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Worksheet 1 Adjectives Order

Name:_____________________________ Class:_______ Date:_______________________

O adjetivo usado para descrever ou caracterizar pessoas, animais ou coisas. So colocados, em
ingls, antes do nome ou depois de alguns verbos (be, look, feel, seem, taste, smell and sound).
Gender and number
Os adjetivos so, em ingls, palavras invariveis: apresentam a mesma forma para o masculino
e para o feminino, para o singular e para o plural.
Ex: The boy is intelligent. / The girl is intelligent.
The boys are intelligent. / The girls are intelligent.

Position of adjectives in a sentence

Quando existem dois ou mais adjetivos numa frase, colocam-se pela seguinte ordem:
nice, kind...

tall, big...

yong, old...

oval, round...

blue, brown...

silk, leather...

1. Put the words in the correct order to form sentences.
a. an / boy / young / is / intelligent / Roy /.
b. old / Mrs. OBrian / kind / woman / is / a /.
c. silk / scarf / is / a / beautiful / this / blue /.
d. got / modern / has / brown / she / coat / leather / a /.
e. eyes / Karl / greenish / has / almond-shaped / got / big /.

wavy / has / red / Miriam / hair / got / long /.

g. freckled / got / that / oval / boy / a / face / has /.
h. T-shirt / got / white / flowered / has / Rosie / pink / cotton / a / and / large /.

nice / is / girl / Miriam / tall / a / young /.


modern / are / leather / these / brown / boots/.

k. car / got / a / old / Paul / yellow / has / big /.

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