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1 The gastrointestinal tract consists of E

A esophagus
B esophagus and stomach
C esophagus stomach and bile duct
D esophagus stomachduodenum and bile duct
E esophagus stomachduodenum upper jejunum and bile duct
2 The most common cause of upper gastrointestional hemorrhage is A
A gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer
B portal vein hypertension
C gastroenteritis
D gastric carcinoma
E bile hemorrhage
3 What is the main factor to hematemesis or hematochezia
A the speed of hemorrhage
B the position of hemorrhage
C the speed and amount of hemorrhage
D the position and amount of hemorrhage
E the amount of hemorrhage
4 The feature of massive hemorrhage in portal hypertension is B
A quick happen and little amount
B quick happen and large amount
C epigastric pain and hematemesis
D hematemesis and melena
E epigastric pain and melena
5 The indication of surgical therapy is E
A active hemorrhage not responsive to endoscopic measures
B significant recurrent hemorrhage after endoscopic treatment
C an ongoing transfusion requirement
D transfusion requirements exceeding 6 units of packed red blood cells in a 24-hour interval
E all of above
7 Which is the endoscopic therapy? E
A transendoscopic bipolar electrocoagulation
B heater probe therapy
C LASER coagulation
D injection therapy
E all of above
8 The cause of portal vein hypertention is B

A portal thrombosis
B posthepatic cirrhosis
C portal vein obstruction
D portal malformation
E pylephlebitis
9 The most important collateral pathway in the portal vein hypertention is A
A Esophageal and gastric venous plexus
B umbilical vein from the left portal vein to the epigastric venous system (caput medusae)
C retroperitoneal collateral vessels
D the hemorrhoidal venous plexus
E none
10 What is the cause of hepatic coma after the portacaval shunt? E
A upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage
B intake large amounts of protein
C hunger
D ammonia intoxication
E all of above

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