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A- Good evening India!

Welcome to FM Rainbow Channel , the fist radio in India without any

taboo! Tonight we are with Vendana Shiva , representant of the association Feminists of
India. Hello Vendana!
B - Hello everyone!
A - The subject of tonight is female infanticide. In India this is a really important matter,
because currently, around 10 millions daughters are missing. Can you explain this a little ?
B - Of course ! This problem goes back a long way, because of Indias patriarchal society.
A - What do you mean by that?
B - I mean because of this ideology, families prefer having a boy, because it brings money,
whereas a girl is regarded as a liability because when she gets married, her family has to
pay a dowry to the husbands family.
A - Hum, if I understood it well, this generaly occurs in poor families. But how does it
happen? How can they get ride of their daughters without having any problems ?
B - In the past, families created fake accidents or they poisonned them. But nowadays,
because of the ultrasounds and the improvement in medecine skills, families can know the
sex of the future child and can resort to aborption if the baby or the mother is in danger,
thats what the law says.
A - But its not always the truth,is it?
B - It isnt. Corrupted doctors can easily lie in return for money.
A - Briefly they get round the law. What can we do to stop this? Do you think we can succeed
in carrying through a law which would end doctors corruption?
B- I dont think India can stop corruption overnight. What we can do is educate women and
help them becoming economically independent so that they wont be regarded as liabilities
by the society. This is what I work on.
A - In clear we have to improve womens rights. I really hope that you will succed on your
project! Thank you for coming tonight, I hope that all the ladies and gentlemen who are
listening to us now will reflect on what you said and share it to their closes.
B - Goodbye, it was a pleasure.
A- Goodbye!

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