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Faculty Library Committee Meeting Minutes 2/11/09

Members present: D. Affleck, B. Brown, J. Burroughs, C. Exley, K. James, A. Klene, M.

McHugh, A. Xue
Ex-Officio present: Dean Allen
Members absent/excused: S. Guihemotonia, R. Guthrie, N. Vonessen
The meeting was called to order at 4:10 p.m. by Chair McHugh
The minutes from 11/9/09 were amended and approved.

Professor James is attending the meeting via telephone from home.

Updates from Dean Allen

The Library faculty and staff attended a retreat January 21st facilitated by Human Resource
Director Betsy Hawkins. The retreat focused on the process of change, the vision statement
and strategic plan. There are Taskforces working on the operational organization and
strategic issues to create a new framework.

The Learning Commons initiative is moving forward. The Library has contracted with
Spiker Communications to assist with the capitol campaign to raise $3million in three years.
In addition to the Learning Commons, the capitol will be used to expand, update, and
modernize the infrastructure of the Library. Marketing material should be forthcoming soon.

The library plans to contract with Serial Solutions to search across databases. The library
should be testing the services at the end of the month. There will likely be a demonstration at
next months meeting.

The library will be conducting the Libqual survey again this year from February 22 to March
8th. The web based survey randomly selects faculty, students, and staff and assesses users
perception of the services provided by the library. It was conducted in 2003 and 2006 as well
and will provide multi-year assessment data.

There is a Campus Study Group looking at the feasibility of the four- day work week.
Although the Missoulian reported that this initiative would include reduced library hoursthis has not been discussed. The library frequently reviews its user data in terms of hours of
operation and will likely remain open. It cannot reduce heat without damaging collections so
is not included in the energy savings estimate. In 2006 the Library extended its hours from 7
am to 2 am Monday Thursday. This increased the cost of operation by $30,000. Although

many resources are available electronically, some collections such as musical scores are only
available in the library.

The library will host two exhibits in collaboration with the Montana Museum of Art and
Culture: Speaking Volumes- Transforming Hate (1/7/10-3/6/10) and Jazz Artists in March.

The Accreditation visit is scheduled for April 12th -15th. This corresponds with the Faculty
Librarys Committee meeting date. It is possible that the Accreditation Team will want to
meet with the Committee. The Committee should review the report prior to the next meeting.
The self study summarizes the Librarys operation for the last ten years. The Accreditation
looks at the decision making process, the librarys interaction with campus, consultation in
terms of curriculum development, and instructional technology. The materials should
address how well the library supports the academic program structure and includes
infrastructure, collections, services, and the academic connection.

New Business

Professor James agreed to serve as Chair-elect. Her first responsibility will be to attend the
Library Faculty meeting on April 7th at 11:10 with the Chair.

There were no updates to the procedure document.

Good and Welfare: none

The meeting was adjourned at 4:40 p.m.

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