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[root@ip-10-0-2-140 salt]# salt us-db-allergan-134-6 db.

query mysql 'show engine

innodb status'
Per second averages calculated from the last 1 seconds
----------------BACKGROUND THREAD
----------------srv_master_thread loops: 7886332 1_second, 7886322 sleeps, 781894 10_s
econd, 168353 background, 168035 flush
srv_master_thread log flush and writes: 8045077
---------OS WAIT ARRAY INFO: reservation count 264918464, signal count 11199075
Mutex spin waits 4309709466, rounds 1493225998, OS waits 4200452
RW-shared spins 786681033, rounds 7952458046, OS waits 209122114
RW-excl spins 165601238, rounds 2929859228, OS waits 46085591
Spin rounds per wait: 0.35 mutex, 10.11 RW-shared, 17.69 RW-excl
-------FILE I/O
-------I/O thread 0 state: waiting for completed aio requests (insert buffer
I/O thread 1 state: waiting for completed aio requests (log thread)
I/O thread 2 state: waiting for completed aio requests (read thread)
I/O thread 3 state: waiting for completed aio requests (read thread)
I/O thread 4 state: waiting for completed aio requests (read thread)
I/O thread 5 state: waiting for completed aio requests (read thread)
I/O thread 6 state: waiting for completed aio requests (write thread)
I/O thread 7 state: waiting for completed aio requests (write thread)
I/O thread 8 state: waiting for completed aio requests (write thread)
I/O thread 9 state: waiting for completed aio requests (write thread)
Pending normal aio reads: 0 [0, 0, 0, 0] , aio writes: 0 [0, 0, 0, 0]
ibuf aio reads: 0, log i/o's: 0, sync i/o's: 0
Pending flushes (fsync) log: 0; buffer pool: 0
1271737641 OS file reads, 146043188 OS file writes, 11233435 OS fsyncs
0.00 reads/s, 0 avg bytes/read, 0.00 writes/s, 0.00 fsyncs/s
------------------------------------INSERT BUFFER AND ADAPTIVE HASH INDEX
------------------------------------Ibuf: size 1, free list len 9, seg size 11, 35574547 merges
merged operations:
insert 90397281, delete mark 165226288, delete 3782999
discarded operations:
insert 0, delete mark 0, delete 0
Hash table size 25499809, node heap has 45080 buffer(s)
0.00 hash searches/s, 31.97 non-hash searches/s

Log sequence number 23340200118641

Log flushed up to 23340200118641
Last checkpoint at 23340200116002
Max checkpoint age
Checkpoint age target 420587011
Modified age
Checkpoint age
0 pending log writes, 0 pending chkp writes
6521112 log i/o's done, 0.00 log i/o's/second
---------------------BUFFER POOL AND MEMORY
---------------------Total memory allocated 13224640512; in additional pool allocated 0
Total memory allocated by read views 42832
Internal hash tables (constant factor + variable factor)
Adaptive hash index 942593408
(203998472 + 738594936)
Page hash
12750664 (buffer pool 0 only)
Dictionary cache
(51001072 + 2147169)
File system
(82672 + 864)
Lock system
(31875512 + 78960)
Recovery system
(0 + 0)
Dictionary memory allocated 2147169
Buffer pool size
Buffer pool size, bytes 12884885504
Free buffers
Database pages
Old database pages
Modified db pages
Pending reads 0
Pending writes: LRU 0, flush list 0, single page 0
Pages made young 2208607384, not young 0
0.00 youngs/s, 0.00 non-youngs/s
Pages read 1271716166, created 8156010, written 136017145
0.00 reads/s, 0.00 creates/s, 0.00 writes/s
Buffer pool hit rate 1000 / 1000, young-making rate 0 / 1000 not 0 / 1
Pages read ahead 0.00/s, evicted without access 0.00/s, Random read ah
ead 0.00/s
LRU len: 741350, unzip_LRU len: 0
I/O sum[560]:cur[0], unzip sum[0]:cur[0]
-------------ROW OPERATIONS
-------------0 queries inside InnoDB, 0 queries in queue
2 read views open inside InnoDB
2 transactions active inside InnoDB
2 out of 1000 descriptors used
---OLDEST VIEW--Normal read view
Read view low limit trx n:o 30841EE44
Read view up limit trx id 3083F45EE
Read view low limit trx id 30841EE44
Read view individually stored trx ids:
Read view trx id 30841EE43
Read view trx id 30841EE3B
Read view trx id 30841EDAC
Read view trx id 3083F45EE
----------------Main thread process no. 2998, id 140273886455552, state: flushing log
Number of rows inserted 357048575, updated 892459079, deleted 33655346

, read 5726032919742
0.00 inserts/s, 0.00 updates/s, 0.00 deletes/s, 0.00 reads/s
-----------------------LATEST DETECTED DEADLOCK
-----------------------160614 19:07:25
TRANSACTION 30140568F, ACTIVE 0 sec inserting
mysql tables in use 1, locked 1
LOCK WAIT 45 lock struct(s), heap size 6960, 69 row lock(s), undo log
entries 71
MySQL thread id 2809411, OS thread handle 0x7f9406105700, query id 634
4597053 apprw update
insert into autocompletecache (entityname,field,value,count) values ('
RECORD LOCKS space id 0 page no 9089945 n bits 384 index `PRIMARY` of
table `act_134`.`autocompletecache` trx id 30140568F lock_mode X locks rec but n
ot gap waiting
TRANSACTION 30140561D, ACTIVE 1 sec inserting
mysql tables in use 1, locked 1
88 lock struct(s), heap size 14776, 105 row lock(s), undo log entries
MySQL thread id 2809306, OS thread handle 0x7f940524b700, query id 634
4597047 apprw update
insert into autocompletecache (entityname,field,value,count) values ('
*** (2) HOLDS THE LOCK(S):
RECORD LOCKS space id 0 page no 9089945 n bits 384 index `PRIMARY` of
table `act_134`.`autocompletecache` trx id 30140561D lock_mode X locks rec but n
ot gap
RECORD LOCKS space id 0 page no 10820308 n bits 336 index `PRIMARY` of
table `act_134`.`autocompletecache` trx id 30140561D lock_mode X locks rec but
not gap waiting
-----------Trx id counter 308437842
Purge done for trx's n:o < 30841EF24 undo n:o < 0
History list length 6083
---TRANSACTION 0, not started
MySQL thread id 3371268, OS thread handle 0x7f9401067700, query id 719
4028363 appro
show engine innodb status
---TRANSACTION 3084377B6, not started
MySQL thread id 3371262, OS thread handle 0x7f940c921700, query id 719
4027246 apprw Waiting for table metadata lock
select distinct contact0_.contactId as col_0_0_, contact0_.extContactI
d as col_1_0_, contact0_.FirstName as col_2_0_, contact0_.MiddleName as col_3_0_
, contact0_.LastName as col_4_0_, coS
---TRANSACTION 308437692, not started
MySQL thread id 3371252, OS thread handle 0x7f940c4d0700, query id 719
4024862 apprw
---TRANSACTION 30843781F, not started

MySQL thread id 3371251, OS thread handle 0x7f94050c5700, query id 719

4028093 apprw
---TRANSACTION 308437819, not started
MySQL thread id 3371250, OS thread handle 0x7f940dcae700, query id 719
4028039 apprw
---TRANSACTION 3084375DA, not started
MySQL thread id 3371244, OS thread handle 0x7f9405863700, query id 719
4023415 apprw
---TRANSACTION 308437099, not started
MySQL thread id 3371242, OS thread handle 0x7f936a9a7700, query id 719
4023416 apprw
---TRANSACTION 30843782D, not started
MySQL thread id 3371241, OS thread handle 0x7f9406db7700, query id 719
4028199 apprw
---TRANSACTION 308437823, not started
MySQL thread id 3371240, OS thread handle 0x7f9406187700, query id 719
4028117 apprw
---TRANSACTION 308437643, not started
MySQL thread id 3371237, OS thread handle 0x7f940c656700, query id 719
4024212 apprw
---TRANSACTION 308436F95, not started
MySQL thread id 3371235, OS thread handle 0x7f9406aab700, query id 719
4010015 apprw
---TRANSACTION 30843783E, not started
MySQL thread id 3371222, OS thread handle 0x7f938a966700, query id 719
4028332 apprw
---TRANSACTION 308437830, not started
MySQL thread id 3371169, OS thread handle 0x7f940638f700, query id 719
4028224 apprw
---TRANSACTION 308437825, not started
MySQL thread id 3371168, OS thread handle 0x7f94062cc700, query id 719
4028272 apprw
---TRANSACTION 308436D30, not started
MySQL thread id 3371167, OS thread handle 0x7f9406efc700, query id 719
4004822 apprw Waiting for table metadata lock
select contact0_.contactId as col_0_0_, contact0_.FirstName as col_1_0
_, contact0_.LastName as col_2_0_, contact0_.Salutation as col_3_0_, account1_.a
ccountId as col_4_0_, contact0_.Emait
---TRANSACTION 308435BEE, not started
MySQL thread id 3371155, OS thread handle 0x7f940ccf0700, query id 719
3968923 apprw Waiting for table metadata lock
select contact0_.contactId as col_0_0_, contact0_.FirstName as col_1_0
_, contact0_.LastName as col_2_0_, contact0_.Salutation as col_3_0_, account1_.a
ccountId as col_4_0_, contact0_.Emait
---TRANSACTION 308437829, not started
MySQL thread id 3371154, OS thread handle 0x7f940630d700, query id 719
4028188 apprw
---TRANSACTION 308437827, not started
MySQL thread id 3371153, OS thread handle 0x7f94001ee700, query id 719
4028147 apprw
---TRANSACTION 30843782B, not started
MySQL thread id 3371152, OS thread handle 0x7f9401846700, query id 719
4028184 apprw
---TRANSACTION 3084368C4, not started
MySQL thread id 3371151, OS thread handle 0x7f9405043700, query id 719
3995457 apprw Waiting for table metadata lock
select contact0_.contactId as col_0_0_, contact0_.FirstName as col_1_0
_, contact0_.LastName as col_2_0_, contact0_.Salutation as col_3_0_, account1_.a
ccountId as col_4_0_, contact0_.Emait
---TRANSACTION 308437822, not started

MySQL thread id 3371150, OS thread handle 0x7f940c6d8700, query id 719

4028118 apprw
---TRANSACTION 30843687F, not started
MySQL thread id 3371130, OS thread handle 0x7f934238f700, query id 719
3994917 apprw
---TRANSACTION 308436886, not started
MySQL thread id 3371128, OS thread handle 0x7f94007c5700, query id 719
3994979 apprw
---TRANSACTION 3084377EA, not started
MySQL thread id 3371127, OS thread handle 0x7f940d614700, query id 719
4027630 apprw
---TRANSACTION 308436871, not started
MySQL thread id 3371129, OS thread handle 0x7f940dc2c700, query id 719
3994949 apprw
---TRANSACTION 308436877, not started
MySQL thread id 3371132, OS thread handle 0x7f9407041700, query id 719
3994831 apprw
---TRANSACTION 308436846, not started
MySQL thread id 3371131, OS thread handle 0x7f9406cb3700, query id 719
3994988 apprw
---TRANSACTION 30843687D, not started
MySQL thread id 3371125, OS thread handle 0x7f940cbab700, query id 719
3994921 apprw
---TRANSACTION 30843688E, not started
MySQL thread id 3371126, OS thread handle 0x7f940d0bf700, query id 719
3994997 apprw
---TRANSACTION 308436872, not started
MySQL thread id 3371124, OS thread handle 0x7f9406146700, query id 719
3994987 apprw
---TRANSACTION 308436843, not started
MySQL thread id 3371121, OS thread handle 0x7f938a001700, query id 719
3994406 apprw
---TRANSACTION 308435215, not started
MySQL thread id 3371122, OS thread handle 0x7f9405e7b700, query id 719
3947362 apprw Waiting for table metadata lock
select distinct contact0_.contactId as col_0_0_, contact0_.extContactI
d as col_1_0_, contact0_.FirstName as col_2_0_, contact0_.MiddleName as col_3_0_
, contact0_.LastName as col_4_0_, coS
---TRANSACTION 0, not started
MySQL thread id 3371098, OS thread handle 0x7f940d100700, query id 719
4025935 fusion_ro Waiting for table metadata lock
SELECT `contactId`, `accountId`, `salesRepId`, `salutation`, `fir
stName`, `lastName`, `created`, `updated`, `email`, `phone`, `mobilePhone`
, `fax`, `address1`, `address2`, i
---TRANSACTION 30843561F, not started
MySQL thread id 3371090, OS thread handle 0x7f940c309700, query id 719
3955381 apprw Waiting for table metadata lock
select contact0_.contactId as col_0_0_, contact0_.FirstName as col_1_0
_, contact0_.LastName as col_2_0_, contact0_.Salutation as col_3_0_, account1_.a
ccountId as col_4_0_, contact0_.Emait
---TRANSACTION 308436DE8, not started
MySQL thread id 3371088, OS thread handle 0x7f9407cf3700, query id 719
4006071 apprw Waiting for table metadata lock
select contact0_.contactId as col_0_0_, contact0_.FirstName as col_1_0
_, contact0_.LastName as col_2_0_, contact0_.Salutation as col_3_0_, account1_.a
ccountId as col_4_0_, contact0_.Emait
---TRANSACTION 3084366CA, not started
MySQL thread id 3371089, OS thread handle 0x7f940730c700, query id 719
3991166 apprw Waiting for table metadata lock
select contact0_.contactId as col_0_0_, contact0_.FirstName as col_1_0

_, contact0_.LastName as col_2_0_, contact0_.Salutation as col_3_0_, account1_.a

ccountId as col_4_0_, contact0_.Emait
---TRANSACTION 308436DD4, not started
MySQL thread id 3371087, OS thread handle 0x7f940c511700, query id 719
4009289 apprw Waiting for table metadata lock
select contact0_.contactId as col_0_0_, contact0_.FirstName as col_1_0
_, contact0_.LastName as col_2_0_, contact0_.Salutation as col_3_0_, account1_.a
ccountId as col_4_0_, contact0_.Emait
---TRANSACTION 308437831, not started
MySQL thread id 3371077, OS thread handle 0x7f94057a0700, query id 719
4028230 apprw
---TRANSACTION 3084363B4, not started
MySQL thread id 3371068, OS thread handle 0x7f940c0c0700, query id 719
3985684 apprw Waiting for table metadata lock
select contact0_.contactId as col_0_0_, contact0_.FirstName as col_1_0
_, contact0_.LastName as col_2_0_, contact0_.Salutation as col_3_0_, account1_.a
ccountId as col_4_0_, contact0_.Emait
---TRANSACTION 30843782E, not started
MySQL thread id 3371067, OS thread handle 0x7f940cfbb700, query id 719
4028218 apprw
---TRANSACTION 30843782C, not started
MySQL thread id 3371066, OS thread handle 0x7f9407410700, query id 719
4028192 apprw
---TRANSACTION 308437835, not started
MySQL thread id 3371042, OS thread handle 0x7f938ae7a700, query id 719
4028263 apprw
---TRANSACTION 30843782A, not started
MySQL thread id 3371041, OS thread handle 0x7f940e283700, query id 719
4028193 apprw
---TRANSACTION 308434545, not started
MySQL thread id 3371040, OS thread handle 0x7f940c962700, query id 719
3919077 apprw Waiting for table metadata lock
select contact0_.contactId as col_0_0_, contact0_.FirstName as col_1_0
_, contact0_.LastName as col_2_0_, contact0_.Salutation as col_3_0_, account1_.a
ccountId as col_4_0_, contact0_.Emait
---TRANSACTION 0, not started
MySQL thread id 3371004, OS thread handle 0x7f940da24700, query id 719
4027174 appro
---TRANSACTION 308436844, not started
MySQL thread id 3370990, OS thread handle 0x7f9401805700, query id 719
3994442 apprw
---TRANSACTION 308433CFF, not started
MySQL thread id 3370987, OS thread handle 0x7f9400cd9700, query id 719
3901581 apprw Waiting for table metadata lock
select distinct contact0_.contactId as col_0_0_, contact0_.extContactI
d as col_1_0_, contact0_.FirstName as col_2_0_, contact0_.MiddleName as col_3_0_
, contact0_.LastName as col_4_0_, coS
---TRANSACTION 30843783D, not started
MySQL thread id 3370941, OS thread handle 0x7f9405df9700, query id 719
4028322 apprw
---TRANSACTION 308437833, not started
MySQL thread id 3370894, OS thread handle 0x7f940c81d700, query id 719
4028273 apprw
---TRANSACTION 308436101, not started
MySQL thread id 3370878, OS thread handle 0x7f940738e700, query id 719
3979970 apprw Waiting for table metadata lock
select contact0_.contactId as col_0_0_, contact0_.FirstName as col_1_0
_, contact0_.LastName as col_2_0_, contact0_.Salutation as col_3_0_, account1_.a
ccountId as col_4_0_, contact0_.Emait
---TRANSACTION 308431991, not started

MySQL thread id 3370855, OS thread handle 0x7f94064d4700, query id 719

3827396 apprw Waiting for table metadata lock
select distinct contact0_.contactId as col_0_0_, contact0_.extContactI
d as col_1_0_, contact0_.FirstName as col_2_0_, contact0_.MiddleName as col_3_0_
, contact0_.LastName as col_4_0_, coS
---TRANSACTION 308437840, not started
MySQL thread id 3370844, OS thread handle 0x7f9406e7a700, query id 719
4028351 apprw
---TRANSACTION 308435856, not started
MySQL thread id 3370814, OS thread handle 0x7f94008c9700, query id 719
3961035 apprw Waiting for table metadata lock
select contact0_.contactId as col_0_0_, contact0_.FirstName as col_1_0
_, contact0_.LastName as col_2_0_, contact0_.Salutation as col_3_0_, account1_.a
ccountId as col_4_0_, contact0_.Emait
---TRANSACTION 308434206, not started
MySQL thread id 3370813, OS thread handle 0x7f938a925700, query id 719
3912502 apprw Waiting for table metadata lock
select contact0_.contactId as col_0_0_, contact0_.FirstName as col_1_0
_, contact0_.LastName as col_2_0_, contact0_.Salutation as col_3_0_, account1_.a
ccountId as col_4_0_, contact0_.Emait
---TRANSACTION 308432C6B, not started
MySQL thread id 3370812, OS thread handle 0x7f9400ee1700, query id 719
3867275 apprw Waiting for table metadata lock
select contact0_.contactId as col_0_0_, contact0_.FirstName as col_1_0
_, contact0_.LastName as col_2_0_, contact0_.Salutation as col_3_0_, account1_.a
ccountId as col_4_0_, contact0_.Emait
---TRANSACTION 30843474D, not started
MySQL thread id 3370811, OS thread handle 0x7f94068a3700, query id 719
3923722 apprw Waiting for table metadata lock
select contact0_.contactId as col_0_0_, contact0_.FirstName as col_1_0
_, contact0_.LastName as col_2_0_, contact0_.Salutation as col_3_0_, account1_.a
ccountId as col_4_0_, contact0_.Emait
---TRANSACTION 308434372, not started
MySQL thread id 3370801, OS thread handle 0x7f940779e700, query id 719
3915284 apprw Waiting for table metadata lock
select contact0_.contactId as col_0_0_, contact0_.FirstName as col_1_0
_, contact0_.LastName as col_2_0_, contact0_.Salutation as col_3_0_, account1_.a
ccountId as col_4_0_, contact0_.Emait
---TRANSACTION 30843103A, not started
MySQL thread id 3370799, OS thread handle 0x7f94069e8700, query id 719
3805862 apprw Waiting for table metadata lock
select contact0_.contactId as col_0_0_, contact0_.FirstName as col_1_0
_, contact0_.LastName as col_2_0_, contact0_.Salutation as col_3_0_, account1_.a
ccountId as col_4_0_, contact0_.Emait
---TRANSACTION 30843485D, not started
MySQL thread id 3370795, OS thread handle 0x7f9407145700, query id 719
3925911 apprw Waiting for table metadata lock
select contact0_.contactId as col_0_0_, contact0_.FirstName as col_1_0
_, contact0_.LastName as col_2_0_, contact0_.Salutation as col_3_0_, account1_.a
ccountId as col_4_0_, contact0_.Emait
---TRANSACTION 30843783F, not started
MySQL thread id 3370793, OS thread handle 0x7f940caa7700, query id 719
4028342 apprw
---TRANSACTION 308437841, not started
MySQL thread id 3370792, OS thread handle 0x7f9389c32700, query id 719
4028360 apprw
---TRANSACTION 308437817, not started
MySQL thread id 3370791, OS thread handle 0x7f94059e9700, query id 719
4028042 apprw
---TRANSACTION 308431ED4, not started

MySQL thread id 3370785, OS thread handle 0x7f9407249700, query id 719

3837299 apprw Waiting for table metadata lock
select contact0_.contactId as col_0_0_, contact0_.FirstName as col_1_0
_, contact0_.LastName as col_2_0_, contact0_.Salutation as col_3_0_, account1_.a
ccountId as col_4_0_, contact0_.Emait
---TRANSACTION 308434415, not started
MySQL thread id 3370784, OS thread handle 0x7f9401026700, query id 719
3916599 apprw Waiting for table metadata lock
select contact0_.contactId as col_0_0_, contact0_.FirstName as col_1_0
_, contact0_.LastName as col_2_0_, contact0_.Salutation as col_3_0_, account1_.a
ccountId as col_4_0_, contact0_.Emait
---TRANSACTION 3084335C4, not started
MySQL thread id 3370783, OS thread handle 0x7f9406597700, query id 719
3886510 apprw Waiting for table metadata lock
select contact0_.contactId as col_0_0_, contact0_.FirstName as col_1_0
_, contact0_.LastName as col_2_0_, contact0_.Salutation as col_3_0_, account1_.a
ccountId as col_4_0_, contact0_.Emait
---TRANSACTION 30843421B, not started
MySQL thread id 3370764, OS thread handle 0x7f94066dc700, query id 719
3912570 apprw Waiting for table metadata lock
select contact0_.contactId as col_0_0_, contact0_.FirstName as col_1_0
_, contact0_.LastName as col_2_0_, contact0_.Salutation as col_3_0_, account1_.a
ccountId as col_4_0_, contact0_.Emait
---TRANSACTION 3084341B6, not started
MySQL thread id 3370762, OS thread handle 0x7f940da65700, query id 719
3911707 apprw Waiting for table metadata lock
select distinct contact0_.Salutation as col_0_0_, contact0_.FirstName
as col_1_0_, contact0_.LastName as col_2_0_, contact0_.Designation as col_3_0_,
contact0_.Title as col_4_0_, contact
---TRANSACTION 30843783C, not started
MySQL thread id 3370761, OS thread handle 0x7f9407cb2700, query id 719
4028308 apprw
---TRANSACTION 308430CFC, not started
MySQL thread id 3370748, OS thread handle 0x7f94072cb700, query id 719
3799258 apprw Waiting for table metadata lock
select contact0_.contactId as col_0_0_, contact0_.FirstName as col_1_0
_, contact0_.LastName as col_2_0_, contact0_.Salutation as col_3_0_, account1_.a
ccountId as col_4_0_, contact0_.Emait
---TRANSACTION 308437832, not started
MySQL thread id 3370747, OS thread handle 0x7f940571e700, query id 719
4028236 apprw
---TRANSACTION 30843782F, not started
MySQL thread id 3370746, OS thread handle 0x7f9406862700, query id 719
4028217 apprw
---TRANSACTION 308437828, not started
MySQL thread id 3370721, OS thread handle 0x7f940d79a700, query id 719
4028162 apprw
---TRANSACTION 308437820, not started
MySQL thread id 3370720, OS thread handle 0x7f94063d0700, query id 719
4028092 apprw
---TRANSACTION 308430841, not started
MySQL thread id 3370719, OS thread handle 0x7f9407efb700, query id 719
3789201 apprw Waiting for table metadata lock
select contact0_.contactId as col_0_0_, contact0_.FirstName as col_1_0
_, contact0_.LastName as col_2_0_, contact0_.Salutation as col_3_0_, account1_.a
ccountId as col_4_0_, contact0_.Emait
---TRANSACTION 308430EA4, not started
MySQL thread id 3370717, OS thread handle 0x7f9406baf700, query id 719
3802597 apprw Waiting for table metadata lock
select contact0_.contactId as col_0_0_, contact0_.FirstName as col_1_0

_, contact0_.LastName as col_2_0_, contact0_.Salutation as col_3_0_, account1_.a

ccountId as col_4_0_, contact0_.Emait
---TRANSACTION 308430252, not started
MySQL thread id 3370712, OS thread handle 0x7f940671d700, query id 719
3776469 apprw Waiting for table metadata lock
select distinct contact0_.Salutation as col_0_0_, contact0_.FirstName
as col_1_0_, contact0_.LastName as col_2_0_, contact0_.Designation as col_3_0_,
contact0_.Title as col_4_0_, contact
---TRANSACTION 30843072E, not started
MySQL thread id 3370701, OS thread handle 0x7f940df38700, query id 719
3787090 apprw Waiting for table metadata lock
select contact0_.contactId as col_0_0_, contact0_.FirstName as col_1_0
_, contact0_.LastName as col_2_0_, contact0_.Salutation as col_3_0_, account1_.a
ccountId as col_4_0_, contact0_.Emait
---TRANSACTION 3084309C9, not started
MySQL thread id 3370688, OS thread handle 0x7f940d9a2700, query id 719
3792155 apprw Waiting for table metadata lock
select distinct contact0_.Salutation as col_0_0_, contact0_.FirstName
as col_1_0_, contact0_.LastName as col_2_0_, contact0_.Designation as col_3_0_,
contact0_.Title as col_4_0_, contact
---TRANSACTION 308436C2C, not started
MySQL thread id 3370674, OS thread handle 0x7f940cf39700, query id 719
4002893 apprw Waiting for table metadata lock
select contact0_.contactId as col_0_0_, contact0_.FirstName as col_1_0
_, contact0_.LastName as col_2_0_, contact0_.Salutation as col_3_0_, account1_.a
ccountId as col_4_0_, contact0_.Emait
---TRANSACTION 308434B1B, not started
MySQL thread id 3370659, OS thread handle 0x7f9407db6700, query id 719
3935226 apprw Waiting for table metadata lock
select contact0_.contactId as col_0_0_, contact0_.FirstName as col_1_0
_, contact0_.LastName as col_2_0_, contact0_.Salutation as col_3_0_, account1_.a
ccountId as col_4_0_, contact0_.Emait
---TRANSACTION 308431D33, not started
MySQL thread id 3370647, OS thread handle 0x7f94060c4700, query id 719
3833769 apprw Waiting for table metadata lock
select distinct contact0_.Salutation as col_0_0_, contact0_.FirstName
as col_1_0_, contact0_.LastName as col_2_0_, contact0_.Designation as col_3_0_,
contact0_.Title as col_4_0_, contact
---TRANSACTION 30842EE56, not started
MySQL thread id 3370616, OS thread handle 0x7f9407924700, query id 719
3734421 apprw Waiting for table metadata lock
select distinct contact0_.Salutation as col_0_0_, contact0_.FirstName
as col_1_0_, contact0_.LastName as col_2_0_, contact0_.Designation as col_3_0_,
contact0_.Title as col_4_0_, contact
---TRANSACTION 30842FDD1, not started
MySQL thread id 3370615, OS thread handle 0x7f9407bef700, query id 719
3767344 apprw Waiting for table metadata lock
select distinct contact0_.Salutation as col_0_0_, contact0_.FirstName
as col_1_0_, contact0_.LastName as col_2_0_, contact0_.Designation as col_3_0_,
contact0_.Title as col_4_0_, contact
---TRANSACTION 30842EDA4, not started
MySQL thread id 3370610, OS thread handle 0x7f9400a0e700, query id 719
3733047 apprw Waiting for table metadata lock
select contact0_.contactId as col_0_0_, contact0_.FirstName as col_1_0
_, contact0_.LastName as col_2_0_, contact0_.Salutation as col_3_0_, account1_.a
ccountId as col_4_0_, contact0_.Emait
---TRANSACTION 308430183, not started
MySQL thread id 3370609, OS thread handle 0x7f9389aed700, query id 719
3774994 apprw Waiting for table metadata lock
select contact0_.contactId as col_0_0_, contact0_.FirstName as col_1_0

_, contact0_.LastName as col_2_0_, contact0_.Salutation as col_3_0_, account1_.a

ccountId as col_4_0_, contact0_.Emait
---TRANSACTION 30843781E, not started
MySQL thread id 3370603, OS thread handle 0x7f94011ed700, query id 719
4028073 apprw
---TRANSACTION 30842D8BD, not started
MySQL thread id 3370574, OS thread handle 0x7f9407bae700, query id 719
3690430 apprw Waiting for table metadata lock
select distinct contact0_.contactId as col_0_0_, contact0_.extContactI
d as col_1_0_, contact0_.FirstName as col_2_0_, contact0_.MiddleName as col_3_0_
, contact0_.LastName as col_4_0_, coS
---TRANSACTION 30842FF21, not started
MySQL thread id 3370573, OS thread handle 0x7f94069a7700, query id 719
3770024 apprw Waiting for table metadata lock
select distinct contact0_.contactId as col_0_0_, contact0_.extContactI
d as col_1_0_, contact0_.FirstName as col_2_0_, contact0_.MiddleName as col_3_0_
, contact0_.LastName as col_4_0_, coS
---TRANSACTION 30842D75A, not started
MySQL thread id 3370562, OS thread handle 0x7f9407d75700, query id 719
3686779 apprw Waiting for table metadata lock
select contact0_.contactId as col_0_0_, contact0_.FirstName as col_1_0
_, contact0_.LastName as col_2_0_, contact0_.Salutation as col_3_0_, account1_.a
ccountId as col_4_0_, contact0_.Emait
---TRANSACTION 30843208F, not started
MySQL thread id 3370552, OS thread handle 0x7f940df79700, query id 719
3841803 apprw Waiting for table metadata lock
select contact0_.contactId as col_0_0_, contact0_.FirstName as col_1_0
_, contact0_.LastName as col_2_0_, contact0_.Salutation as col_3_0_, account1_.a
ccountId as col_4_0_, contact0_.Emait
---TRANSACTION 30843783A, not started
MySQL thread id 3370524, OS thread handle 0x7f940675e700, query id 719
4028323 apprw
---TRANSACTION 30842BFE7, not started
MySQL thread id 3370457, OS thread handle 0x7f9405d77700, query id 719
3636835 apprw Waiting for table metadata lock
select distinct contact0_.contactId as col_0_0_, contact0_.extContactI
d as col_1_0_, contact0_.FirstName as col_2_0_, contact0_.MiddleName as col_3_0_
, contact0_.LastName as col_4_0_, coS
---TRANSACTION 308430983, not started
MySQL thread id 3370455, OS thread handle 0x7f938bd34700, query id 719
3791790 apprw Waiting for table metadata lock
select contact0_.contactId as col_0_0_, contact0_.FirstName as col_1_0
_, contact0_.LastName as col_2_0_, contact0_.Salutation as col_3_0_, account1_.a
ccountId as col_4_0_, contact0_.Emait
---TRANSACTION 308430625, not started
MySQL thread id 3370454, OS thread handle 0x7f940e2c4700, query id 719
3784844 apprw Waiting for table metadata lock
select contact0_.contactId as col_0_0_, contact0_.FirstName as col_1_0
_, contact0_.LastName as col_2_0_, contact0_.Salutation as col_3_0_, account1_.a
ccountId as col_4_0_, contact0_.Emait
---TRANSACTION 30842CDB8, not started
MySQL thread id 3370447, OS thread handle 0x7f940098c700, query id 719
3665902 apprw Waiting for table metadata lock
select distinct contact0_.Salutation as col_0_0_, contact0_.FirstName
as col_1_0_, contact0_.LastName as col_2_0_, contact0_.Designation as col_3_0_,
contact0_.Title as col_4_0_, contact
---TRANSACTION 30842EF23, not started
MySQL thread id 3370446, OS thread handle 0x7f9389fc0700, query id 719
3735945 apprw Waiting for table metadata lock
select distinct contact0_.Salutation as col_0_0_, contact0_.FirstName

as col_1_0_, contact0_.LastName as col_2_0_, contact0_.Designation as col_3_0_,

contact0_.Title as col_4_0_, contact
---TRANSACTION 308430FAA, not started
MySQL thread id 3370442, OS thread handle 0x7f9406209700, query id 719
3804651 apprw Waiting for table metadata lock
select distinct contact0_.Salutation as col_0_0_, contact0_.FirstName
as col_1_0_, contact0_.LastName as col_2_0_, contact0_.Designation as col_3_0_,
contact0_.Title as col_4_0_, contact
---TRANSACTION 30842C09F, not started
MySQL thread id 3370443, OS thread handle 0x7f940575f700, query id 719
3638153 apprw Waiting for table metadata lock
select distinct contact0_.Salutation as col_0_0_, contact0_.FirstName
as col_1_0_, contact0_.LastName as col_2_0_, contact0_.Designation as col_3_0_,
contact0_.Title as col_4_0_, contact
---TRANSACTION 308433667, not started
MySQL thread id 3370441, OS thread handle 0x7f9407514700, query id 719
3887708 apprw Waiting for table metadata lock
select distinct contact0_.Salutation as col_0_0_, contact0_.Fi
rstName as col_1_0_, contact0_.LastName as col_2_0_, contact0_.Designation as co
l_3_0_, contact0_.Title as col_4_0_, contact
---TRANSACTION 30842E9BF, not started
MySQL thread id 3370410, OS thread handle 0x7f9389aac700, query id 719
3725253 apprw Waiting for table metadata lock
select distinct contact0_.Salutation as col_0_0_, contact0_.FirstName
as col_1_0_, contact0_.LastName as col_2_0_, contact0_.Designation as col_3_0_,
contact0_.Title as col_4_0_, contact
---TRANSACTION 30842F2D1, not started
MySQL thread id 3370398, OS thread handle 0x7f9400374700, query id 719
3743902 apprw Waiting for table metadata lock
select contact0_.contactId as col_0_0_, contact0_.FirstName as col_1_0
_, contact0_.LastName as col_2_0_, contact0_.Salutation as col_3_0_, account1_.a
ccountId as col_4_0_, contact0_.Emait
---TRANSACTION 30842FE06, not started
MySQL thread id 3370397, OS thread handle 0x7f9406105700, query id 719
3767762 apprw Waiting for table metadata lock
select contact0_.contactId as col_0_0_, contact0_.FirstName as col_1_0
_, contact0_.LastName as col_2_0_, contact0_.Salutation as col_3_0_, account1_.a
ccountId as col_4_0_, contact0_.Emait
---TRANSACTION 3084305E5, not started
MySQL thread id 3370396, OS thread handle 0x7f940c552700, query id 719
3784321 apprw Waiting for table metadata lock
select contact0_.contactId as col_0_0_, contact0_.FirstName as col_1_0
_, contact0_.LastName as col_2_0_, contact0_.Salutation as col_3_0_, account1_.a
ccountId as col_4_0_, contact0_.Emait
---TRANSACTION 3084308FE, not started
MySQL thread id 3370364, OS thread handle 0x7f9389084700, query id 719
3790621 apprw Waiting for table metadata lock
select contact0_.contactId as col_0_0_, contact0_.FirstName as col_1_0
_, contact0_.LastName as col_2_0_, contact0_.Salutation as col_3_0_, account1_.a
ccountId as col_4_0_, contact0_.Emait
---TRANSACTION 30842D7A0, not started
MySQL thread id 3370363, OS thread handle 0x7f93899a8700, query id 719
3687313 apprw Waiting for table metadata lock
select contact0_.contactId as col_0_0_, contact0_.FirstName as col_1_0
_, contact0_.LastName as col_2_0_, contact0_.Salutation as col_3_0_, account1_.a
ccountId as col_4_0_, contact0_.Emait
---TRANSACTION 308434827, not started
MySQL thread id 3370352, OS thread handle 0x7f9406bf0700, query id 719
3925460 apprw Waiting for table metadata lock
select contact0_.contactId as col_0_0_, contact0_.FirstName as col_1_0

_, contact0_.LastName as col_2_0_, contact0_.Salutation as col_3_0_, account1_.a

ccountId as col_4_0_, contact0_.Emait
---TRANSACTION 30842A578, not started
MySQL thread id 3370351, OS thread handle 0x7f938b34d700, query id 719
3581761 apprw Waiting for table metadata lock
select contact0_.contactId as col_0_0_, contact0_.FirstName as col_1_0
_, contact0_.LastName as col_2_0_, contact0_.Salutation as col_3_0_, account1_.a
ccountId as col_4_0_, contact0_.Emait
---TRANSACTION 3084343DC, not started
MySQL thread id 3370350, OS thread handle 0x7f940634e700, query id 719
3916127 apprw Waiting for table metadata lock
select contact0_.contactId as col_0_0_, contact0_.FirstName as col_1_0
_, contact0_.LastName as col_2_0_, contact0_.Salutation as col_3_0_, account1_.a
ccountId as col_4_0_, contact0_.Emait
---TRANSACTION 30842DD92, not started
MySQL thread id 3370348, OS thread handle 0x7f9405516700, query id 719
3699287 apprw Waiting for table metadata lock
select contact0_.contactId as col_0_0_, contact0_.FirstName as col_1_0
_, contact0_.LastName as col_2_0_, contact0_.Salutation as col_3_0_, account1_.a
ccountId as col_4_0_, contact0_.Emait
---TRANSACTION 3084344B5, not started
MySQL thread id 3370349, OS thread handle 0x7f940d5d3700, query id 719
3917911 apprw Waiting for table metadata lock
select contact0_.contactId as col_0_0_, contact0_.FirstName as col_1_0
_, contact0_.LastName as col_2_0_, contact0_.Salutation as col_3_0_, account1_.a
ccountId as col_4_0_, contact0_.Emait
---TRANSACTION 30842C705, not started
MySQL thread id 3370344, OS thread handle 0x7f9407fff700, query id 719
3652202 apprw Waiting for table metadata lock
select contact0_.contactId as col_0_0_, contact0_.FirstName as col_1_0
_, contact0_.LastName as col_2_0_, contact0_.Salutation as col_3_0_, account1_.a
ccountId as col_4_0_, contact0_.Emait
---TRANSACTION 30842C066, not started
MySQL thread id 3370339, OS thread handle 0x7f93890c5700, query id 719
3637798 apprw Waiting for table metadata lock
select distinct contact0_.Salutation as col_0_0_, contact0_.FirstName
as col_1_0_, contact0_.LastName as col_2_0_, contact0_.Designation as col_3_0_,
contact0_.Title as col_4_0_, contact
---TRANSACTION 30842B29D, not started
MySQL thread id 3370310, OS thread handle 0x7f93889a9700, query id 719
3608312 apprw Waiting for table metadata lock
select distinct contact0_.Salutation as col_0_0_, contact0_.FirstName
as col_1_0_, contact0_.LastName as col_2_0_, contact0_.Designation as col_3_0_,
contact0_.Title as col_4_0_, contact
---TRANSACTION 30842919C, not started
MySQL thread id 3370308, OS thread handle 0x7f938a28b700, query id 719
3539503 apprw Waiting for table metadata lock
select distinct contact0_.contactId as col_0_0_, contact0_.extContactI
d as col_1_0_, contact0_.FirstName as col_2_0_, contact0_.MiddleName as col_3_0_
, contact0_.LastName as col_4_0_, coS
---TRANSACTION 30842F409, not started
MySQL thread id 3370302, OS thread handle 0x7f940c593700, query id 719
3746442 apprw Waiting for table metadata lock
select contact0_.contactId as col_0_0_, contact0_.FirstName as col_1_0
_, contact0_.LastName as col_2_0_, contact0_.Salutation as col_3_0_, account1_.a
ccountId as col_4_0_, contact0_.Emait
---TRANSACTION 30842E8EC, not started
MySQL thread id 3370301, OS thread handle 0x7f940dfba700, query id 719
3724362 apprw Waiting for table metadata lock
select contact0_.contactId as col_0_0_, contact0_.FirstName as col_1_0

_, contact0_.LastName as col_2_0_, contact0_.Salutation as col_3_0_, account1_.a

ccountId as col_4_0_, contact0_.Emait
<snip about 200 more lines of this>
---TRANSACTION 30842ED47, not started
MySQL thread id 3344596, OS thread handle 0x7f940624a700, query id 719
3732323 apprw Waiting for table metadata lock
select contact0_.contactId as col_0_0_, contact0_.FirstName as col_1_0
_, contact0_.LastName as col_2_0_, contact0_.Salutation as col_3_0_, account1_.a
ccountId as col_4_0_, contact0_.Emait
---TRANSACTION 30841EE43, ACTIVE 3423 sec
MySQL thread id 3369163, OS thread handle 0x7f938adb7700, query id 719
3206093 apprw
Trx read view will not see trx with id >= 30841EE44, sees < 3083F45EE
---TRANSACTION 3083F45EE, ACTIVE 4874 sec
2 lock struct(s), heap size 376, 2 row lock(s), undo log entries 2
MySQL thread id 3369154, OS thread handle 0x7f9407e79700, query id 719
1867393 apprw
---------------------------END OF INNODB MONITOR OUTPUT

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