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THE NAZIS (Lawrence Rees, BBC Books)

70 Joseph Goebbels heard the news of Von Raths death and, when the Nazi
hierarchy met in Munich to commemorate the anniversary of the Putsch asked
Hitler to let loose the Nazi Storm Troopers.
14 in the Nazi version of History, Hitler, the man of destiny came to power in
Germany in much the same way as Christ came to save the world 2000 years ago.

THE DICTATORS (Richard Overy, Penguin Books)

81 Goebbels joined the party in 1925 and made his reputation in the Berlin of
the late 1920s as a propagandist and political terrorist and a man with the power
to move an audience almost as remarkable as Hitler
507-8 in the summer of 1944 Joseph Goebbels was appointed plenipotentiary
for Total War, but Goebbels saw his task principally in propaganda terms
377 by 1933 there existed a plethora of small local stations loosely supervised
by the Reich Radio Society. Goebbels centralized the all system and the control of
his ministry.
378 the regime organized the mass production of a cheap peoples radio. In
1933 there were 4.5 million registered radio sets, by 1941 15 million

DOCTOR GOEBBELS (Roger Manvell and Heinrich Fraenkel,

Frontline Books, London)

127 with the radio we have destroyed the spirit of rebellion

The little doctor was probably the most intelligent, from a purely brain point of
view, of all the Nazi leaders. He never speechified; he always saw and stuck to the
point; he was also an able debater and in private conversations astonishingly fairminded and reasonable. Sir Neville Henderson, British ambassador to Germany,
320 a speech attacking communism delivered at the Nuremberg Party Rally in
September 1935. English, French and Spanish translations were also published
132 Heinrich Himmler, Supreme Commander of the SS, who had once been the
inefficient secretary whom Gregor Strasser had replaced by young Joseph
132 The most dramatic event in the half-submerged process of forging these
controls vas the blood-bath of Saturday and Sunday 29 th 30th June 1934 in which
Goebbels plated a prominent part
137 Goebbels paid his first visit to Switzerland as official representative from
Germany to the League of Nations in Geneva

THE THIRD REICH IN POWER (Richard J. Evans, Penguin


123 Goebbels rapid propaganda spin on the Night of the Long Knives only won
the Leader more backing. Goebbels was able to portray the Reichstag Fire as a
lone act part of a communist uprising

AUSCHWITZ (Lawrence Rees, BBC Books)

16 his work was much more sophisticated and much more insidious, the most
effective propagandist of the twentieth century
18 audience research (a science he was obsessed with) Goebbels believed that
it was always preferable to reinforce the existing prejudice of the audience rather
than to try to change someones mind he showed images and told stories that led
ordinary Germans to reach the conclusion he wanted, whilst leaving them thinking
they had worked it out for themselves.
92 was one of those who took the lead in pushing for the Jews of Berlin to be
forcibly deported East.
93 Hitler did grant one of Goebbels requeststhe Jews of Germany should be
marked with the yellow star.


Hodder Education)

157 He [Goebbels] showed a subtlety and an understanding of psychology,

which he now associated with advertising agencies

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