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OpenVPN Server Setup on Mikrotik RouterOS | Lazy Geek -:)

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In this post, Ill describe the step by step procedure to setup Mikrotik RouterOS as OpenVPN server. Ill use the Ubuntu Server in order to create CA, server and client(s) certificates.

Please remember a few things about Mikrotik OpenVPN server implementation:

UDP mode is not supported, only supports TCP mode
username/password is must even though client certificates are being used for authentication
Install the openvpn package on Ubuntu Server using the following command:
sudo apt-get install openvpn easy-rsa

Make an easy-rsa directory inside /etc/openvpn:

cd /etc/openvpn/
sudo mkdir easy-rsa

Use the following command to copy the default easy-rsa into /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa for setting up Certificate Authority (CA), certificates and keys generation for OpenVPN server
and clients:


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OpenVPN Server Setup on Mikrotik RouterOS | Lazy Geek -:)

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cp -r /usr/share/easy-rsa/* /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/

Edit /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/vars:
cd /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/
vi vars

Edit these parameters according to your need:


KEY_ORG="Example Company"

Run the clean-all command:

source vars

Now, generate the CA certificate:


Next, generate a server certificate and private key:

./build-key-server mikrotik


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OpenVPN Server Setup on Mikrotik RouterOS | Lazy Geek -:)

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Move to the keys directory (/etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/keys):

cd /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/keys/

Copy the ca certificate, server certificate and key to the mikrotik router:
ncftpput -u admin / ca.crt mikrotik.crt mikrotik.key

VPN client also need a certificate to authenticate itself to the server. Move to the /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/ directory and create the different certificate for each client:
cd /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/
source vars
./build-key arbabpc

Mikrotik OpenVPN Server Configuration:

1) Connect to the Mikrotik using Winbox. Goto the Files,there you will find all the files, that you have copied from Linux server:


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OpenVPN Server Setup on Mikrotik RouterOS | Lazy Geek -:)

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2) Then goto the System > Certificates:

Click on Import Button, then select the ca certificate file (in my case, it is ca.crt) and press Import:

Double click on the imported certificate and change its name (This step is optional):

Once again,click on Import Button, then select the server certificate file (in my case, it is mikrotik.crt) and press Import:

Next, import the server key using the above step:

Double click on the imported server certificate and change its name (This step is optional):


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OpenVPN Server Setup on Mikrotik RouterOS | Lazy Geek -:)

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Once you have imported the private key, the server certificate will get the KR written in-front of it:
K: Decrypted-Private-Key

Next we need to create the pool for openvpn client, for this, goto the IP->Pool:

Create each pool of /30 subnet:

(Reason to create the /30 subnet is that, I am getting the below mentioned error on Windows machine, and that trick work for me)
There is a problem in your selection of --ifconfig endpoints [local=, remote=].
The local and remote VPN endpoints must exist within the same subnet. This is a
limitation of --dev tun when used with the TAP-WIN32 driver. Try 'openvpn --show-valid-subnets'
option for more info.

Create as many pool as you have openvpn clients:


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OpenVPN Server Setup on Mikrotik RouterOS | Lazy Geek -:)

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Give in the name of the immediately next pool name in the Next Pool field:

Create the profile for openvpn client by selecting Profiles tab and click on + button:

Move over to the Secrets tab and click on the + button to create user for openvpn client:

Enable OpenVPN Service and Select Valid Certificate by moving to the Interface take and click on OVPN Server:

Windows as OpenVPN Client installation & Configuration:

Download free OpenVPN client for windows from here, and install it. Once its installed, move to the openvpn directory(C:\Program Files\OpenVPN\config):


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OpenVPN Server Setup on Mikrotik RouterOS | Lazy Geek -:)

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Download the sample configuration file from here. Modify it as per your requirement:

Create the auth.cfg file inside the C:\Program Files\OpenVPN\config folder, with the openvpn username and password that you have created on mikrotik server:

Run the OpenVPN client with Administrator privileges:

Right click on the openvpn icon at System Tray and click on Connect:

Once, it will be connected, will show you the similar detail:


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OpenVPN Server Setup on Mikrotik RouterOS | Lazy Geek -:)

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Check the Routing Table:

route PTINT -4

Ping to the internal host:

Hope this will help you!
Please Remember me in your prayers!
1) http://wiki.mikrotik.com/wiki/OpenVPN
2) http://lukas.dzunko.sk/index.php/MikrotTik:_OpenVPN
3) http://forum.mikrotik.com/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=36987
4) http://blog.nettraptor.net/?p=446
5) http://daffy.za.net/2010/02/openvpn-mini-guides-mikrotik-routeros-vpn-server/
6) http://daffy.za.net/2010/02/openvpn-mini-guides-certificates/
7) http://mybroadband.co.za/vb/showthread.php/375258-OpenVPN-Server-on-a-Routerboard-RB750-R-OS-5-7
8) http://itsavedmyass.cyprusmania.net/remote-access/mikrotik-openvpn-server-windows-7-client/
9) http://wiki.mikrotik.com/wiki/OpenVPN_Configuration_Step_by_Step
10) https://www.async.fi/2012/01/mikrotik-openvpn-server/
11) http://help.unotelly.com/support/solutions/articles/184300-openvpn-info-and-files-please-read
12) http://www.vpntutorials.com/tutorials/openvpn-client-setup-tutorial-for-windows-8/
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4/16/2016 11:55 AM

OpenVPN Server Setup on Mikrotik RouterOS | Lazy Geek -:)

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2 responses to OpenVPN Server Setup on Mikrotik RouterOS


4/16/2016 11:55 AM

OpenVPN Server Setup on Mikrotik RouterOS | Lazy Geek -:)

10 din 10


Matt February 16, 2016 at 6:25 pm

Hello this was a great article. However something that appears to not quite work is the route in the config file. That is, yes it applies the windows route. However the
Mikrotik will sometimes assign you the IP instead of itself, in which case the route would need to specify as the gateway since the Mikrotik
assigns itself .2 periodically. Any way of getting around this problem?

Matt February 16, 2016 at 6:39 pm
Ah yes the pool, looks like to avoid this happening on the latest OS you should create a local assigned pool just on the .1. Then the rest should work. In the
graphic above it shows the same pool for local and remote.


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4/16/2016 11:55 AM

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