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Monica Hernandez Frias

Emilio Hernndez

Ingles 2
Actividad integradora fase 1


Christmas day in my family

In my family celebrates Christmas like all families in the world but in this family rented a
karaoke where we get to sing but also imitate the artists of this song is really fun because
not only play to sing if not also played board games such as: Cuban Domino one but also
play the game that we all love chubby bonny I personally love makes us laugh all there is
also another game that we love that is stealing the gifts this very fun game but also do
different dishes such as turkey, leg dipped in honey, chili tamales apple salad northerners
good because my family is from the north is from Monterrey and the food is not nearly as
different from the others but the other dish is often personally Delicious sometimes go to
Monterrey to celebrate Christmas or sometimes come my family last year we went to
America because the family of my breast is beyond my mom is Mexican but his family is in
America we love going because we know many beautiful places usually last Christmas we
go next to my dad because of Monterrey we will Laredo Texas but my Christmas is no
different to many always you end Christmases at 5 in the morning I love Christmas
because I see my family every year that I can but it's fun to be together because you have
not seen I think all Mexican families we love to celebrate Christmas not only for the party
but because we celebrate that born Jesus Christ. This is why the party is done because a
baby but every day we must be grateful to get to that important date and see our family we

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