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Weak Leadership Has Dashed The Hope Of Blacks,

And That Of All Americans
Paula Matthews

The Lord has given me a vision of President Obama and Mrs. Clinton standing on a
door1 that was crushing the backs of Blacks in our nation. It was revealed that the
door was the opening of a cargo hole of a slave ship. The Blacks were being held in
the cargo hole just like their ancestors had been when they were brought to America
as slaves. The difference was there were no visible chains binding Blacks today. The
people were free to move, but had little room because there were so many of them
stashed away in this cramp place. Then I heard the voice of some of them saying,
We always have it better under the Democrats. They were under the Democrats all
right; right under their feet. The thing that was blocking their freedom was the door
to the cargo hole. That same door was the platform on which Obama and Clinton
stood, blocking the way for the Blacks to come up to their level on the ship. I asked
God, Why are Obama and Clinton on a slave ship? His response, It is the status
quo in American politics. The Lord declared that if America is to survive, The
status quo must go. The times and seasons have changed, but only those who are
hearing and obeying God would know that. Then I asked God, Where were they
sailing? Obama and Clinton were headed to the White House, knowing that if Blacks
could stay in the memory of their past, they would vote for Clinton. It was also
known that if Blacks did not get free from the cargo hole, they would begin to crush
and kill one another attempting to escape. That was the plan, to get their votes, and
let them self-destruct, let the poor Black people destroy themselves. The Lord says
that is why Blacks are so angry. They sense the betrayal.

They had believed that by having a Black man in the White House, things would
have been better for Blacks; there would have been more justice; more equality; and
more opportunities. That did not happen. Even God had given prophecies that
President Obama was called to be the champion of the poor; A modern day
Cyrus2 who would restore righteousness on behalf of Gods people. That did not
happen. Cyrus was commanded by God to build Him a house and to set free His
People who had been taken into Babylonian captivity (II Chronicles 36:22-23; Ezra
1-3). Cyrus obeyed God, but Obama did not. That is why so many are angry in this
hour. They heard the word of God. They believed that God would set them free
through this Black President, but it did not happen. Now, they are even angrier
because of the seeming lack of concern by President Obama.

So what happened? Didnt Obama hear from God himself? Yes, but he chose not to
obey the word that he heard. According to the Lord, Mr. Obama compromised for
political gain. He chose to concentrate on winning the 2016 Election rather than

1 www.letstalkprophecy.com/2016/09/god-identifies-the-obama-clinton-slaveship/
2 http://www.letstalkprophecy.com/2016/06/god-compares-president-obama-topharaoh-in-ancient-egypt/

securing the hearts and minds of the people, that their safety and justice was high
priority. Mr. Obama chose to rely on his own popularity rather than on the promise
of God. What says the Lord, Cursed is the man who relies on his own strength,
and who turns his heart away from the Living God (Jeremiah 17:5). Not only has
Obama cursed himself, but also everything he touches, will be cursed until he
repents and turns his heart back to God. Where God announced peace and
prosperity for His people, Obamas disobedience has caused turmoil and lack in our
nation. Even his own city of Chicago has become the murder capital of America. It
has been reported that 2016 is the most dangerous year in the last two decades.
This was not Gods plan for America. It is the result of the disobedience of a man
whom God entrusted with the people of our nation; a man whom with his own
words vowed before God to uphold the rights of all men under our constitution.
That has not happened.

So what now? God said that the people were looking to the man, but the man is weak
and not capable of ruling his own passions. He cannot be expected to rule a people
without the help of God, and yet Obama chose to throw aside God to do his own
thing. What about those whom God sent to help the president? Obama threw them
aside as well. Those whom God sent as saviors, Obama treated as enemies. Money
that God sent them to help America, Obama kept for him self. In fact, God gave a
prophecy a while back revealing that money and resources that had been sent for
the people, Obama used for himself, just like the governments do in places like

There is a theme God has been revealing through His people. Barack Obama is only
concerned about promoting his own interests. He has little or no concern about the
people. Oh yeah, he will help dedicate a museum documenting the history of Blacks
in America, but when called to take them to the ultimate level of achievement that
God commanded, Obama choked. Consequently, Blacks are sent back to the
reminders of the racism and injustice over and over again. As a nation, have built yet
another monument largely dedicated to the pain and suffering of Blacks, enslaving
them to their past. This is institutional racism. The people are being shown that they
cannot do any better than their past. Therefore, history is repeating itself in our day
at alarming proportions. Its time that All Americans arise! Its time to go back to
basics, back to what God requires of all mankind. Racism exists where there is an
absence of God. Racism is when one group of people decides to separate themselves
from another because of their differences. In Jesus Christ, there are no differences
(Galatians 3:28). God sees us all as one Body that must operate in love and unity.
Everyone in God is commanded to act in love towards God and others (Matthew
22:37-40), because they understand that GOD IS LOVE (I JOHN 4:8). That is a
mystery most people, even the church does not always understand. God is Love.
Where there is an absence of God, there will be an absence of authentic love. So,
when Obama chose to ignore God, he in fact, ignored the love of God for all mankind.
By default, Obama chose self-centeredness and hatred. That same spirit of selfcenteredness and hatred permeates our nation even as the nations of the world
watch us in our ignorance. This has got to end, if America is to survive.

Its time for Blacks, and all Americans to arise out of the past, to arise out of the
anger, and take hold of the glorious future God ordained for them. God is trying to
raise up millionaires and billionaires for the Kingdom.3 He has been promising this
since before the time Obama was nominated, that this was the time for ALL BLACKS
to arise to where God had originally ordained for them. That did not happen. The
only legacy Mr. Obama leaves is that of a troubled past and a dismal future for
Blacks in America. Mr. Obama says that he would be offended if Blacks dont vote for
Hillary Clinton, when in reality every American including Blacks should be offended
that Obama would desire for America to have yet another president who is
incapable of fulfilling what God desires. America began to falter when Obama made
God his enemy. Those of us who began moving to help America, Obama blocked and
harassed unjustly. We were trying to uphold the throne of God, but Obama wanted
to uphold his own throne above God. God threw Lucifer out of heaven for such an
offense, how much more would He do to Mr. Obama who continues to fight against
America, we need to stand in fervent prayer for our nations leaders. Judgment is
coming because of what Mr. Obama continues to do. The president seems to have a
death wish. Why else would anyone play the dozens with Almighty God and not
expect lightning to strike them from heaven? It was the Holy Spirit who said that Mr.
Obama was killing himself, by his continued actions against the people of God.
Did God make a mistake in choosing Barack Obama? No. God did not make a
mistake. God always chooses a man or a woman to do His will in the earth. God
allows mankind to exercise his or her free will. God will not force a person to obey
Him, even when dire consequences follow. God will send messengers calling the
person back into obedience, but if they choose to kill themselves, even God cannot
stop them. In Americas case, God will not let us fail completely. He will find
someone who will obey Him, God always does. That is how our nation has remained
blessed all these decades. But consider this. If the people rejoice when the righteous
are in authority (Proverbs 29:2), it follows that when the wicked rule, the people are
angry. That is where we are today, under wicked rule. Even so, the hatred and
turmoil in our nation are just the beginnings of sorrows, but for those who obey
God, it will not touch them. This is another reason to pray, so that we can be in
obedience, even if our leaders turn wicked. We can still protect ourselves from
harm, if we ourselves obey God. That is Gods covenant promise to all who would
call upon Him in their time of trouble (Romans 10:13).
Beloved, look to God for your help, even in this very day. Human beings will only
disappoint you, but God will never forsake you. Trust Him. Depend on His word. He
promises that if we obey and serve Him, we would spend our days in prosperity and
our years in pleasures (Job 36:11). That is much better than any promise from the
candidates. God is not running for office, He just is, who He is. God is Love!
3 http://www.letstalkprophecy.com/2016/09/obama-attempts-to thwart-gods-


More such writings from Paula Matthews can be found on http://www.letstalkprophecy.com.

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