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Automating Music Composition and

Melody Generation
Armen Aghajanyan
Email: armen.ag@live.com
Many believe that the epitome of human creativity is the ability to create art
irregardless of the art form itself. One of the more popular art forms, music, has
been viewed as an intellectual exercise and composers such as Bach and Chopin
are viewed as geniuses in our modern world. The inherent question to ask was,
could software even begin to mimic the creativity of these composers and their
compositions. And that is the question this paper will introduce and hopefully
Keywords: Artificial Intelligence; Machine Learning; n-grams; Markov Chains; Graphs;
Neural Networks; Clustering; Mathematical Optimization, Genetic Algorithms
Received 00 Month 2009; revised 00 Month 2009



To start off I would like to explain the format of the

rest of this paper. We will split the task of music
composition and melody generation into two sub tasks.
First, we will create a statistical model of the training
data, which is a collection of different songs in the
popular midi format. Second, creating operators that
would act upon our model in a way to creating a
variety of aesthetically pleasing melodies. We try to
keep the math to a complete minimum, and will only
be used for formal definitions. This is a challenging
problem, and all our challenges will be presented with
their respective solutions in a rather detailed matter.
An understanding of n-grams, k-means, and the concept
of genetic searches is needed to understand this paper,
while knowledge of Artificial Neural Networks is also



the n-grams of this same size (n), while heterogeneous

would support n-graming ranging from ni to nf . Next
we needed to implement a data structure that would
allow us to flow from one n-gram to another, and which
would preserve the probabilities of transitions. The
obvious choice would be an implementation of a Markov
Chain through a weighted directed graph. [?] Below
is an example of a homogeneous n-gram Markov chain
with a n = 1 that was produced from our framework.

P = 0.16

P = 0.52

P = 0.21



P = 0.11


Generating Basic Model

From the beginning of this project it became apparent

that the generation of music paralleled to the task
of auto generation of research papers (AGP), which
has been researched extensively in the field of Natural
Language Processing (NLP). [?] The first step was
creating a generic framework that would support the
bare basic of AGP. We started off by building a a
generic representation of an n-gram, and the ability
to build an ordered collection of any sized n-grams in
the exact order of which they appeared. From here
surfaced two types of n-gram collections; homogeneous
and heterogeneous. The difference is quite simple, a
homogeneous collection of n-grams would contain all
The Computer Journal,

Keep in mind that we have a strict constraint that




as is enforced by the original definition of a Markov

Chain. The construction of a homogeneous n-gram
chain is very simple. We begin by first constructing a
distribution of n-gram appearances. For example if the
n-gram {N orth} appeared a total amount of a times in
our n-gram collection, we would store a key-value where
the key would be the {N orth} and the value would be
a. Therefore finding the weight or the probability of a
Vol. ??,

No. ??,


single transition would simply be.
F (node)


F (vertexi )


Where the function F (node) represents our count ngram distrubution function.
From here we could do random walks and generate
semi-coherent (and sometimes extremely funny) sentences of variable length. We continued on the theme
of building n-gram Markov chains and extended our
framework to allow building not only homogeneous
Markov chains but also heterogeneous Markov chains.
Below is a simple visualization of an heterogeneous ngram Markov chain generated by our framework with a
range [1 3). 1

Adding Concept of Weight Assigners

So far, the type of walking we have used (random

walkers) have all maintained the Markov property [?]. 2
We will know stray off from this property and because of
this I will transition from referring to Markov chains to
referring to graphs whose verticess must add up to 1 as
to keep my mathematical accuracy as high as possible.
Now I will introduce the concept of weight assigners.
A weight assigner is a simply a function that takes in a
binary tuple of collection of n-grams. The first item in
the tuple will represent the n-gram chain that is being
built, while the second item represents the possible
states to transition to. And return a probability
distribution. Mathematically it will appear like so.

F = W (n gram, n gram)



Will Run

F (xnode )] = 1


x=W (a)




Announces Bid


Or if we are extending this probability distribution to

a continuous distribution.
F (xnode )] = 1
x=W (a)

Although the two types of Markov chains seems very
similar, heterogeneous Markov chains have a major
advantage, they allow movement in between their sub
constructs. A construct is a homogeneous Markov
chain inside the heterogeneous Markov chain. Therefore
for a heterogeneous with a size range (ni , nf ] we will
inherently have nf ni constructs. Let me explain
more in depth what I mean movement between sub
constructs. For example, let us say that during our walk
we end up on a node Announces Bid, but this node has
no vertices. If this was a typical homogeneous Markov
chain, we would be done, but with a heterogeneous
Markov chain we can take our node, and lower it one
construct down, so we were at the node Announces and
continue with our sub node so to speak. This type of
manipulation becomes increasingly more helpful as we
continue with building our statistical model.

The weight assigner that I found to be the most

effective was a size weight assigner (SWA). What the
SWA would try to accomplish, was to mimic the true
distribution of the n-gram size in some window of the
chain that we were building. Mathematicly speaking.
FSW A = T rueDistrubutionSize()

ngram kngramk)(6)
We have now finished building our statistical model
and are know ready to create the necessary operators
to build over it.


Quick Explanation of MIDI Information


We finished the bare building of our informational

model and now move on to creating a more fluid and
intelligent transitioning system. I should note that we
are finished with the AGP analogy and now will be
continuing in a more musical fashion .

We used an open source midi library for the basic

extraction of ChannelMessages and other type of MIDI
events.[?] The type of information we would extract
involved a substantial amount of testing. We started
off by extracting simply the notes, paying no attention
to the time or the octave that it was on.

1 The generic nature of our code allowed the random walk to

extend to heterogeneous chains as well.

2 The future nodes of the process depend only upon the present

The Computer Journal,

Vol. ??,

No. ??,


Automating Music Composition and Melody Generation


Below is a recursive definition of our implementation of

the Levenshtein algorithm.


if min(i, j) = 0 :




leva,b (i, j) =

min leva,b (i, j 1) + 1

leva,b (i 1, j 1) + 1(ai 6=bj )




This showed no promising results even when paired
when multiple weight assigners. We continued with
pairing notes with their respective octave, and this
showed a bit better results. We ended on naively
extracting chords from the MIDI file, where the
chords were a collection of notes with their respective
octave. Right from the get-go this showed extremely
promising results, giving us melodies that were almost
aesthetically pleasing. Below is a small representation
of a heterogeneous graph of chords.









Initial Experience With Clustering

After experimenting around with the statistical model,

creating and playing different n-gram chains it became
apparent that certain type of melodies were being
repeated with only minor variations. From here the
technique of clustering seemed useful, in theory, if we
defined a correct distance metric, after clustering, the
centers of clusters would represent our melodies. We
decided to implement two distance metrics, Squared
Euclidean distance and Levenshtein distance. Below is
how we calculated the Squared Euclidean distance.

Euclidean Squared = d2 (~
p, ~q) =

For our clustering algorithm, we chose the widely

used k-means algorithm. [?] In short, the k-means
algorithm tries to minimize the within-cluster sum of
squares. Mathematically speaking

[arg min

k X

distance(aj , i )]


i=1 aj Si

where i represents a center of a cluster and aj

represents the vectors that belong to their respective


Both of our distance metrics, only took into account

the note-octave pair, no concept of time was introduced
to either of our distance metrics.


(pi qi )



The Computer Journal,

When building our heterogeneous n-gram graph, we

used a total of 11 songs, 9 consisting of simple beats by
the theme of the rap artist Eminem, and 2 consisting
of heavy jazz improvisation in the styles of Louis
Armstrong and Ella Fitzgerald. Our graph ended up
consisting of exactly 1025 nodes, where each node had
an average of 23 connections. For our clustering we
ran through each node, and selecting 10 chains, with
the same length of 25. 3 The clustering took a while
because of the computational complexity of the k-means
algorithm O(ndk+1 log(n)) when d the dimension
and n number of vectors stay constant, which they do
in our scenario. Never the less, after the computation
finished we did not achieve the extraction of main
melodies, like we hypothesized before, regardless of the
distance metric we used. Two possible causes explained
this phenomenon, either we had a lacking distance
metric or not enough sample points. Computationally
it would be hard to include anymore sample points.
We then decided to run the same experiment but now
instead of running through every node in the graph
and selecting n chains, we picked a root node, and
completed a numerous amount of walks. After running
these chains through the k-means clustering algorithm,
we achieved a satisfactory result with respect to our
earlier hypothesis. Our clustering now contained 3 main
centers, whose melodys substantially varied and were
pseudo pleasing to listen to.
3 All of our selection used random walking paired with weight

Vol. ??,

No. ??,



Defining the Necessary Genetic Operators

From the start it is obvious from the way we framed

this problem along the lines of an optimization problem.
One of the more popular and more effective search
methods is the genetic search algorithm. This is the
search algorithm that we will use in our framework. The
four necessary operators we need to define are


The random operator simply returns a random object

with respect to our search type, which in our case is a
chain of n-grams of chords. The mutate operator takes
in an entity, and randomly mutates it and returns the
mutated entity. The cross operator inputs two entities
with the same type, and returns an object which is the
superposition of both its inputs. And lastly the fitness
operator takes in an object and returns a real number
which represents the fitness of that entity. Below I will
go into further detail about the specific implementation
of each individual function.
The implementation of the random operator for our
n-gram chain is rather quite simple, and have in fact
already implemented. We simply walk over the graph
in a random walker. After a few experimental trials
we concluded that the presence of a weight assigner did
improve our results.

or right chains n-gram we define a function merge which

takes in 2 n-grams and returns the n-gram representing
the superposition of both n-grams. The implementation
of the merge function goes like so.
ngram temp = empty
for i := 0 to n step 1 do
tempi (random() < 0.5) ? lef ti : righti ;
Last but not least is our fitness function. The fitness
function is hard to define as their is no ground truth
we can utilize for defining what is good or bad in sense
of the music. In the next subsection I will introduce
our approach to implementing a general solution to a
fitness function while lacking any ground truth.

Randomness is the key to adaptation.


Defining a Fitness
Ground Truth



Creating a correct fitness function that is general

enough to be extended with a lack of ground truth is a
hard task to accomplish because of a pair of reasons.

The concept of good and bad varies wildly due to

lack of ground truth.
Creating a continuous distribution of fitness having
no labeled data.

Before we start diving into the implementation of the

mutate operator, let us define a few constants. pr k{pr
R0 <= pr <= 1} and pm k{pm R0 <= pm <= 1}.
The constant pr gives us the probability that we will
replace a n-gram with a completely random n-gram,
while pm gives us the probability that we will replace the
n-gram with one of its connections in our graph. The
mutate functions purpose is not to generate complete
randomness, but to add incremental randomness. Using
this model it allowed us to add discrete amount of
randomness to our mutate functions with respect to
its purpose. After a numerous amount of experimental
trials we concluded that pr = 0.05 and pw = 0.1 gave
us the best results.

Let me go into detail into both of these reasons.

From a musical point of view what might seem as a
perfect n-gram chain in rap lets say, will be bad in rock.
Without a ground truth we are left with a free floating
structure with absolutely no common area for generic
rule extraction. This directly connects with our second
reason. Not only do we not have labeled data, but the
concept of using labeled data now seems pointless with
respect to our prior statement. We needed a extremely
versatile continuous interpolation algorithm that could
dynamically learn to assign values to what is good and
bad from a minimum and noisy training data set. The
obvious choice was to train an Artificial Neural Network
(ANN). [?]

For our cross function we implemented two separate

The first algorithm had no concept
of merging data but instead used random discrete
selection. The second algorithm merged the two chains
via the data inside each n-gram in the chain. The
implementation of the first algorithm is quite simple,
you simply, move along both chains and randomly select
either the left chains n-gram or the right chains ngram and add the respective n-gram into the new chain.
For the second algorithm the implementation is quite
similar to the first, but now instead of selecting the left

The start would be dynamically defining a data set

which we would feed to our ANN. The solution involved
defining three types of chains; Good = 1, Okay =? and
Bad = 0. The calculations involved in each one we kept
to a very minimal. The window size we will refer to as
nw , while the training size we will refer to as nt . For
the Good collection, we would take a input of songs and
retrieve windows of size nw ranging from [0, nt nw ),
for the Okay collection we allowed a choice of using the
same algorithm as in Good or just compiling a random
amount of random walks across our statistical model.

The Computer Journal,

Vol. ??,

No. ??,


Automating Music Composition and Melody Generation

The point of allowing the Okay to implement the Good

algorithm was to allow for user melody customization.
For example a user might decide that they prefer rock
over pop, therefore we allow for labeling rock songs as
Good while labeling pop as Okay. The Bad algorithm
just aggregated together completely random n-grams
from our graph.

same top individuals appeared repeatedly. It became

apparent that we would again need to introduce an
algorithm to filter out in a shallow matter the non
varying melodies.

A search algorithm has limits which

directly correspond to the quality of its
reward function.

Before I continue, let me explain in detail what I mean

by shallow. The aim of the majority of clustering is
to find the smallest set of clusters which can successfully
describe the given data. For shallow clustering, the
intention is to be computationally quick, and to, of
course, find clusters but not in the perfection mindset
clustering algorithms are usually in. So a shallow
clustering algorithm will, for example, take in 10000
vectors, and cluster them into 500 clusters. This is
exactly what we need for filtering out each epochs
population in our genetic population. Using standard
clustering techniques was out of the question since
we use the centers of the clusters as the surviving
population, the ratio of survivors to random individuals
would be to high for the genetic search to work as
effectively as possible. We are still going to use the
k-means algorithm, but we are going to morph it just a
bit. Below are the three things we need to do.

The ANN had dimensions like this ? 23 1.4

The question mark at the beginning is because of the
fact that the window size is dynamically chosen and
therefore is not a static property. The number 23
came purely from testing, this number gave us the
least amount of error and the quickest convergence.
Our initial training used the Resilient Back-propagation
algorithm, with the Sigmoid function ( 1+e1x ) as our
activation function. [?] Although it showed promising
results with some data-sets such as reducing the total
network error to 2.14 with a total possible error of
6178. What this means is that the network out of 6178
melodies mislabeled only about 2 melodies. Although
these results seem amazing and virtually perfect, that
is not the case is about 80% of the data-sets we tested.
The ANN seemed to fall into local minimas rather quick
when producing the error of around 160 and sometimes
around 60 which in our case is to high of an error to use
as a fitness function. To counteract the convergence
into local minima, we increased the Learning Rate of
the back-propagation algorithm. After a few tries we
zoned in one such a rate that gave us both low error
results as well as a quick convergence.

Running the Genetic Search Defined with

a Neural Network

The training we initiated was based on the same 11

songs that I talked about before in this paper. After
about two hours of training we achieved an error rate
just south of 4. For the Good collection we gave the
11 songs as input, for the Okay collection we let the
random walk algorithm take over. We allowed our
genetic algorithm to run exactly 100 epochs, before
we stopped it and started analyzing the melodys we
generated. As we hypothesised, the quality of the songs
exponentially rose compared to the clustering technique
we used prior. But to our surprise, the top individuals
varied in virtually no way. It had seemed as though
the genetic search got stuck in a deep local minimum.
Due to the random nature of the genetic search we
believed that running the algorithm again we give us
varying results, but to our dissatisfaction it seemed that
no matter the amount of times we ran the search the
4 Have


Using a Hybrid K-Means to Filter in a

Shallow Matter

Start off with a relatively big number of clusters.

Lower the amount of epochs we run.
Add a source of randomness to the distance

The first two bullets points are rather obvious. In

respect to the third bulletpoint, the reason I want
to add a source of randomness is to steer away
from the perfection of the clustering algorithm by
adding noise into the distance function. Below Im
going to mathematically introduce a source of noise
into our definition of the k-means algorithm. For
the type of noise, we chose to use the standard
Gaussian noise model. We used the popular BoxMuller Transformation to generate normally distributed
random numbers. [?] Let us say our mean will always
be = 1, and we will assign the the variable to our
standard deviation. We will also assign the function
BM T (, ) to the Box-Muller Transform, given a mean
and a standard deviation we will get a uniformly
distributed random number. Now that we have defined
the necessary variables and functions let us begin. We

will define a noisy distance function distance(

pi ,
pq ) as

pi ,
pq ) = distance(
pi ,
pq )BM T (,) (10)
Now on average to retain the distance function, as I
stated previously we will fix our mean value to 1. We
can now rewrite our equation as.

pi ,
pq ) = distance(
pi ,
pq )BM T (1,) (11)

exactly one hidden layer.

The Computer Journal,

Vol. ??,

No. ??,


Now let us apply this to our definition of our k-means

[arg min

k X

distance(aj , i )BM T (1,) ]


i=1 aj Si

We now have successfully introduced a source of

randomness to our k-means algorithm and are now
ready to use this as an intermediate algorithm in our
genetic search.

Introducing the Hybrid K-Means into our

Genetic Search

All the operators of the genetic search stay as is, all

we do is add an intermediate step in our algorithm.
The intermediate step is placed after every epoch of the
genetic search. Our hybrid k-means would take in the
top 10% of the individuals and then randomly select
from the bottom 90%. We did this for computational
speed up, because even though we are clustering via a
shallow method, therefore with a low epoch, each epoch
takes some amount of time, that grows rather quickly as
we introduce more and more samples. After running our
new algorithm and playing the melodies, we in fact saw
that the top individuals were very clean representations
of the melodies we heard before. Not only that but we
saw a substantial increase in the variety. We continued
our experimentation, by completely changing our input
songs, the melodies changed, and fit under the style of
the songs we picked. 5


In this paper we have introduced a novel approach to

automating music composition and melody generation
through both standard and non-standard machine
learning algorithms. This is just an introduction, and
I believe an exponential amount of breakthroughs can
occur in this field. Although we did not reach the
level of compositional complexity of Chopin, we did
reach a level of complexity that occurs in most popular
music right now. The technology in our framework can
be utilized by many musical producers, to allow for a
high level of style customization and a huge amount of
aesthetically pleasing music, which can be hand-crafted
from their. Issac Asimov in his book IRobot asks
acan a robot write a symphony

a, hopefully we opened
a view-port to the answer yes.

5 In respect to the 11 Ive been referring though, we went from

3 melodies to a subjective 7.

The Computer Journal,

Vol. ??,

No. ??,


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