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Vacaville, California Thursday, November 5th, 1882

five cents

The Plight of
the Workers

The plight of the workers

during the late 19th and 20th
century played a big role in
Industrialization. Both
individuals and families had it
hard trying to work for
money. Although the
minimum wage wasnt ideal,
workers were still motivated
to at least receive any
amount they were offered. In
the late 19th century, the
United States was probably
known for the vast expansion
of its industrial goods. The
amount of workers used to
produce these goods were
enough to expand the overall
production in the United
States. Machines played a big

Impact of

During the Industrial

Revolution, the environment
was harmed. The amount of
new industries that were
formed to help the growth of
production lead to a pollution
problem in the air. Pollution is
overall a bad thing and can
lead to dangerous problems.
Pollution increased during the
Industrialization Revolution.
Although the Industrial
Revolution brought an
immense opportunity for
production, it also came with
environmental costs.
Environmental population
increased because of the new
factories that were being

The Purpose of
Labor Unions

Labor unions were a major

success in the 19th century.
Labor unions were formed to
protect the rights of the
workers. They were invented
to ensure that workers were
not exploited. Labor unions
are used to help workers get
to where they want to be.
They were used to improve
working conditions of the
workers working in horrible
conditions. Hoping to gain
higher wages or shorter
workdays, labor unions were
formed to help groups of
workers who press for better
working conditions and
member benefits. During the
1800s, about thirty thousand

part in Industrialization also.

The machines used in late
19th century were used to
produce goods such as
clothing. Working with these
machines required skill.
Unfortunately, uneducated
children were assigned to
work on these very
dangerous machines. The
working conditions in these
factories were plight.
Machinery had many sharp
objects that werent
protected by anything.
Anybody working on these
machines could easily get
hurt. One mistake, and your
arm could be taken off and
youd lose your job. The
atmosphere in these factories
were also unhealthy. The
machinery let out an
abundance of smoke, leading
to the workers to inhale it,
causing possible lung
problems. Workers would go
to work in these factories to
provide for their own family.
In conclusion, the plight of
workers did not lead in the
decline of production in the
United States.

The Problems

built for mass production.

These factories are powered
by either coal or fuel. Fuel,
being bad for pollution,
caused an environmental
impact. With little source of
medication and medical care,
a polluted air meant that
people were being exposed
of these deadly toxins.
Outbreaks of disease around
the cities were common.
Another environmental
impact of Industrialization
included over population. The
cities were over populated,
leading to unsanitary living
conditions. Disease was also
spread immensely with the
amount of people living in the
cities. The streets were filthy
lacked sanitation. The lack of
trees in the cities caused a
problem with the release of
oxygen. This problem
increased the likelihood of
getting diseases from the fuel
being released from the
factories. Already having a
struggle for getting clean
water, the fuel would add to
the problems of getting clean
water. People would suffer
from finding clean water, and
these factories did nothing
but make the struggle harder.

The Impact of
Resulting in
Cheap Labor

men and women combined

belonged to these
organizations. Labor unions
had no power at all. Labor
unions were originally formed
to protect the overpay and
work of the workers. Now,
labor unions are used to do
nothing but take money from
workers without
representation. There is a big
problem with having the
workers leave with little pay.
The amount of work they put
into daily in unbelievably
ridiculous. Workers should be
paid equally for what they
have made. The workers are
basically being used in the
factories to make an
abundant amount of money
for the business owners, but
receive little in return for all
the work they have done.
Labor unions were introduced
to control the unfairness of
the amount of pay given to
the workers.

Is the American
Dream a Real
Thing or is it A

My partner and I do believe

As you know, Industrialization

brought forth many
obstacles. One thing that was
an issue, was the exhausting
days of labor. Often times,
industrialization workers
would work for up to twelve
hours, and would run on one
meal during that time frame.
Most workers dealt with this
treatment because they liked
the money they were
receiving. Many of the
workers had families, thus
causing them to not be at
home with their children for a
long period of time. At the
end of the day they didnt let
the exhausting work schedule
get to them, because the
reward was well worth it.
Another problem with
industrialization was the low
wages. According to
statistics, workers would get
payed $1.00-$1.50 a day. So,
if they worked for a full week
they would only obtain $7.00$8.00. This money would be
enough to support just
themselves. The
industrialization workers with
families would have to have
the husband and wife work in
order to support the whole
family. The last problem with

The impact on movement of

individuals into an area
resulting in cheap labor is
both positive and negative.
One of the positives is there
are ultimately more people to
be put to work in the large
factories, but there are also
some negative effects. More
workers is better for the
company, but often times not
good for the workers. More
workers can result in less
pay, and less pay results in
not enough money for people
to support themselves as well
as their families. Basically,
the factory owners take full
control and decide that they
can pay their workers little to
nothing without any
complaints. Usually,
immigrants will work for less
than the minimum wage just
to get some quick change
until they can get a new job,
and factory owners really
take advantage of that.This
act of injustice is called
cheap labor Big factories
target immigrants as their
workers because they are
easy. Immigrants go through
exhausting shifts, and
horrible working conditions,
just go get payed $7 or $8 a
week, which is not nearly

that the American Dream is

indeed a real thing. But what
exactly is the American
Dream. The American Dream
basically states that all U.S
Citizens should have an equal
opportunity to obtain success
and prosperity through hard
work. Many immigrants
immigrate searching for
better opportunities than
their country had. When they
immigrate, that is just what
they get. Better jobs, better
pay, better cities, better
resources, and much more.
Although working conditions
are not always the best, or
the money is not always
enough, in the end they are
only helping themselves to
get one step closer to the
American Dream. In that
case, it definitely is worth
it.They have always dreamed
of someday being able to get
out of poverty and be able to
support their family how they
always wanted to, and they
now have the opportunity to
build up to that level. They
also obtain way more
freedom than they would
have gotten in their country.
Although immigrants have to
work very hard for the
American Dream, one day
they indeed will be able to
obtain it and be equal in
society. All immigrants should
be shooting towards the
American Dream.

industrialization was the

unsafe working conditions.
Many times there would be
heavy machinery, or there
would be a machine with a
sharp edge, and
workers would get slashed.
Other times orkers would
catch diseases, or fall off a
ladder and get hurt. At
certain factories, if they got
hurt and missed work, they
would not get paid.

enough to support anybody.

But at the end of the day,
they indeed do end up
making more money than
they were before they
immigrated, so I guess this is
a win-win situation in their

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