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Dr. Rajneesh Kumar Shrama
MD (Homoeopathy)
Dr. Swati Vishnoi BHMS
Dr. Preetika Lakhra BHMS

Worm Infestation and Homoeopathy

Worm Infestation and Homoeopathy

Dr. Rajneesh Kumar Sharma MD (Homoeopathy)

Dr. Swati Vishnoi BHMS
Dr. Preetika Lakhera BHMS
Homoeo Cure Research Institute
NH 74- Moradabad Road
Ph- 09897618594
E. mail- drrajneeshhom@hotmail.com

Signs and symptoms.....................................................................................................5
Acute infestation........................................................................................................5
Chronic infestation.....................................................................................................5
Clinical Diagnosis.......................................................................................................6
Liver fluke...............................................................................................................7
Stool examination...................................................................................................8
Dr. Rajneesh Kumar Sharma MD (Homoeopathy)

NIH anal Swab............................................................................................................8

Blood examination.....................................................................................................8
X- Ray.........................................................................................................................8
CT Scan and MRI........................................................................................................8
Differential diagnosis....................................................................................................8
Homoeopathic treatment...........................................................................................9
Common remedies for worm infestation................................................................9
Short repertory of worm infestation.......................................................................9

Worms live in a variety of habitats, in the earth such as earthworms, in water such as the
leeches and in an animal such as malaria or human host such as tapeworms.
The worms that live inside or on human or animals are known as parasites and the condition
as parasitosis. They survive on the food supplies of their host and cause a wide range of
conditions and symptoms, ranging from mild to severe (Psora/ Causa occasionalis).

The state of being invaded or overrun by parasitic worms inside a living host is termed worm
infestation (Psora).

In India, the incidence of worm infestation is quite common

Anemia caused by hookworm is responsible for increased maternal mortality as well as

child-hood deaths and sub-optimal growth and development of children in India (Causa
Ascaris lumbricoides is the commonest worm
Hookworm infection covers 60% to 80% in areas of Assam, West Bengal, Orrisa and
eastern coasts of Tamilnadu and Andhra Pradesh
It presents as an endemic disease
Up to one billion people have helminthic infections in the world

Worm Infestation and Homoeopathy

Parasites use host organisms for their nutrients and thrive in environments where they have a
ready supply of food. The worms eat half-digested food in their hosts intestines as their own
food supply or suck blood.
Parasites injure and destroy the tissues of their hosts. They also produce toxic waste products
causing a wide range of health problems to the host. (Psora/ Syphilis/ Causa occassionalis)
Many parasites are minute and almost invisible to the naked eye, while others grow to large
lengths. Small sized parasites easily travel around the blood stream finding suitable places to
grow and develop or creep on surface of hot body.
Intra alimentary or intra visceral parasites invade intestine, liver, spleen, lungs, brain, blood
cells etc.
The adult parasites live in the intestine. During night, female parasites migrate to the anus
and lay eggs. These eggs later pass out through the stool and remain in the external
environment for several weeks. Humans become infected through unhygienic contact where
these eggs get ingested. The eggs enter into human body through water and food and they
breed in the intestines.

Roundworms enter humans through eating contaminated food (Causa occassionalis)

Thread worms may enter the body through dirty hands (Causa occassionalis)
Hookworms enter the human body due to bare footed walking on the infected earth or
soil (Causa occassionalis)

The main causes of intestinal worms are wrong food habits and faulty lifestyle. Worms
transmit through

Bad hygiene in toilets and other public places

Badly cooked or uncooked foods such as beef, pork, poultry and fish
By mud pools, stagnant ponds, streams, rivers and other small or large pools of water
Contaminated food
Pets and farm animals
Poor sanitation and improper sewerage
Poor water supplies and poor sanitation can transmit parasites
Some fruit and vegetables can also contain parasites
Through the air by breath
Vectors or transmitting agents such as mosquitoes, fleas and flies

All these worms are characterized by following points Dr. Rajneesh Kumar Sharma MD (Homoeopathy)

Long, narrow bodies without legs
Bilateral symmetry
Tissues, organs, and body systems
Have a nervous system with a brain
Reproduce asexually and sexually
Many have separate male and female
Some (most flatworms) are hermaphrodites
Reproduce asexually by breaking into pieces

Worms that infect humans can be divided into three groups

Roundworms, whipworms, hookworms



Ascaris lumbricoides

Flatworms include Tapeworms. Flatworms breathe and eat literally through their skin. Oxygen
and nutrients pass through their skin. They have no separate organs for digestion or
They feed on the blood, tissue fluids, or pieces of cells inside the bodies of their hosts. They
live internally in humans and infect the blood and organs. Flatworms range in size from being
microscopic to some over 20 meters long as whale tapeworm.
The most common types of flatworms that live in humans are Tapeworms. Tapeworms live in
human intestines and feed on the partially-digested food in intestines.

Flukes are a type of parasitic Flatworm. They have at least one external sucker, which is used
to attach themselves to their host. Blood flukes live in humans internally.

The most common types of roundworms are Pinworms or Threadworms, Hookworms, Ascaris
and Heartworms.

Worm Infestation and Homoeopathy

They have hollow bodies and openings at either end and generally grow between 2-5 inches
in length. Roundworms are very commonly found in pets and animals such as dogs and cats
and can easily pass on to humans.
Roundworms live in salt water, fresh water and soil. Contaminated food and pets are the most
usual way to get roundworms.

Signs and symptoms

Most individuals with intestinal worm infestation are asymptomatic.

Acute infestation

Epigastric pain
Periumbilical pain
Maculopapular dermatitis at the site by larva penetration
Perianal pruritus in children with Enterobius vermicularis infestation
Transient pneumonitis symptoms due to migration of larvae to lungs

Chronic infestation

Anal itching, especially at night when the female lays her eggs.
Bad breath
Constant desire to eat food
Dark circles under the eyes
Iron deficiency anemia
Restlessness in the night with bad dreams

Heavy and chronic infection of Trichuris with co-infection of Entamoeba can cause dysentery
and resemble hook-worm disease, acute appendicitis or amoebic dysentery.
Children may show

Failure to thrive
Precipitation of protein energy malnutrition (PEM)
Intermittent diarrhea

Occasionally patient may give history of passing worms in stools. Oral expulsion of round
worms is also occasionally perceived.

Dr. Rajneesh Kumar Sharma MD (Homoeopathy)

Clinical Diagnosis
It is based on history of

Abdominal colic
Intermittent diarrhea
Teeth grinding during sleep in children
Signs of malnutrition
Poor growth for cases of chronic infestations

The type of Intestinal worms can be recognized based on the typical symptoms displayed by
each type of worm-

They enter the body by contaminated food or undercooked food or meat. There are two
species of Tapeworm (taenia)- Taenia Solium (beef tapeworm) and Taenia Saginata (pork
tapeworm). Tapeworm resemble noodles and are white in color and mover in a squirming

Abdominal pain is the most common symptom of Tapeworm. This may or may not be
accompanied by weight loss.

The two roundworms- Toxascaris leonina and Toxocara canis, are more harmful than
tapeworms and produce cough, abdominal pain, fever, vomiting, inflammation of the intestine
and lungs, diarrhea, irritability, nervousness, fatigue, weight loss and allergic reactions.

Worm Infestation and Homoeopathy

Pinworms cause itching of the anus or vagina and may result in lesions in the anus. Itching
normally occurs at night which may cause fatigue, irritability, abdominal pain and diarrhea.

These are characterized by regular bouts of diarrhea, alternating with constipation, intense
itching in the area of rectum, cough, fever and loss of weight.

Liver fluke
Liver fluke causes jaundice, fever, enlarged liver, pain under the ribs on the right side. If left
untreated, liver fluke can cause other complications, especially biliary tract disease.

Dr. Rajneesh Kumar Sharma MD (Homoeopathy)

The symptoms of hookworms affecting the intestine include nutritional disorders and anemia.


The diagnosis is mostly clinical. However, stool samples may be seen for cysts and ova.
Perianal scrapings with cello tape or swabs from under the nails may be taken for eggs of
Enterobius. Peripheral blood smear may show eosinophilia.

Stool examination
For eggs in stools for Ankylostoma, Necator, Ascaris, Trichuris and Strongyloid species.
Proglottids are demonstrable in stools for Taeniasis.

NIH anal Swab

For Entrobius infections in children ova can be noticed in perianal region using National
Institute of Health anal swab.

Blood examination

For eosinophilia and microscopic, hypo-chromic anemia in case of helminthiasis.

X- Ray

To detect cysticercosis in brain and muscles especially in thighs.


For round-worm infestation in cases presenting as intestinal obstruction or biliary colic

For Hydatid cysts in liver, brain, kidney, bone and other viscera

CT Scan and MRI

May be required as additional examinations for cysticercosis and hydatid cyst cases.

Worm Infestation and Homoeopathy

Differential diagnosis

Most cases are asymptomatic or with vague and ill-defined symptoms

Symptoms appear related to the organs infested, such as pneumonitis, abdominal
colic, hepatitis, pleuritic pains and epileptic seizures
Dermatological symptoms appear due to larva penetration and migration
Chronic cases of infestation have malnutrition and anemia
Infested children show poor growth and development


Always washing hands after caressing an animal

Carrying a hand disinfectant to use during the day
Disposing the pet waste carefully
Drinking properly filtered water
Ensuring the best possible sources of mea
Minimizing moulds building up at home and keeping home bug-free
Reducing intake of raw beef, pork or fish
Regularly deworming pets or animals
Showering or cleaning regularly
Taking off outdoor shoes
Thoroughly cooking properly rinsed meat
Washing fruit, salads and vegetables before use
Washing hands when coming home from work

Homoeopathic treatment
Common remedies for worm infestation
abrot. acet-ac. ACON. aesc. AGAR. ager-c. agn. agri. Ail. all-c. all-s. alum. am-c. ambr. ambro.
anac. ant-c. ant-t. Anth. apoc-a. apoc. aq-calc. aq-mar. arec. arg-met. Arg-n. arge-pl. arge. Ars.
art-v. asaf. asar. asc-t. atis. Bapt. BAR-C. bar-m. bar-s. bell-p-sp. Bell. bism. borx. bov. bry. bufo
calad. calc-caust. calc-f. CALC. callil-l. cann-i. cara-p. Carb-an. Carb-v. carbn-s. carbn-tm. carc.
card-m. carli-a. cassia-o. CAUST. celo-t. Cham. Chel. chelo. chen-a. chen-vg. chim. Chin-b.
chin. choc. Cic. CINA cinnb. claus-an. claus-in. clerod-g. coca coca-c. COCAIN. cocc. coff. colch.
Coli. coloc. croc. crot-h. crot-t. cuc-m. cuc-p. cupr-act. cupr-o. cupr-ox. cupr. cycl. dig. diph-ttpt. DOL. dryop-i. dryop-p. dulc. emb-k. emb-r. emb-sc. erlan-c. esp-g. eucal. ferr-i. ferr-m.
Ferr-s. Ferr. fil. Form. frag. gaert. galla-q-r. geb-k. gink-b. Gran. GRAPH. grat. guare. haru-ma.
hed. helm. heroin. hir. Hyos. hyper. ichth. Ign. ina-i. Indg. iod. Ip. irid-met. jab. jatr-c. kali-br.
kali-c. kali-chl. kali-i. kali-m. kam. kou. kreos. kres. lach. laur. lipp. luna lyc. mag-c. Mag-m.
Mag-s. med. merc-c. Merc-d. Merc. mez. mill. mur-ac. musca-d. napht. naphtin. Nat-c. nat-m.
Nat-p. nat-s. nep. NIT-AC. Nux-m. Nux-v. oci-sa. ol-eur. othon-n. oxyg. pann. passi. pellin. petia. petr. ph-ac. Phos. phys. physal-an. Phyt. pic-ac. pin-s. plan. Plat. plect. podo. positr. prot.
psor. Ptel. Puls. quas. ran-s. Rat. rhod. Rhus-t. Ruta SABAD. sabin. sacch. sal-ac. SANG. Santin.
Scir. sec. sel. SEP. ser-a-c. SIL. sin-a. Sin-n. SPIG. Spong. squil. Stann. staph. Stram. stry.
strych-h. SULPH. sumb. syph. tab. tanac. tarent. tell. teph-v. TER. Teucr. thom-h. Thuj. thymol.
trem-or. Urt-u. Valer. vanil. Verat. vern-a. vern-am. Viol-o. Viol-t. zinc.
Dr. Rajneesh Kumar Sharma MD (Homoeopathy)


Short repertory of worm infestation

ABDOMEN - IRRITATION - Intestines; of - worms; from santin.
ABDOMEN - MOVEMENTS in - worm, as from dulc. nat-c. zinc.
ABDOMEN - PAIN - Hypochondria - gnawing pain - worm; like a kreos. puls.
ABDOMEN - PAIN - Umbilicus - Region of umbilicus - worms; from Spig.
ABDOMEN - PAIN - worms; from cramping art-v. bism. Cina fil. gran. Indg. merc. nat-p. sabad.
ABDOMEN - PAIN - worms; from art-v. bism. Cina fil. gran. Indg. merc. nat-p. sabad. spig.
ABDOMEN - WORMS; complaints from acon. asar. bell. Cic. CINA ferr. hyos. ign. lach. Merc.
nux-m. nux-v. ruta Sabad. Sil. SPIG. sulph. Teucr. valer. verat.
BACK - FORMICATION - worms; as from staph.
BLADDER - URINATION - involuntary - night - worms; from cina Santin. sil. sulph.
BLADDER - WORM in; sensation of a bell. sep.
CHEST - PALPITATION of heart - worms; from spig.
CHEST - PHTHISIS pulmonalis - accompanied by ascarides ferr.
COUGH - WORM crawled up from pit of stomach in throat; from sensation as if a zinc.
COUGH WORMS cina ter.
DREAMS - FACE - worm climbing out of the forehead galla-q-r.
DREAMS - WORMS - covered with gink-b.
DREAMS - WORMS creeping alum. am-c. bov. esp-g. ina-i. kali-c. mur-ac. nux-v. oxyg. phos.
ran-s. ruta sil.
DREAMS - WORMS - vomited; are Chin-b. Chin.
DREAMS WORMS alum. arge-pl. bell-p-sp. choc. coca-c. musca-d. ol-eur. oxyg. positr. sil.
EAR - WORMS, sensation of acon. calc. coloc. guare. med. mur-ac. nux-v. pic-ac. puls. rhod.
rhus-t. ruta sep.
EYE - COMPLAINTS of eyes - accompanied by - worms; complaints of art-v.
EYE - STRABISMUS - accompanied by - worms; complaints of bell. cina cycl. hyos. merc.
Santin. spig.
FEMALE GENITALIA/SEX - ITCHING - worms; from pinworms calad.
FEMALE GENITALIA/SEX - SEXUAL DESIRE - increased - worms; from Sabad.
FEMALE GENITALIA/SEX - WORMS pinworms ferr. merc. Sabad. Sil. Sulph.
FEVER - WORMS; from ACON. ambr. anac. ars. asar. bell. Calc. Chin. cic. CINA dig. Ferr. Graph.
hyos. ign. kali-c. lach. Merc. nat-m. nux-v. passi. petr. phos. Plat. puls. ruta SABAD. sabin.
santin. SIL. Spig. spong. stann. stram. SULPH. teucr. thuj. valer.
GENERALS - CATALEPSY - worm complaints; in sabad.
GENERALS - CHOREA - worms; from asaf. Calc. Cina santin. Spig. tanac.
GENERALS - CONVULSIONS - children; in - worms; from cic.
GENERALS - CONVULSIONS - epileptic - worms; from cic. cina indg. santin. sil. stann. sulph.
GENERALS - CONVULSIONS - worms; from Anth. ars. art-v. asaf. bar-m. Bell. Cham. Cic. CINA
cupr-o. cupr. Hyos. Ign. Indg. kali-br. kali-c. Nux-v. petr. plat. sabad. Santin. sil. spig. Stann.
stram. sulph. tanac. Ter.
GENERALS - NEUROLOGICAL complaints - accompanied by - worms; complaints of art-v.
GENERALS - NEUROLOGICAL complaints - worms; from Cina psor. sabad.
GENERALS - TREMBLING - Externally - worm complaints; in sabad.
GENERALS - TWITCHING - worm complaints; in Cina sabad. santin.
GENERALS - WEAKNESS - worms; with carc. Cic. Cina Merc.
HEAD - ALIVE in head; sensation of something - crawling; as of a worm - Forehead; in alum.
HEAD - PAIN - Forehead - drawing pain - worm creeping through; as from a sulph.
HEAD - PAIN - Temples - drawing pain - worm creeping; as from a sulph.
HEAD - PAIN - worm complaints Calc. chin. Cina graph. nux-v. plat. sabad. Sil. spig. Sulph.
HEAD - PAIN - worm creeping; as from a alum.

Worm Infestation and Homoeopathy

HEARING - IMPAIRED - worms, with infection of chen-a.
MALE GENITALIA/SEX - FORMICATION - Scrotum - worms; as from staph.
MALE GENITALIA/SEX - MASTURBATION; disposition to - worms; from calad.
MIND - ANGER - worm complaints; in Carb-v. Cina
MIND - BITING - worm affections; in Carb-v. croc.
MIND - DELUSIONS - beetles, worms etc. ars. bell. dulc. hyos. kres. nep. Stram.
MIND - DELUSIONS - worms - bed; are in ars.
MIND - DELUSIONS - worms - covered with; he is cocain.
MIND - DELUSIONS - worms - creeping of alum. am-c. ars. bov. coca-c. kali-c. mur-ac. Nux-v.
phos. ran-s. sil.
MIND - DELUSIONS - worms - vomitus is a bunch of cann-i.
MIND - DELUSIONS worms alum. am-c. ars. bov. cann-i. coca-c. Cocain. heroin. kali-c. murac. Nux-v. phos. ran-s. sil.
MIND - FEAR - worm diseases; with stann.
MIND - FEAR - worms; of aesc. ars. nat-m. oxyg.
MIND - IRRITABILITY - worm affections; in - followed by squinting nat-p.
MIND - IRRITABILITY - worm affections; in threadworms teucr.
MIND - IRRITABILITY - worm affections; in abrot. Carb-v. CINA fil. nat-p. teucr.
MIND - KICKING - worm-complaints; during Carb-v. cina
MIND - MOROSE - worm affection, in Carb-v. CINA Fil.
MIND - NYMPHOMANIA - worms, from plat. sabad.
MIND - RAGE - worm affections; in Carb-v.
MIND - STRIKING - worm affections, in Carb-v.
MIND - THOUGHTS - worms; about coca-c.
NOSE - EPISTAXIS - accompanied by - worms; complaints of Cina merc.
NOSE - ITCHING - worms; from Santin. spig.
RECTUM - DIARRHEA - worms; from infection anth.
RECTUM - DIARRHEA - worms; from chin. cina ferr. sabad. spig. teucr. valer.
RECTUM - FORMICATION - Anus - worm; as from cinnb.
RECTUM - ITCHING - ascarides, from anth. calc-f. Calc. chin. Ferr. graph. ign. indg. irid-met.
laur. med. mez. Nat-p. nit-ac. psor. Sabad. sacch. sin-a. sulph. Teucr. Urt-u.
RECTUM - ITCHING - worms; like arg-met. hir. sulph.
RECTUM - PAIN - biting pain - worms, as from chin-b.
RECTUM - WORMS - complaints of worms - accompanied by - constipation - children; in DOL.
RECTUM - WORMS - complaints of worms - accompanied by constipation fil.
RECTUM - WORMS - complaints of worms - accompanied by emaciation bar-c. calc. CINA
graph. lyc. nat-m. Spig. Sulph.
RECTUM - WORMS - complaints of worms - accompanied by nausea ars. calc. Cina merc. nitac. Ruta sil. sulph.
RECTUM - WORMS - complaints of worms - accompanied by scrofula sil.
RECTUM - WORMS - complaints of worms - accompanied by - Tongue; white fil.
RECTUM - WORMS - complaints of worms - children; in abrot. calc. carc. cic. CINA coli. cupr.
Gaert. Ign. Nux-m. Ruta sil. SPIG. sulph. teucr. Viol-o.
RECTUM - WORMS - complaints of worms hookworm carbn-tm. card-m. chen-a. thymol.
RECTUM - WORMS - complaints of worms - moon; full Calc. chin. cina ferr. Sulph.
RECTUM - WORMS - complaints of worms pinworms abrot. acet-ac. acon. agn. alum. ambr.
ant-t. aq-calc. arg-n. Ars. asar. asc-t. Bapt. BAR-C. bar-m. bar-s. bufo Calc. carb-v. carbn-s.
chelo. chin. cina clerod-g. colch. croc. crot-t. cupr. dig. dol. ferr-m. Ferr. gaert. graph. grat.
hyos. Ign. indg. kali-c. lyc. mag-c. Mag-s. med. Merc-d. merc. mill. napht. nat-c. NAT-M. Nat-p.
Dr. Rajneesh Kumar Sharma MD (Homoeopathy)


nux-m. nux-v. petr. phos. plat. prot. Ptel. Rat. rhus-t. SABAD. sabin. santin. Scir. Sep. sil. sin-a.
Sin-n. Spig. Spong. squil. Sulph. tell. TER. Teucr. thuj. urt-u. Valer. vanil. vern-a. zinc.
RECTUM - WORMS - complaints of worms roundworm Abrot. acon. aesc. Agn. all-s. anac. antc. arg-n. Ars. asaf. asar. bar-c. bell. borx. calc. carbn-s. caust. cham. Chel. chelo. Chen-a. chenvg. chin. cic. CINA clerod-g. coloc. cupr. emb-r. Ferr-s. ferr. Gran. graph. helm. hyos. ign. indg.
iod. kali-c. kali-chl. lyc. mag-c. mag-m. merc-c. merc-d. merc. napht. nat-m. nat-p. nux-m.
nux-v. petr. phos. pin-s. plect. psor. rhus-t. ruta Sabad. santin. sec. Sil. SPIG. stann. staph.
SULPH. ter. teucr. Thuj. urt-u. valer. viol-o.
RECTUM - WORMS - complaints of worms schistosome Ant-t.
RECTUM - WORMS - complaints of worms - tapeworm - accompanied by salivation sabad.
RECTUM - WORMS - complaints of worms - tapeworm - Hypochondria; sensation as if in
region of Merc.
RECTUM - WORMS - complaints of worms - tapeworm - moon - full moon; during Merc.
RECTUM - WORMS - complaints of worms - tapeworm - moon - waning moon; during Sulph.
RECTUM - WORMS - complaints of worms tapeworm agn. agri. Ail. alum. ambr. anac. arec.
Arg-n. arge. ars. calc-caust. CALC. callil-l. Carb-an. Carb-v. carbn-s. carli-a. caust. chin. cina
cinnb. claus-in. clerod-g. coff. colch. croc. cuc-p. cupr-act. cupr-o. cupr-ox. cupr. emb-k. Fil.
Form. frag. geb-k. gran. Graph. grat. ign. kali-c. kali-i. kam. kou. laur. lyc. Mag-m. merc. Nat-c.
nat-m. nat-p. nat-s. nit-ac. nux-v. othon-n. pann. pellin. petr. phos. Plat. psor. Puls. rhus-t.
Sabad. sabin. sal-ac. santin. Sep. Sil. spig. spong. Stann. stry. strych-h. sulph. ter. teucr. thuj.
thymol. valer. Verat. zinc.
RECTUM - WORMS - complaints of worms trichinae ars. bapt. cupr-ox.
RECTUM - WORMS - complaints of worms whipworm podo.
SKIN - ERUPTIONS - urticaria - accompanied by pinworm urt-u.
SKIN - ERUPTIONS - urticaria - ascarides; with urt-u.
SKIN - WORMS; sensation of - boring and crawling on body; as if worms were tarent.
SKIN - WORMS; sensation of - Under the skin coca COCAIN.
SKIN - WORMS; sensation of ars. coca merc. nat-c. nit-ac. sel. sil. sulph.
SLEEP - RESTLESS - worms; from Nat-p. santin.
SLEEP - SLEEPINESS - worms; with Nux-m.
SLEEP - SLEEPLESSNESS - worms; from Ferr. teucr. Valer.
SLEEP - WAKING - worms, from calc-f.
STOMACH - APPETITE - ravenous - worms; from bar-c. calc. chin. Cina graph. lyc. nat-m. SPIG.
STOMACH - ERUCTATIONS; TYPE OF - food - worm; like a puls. Sulph.
STOMACH - IRRITATION - worms; from santin.
STOMACH - NAUSEA - Throat, in - worm in; as if a puls. spig.
STOMACH - PAIN - cramping - worm; as from a nat-c.
STOMACH - PAIN - gnawing pain - worm; as from a nat-c.
STOMACH - PAIN - worms; from Cina gran.
STOMACH - VOMITING - worms; from Acon. bell. carb-v. chin. CINA Ip. lach. Merc. Nux-v. Puls.
STOMACH - VOMITING; TYPE OF - worms lumbrici acon. Cina sabad. sec.
STOMACH - VOMITING; TYPE OF worms Acon. anac. ars. bar-m. calc. Cina coff. Ferr. hyos.
merc. nat-m. Phyt. Sabad. SANG. sec. sil. spig. sulph. verat.
STOMACH - WORM; sensation of a - Upwards to the throat; climbing from pit of stomach zinc.
STOMACH - WORM; sensation of a - Upwards to the throat; climbing from pit of stomach
morning cocc.
STOMACH - WORM; sensation of a cina cocc. lach.
STOOL - MUCOUS - worm, like a stann.
STOOL - WORM-like graph. stann.
STOOL - WORMS agg. acon. Cina Merc. spig.

Worm Infestation and Homoeopathy

TEETH - DENTITION - difficult - accompanied by - worms in children; complaints of Cina merc.
SIL. stann.
TEETH - WORM; sensation of a kali-i. mag-m. syph.
THROAT - CRAWLING - worm were squirming in; as if a hyper. kali-c. merc. Puls.
THROAT - PAIN - gnawing pain - worm; as from a Calc.
THROAT - WORM; sensation of a bry. calc. hyper. merc. puls.
URINARY ORGANS - WORMS; complaints from cinnb. sulph.
VERTIGO - ACCOMPANIED BY - worms; complaints of cina spig.
VISION - COLORS before the eyes - dark worms phys.
VISION - COMPLAINTS of vision - accompanied by - worms; complaints of Hyos.

Chapter 209. Bites and Stings of Terrestrial and Aquatic Life > Dermatitis and Bites from
Marine Worms Fitzpatrick's Dermatology in General Medicine, 8e

Chapter 214. Intestinal Worms and Parasites The Color Atlas of Family Medicine, 2e

Chapter 32. Infections of the Nervous System (Bacterial, Fungal, Spirochetal, Parasitic)
and Sarcoidosis > Infections Caused by Rickettsias, Protozoa, and Worms Adams & Victor's
Principles of Neurology, 10e
Encyclopedia Homoeopathica

Global Travelers > LOA LOA (EYE WORM) Tintinallis Emergency Medicine: A
Comprehensive Study Guide, 8e ..., worm burden is usually low, and symptoms are related to
hypersensitivity syndromes and not serious disease. The adult worms inhabit subcutaneous
tissues, move about freely, and can live for up to 18 years after the patient's last possible
exposure. They are spread from the bite of the Chrysops fly...

Global Travelers > PARASITIC HELMINTH (WORM) INFECTIONS Tintinallis Emergency

Medicine: A Comprehensive Study Guide, 8e... TABLE 161-14 Common Parasitic Helminth
(Worm) Infestations Name Source of Contamination Human Symptoms Diagnosis Treatment
Ascaris lumbricoides (roundworm) Fecaloral contamination or poorly cooked food Minimal
symptoms; or pneumonia...
Dr. Rajneesh Kumar Sharma MD (Homoeopathy)


Helminthic Diseases of the Lungs > Diseases Due to Cestodes (Segmented Worms)
Fishman's Pulmonary Diseases and Disorders, 5e... A variety of segmented worms may cause
human disease, including Echinococcus. ...

Helminthic Diseases of the Lungs > Diseases Due to Trematodes (Flat Worms) Fishman's
Pulmonary Diseases and Disorders, 5e

Helminthic Infections and Ectoparasite Infestations Harrison's Manual of Medicine, 19e


NEMATODE) Jawetz, Melnick, & Adelbergs Medical Microbiology, 27e


Radar 10

The Skin and Nails > Insects, Spiders, Mites, and Worms DeGowins Diagnostic
Examination, 10e

Tissue Nematodes > OTHER FILARIAL WORMS Sherris Medical Microbiology, 6e... Other
microfilarial parasites have been detected in humans, including species of Mansonella . These
are transmitted to people during the bite of the Culicoides midge. For generations, these
worms were felt to be harmless to patients, and their importance in parasitology was limited...

Zoonotic Infections > HELMINTHS (WORMS) Tintinallis Emergency Medicine: A

Comprehensive Study Guide, 8e

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