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MB 3102


- Literature Review one
per article



Article Title

Factors influencing consumers apparel purchasing

intention in the C2C e-commerce market

Publication Name

ProQuest Dissertations and Theses

Date 2005



Pages 116

Database ABI/INFORM Collection

What does this article/ book examine? (brief summary)

To be more profitable business, its important to understanding the consumers behavior in the market, and
this article aims to investigate the factors influencing consumers apparel purchasing intention in the C2C
e-commerce market and expand the conclusion using the findings to foresee consumer purchasing behavior
in the C2C e-commerce apparel market.
Methodology How does the author study the issue
Using the Fishbeins behavioral intention model was used as guiding theory to study this issue, and a
research element was expanded to calculate the attitudinal and social factors that were proposed to impact
the consumers apparel purchasing intention in the C2C e-commerce market.
This article also used Quantitative approach by gathered the data that obtained from 393 students of a
major Midwestern university.
Findings/ Results
The article found that two behavior factors and one social factors that impact the consumers apparel
purchasing intentions in C2C e-commerce market.
The two behavior factors are:
1. Consumers attitude toward convenient shopping
2. Safe transaction
The Social factor is:
1. The influence of product information provided by the sellers in the C2C e-commerce apparel market
But, it also found that the social factor played a more important role than the customers attitudes in
determining apparel purchasing in the market.
Unanswered questions about the article (for further research)
This article are really helpful, especially the findings of this study will help the sellers in the market to
create and build the effective listing templates to attract more customers, but the things that unanswered
from this journal is the establish practical guidance for consumers in C2C e-commerce market.

What are some gaps in this body of research ?

The apparel E-commerce market is getting to be bigger and bigger every year, many people
have examined the market but all off them just focused on the B2C apparel market in ecommerce, none of them specially analyzed and investigated about the C2C e-commerce
apparel market. Therefore, understanding the C2C e-commerce apparel market is really
important to gain overall understanding toward the consumer behavior on e-commerce
What are some population/ aspects/ areas that you dont see represented?
On this journal, we cant see the possible impact of external variables such as age, gender,
income, cultural background, occupation, family status and education on purchasing intention
and actual behavior for apparel and for the other products in C2C e-commerce market.

MB 3102


- Literature Review one
per article



Article Title

E-commerce aesthetics: E-commerce for Ecommerces sake

Publication Name

Information Resources Management Journal

Date Jul-Sep 2000




Pages 3-4
ABI/INFORM Collection

What does this article/ book examine? (brief summary)

According to this article, creating an E-commerce is not difficult, There are some steps to create and
develop to create an e-commerce website, those are:
1. Prototyping; RAD is the most fit way to design, develop and launch a dot com Website.
2. Cloning; users should steal the design of existing website
3. Spreading and Mutating; It was copied, allowed to mutate, then transmitted to someone else who
developed similar e-commerce site based on a different theme.
4. Promoting Glamour & Glitz; People suggested that the advances will occur in attracting new
customers, but spending money doesnt necessarily mean that more customer will be attracted.
5. Enter the evolutionary agent; The new evolutionary agent will be one that will observe, judge, act
and react in ways of its own to refine customer searches on the web
6. Push Market; Inform consumer and notify them when there are updates to software, viruses and
sales to shop
Those are the steps that company should do in to create an e-commerce for their company.
Methodology How does the author study the issue
The author use Quantitative Approach, to study the issue. We can see from the survey that author did,
authors asked MBA Students in an e-commerce project management class to select an area in which they
thought most of the exciting new developments in e-commerce would do occur in the next few years.
Beside that, the author studied the issue by analyzing the behavior of its environment towards the ecommerce.
Findings/ Results
The results from of the survey that the author did, most of graduate students suggested that the advances
will occur in attracting new customers, but spending more money doesnt necessarily mean that more
consumers will be attracted to a particular website.
For the whole results of this article, its said that e-commerce can provide consumers with up-to-date
information, collaborative filtering to make choices, efficient methods to transacts business, simple wants
to pay for purchases, effective and efficient delivery mechanism and even virtual catalogs.

Unanswered questions about the article (for further research)

From the results of this article, How can we know that the used method to transact is the most effective
and efficient methods?
Beside that, How can the visitors of the e-commerce influence or affects the revenue? This article analyze
about what we should do to make the people/customer visit the e-commerce, while we dont know exactly
whether they purchase or not.

What are some gaps in this body of research ?

We are living in the Modern and globalization era, most of people spending their waking
hours on the internet. They did a lot of things with internet and the most activities on the
internet is purchasing online but, author discovered that people are less likely to understand
e-cash and to overspend on the internet. This article studied this issue to provide the
people/customers with up-to-date information, to transact business, simple wants to pay for
What are some population/ aspects/ areas that you dont see represented?
The behavior of the customer that didnt explained in this article, and how the behaviors can
affect the successful e-commerce strategy.

MB 3102


- Literature Review one
per article

Article Title

Ratnasingam, Paulin
The Impact of E-commerce Customer Relationship
Management in Business-to-Consumer E-Commerce

Publication Name

Journal of Electronic Commerce in Organizations


Date Oct-Dec 2008




Pages 17
ABI/INFORM Collection

What does this article/ book examine? (brief summary)

This article stated about expanding the existing theory of ECRRM by explicitly considering the role
of B2C e-commerce firm in the context about CRM. The hard factors that emphasized the transactional
components focused on the outcomes of the exchange between the customers and their firms.
Alternatively, soft factors that emphasized on the interpersonal relational components were characterized
by conversations via the telephone and e-mail between the customers and the firm.
Beside that, Technology provides a distinct basis for retaining customers that is separate from an
assessment of the customers as it has an effect on profit. More importantly, we draw upon this expanded
understanding over the customers shopping time life-cycle experiences based on the impact of both the
hard and soft factors that is reflected on the transactional and relational components of communication
leading to the four different modes in ECCRM namely; learning, monitoring, collaborating and distancing
Methodology How does the author study the issue
An exploratory case study was chosen as the most appropriate research method to examine ECCRM and
the customers shopping time life-cycle experiences in a small business firm.
This case study approach allowed us to ask how-and why types of questions and enabled us to elicit
subtle and rich data needed, thereby increasing our understanding of ECCRM.
Findings/ Results
The study contributes to theory, which are the most important characteristics of the hard and soft factors
that are correlated to the transactional and relational components of communication towards the four
modes of the customers shopping time life-cycle experiences.
Learning Mode
Monitoring Mode
Collaborating Mode
Distancing Mode
This study also contributes to theory as the ECCRM model provides a holistic view of the firm by
simultaneously examining the customers shopping time life-cycle experiences and performances leading
to the four modes. Further, the exploratory study contributes to practice as we discuss how firms that
have adopted B2C e-commerce are likely to experience customers shopping time life-cycle experiences.
Unanswered questions about the article (for further research)
What communications that should company do in order to identify the needs, attitudes and behaviors of
their customers thereby taking actions to increase their profit by meeting the needs of the customers?

What are some gaps in this body of research ?

Previous research thought that only 20% of the SMEs are deploying CRM Application.
Therefore, the author develop and expand an ECCRM model to illustrate the influence of the
hard and soft factors that reflect the extent of transactional and relational elements of
communication thereby influencing the customers shopping time life-cycle experiences leading
to four modes namely; learning, monitoring, collaborating and distancing modes.
What are some population/ aspects/ areas that you dont see represented?
The area that I dont see represented is about the end results of the efforts that the firm did by
maintaining the CRM between the profits that the firm gets.

MB 3102


- Literature Review one per


Volk, Frederick Allen.

Article Title


Publication Name

ProQuest Dissertation and theses

Date 2001




Pages 152
ABI/INFORM CollectionProQuest
Databas Dissertations & Theses Full Text: The
Sciences and Engineering Collection

What does this article/ book examine? (brief summary)

This study learned about the consumer behavior in this new medium era, including clicking on banner ads,
reading email advertisements, searching for product information in online stores and using search engines,
using comparison engines and online review to evaluate alternatives, purchase product, and behaviors that were
studied within the theory.
Methodology How does the author study the issue
Based on the article, the method that used by the author to study this issue is Quantitative and Qualitative
approach. For the Quantitative approach, we can see that the author randomly picked participants from
Wichita State University, staff from Newman University and also selected internet mailing list to answer the
survey. For the Qualitative approach, we can read from the article that author used the comparison engines and
online reviews to evaluate the alternatives.
Findings/ Results
The Consumer Decision Process can be categorized into five sub-processes including:
(a) Motivation and Need Recognition,
(b) Information Search,
(c) Alternatives Evaluation,
(d) Purchase Decision and Purchase, and
(e) Purchase Outcomes. This research considers nine Internet behaviors across these
five consumer behavior processes.
Unanswered questions about the article (for further research)
The article studied about the consumer decision process but we cant find the factors that influence the
purchase decision on a product.

What are some gaps in this body of research ?

On this article, we could find a gap in the understanding of users attitude regarding clicking on banner
ads, using email support, and accessing customer support website.
Attitudes score less than 30% of variance connected with behavioral intention is unacceptable.
What are some population/ aspects/ areas that you dont see represented?
Customer behaviors come from the customer knowledge, this article didnt analyze the background how
people can behave like that or theres no causes why customer can behave that said in the results of
customer behavior analysis.


MB 3102

- Literature Review one
per article



Article Title

Identifying E-Commerce Strategy-Making Modes in

Small Firms

Publication Name

Dissertation Abstracts International

Date 2014



Pages 100

ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Full Text:

Databa The Sciences and Engineering Collection

What does this article/ book examine? (brief summary)

An exploratory study to identify and characterize e-commerce strategy-making modes among small
firms was conducted. Author combined findings from non e-commerce domains along with finding
from e-commerce practitioner interviews in order to develop a comprehensive set of attributes for
classifying e-commerce strategy-making modes. Analysis of the data suggests that e-commerce
strategy making modes can be categorized as:
1. Inclusive e-commerce strategy-making
2. Open e-commerce strategy-making
3. Clear e-commerce strategy-making
4. Controlled e-commerce strategy-making
Methodology How does the author study the issue
Because the goals of this exploratory study was to identify E-Commerce Strategy-Making Modes in
Small Firm, authors pursue this goals with Quantitative and Qualitative Approach, Authors used 3
phases and multiple data collection methods to answer the three study questions. Those phase are:
1. Semi-structured Interviews
2. Pilot Study Survey (Questionnaire)
3. Final Survey (Questionnaire)
Findings/ Results
The results of this exploratory study were, the clusters that defined from eighteen small firms, were
interpreted and labeled to reflect that nature of the strategy-making mode. There are:
1. Cluster 01: Inclusive E-commerce Strategy-making; a top-down process.
2. Cluster 02: Open E-commerce Strategy-Making; firms are not seeking to bring creative,
entrepreneurial, experimental, and innovative ideas to their strategy making.
3. Cluster 03:Clear E-commerce Strategy-Making; also top-down decision-making process
4. Cluster 04: Controlled E-commerce Strategy-Making; a tightly controlled, confidential top-down
decision process with little input from internal personnel or outside stakeholder.
Unanswered questions about the article (for further research)
The studies that connect to new identified e-commerce strategy-making modes to level of ecommerce performance.

What are some gaps in this body of research ?

Its very important to note that this research makes a distinction between process for strategymaking mode and the strategy content artefact resulting from that process and this study
focuses to find on those problem which is the process employed by small firms for making ecommerce strategy, and called e-commerce strategy-making mode.
What are some population/ aspects/ areas that you dont see represented?
The development areas of mobile commerce, mobile, marketing, social commerce, and B2B
of e-commerce.

MB 3102









Factors influencing consumers apparel
purchasing intention in the C2C e-commerce




E-commerce aesthetics: E-commerce for Ecommerces sake

Critical Issue 1*

Critical Issue 2*

FishbeinsThe two behavior factors
behavioral intention modelthat impact purchasing
was used as guiding theory tointention:
study this issue.
1. Consumers attitude
This article also used
toward convenient
Quantitative approach by
gathered the data that 2. Safe transaction
obtained from 393 students ofThe Social factor:
Midwestern 1. The impact of product
information provided
by the sellers in the
C2C e-commerce
apparel marketS.
Social factor played a more
important role than the
customers attitudes in
determining apparel
purchasing in the market.
Quantitative Approach was The result stated that eused to study the issue.
commerce can provide
Authors asked MBA Students consumers with up-to-date
to select an area in which they information, collaborative
thought most of the exciting filtering to make choices,
new developments in eefficient methods to
commerce would do occur in transacts business, simple
the next few years.
wants to pay for purchases,
effective and efficient
delivery mechanism and
even virtual catalogs.


Ratnasingam, Paulin 2008

The Impact of E-commerce Customer

Relationship Management in Business-toConsumer E-Commerce



Volk, Frederick




An exploratory case study The most important

was chosen as the most
characteristics of the hard
appropriate research method and soft factors that are
to examine ECCRM and the connected transactional and
customers shopping time
relational components of
life-cycle experiences in a communication towards the
small business firm.
four modes of the
customers shopping time
life-cycle experiences.
Learning Mode
Monitoring Mode
Collaborating Mode
Distancing Mode
The exploratory study
contributes to practice as
we discuss how firms that
have adopted B2C ecommerce are likely to
experience customers
shopping time life-cycle
This issue is Quantitative The Consumer Decision
cause author randomly pickedProcess :
participants to answer the(a) Motivation and Need
Qualitative Recognition,
approach. We can read from(b) Information Search,
the article that author used the(c) Alternatives Evaluation,
comparison engines
and(d) Purchase Decision and
online reviews to evaluate thePurchase, and
(e) Purchase Outcomes.




Identifying E-Commerce Strategy-Making

Modes in Small Firms


Authors pursue this goals The results

of this
and exploratory study were,
Approach, 1. Cluster 01: Inclusive
Authors used 3 phases and
multiple data collection
methods to answer the three 2. Cluster 02: Open Estudy questions. Those phase
commerce Strategyare:
1. Semi-structured
3. Cluster 03:Clear EInterviews
commerce Strategy2. Pilot Study Survey
4. Cluster
3. Final
commerce StrategyMaking.

* critical issue : methodology, method, type of research, findings, analysis, scope or area
This table may be constructed in MS. Excel file5

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