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In my opinion, from this passage by a management perspective target made major mistakes.

It is due to the executives have being responsive to customers. First of fall, from the view of
business the executives have to take care of the customers. According to Angelo Kinicki
and Brian K. Williams 7th edition in order to be cautiuos to customers the organizers have to
step out

from their companies and experience their company by their own eyes. For

examples, from the passage the initial problems of target was credit and debit card of 40
milion target customers had been stolen. But the retailers had learned that hackers gained
access to partial names and physical or email address for many as 70 million people. For that
executives make sure that have an up to date understanding of the customers and the
experience that they we gain from the company.
Furthermore, innovation is an another strategic to overcome the target mades. According to
Angelo Kinicki and Brian K. Williams 7th edition execetives have to finding ways to deliver
new or better goods or services to the customers. Executives can made different things to
different people, and is often context specific. For example, executives had been take ideas to
change new chip technology to magnetic strips on credit cards could cost about $100 milion,
one executive told congress. Card-monitoring services foe customers could cost tens of
millions, according to one executive. Hundred of millions of marketing dollars could be
diverted to repairing the brand. Additionally, the fact that a new product or service offering
may be marketed as innovative further blurs the distinction between an incremental
improvement and a transformational or even disruptive innovation.
In addition, according to Angelo Kinicki and Brian K. Williams 7th edition quality is one
of another solution for make an target perfect in an organisation. If the organisation is only
one of its kind, customers may put with products or services that are less than steller, but only
because they have no choice. For example, the cost of technology are mounting for reissuing
cards, staffing call centers, forensic and data-security units, and lawyers for public inquaries
and private lawsuits. For that, products and Sservices that meet or exceed customer
expectations result in customer satisfaction. Quality is the expected product/service being
realized. Before a customer makes a purchase he or she does a mental calculation.
Finaly, target of an organise must be would able to produce goods or services more efficiency
than comeptitors do, thereby outperforming them.

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