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Lecturer :Tutin Aryanti,Ph.D.

Name & NIM:

Nurita Suherma

( 1505158 )

Education of Architecture Engineering


I will start telling about the atmosphere of my English class when I was in college.
Before I tell about the atmosphere of my english class, I will tell that I studied in Indonesia
University of Education Bandung. I studied in Indonesia University of Education Bandung since
August 2015 so this is my first year of college at Indonesia University of Education Bandung.
Of course many new experiences that I got at the first lecture in the Indonesia University of
Education Bandung. I am majoring in Education of Architectural Engineering. I feel very happy
to go to Indonesia University of Education. New experiences that I get like new friends, great
lecturer, as well as an excellent curriculum. Indonesia University of Education was determined
to make it a Leading and Outstanding University. It certainly made me really want to go to
Indonesia University of Education Bandung. At this time I will be telling about my english class
in Indonesia University of Education majors Education of Architectural Engineering.
My english class atmosphere is very pleasant. Especially because of how my lecturer
teach that is very experienced and also has many achievements that inspire us and make us eager
to learn and have a higher education. My english lecturer is Tutin Aryanti, Ph.D. Other than as a
lecturer in English, Mrs.Tutin Aryanti, Ph.D. is a Lecturer of Architectural History and Theory at
the Department of Architectural Education at Indonesia University of Education, Bandung
(Indonesia). She works under the Architectural History, Theory, and Dwelling Culture Research
Group. Her research interests revolve around ethno-religious aspects in the production of space,
socio-cultural and political factors in space and architectural design, visual culture, and Islamic
feminism. Mrs.Tutin Aryanti, Ph.D, is a delightful lecturer, has many achievements and highly
disciplined. Learning atmosphere in the classroom my english is very pleasant, all the students
actively ask questions and discuss with the lecturers and all students in English class. Lecturers
deliver learning material with passion. Our lecturers are very often invite us to discuss using the
English language so that we get used to using the English language. Our lecturers never got
angry when you do not perfectly pronounce the correct tense when speaking in English. She
believes that learning should not be afraid of mistakes and must dare to speak the English
language. Because English is very important for us to know the world. Especially for an architect
who has customers in a foreign country, or for students who want to continue the study in a
foreign country. Can speak the English language is the main requirement to continue studying in
foreign countries. My English class was very disciplined. Rules of discipline is emphasized by
our lecturers. If there are late, the student banned entry English language classes. It may sound

very embarrass and upsetting. But with rules as it made us really do not want late because they
do not want to make the same mistake. Our lecturers teach and educate us well about discipline
because at work, discipline is the most important thing. if we can learn to discipline start from
college, of course, at work, we can be professional in our work.
My english class is very fun, excitedly and disciplined. Our lecturers teach many things
that are very important to us such as coming to class on time, dare to speak the English language,
is not afraid of pronouncing English, and have dreams for success.
So the conclusion is many things I learned at Indonesia University of Education majoring
in Education of Architectural Engineering, especially in English classes. A fun learning process,
students are active discussions with lecturers, discipline, as well as how lecturers teach with
passion makes me happy to follow lessons in English class.

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