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Read the text below and complete the following task.

[PMR 2011]
The newspaper is an extremely useful learning tool to students today. Besides being
easily available and affordable, it offers them numerous benefits.
A survey carried out on the benefits of the newspaper clearly shows that students who
read the newspapers have better awareness of the world around them. This is because they are
better informed of the current issues happening around the world. Hence, they become more
As language proficiency seems to be a problem amongst students these days, reading
the newspaper also helps them improve their language skills. As such, they are able to put into
practice what they have learnt.
Meanwhile, once outside the classroom, students can use the newspaper to be a
continuous source of education and information. For example, it can be used to obtain reference
material or ideas for their school assignments.
The newspaper today also motivates students to learn because it contains educational
supplements that help them with their lessons. Besides, they also encourage students to
develop their thinking skills through extensive reading.
It is without doubt that the newspaper is beneficial to students. As such, we should
encourage them to read the newspaper every day.

Write a summary on how the newspaper can be a useful tool to students.

Your summary must:
not be more than 60 words, including the 10 given words below
be in continuous writing (not note form)
be written in one paragraph
Use your own words as far as possible without changing its original meaning. Begin
your summary as follows:
The newspaper is a useful tool that helps students to

Steps to answer a summary question:

Step 1:
Read the text once to get an idea on what the text is all about.
Step 2:
Read the question. Identify the keywords.
Write a summary on HOW the newspaper can be a useful tool to students.
Step 3:
Identify the content points. Read again the text. Read each sentence in the text one
HOW the newspaper can be a useful tool to students?

Sentence from the


Does the sentence

answers the question



What is the content point?

(highlight orunderline the

HOWthe newspapercan content point)

be a useful tool to
* yellow main points

The newspaper is an
extremely useful


* blue supporting points





learning tool to
students today.
Besides being easily
available and
affordable, it offers
them numerous
A survey carried out on Yes

have better awareness of the

the benefits of the

newspaper clearly

world around them.

shows that students

who read the
newspapers have better
awareness of the world
around them.

This is because they


better informed of the current

are better informed of

When you see the word

issues happening around the

the current issues

happening around the

because, the sentence

normally contains the



supporting point for the

previous sentence.

Hence, they become

more knowledgeable.


become more knowledgeable.

As language proficiency Yes.

seems to be a problem

improve their language skills.

amongst students these

days, reading the
newspaper also helps
them improve their
language skills.
As such, they are able


able to put into practice what

to put into practice

what they have learnt.

When you see the phrase

as such, the sentence

they have learnt.

normally contains the

supporting point for the
previous sentence.
Meanwhile, once


outside the classroom,

students can use the

continuous source of education

and information.

newspaper to be a
continuous source of
education and
For example, it can be
used to obtain

Pay attention to the words

reference material or
ideas for their school

like forexample, like, such

as. These words indicate


examples. Dont write

examples in a summary.

The newspaper today



motivates students to learn

also motivates students

to learn because it
contains educational

The phrase after the word

because is the supporting

supplements that help

them with their lessons.

contains educational
supplements that help them
with their lessons

Besides, they also


encourage students to
develop their thinking

to develop their thinking skills

through extensive reading.

skills through extensive

It is without doubt that
the newspaper is



As such, we should
encourage them to read


beneficial to students.

the newspaper every


*C indicates content:
C1 - have better awareness of the world around them / better informed of the
current issues happening around the world
C2 - become more knowledgeable
C3 - improve their language skills / able to put into practice what they have learnt
C4 - continuous source of education and information
C5 - motivates students to learn
C6 - encourage students to develop their thinking skills through extensive reading
If you are able to identify both main and supporting points, write either one in the
It is not encouraged to write the supporting points. Sometimes, a supporting point
is NOT accepted as the content point!

Step 4:

Write the summary. Write five (5) content points only. Begin your
summary with the ten (10) words given. Copy the points EXACTLY from the
text to avoid sentence errors and changing the meaning of the original
text. Use sequence connectors like next, then, moreover, furthermore,
lastly, etc.

The newspaper is a useful tool that helps students to have better awareness
of the world around them. (C1) They become more knowledgeable. (C2) Moreover,
skills. (C3) Furthermore, students can use the newspaper to be a continuous source
of education and information.(C4) Finally, the newspaper today also motivates
students to learn.(C5)

Step 5:
Count the number of words and write it at the bottom right of the summary. Make
sure your summary is NOT MORE than 60 words.
The newspaper is a useful tool that helps students to have better awareness
of the world around them. They become more knowledgeable. Moreover, reading
the newspaper also helps them improve their language skills. Furthermore,
students can use the newspaper to be a continuous source of education and
information. Finally, the newspaper today also motivates students to learn.
(57 words)
Step 6:
Read your answer again. Make sure there are no spelling errors.
Marks for the above summary:
The newspaper is a useful tool that helps students to have better awareness
of the world around them. They become more knowledgeable. Moreover, reading
the newspaper also helps them improve their language skills. Furthermore,
students can use the newspaper to be a continuous source of education and
information. Finally, the newspaper today also motivates students to learn.
Content points 5 marks
Language 3 marks
Total marks 8 marks

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