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Fellowship Status Report

Code for America

is partnering

with Salt Lake County to build technology solutions to improve services and strengthen the relationship between the county and its citizens,
with an aim to lower the rate at which citizens fail to appear in court, for supervision and treatment appointments in addition to lowering the recidivism rate. To
accomplish these objectives, we pursue three workstreams - build, measure, learn - to iterate quickly and ensure our decisions are data-driven and user-focused.

Phase VII - ClientComm Refinement - extended (09/19/2016 - 10/14/2016)


Goals during this phase

agile development

Finalize features to improve case manager use of ClientComm

Focus areas: direct client access, administrative improvements, refine ClientComm v.3


Implement metrics on usage, client journey, client success

Target use goals (by end of Fellowship):
35+% of clients per case manager communicating via ClientComm
80+% of onboarded case manager using ClientComm daily

user centered

Synthesis usage metrics

Catalogue client experiences with ClientComm

Week ending 10/07/2016

Happy Monday and apologies for the delay in sending out the status report from last week. That said, we are very excited for
the release of ClientComm v4 this week! Kuan and Ben spent a few days reviewing the website user interface and making
final changes in real time, through a design pairing process. This week, we will be working to prepare a planned
presentation to case managers at CJS (Criminal Justice Services) that we will be presenting on a rolling basis from
Wednesday through Friday.
Moving on to ongoing research: Based on the results of the initial client survey we have identified learning goals for a follow
up survey and drafted questions to ask. We will be identifying specific individuals to interview based off of paired CTracks
(the current case management system that CJS uses) data on each of those clients. Factors will include everything from
more standard demographics and economic variables to risk assessment score and related or accused crimes.
Finally, we will begin the process of engaging with technical staff at the County to discuss what sustainability strategies can
look like for preserving the tool moving forward. Our team has identified the existence of Salt Lake Countys own Amazon
AWS account as the potential target for how to transfer over the product onto a County-owned platform (potentially quite
simple as ClientComm was built on the same and a transfer will require a mere replication of the existing code base on an
account under Salt Lake Countys control.

This weeks accomplishments

Build out final interface components of

version 4 application
Sketch refined ux workflow and ui
details for v4 implementation
Start onboarding guide



Determine learning goals and

questions for follow up client survey

Thanks as always,
Ben and Kuan, Code for America, Team Salt Lake County

Next weeks objectives

Finalize version 4 application

Demo V4 and onboard new users

Identify clients for follow up survey

Understand how to make ClientComm

sustainable in Salt Lake County post

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