, Rules and Laws
Rights are born with, or given to an individual, in which he/she takes decision. Some rights
are granted by a law making body, and some are taken away. Rules are guidelines for
adherence to certain behavioral patterns. There are rules for games, for social clubs, for sports
and for adults in the workplace. There are also rules imposed by morality and custom that
play an important role in telling us what we should and should not do. The state or the court
make and enforce laws. Laws offer a fair division of benefits for those who follow it and
burdens for those who break it. This creates equilibrium in the society. They regulate the
society through principles, procedures and rules.
Thus, To live is a right, those who kill another is punishable with 12 years of
imprisonment and fine is a law, while Dont kill others or respect life are rules.

Types of laws
Laws are generally categorized into the following :
Criminal laws: Criminal Laws deal with offense and punishment, designed to protect society
as a whole from wrongful actions. For example, Traffic/road laws, laws regarding use of
drugs, adulteration of food or drinks, defamation, rape, murder, and theft. These are cases
where police can take action. Legal action can be initiated at the compliant of the
government, organizations or individuals. The procedure in criminal cases are according to
the Criminal Procedure Code (CRPC).
Civil Law: Civil laws help solve problems which occur between individuals or groups. For
example, laws related to contract, marriage, employment, and domestic violence. Civil cases
are settled by trained legal personnel and courts help solve. The damages claimed by the
plaintiff, or the punishment sought by him/her in civil case is finally decided by the judge.
Procedure in civil cases are decided by Civil Procedures Code (CPC). The cases could be
settled by trained legal personnel or courts. Sometimes laws are divided under public and
private laws based on the application of their application.
Public Law: Public law deals with matters that affect society as a whole. It includes areas of
the law that are known as criminal, constitutional and administrative law. These are the laws
that deal with the relationship between the individual and the state, or among jurisdictions.
For example, if someone breaks a criminal law, it is regarded as a wrong against society as a
whole, and the state takes steps to prosecute the offender.
Private Law: Private law, on the other hand, deals with the relationships between individuals

in society and is used primarily to settle private disputes. Private law deals with such matters
as contracts, property ownership, the rights and obligations of family members, and damage
to ones person or property caused by others. When one individual sues another over some
private dispute, this is a matter for private law. Private suits are also called civil suits.
Tort Laws : The word tort derives from the Latin word tortus which means (twisted) and
means wrong in French. Tort refers to that body of the law which will allow an injured
person to obtain compensation from the person who caused the injury. Every person is
expected to live without injuring others. When they do so, either intentionally or by
negligence, they can be required by a court to pay money to the injured party (damages) so
that, ultimately, they will suffer the pain caused by their action. Tort also serves as a deterrent
by sending a message to the community as to what is unacceptable conduct.

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