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Anointed Meditation

He will fulfill the desire of those that who fear Him

(Psalm 145:19a).

What is the difference between anointed

visualization and anointed meditation? Anointed
visualization is forming images in the imagination
of your mind while focusing on the Lord. It is like
gazing at a photo. Though you see only the
different objects and subjects in the mental picture,
does not mean the Unseen God is not present.
Focusing on the Lord is not an attempt to hold two
different focuses but it is sharing and submitting
your mental pictures to the Lord for His correction
and approval. Anointed meditation is exercised
when you fix your attention on the person of Christ
while you are using those images you have created
through visualization to shoot your mental movie
concerning your destiny in God - the will of God for
your life.

God placed in every person, coming into the world,

a natural plan for his or her life. It is normally the
things that you want to do and in which you show
aptitude and have potential. When you get born-
again, God extend that plan by showing you how
you should serve His kingdom on earth. The plan of
God for your life is the things that function in you
according to the working of the anointing.

If the anointing is absent in your activities, you

must know it is not part of the plan of God for your
life. It is your responsibility to discover God’s plan
for your life on earth. When God’s people do not
discover their calling but pursue something outside
of God’s will they are destroyed because of a lack
of understanding of God’s will.
Many years ago a woman dreamed how God
ordered her birth and how she lived a Christian life.
She knew it was her responsibility to discover God’s
plan for her life and obediently fulfill her purpose on
earth. She saw two scenarios. In the first scenario
she saw herself as a born-again believer that
succeeded in discovering her purpose on earth and
she was fulfilling it obediently. She knew God was
well pleased with her life and He crowned her an
overcomer. In the second scenario she saw her as a
born-again believer that lived indifferently. She did
not backslide into sin but neither did she seek
God’s purpose for her life on earth to obediently
fulfill it. God did not condemn her to hell but she
knew He was not pleased with her as she was
wasting her life. Though her end was perfection in
Christ, an exhibition of God’s grace, she was one of
those called least in the kingdom of heaven.

Where will you be in ten years time? If you do not

constantly search out God’s will for your life to stay
on the path of life you will reach your destiny on
the way you travel now. Futility is when a person
does the same erroneous thing repeatedly, always
heading in the wrong direction but expecting
positive outcomes. If a man thinks he is a failure in
everything, he will end up being a failure. If a man
is afraid of every decease and calamity and think it
is not God’s will for him to prosper he will attract
poverty, calamity and decease to himself. The
things that a man fear shall come upon him
(Proverbs 10:24a). As a man thinks within himself,
so is he. The law of return determines that
whatever you sow you will reap. Everything brings
forth after its own kind. Can a fig tree, my brethren,
bear olives, or a grapevine bear figs? (James

When a person alters his ways to diligently obey

the voice of the Lord, God’s blessings shall come
upon him and overtake him, because he positions
himself in the place of his anointing. When you are
obedient the anointing works in you. The anointing
breaks the yoke of bondage that the blessing of
God may come upon you.

In the beginning God positioned man in the garden,

the place of his anointing, that the Lord may bless
him. Since the fall it is man’s responsibility to
search for his garden, the place of his anointing,
that God may bless him. The only change since the
fall is that man must, through faith, position
himself in the place of his anointing. God never
changed. If man is in the place of his anointing, God
will bless him.

It is wise to search out God’s purpose for your life

on earth. God might have called you as an anointed
engineer, husband, father, and intercessor and has
also anointed you in every other area of your life.
You should search out your anointed areas that you
may function in it and fulfill the will of God for your
life. Avoid all areas in which you have no anointing,
which prevent the blessing of God.

How do you walk in what God has for you? Where

do you start?

Firstly, compile your own identity profile per area

of your life. Use what you know about yourself,
prophecies, words of wisdom and dreams and
visions concerning your life. For example, I had a
dream when God called me to be an intercessor. I
do not over emphasize dreams but I felt in my spirit
at the time that this was from God.

Secondly, sift, sort and evaluate the contents of

your profile to discern between carnal input and
what was from the Holy Spirit. Go through this
exercise over and over, year in and year out.
Record your profile on a word processing program.
It leaves you with the opportunity to come back to
it and to change it as often as you wish. I have
adjusted my profile many times as revelation about
myself got clearer. If you know who you are in God
and believe it you will never suffer an identity
crisis. Every time I read my profile it stirs faith in
my heart.

Thirdly, separate the word which is fulfilled in your

life from that which is not yet in manifestation.
This will give you a picture of who you are now in
contrast to who you hope to be. However, you must
identify yourself with the final picture; that is how
God sees you in His Son.

Fourthly, start to meditate on that which is

fulfilled in your life. This will take time but it will
give you an unfolding revelation of who you are
right now. A certain area may be in manifestation
now but you will always grow in that area because
a major characteristic of life is that it causes
change through growth. The day that you will
become stagnant in an area of your life that area
will start to die.

Fifthly, meditate also on the unfulfilled prophecies

in your life, one area a time, one vision at a time.
Use in your imagination all the five senses of sight,
hearing, touch, smell and taste to shape objects
and subjects in your mind. Many people cannot see
a mental picture at first, so if this happens do not
be concerned. You can start practice visualizing by
picturing enjoyable things you see and do in
everyday life. Picture yourself. Look in a mirror to
initially assist you. Then close your eyes and
imagine seeing yourself without the mirror. Then
imagine yourself reading the Bible, or praying or
healing the sick. Doing these practice runs will help
you eventually to form visions about your unfulfilled

Visualize and meditate at least twice a day, about

10 minutes each time. Persevere with it, day after
day, with, patience, hope and faith. When negative
thoughts and doubts arise, answer them with
Scripture, like Jesus did when Satan tempted Him in
the desert. By replacing negative thoughts with
Scripture you change your life. After, concluding
your visualization and meditation session prophecy
your vision into existence. Speak it until you do it
with conviction. You are in the image of God and
everything that was created God has spoken into
existence. You have to do the same.

You must daily visualize and meditate on these

unfulfilled prophecies and speak them into
fulfillment. When the Lord shows you something He
will also give you an interpretation or instruction.
And the Lord said to me, “Amos what do you see?”
And I said, “A plumb line.” Then the Lord said…
(Amos 7:8a). If you had withdrawn in disobedience
from something repent and do what you are
suppose to do. Then again you need to start
preparing yourself for something great that will
come your way, like preparing yourself for a career,
ministry or something that does not happen
overnight. Often you need tertiary training or skill
development for what lies ahead. For example, if
God called you to be a prophet He gave you hope
that one day you will walk as a prophet of God.
When you visualize and meditate on the various
aspects of being a prophet you strengthen your
hope and give your vision definition. Your vision of
hope is the basis of your faith. Therefore I remind
you to stir up the gift of God which is in you
through the laying on of my hands. For God has not
given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love
and of a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:6-7). You know
that all prophets know how to pray and intercede,
have a sound knowledge of the Scriptures, know
the voice of the Lord and know how to prophesy the
word of the Lord. Therefore you need to start
practicing to pray and intercede according to the
mind of the Holy Spirit, studying and meditating on
the Scriptures, practice to wait on God that you
may learn His voice and practice to speak the word
of the Lord. The preparatory phase is the setting
aside of the ministry to mature. When the Lord set
you into the office of a prophet He bestow on you a
greater anointing that is mainly manifested in
prophetic authority.

How do you practice anointed meditation? You

practice it by shooting a movie in your imagination
about a specific area of your life while focusing on
the Lord. It renews you in the spirit of your mind as
you come into contact with the truth. The more you
meditate on the will of God the deeper the seed is
sown in your heart.

Firstly, you need to get physically comfortable.

Find a physical comfortable place, like your study
that should be distraction free. When meditating on
the will of God you need no interruptions of any

Secondly, you also need to get spiritually

comfortable when you focus your concentration on
the Lord. You need to be tranquil in your heart,
your thoughts silent and your emotions at peace.
When I remember You [focus on Christ] on my bed
[place of rest], I meditate on You in the night
watches [time of silence] (Psalm 63:6).

It is not always easy to relax your mind and

emotions and begin to focus on the Lord. The heart
of man is by nature undisciplined and steer its
thoughts wherever it wishes to go. Initially it is
difficult to bring your thoughts in captivity to the
obedience of Christ. Endeavor not to develop a
struggle within you. Trick your mind by imagining
the Lord accompanying you on your trip when your
thoughts take you through the neighborhood.
Alternatively, visualize yourself walking with Him
some place in nature’s beauty. Use that which
works for you. While walking with Him remain
silent and watch Him, like a television on mute
Thirdly, you need to produce a new mental movie
about one of your unfulfilled prophecies. Visualize
all subjects and objects in a clear mental picture of
the unfulfilled word. Then fix your attention on the
person of Christ while you are using those images
you have created through visualization to shoot
your mental movie concerning your destiny in God.
Do some editing until the vision is clear. Look at it
again until the word of the Lord is like fire burning
in your bones. Every time you get distracted, start
over again. Put your whole attention into the
exercises, do not think about anything else and do
not forget to focus on the Lord. The moment you
find yourself thinking about something else or
excluding the Lord in your meditation stop the
exercise and start again. Repeat the exercise at
least two times more. You must persevere patiently
and faithfully every day until its fulfillment.

Meditate only on one thing at a time and do not

attempt too much in the beginning. Do not try to
meditate on all areas of your life or all unfulfilled
prophecies in one session. Take one issue at a time
and go slowly, without overdoing it. If you find it
difficult to hold your focus after sometime, stop the
session and try later when you are refreshed. The
more you practice the sooner and better you will
know the voice of the Lord.

Divine meditation insists that you focus your

attention on Christ. You envisage Him similar to
when you are in somebody’s presence which you
cannot see. When you visualize and you are not
focused on Christ you are exercising creative
visualization which is a technique that teach you
how to use the power of your mind and the “energy
of the universe” to get what you want out of life!
The difference between anointed visualization and
creative visualization is:
a) Anointed visualization includes Christ in
your meditation but creative visualization
excludes Him.

b) Anointed visualization, explores the will of

God for your life in the imagination of your
heart while creative visualization pursue
the desires of the soul regardless if it is
God’s will or not.

c) Divine visualization sees fulfillment of the

will of God through faith in Christ while
creative visualization promotes the latent
power of the soul and “the forces of the
universe” for bringing to pass what you
want out of life.

The following exercises are an introduction in

developing the skill of divine meditation:

Exercise 1

Close your eyes and focus your attention on Christ.

Envisage Him like when you are in somebody’s
presence which you cannot see.

Start visualizing your present career and job. Break

it down in different areas and focus and meditate
only on one area at a time per session. While
visualizing on your career do not lose track of the
Lord. It is not two different focuses but one focus. It
is a willful and conscious sharing of the visions of
your heart with the Lord.

Why is it sometimes necessary to focus on your

career and to visualize it? On occasion the Lord will
show you changes that may be on the horizon,
impending danger or areas in which you can
improve. Occasionally when you meditate on
something God may speak to you in a dream or
vision. Is this Scriptural? King Nebuchadnezzar
meditated on what would happen after his reign
and God answered him: As for you, O king,
thoughts came to your mind while on your bed,
about what will come to pass after this; and He who
reveals secrets has made known to you what will
be (Daniel 2:29).

Many years ago, I was meditating on my work

situation, and God warned me that night in a dream
of a conspiracy against me at work. It was
something I was not aware off. It was about three
people that tried to get me out of my position as
head of department. I meditated on the dream for
its interpretation and then I asked God for an
answer. God gave me the answer and I meditated
on it and then through prayer with prophetic
proclamation God brought me victory. God speaks
that you may grow in faith, have food for prayer
and intercession and for you to proclaim His word.

I know a prophet of God that is mightily used in the

healing, signs and wonders ministry. He has even
raised the dead. When he meditates on his church
services he sees himself preaching sermons and
heals the sick. Occasionally, the actual services and
the imaginations of his heart turned out to be
identical. It is the same people he saw, with the
same sicknesses and the same revelation he
received concerning them. The Holy Spirit does
anoint sanctified imagination.

Exercise 2

Voice a short prayer while focusing on the Lord,

asking Him to reveal His will to you. Focus your
attention on the person of Christ for more or less
three minutes. Record the impressions that come to
mind. It is normally only a single issue. Visualize
each object and subject contained in your
impressions. Start meditating on the impressions
that came to your mind. Use the visual images, but
no sound, while creating the mental movie. Do not
rush the visualization or meditation processes and
do not lose your focus on the Lord. Repeat this
exercise at least two more times. Pray according to
the vision in your heart. Initially you will make
many mistakes but it is wise to learn to pray
according to the mind of the Holy Spirit and not in
agreement with your personal desires. You must
learn the voice of the Lord every possible way and
then respond to His voice. To pray according to the
mind of the Holy Spirit is to be effective but to pray
in agreement with the carnal mind, how sincere it
may be, is futility. You ask and do not receive,
because you ask amiss, that you may spend it on
your pleasures (James 4:3).

Exercise 3

Close your eyes and focus on the Holy Spirit for

more or less three minutes. Ask Him in a short
prayer for His wisdom and understanding in
Scripture. The Holy Spirit is the One that leads you
in all truth and reveals the Word of God (Christ) to

Choose a passage of Scripture to read, just enough

to meditate on for about 10 minutes. It is wise to
choose a passage of Scripture in line with what the
Holy Spirit presently emphasizes to you. Read the
passage of chosen Scripture carefully and imagine
the story in your mind. While reading maintain your
focus on the Holy Spirit as you are sharing it with
Him. If you get distracted in the least, restart the
process afresh.

Read it for a second time. To identify with the word

see yourself as an observer in the biblical account.
Visualize each object and subject in the Biblical
account. Then meditate on the narrative as a whole
without using words, like a television set on mute
mode. To hear the voice of the Holy Spirit you need
to be silent inside of you. However, it is not a
blanking out of the mind. Do not attempt that
because it is dangerous. The blanking out of the
mind is a technique used by spiritualists to make
contact with the “other side.” Maintain your focus
on the Holy Spirit as you meditate on the passage.
If you get distracted, restart the process over. This
exercise shows you how to effectively meditate on
the word of God.

Exercise 4

Choose a problem or a need that needs an answer.

Voice a short prayer and ask the Lord to provide
you with a solution to the problem or need. Now,
close your eyes and focus your attention on Christ
in you. Hold your focus on the Lord for more or less
three minutes while looking at the problem or need.
Record any impressions that you might have

For example, you are looking for your keys. Focus

on it without losing attention on the Lord. Ask the
Holy Spirit to show you where it is. Often the Holy
Spirit solves my problems, sometimes through a
vision but mostly through a word of knowledge.

If you have received no impressions relax and start

again. Repeat the exercise until you receive some
impressions. If you have received any impressions
coming to mind record it. Then the Lord answered
me and said: “Write the vision and make it plain on
tablets, that he may run who reads it” (Habakkuk
2:2). Some impressions will be from the Holy Spirit
and some from your own mind. Imagine each object
and subject of each impression without using
words, like a television set on mute mode. Look
carefully at each one again. Then meditate on the
solution in movie-format. Maintain your focus on
the Holy Spirit while you are busy with the
visualization and meditation processes.

If you are getting distracted in the least, restart the

process from the beginning. This exercise is an
introduction to wait on the Lord.
I know a man that is a great lover of classical
music. He is also a songwriter and musician. He
told me that sometimes he sit down, relaxes
himself and close his eyes and start listening to
symphonies that he composes in his imagination. I
cannot understand why this talented man is not
composing these symphonies. I know he is able to
do it, but because of unbelief he is wasting his

Exercise 5

Exercise 5 is a continuation of exercise 4. This time

you use in your imagination all the five senses of
sight, hearing, touch, smell and taste to shape
objects and subjects of your impressions. Keep your
focus on the Lord. Open your eyes, look at the
impressions again for a short while, and then close
your eyes and redo the exercise without losing your
focus on the Lord. See yourself as an observer in
the scene. In this way you identify with the word.
This exercise is an introduction to receive
revelation from the Lord.

Exercise 6

Exercise 6 is a continuation of exercise 5. Close

your eyes and while keeping your focus on the Lord
visualize your impressions for about 2 minutes.
Then take each object in the scenery one by one
and inspect them carefully. Watch the object from
all sides, only observe the images visually. Do not
use your other senses. Do not get distracted with
these objects and lose your focus on the Lord. If
you do lose your focus on the Lord start the process
over. Interpret the objects one by one. Meditate on
the story of your impressions again and interpret
the parable. This exercise is an introduction to
interpret dreams, visions and parables.

Exercise 7
After you are skilled in the previous exercises you
can start to practice above exercises with open
eyes. If you can focus on the Lord while doing other
things you can hear the voice of the Lord
regardless if your eyes are opened or closed. You
observe the things in the realm of God’s Spirit with
your spirit and not with your bodily senses.

Everyday has many opportunities to strengthen

your ability to focus on the Lord and to meditate on
what you are doing. Every activity can be turned
into an open eye exercise. This is to live with your
spirit in heaven while be bodily on earth.

A man of God by invitation went elsewhere to

minister. While being absent from home he
received a message that his son died. He gave
instruction to leave his son’s body on his bed. He
went home and immediately started to pray to
raise his son from the dead. He prayed much but
nothing happened. The Holy Spirit told him that he
was kept looking at his son’s corpse. Then the Holy
Spirit instructed him to go and stand at the window.
The Holy Spirit told him that when he can see his
son running and playing on the lawn his son would
return to life. He walked to the window and start
gazing through it. Initially he saw nothing. The
moment he saw his son running and playing on the
lawn he called to him and he was resurrected from
the dead.

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