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REMARKS ON THE ALEXANDER POLYNOMIAL by B. Mazur Date for act O36 PRA Introduction: Guided by the results of Artin and Tate applied to the calculation of the Grothendieck Cohomology Groups of the schemes; Spec (Zz) © Spec Z . Mumford has suggested a most elegant model as a geometric interpretation of the above situation: Spec (Z/p 7) is like one-dimensional knot in Spec Z which is like a simply connected threesmani fold. This analogy cannot fail to strike the imagination of a Topologist. Moreover, it gives one the impetus to review classical knot theory with an eye towards making the Arithmetic connections more explicit. The object of this paper is to study the Alexander Polynomial with these connections in mind. The rules of the game, then, are to give definitions and statements of results which admit ready translation into Arithmetic. This is carried out in §4, $5, for much of the classical theory of the Alexander Polynomial. In $i, the main theorem (Thm.3) suggests a new definition of the Alexander Polynomial ofaknot. It is merely the determinant of a certain module (suitably interpreted). (It is somewhat related to Milnor's definition [13] ). In §1, $2, $3, the algebraic theory of determinants [14] is etudied and prepared for eventual application. Perhaps, before embarking on our project, it might be useful to show explicitly the number-theoretic analogical interpretations we have in mind. Ir Let p be a prime number, and $py 8 primitive p Y th root of 1 and consider the Dedekind Domain by =ZL Spon 7 Then Spec Dis a cyclic covering of Spec Y ramified exactly at the prime pif Y20. the Dy 's play the role of the branched cyclic coverings of a knot. One is thus led to compare the deep Arithmetic theory of Twasawa, regarding the p-primary component, X, of the ideal class group of D y + with the classical studies of the first homology Group of branched cyclic coverings of a knot (of course the latter theory is quite elementary), Iwasama considers X = lim x, wv where the Xz are related by norm mappings, and takes it as a module over Z. [ -~J, the p-adic integral group ring of = ox, 7) where Ky is the quotient field of D, and Ko = UKy. y One of the theorems crucial to the theory of Iwasawa is III Theorem: X is a torsion aodule of finite type over zB plr+ This is in perfect analogy with Theoren 3 £4 (except for the projective dimension 1 statement). Note that Theoren 3 is exactly what is necessary in order to define the Alexander Polynomial of a knot. us Similarly the above theoren allows{to form * aetz ) €Z ee CV ociy 601) which we nay interpret as a power series inT = (§ -1) since: a 4 Zptrlx Byler. This we may call A(p.t). "the Alexander Polynomial" of the primey. One may use the structure theorem of Iwasawa to compute 4 (pst) since it is a nod # invariant (See Liz] > C11). One obtains A(pst) = p™- Py (+) where o is the numerical invariant of X defined by Iwasawa and P, is the characteristic polynomial of the fundamental transformation Wel acting on the finite dimensional vector x * sprce over a : ree %, Iwasawa conjectures that a = wv It is interesting to consider the duality relation. satisfied by polynomixls which are the Alexander Polynomials of knots. Namely: A(t) = +t” & (VE) for sone even n. (See (13) ) One is led to ask whether the characteristic polynomial Py iso satisfies the above functional equation. 1, The Deterninant We refer to the forthconing book of D. Muatora(™*) gor a treatnent of the deterainant (or the first chern class of a ‘coherent sheaf over a noetherian schene. This notion was introduced by Serre and developed by Auslander and Munford (an elaboration of thet excellent notion due to Cayley !). Given a noctherian ring Nand a nodule M of firite type over A satisfying (i), (ii) below, the above theory assigns to M a non-zero principal ideal in A, calledits deterainant. More generally, and in the language of schemes, (see (7), (6)) if X is a noetherian schene and {a coherent sheaf over X (satisfying (4), (44) below) one nay associate to fan effective Cartier Divisor of X, called Div(=). For the theory and definition of Cartier Divisors, sce (8), (14). X will be assuaed noctherian throughout. An effective Cartier Divisor D over X may be identified with a coherent subsheaf ¢;(D)<( which is an invertible 6x ~ nodule. (This aay be taken as definition). Then for each xe, OF (D) & , isa principal ideal. 4 generator of this ideal is called a local equation for D at x. There are only 2 finite nusber of points xeX of depth zero (ive. such that CL.g is of depth zero, which aeans that any non- unit of 0, X is a zero-divisor), Two Cartier Divisors on X are equal if they possess equal 'locel equations' at 211 points xeX of depth 1. Let % be a coherent sheaf on X s“ch that: (4) Supp (—) contains no points of depth zero, (4i) Eis an & gz nodule of finite cohono ogical @imension (i.e. possesses a finite projective resolution) for all x €X. If€ is 5 free oy ‘oodule of rank ¢ M€ will denote the r-fold exterior product sieaf, which is, consequently, free of rank 1. There is an isouorphisn Zine S% uniquely determined up to > unit. If OF E> ...7 €,%£ 590 is an exact sequence of locally free Oj-nodules of finite rank, rank (Ej) =r 5 (the “collation isomorphism"). (For the definition of "collation", see (14), One reduces the problem of defining the collation to sequences of length 2 (see lemma 5.6 of (14)) he ty OEE, FE, 70 and for 5 ¥: NE, AEM, as follows: If ¢ h sequences we produce an explicit isonorphisn 0, take¥:4,, Otherwise, for any open set U, over which the &, are free, if xe F(A* EU) = A (EQ(U)) yet (A®e,ju)= AS (e(u)) choose sone z € A® (E4()) such that wy (a) ay and set O(X@y) = & (ZX) na which is in: n> (e,(u)) ~AP(E,(¥)) = AE (4). From the exact sequence: ne et nee, F neo thet onother choice z’ above wovld differ only by: vez + Bw) one eces and consequently $x) AZ = fo(x) a 2'= Fox) ne (W) = fp(x Aw) = 0 atte since xaw EF (Em) = 0. Existence and Uniqueness theoren'H+) rf % is > coherent sheaf on Z svch that: (4) © is a torsion shesf. That is, | Supp {contains no points of depth 0. (41) tz is an @ yrnodule of finite projective Ginension for all xex, ‘ then there is an effective Cartier Divisor Div € on X (which pleys the role of the first chern Class of ©) uniquely charac~ terized as follows: Given any open U, xndfree resolution Or bo, over U, set U’=U- Supp £, and consider the exact sequence L 4&7 T+0 of free sheaves: O FBS ve EO on U. Then there is 2 local equation £e((U,e,) for Div & such that seg pei e : Ot (A © (05/05) is comau tative, vhere is the collation coming from (*) and yi A c-@e,() is built from the canonical isomorphisms E, :AG+t. D + The assignaent € > (Div ()satisfies the following propertie (I) It is aultiplicative. That is, suppose given an exact sequence of coherent sheaves which satisfy (i), (ii) above: O9T 4 T+ t"4 0 Then Div & = Div’ - Div T* (writing the group of Cartier Divisors ovltiplicatively). Proof: The above formula, being 2 forauls for Cartier Divisors, need only be checked at points of depth 1, where by the a Theoren (1) we find a free resalition: Auslender - Buchebs But det%= deta! det", which gives (I). (II) The support of Div(~) is contained in the support of bE. Ig X is nornal, the supports coincide at points of depth 1, Proof: The first statenent follows froa the local character of D and the fact that Div({}) is the identity element in the group of Cartier Divisors, If xeX is of depth 1 and X is noraal, then G; is 2 discrete valuation ring. We nay again find a free resolution o+ &, x = % EB, oT 40 ‘by the Auslander-Buchsbaun theoren). y iuslander-Buchsb: ) Where the €jxare of finite and equal rank. Since Oy is principal we have that © = 0 if and only if detx is a unit, Boki. Alg. Ch.VIT §4, No.5, prop.4. (III)Lett be a coherent sheaf on X and £:¥ + X a morphisn of noetherian schenes such that o o Tor, (£4055 &,) =0 for all g>0, yeY, x = f(y). Then: Div (£*E) = £* Div(T). assucing botfEana fetsatisty (i), (44) above. (‘The above condition holds, e.g. if f is a flat corphisn). Proof: Straightforward vanishinz of the above Tor,'s is precisely what is necessary to ensure that the inverse image of a projective resolution of { over, is a projective resolution of f*E over 0}, This allows us to compute local equations for £*F, ® Let D be a Cartier Divisor and form the exact sequence + a 30 > 4 OD) 40, 4D > 0. Then Div ("§) = D. Proof: imuediate, wm let f + X+Y be a faithfully flat, finite sorphisn of neetherian scheneg. Suppose coherent on X and satisfies (4), (44) above. Then f, Div (E) = Div (f,£). Proof: Check it again at point x of depth 1. Take a free resolution 0 98 HE 7 Ey 70, Let y = f(x). Since f is finite and faithfully flat, the natural homo- norphisn f, = G + & is an inclusion (SGA) W, proposition 2.6), and @ is a free G-uolule of finite rank, A local equation for fy Div (E) at x nay be given by Nox/a, (at x) where, if€e %, aya (€) is defined to be the determinant of the natrix (vith coefficients in §) which describes aulti- plication by€ in Ge (Here one uses that g is a free a nodule of finite rank) Since (f,€),, is just Es regarded as an Y-nodule, tae the sane resolution for (£,% ), 88 above, only regarded ascn @ resolution, A local equation for Div(f,y cay then be given by det & (w). We are reduced to denonstrating an identity in the theory of deterninants, Proposition {B, af : Let B be a conmutative finite dimensional A-algebra (free as a nodule over A), Let ‘I’ be any B-endonorphisn of sone free B-uodule E of rank Thent Np/, ¢dety(t) = det, (7). The deterninants here refer to the expression of Tas a square matrix over B or over A upon choice of a free Bor A basis of E respectively. ns. It suffices to prove Proof: First a series of reduc ‘BA, for 1, Aan integral donain 2, Aan algebraically closed field 3. and where B possesses a unique aaxinal ideal. Proof of 1. Let & be an, integral domsin and”: A> Aa sur jective hozouorphisu, (i.e. take A = % Cava eA) 2na “(t,) =.) xpress B via its "structurel constants" BACH, &) 54) BJ esa = sk where f,, = %, 3, - | 6:3 % ¢ Ay) Choose “estore jj@h of the etyna define = Ba) / 45) ‘3 -¢ 4% Ey Bis a free nodule over A generated by the inages ort, where fy = and B= BUyA By the universal nature of the determinant formula we have: enna 1 G) > det 4/(t) = det 3 (72) (44) © det yr(t) = det , (+2) (341) ~ Nghe (B) = Nyy, (> d') for Tlany square aatrix over Bana vs B. We have therefore shown (8, {| inplies {B,A], and con- sequently (1). Proof of 2: Inbed the integrel domain A in an algebraically closed fiel@K, Then (BG K, K} implies (B,A\. Proof of 3: Suppose B decomposes over A, B= BYE, corresponding to the idenpotent, decomposition 1 =2,(4%. : i a = ( rps : Lemma 2: (4) dety (f)=det co «Ty dots, (552) (43) det, (T) = det, EM)rdet , & o7) where ¢ ,T is regarded as a satrix over B, and: j Jj (444) Fay, (D) = Nyy, b)+Np, jy Fa) Proof: (i) e.g Use the foraula for the determinant. (41) B= (€, BF £51) o (s, 1467) and det, (2, TH$1) = det , (7). The best basis (to see this last fact) is one which animates the splitting E = é BV&E, (iii) The "aatrix" be B over 4 is the diagonal uatrix of blocks . . =, bO On Lenna?shows that {B, Af and {By,A) iuply \B,A}. Since A is an algebraically closed field, we are led to the local ring ' situation, q.e.d. Now let. " © be the unique moxiaal ideal, Bp B/,= and choose a basis {i= bys b, oes be} cB as vector space over A, such that reading from right to left they fora beses for the successive powers mic B in order of decreasing 4 Represent the free uodule E as VX) ,B where V is a vector space over A of dicension q,and consider the sequence of subspaces By = by VED; WK... @& beY foruing 2 decreasing sequence of vector spaces over A. for = EC The B-hononorphisn T:E9E will leave the above flag invariant and if we convene that VorBeB/n7a c B ve defined on matrices co-ordinate-wise, we have that T induces 10 the patrix ¥(T) on any B5/Bj,, (J=0) e++, r). Thus we have: (4) det, (2) = (det, S (rt On the other hand (44) Nyyq (0) = 90) HT since a matrix for b over A may be given as triangular, with “4 (b) along the diagonal, (441) Yaet, (7) = det, (¥ 7) since ¥ is 2 ring hononorphisn. Proposition {B,4} therefore follows and consequently Y, Converting terainology fron noetherian schenes to noetherian rings, A we consider aodules M of finite type over A satisfying: (i) MW is a torsion nodule over 4 (ive. its associated sheaf M over Spee A is torsion). This condition says that iG, a (4) = {o)where q (4) is the total quotient ring of A (See [#-5) , Vol.I, Ch.I, 19, Theoren 17) (41) M, is of finite projective diaension over i, for P sll prime ideals p of A Cartier divisor of X = Spec 4 (i.e. a non-venishing section in f(x, 07 ¢*)) cay be identified with en elenent of A° (a non-zero elenent of 4) noculo the group g units of 4, U (4). " Thus, if M satisfies (i), (ii) above, define det, (M) € 4°70 (A) to be the Cartier Divisor, Div (if). We nay, also, if we wish, interpret det, (M) as a non-zero principal ideal of A, Definition: The module M has a deterninant (over A) if Mis of finite type over A and satisfies (i), (ii) above, For convenience, we restate an affine corollary of property y. Laffine: Suppose i:A4B is a ring homonorphism where Bis a free A-aodule of finite type. Then the norm Npy, i BAA is defined, and we have the following relation: det, (M) = Npyy detg (I), where it is understood that if the right-hand side is defined it follows that the left is also defined and the abcve equality results, 12 2, Modules over F (11. F will denote either the integers, < » or the integers localized at a fixed prine p, Zo) = (8 [ abe Set A=F CW) =F Gt, +71), Then F is principal and has the » (pb) =1 property that for any uodule X of finite type over F, Tor (X) is finite. The natural inclusion ACA is flat, 4 nodule M over A nay be regarded as a nodule over F with a given auto~ norphisa X? M+ M which describes the operation of t¢ F cw on™, Yis called the fundenental autosorphisn of the aodule M. Since Spec A is non-singular its local rings are 211 regular and we have: Proposition 1: Any A-uodule M of finite type satisfies con- dition (41) of &, Thus M has a deteroinant if and only if M is a torsion aodule over A. Proof: This follows fron the criterion of Serre for regularity of a local ring (Thm. 3,35, (16). We: will need an elenentary consequence of the noetherian de— composition theoren. Lenma 3: Any ideal (4c 4 way be (uniquely) expressed as a= (f) nF, where (f) is the suallest principal ideal containing and 13 and Supp (//,) contains only points in Spec A of depth 2. The neotherian decomposition theoren will factor @ into prinary ideals associated to primes of depth 1 and 2. Let @- denote the intersection of all the prinary ideals which occur in the decomposition and are associated to prines of depth 2. Recall that a price ideal of depth 1 is miniaal, hence principal, ), ch IV {14 top since A is a unique factorization donain (2 page 238). Consequently all prisary ideals associated to primes of depth 1 are principal (loc. cit, OnIIZ, §9, Note of p.155). We may then write a= (2,%)0 2.2. ale) no % where the f, are non-associated irreducible elenents, Since A is a Unique Factorization Domain: (fares nlty%*) = (tye AS) = 38) = Ct). Finally, suppose “'€.(g) for sone principal ideal g, Then the associated prines to (g) in its noetherian decomposition aust be anong the (£3) del, ..., 8 Thus g)= c a (a= 0 ) Suppose sone exponent, sey 2, is greater than n,, Then * Ay = (£,") nlfy™) ae alt) as contradicting uniqueness of the pricary decoaposition of %, Therefore uj nj. We conclude that (£) ¢ (g). qee.ds J Inve a determinant q(t), Then Proposition 2: let M= (A(t) is the saallest principal ideal containing a, By Lenna 3, decompose os (£)n Wo. Proof: Then proposition 2 will follow fron the assertion: det (A/(£),, oo) = det (A/(2) ). But to check this it suffices to check it only at points x of depth 1, t any such point x, however, C¥o.x Let = be the collection of finite A-uodules, M determinant over i, THe, Let M have a de wen det, (1) Proposition 3: is a unit if and only if Mé %. (det, is therefore 2 gy invariant of nodules) Proof: Spec A is noraal. By property (IZ, og $4, det, (M) is a unit if and only if supp M consists cx-ss1y in points of depth 2, Proposition 3 then follows fri: ~-eorens 1. 2 of Bourbaki, Alg.Conn, Ch IV $1, no.4, after one <:2erves that any prime of depth 2 in A has finite residue fiela, 15 Monic Modules Again let F denote either Z , or the integers localized at PZ (yp) Let A= Pl 7° nodule possessing a deterainant. The deterninant of M ay then =F (t, +77 Jay = ’/(1-tY) and let M be an A+ be interpreted as a polynoaial a(t) @ FCI {u(e) oe a é€@& . This may be normalized (by oultiplication with a Suitaple power of t, to achieve = non-zero constant tern and no negative exponents). Definition: The A-nodule M is onic if A(t) is a aonic polynonical in Ht) whose constant tera is a unit. (This anounts to the requirenent thit Ais nonic when expressed both in t and t7!) Theoren 1: If M is a nonic A-noduje, then M is of finite type over F, Proof: By induction on the nunber of generators of M. Suppose M nonogenic, W= PL™I Mt . men Oe (aet M) by , and we have the exact sequence: oe OHI oy suo aya (t)) +0 odules Lemna 4: Consider an exact sequence of 4 O>M, 7M, 7M, 30 If M, is 2 torsion aodule of finite type, so are Hy and My. 16 Proof: The finite type statenent follows trivially for M, ond for M, by noetherian-ness of A, The torsion state- nent follows because q(A) is A-flat (A°being an integral douain), Consequently, after Proposition 1,$2 (O(tY ov has a determinant and: det M= det (4/ (g(t) ). det (A (+))/ or ). by property I of ft. By Proposition 2,82, det (a/(4 (t) ) = (+t) and we have det (A(t)/or ) = 1; i.e. A(t) is finite after Proposition 3,)2, Therefore, in the light of the exact sequence (*), to show Af" of finite type over F it suffices to show: ( b/(A(t)) is of finite type over F. Lemma 5: { Let S = deg A(t) and consider the sub-nodule Mc A/(4(+t)) over F, generated by the basis tt ty Since 4(t) is monic, after cultiplicstion by a unit we nay write it as st A(t) = 0% -E «, +f iso ¢ Now assume by induction that tiem, for0¢ j § N-1. Since ° nS (es) + 4 ¢ “+ n, .j=9 in 4/(A(t)), we get t) € M) for all Ny 0, Using aonicity of B(t7) we get Me mM, for N¢ 0. Consequently, M, = A/( A (+)) q.e.d. We have thus proved the theorea for uonogenic uonic nodules 41 for Now assune it proved/conic nodules generated over A by (y-1) @lenents or less. Let M be generated over A by y eleaents and let M,< M be the sub-uodule generted by all but the last. We have an exact sequence: (##) 07M, + M+ W/M, + 0, with w/4, aonogenic. By lenna4,all three nodules have ceterainants, ond det M= det M,. det (M/M,) so they are all aonic. Both M, and M/M, are of finite type over Fj My by our inductive assumptions; M/M, since it is nonic and ronogenic. It follows frou (**) that M is of finite type over F, If Mis nonic and of projective diaension 1, Theorer 2 then Mis free over F of finite rank 6 = deg 4(t). Its fund- anental avtonorphisn y nay then be identified (up to equivalence over F) with a 6 x 6 natrix over F, whose characteristic poly- nowinal aay be identified with S(t). Proof: The resolution: OrArLAA FO A 1-t - yields: 0 Tor} (4, M) + Mau = MAL 0 which allows us to identify: tort (ay, mu) = ou ™ Since M is of projective dinension 1, we also have a resolution O+R 2PM +0 18 yielding: 07 Por (yh) > RE Ay But Py &A, is torsion-free over F, Using conautatively of Tor, we get that Mis torsion free over F, Since Mf is of finite type, its torsion nodule Tor (M)c ll is finite, Moreover, the fundanental autouorphisa y aust preserve Tor (iM). Thus y deternines an autocorphisa 7 of Tor (M). But Tor (M) being a finite group, its group G of autoaorphisas is again finite of order, Say, g Thus Y= 1. Taking = @, we see that y“is the identity on Tor (M)., Therefore? tor (Wc M7, Since M 7% is torsion-free, it follows that Tor (M) = 0. Since F is principal, Mis therefore free over F of finite rank. Consider the following sequence o+rmM@yr (71 2g F [7] 7M>0 where ¥, yare the F (J nonouorphisos’ deterained as follows: (9 @@*) = y (a) iw (n@e) = age * Th ya) @t™ The sequence is exact since ker Yis generated as a F{(7}-nodule by elenents of fora (ng t- y(n)@1). Tt te a free resolution of finite type since Mis free over F (of finite type). Thus we 2ay coupute A(t) froa this resolution, and the full statement of the theoren follows. Note that we have also: 19 Proposition ¢: Let M be of projective dizension 1, and possess a deterninant over 4, Then: tor} (4, Ayc= TM is a sub-nodule of a free nodule over Aj« 20 $4. The Alexander Polynoaial Let Ke? be a polygonal one-sphere knot and consider M the bounded conplenentary nanifold. We aay take M as a connected finite sinplicial couplex, hence a connected finite CW-couplex. In the usual aanner, after a series of elenentary contractions of Minto its 2-skeleton, and collapsing a naxinal subtree to a single vertex, we uay represent M (up to houotopy type) by a 2-diaensiona atfinite CW-coaplex F, possessing a single O-cell. Denote the infinite cyclic group, H,(M,#) by 7, and choose a generator t¢ 7, If Mis the aaxiaal conneoted abelian covering bundle of M, Tags freely on Mana M = i/7 . Let us replace if by/the naxinal connected abelian covering bundle of P, # inherits a Cl'-structure froa F, and the group 77 pernutes the cells of F (principally), Let C, @ denote the chain complexes (integer coefficients) associated to the CW-structures ¥,F. The action of the group 7 allows us to consider O’as a chain complex of free 2 £%}-zodules, of finite rank. Consequently, H, (iH) =H, (G) is a nodule of finite type over \= Z ITI Evidently Hy (i), ss an abelian group is the abelianization of the connutater subgroup of the knot group 7; (M). The nain theorea concerning the structure of H,(if) as a “ -nodule is the following: Theoren 3: (4) H, Gi) 4s a torsion uodule of finite type over A. a (4i) It js 6f projective diaension 1. (ii) Its deterninant O(t) is the classical Alexander Polynomial of the knot K, (iv) The natural nap py: M> Sy (where Sy is the branched cyclic covering of the knot K of ordery; See {5) induces an teonorphien, H(i) © Avs Hy (5) as Apnodules’ there Ay -Na-t%). Renarks: (1) Assertion (iv) will be proved in 5, (It is exactly proposition 5), where branched cyclio coverings are discussed, (2) Theoren 3 suggests the following definitions (in the light of 9 3). The nora of a knot K is the constant tera of its Alexander Polynonial A(t). Nora (kK) = a(o)e Z/is 1 A knot is ponic if its nore is 2 unit, which does not Theoren 4: Let K be @ knot and pa pric divide the nora of K. Then H, QL (p) is a free nodule of finite rank over Zip Its rank is equal to the degree 6 = 2g of the Alexander Polynoaiel, A(t) of K. A(t) is the characteristic rphisn of Hy polynoaial of the fundanental aut HGH, Lpy- 22 is free abelian Theoren 5: If K is aonie, then H, of rank equal to 6 = 2g. The fundanental autonorphisn y say then be regarded (up to integral equivalence) as a catrix: re SL (8,2) whose cheracteristic polynomial is the Alexander Polynosial of K Note: For conic knots, then, one aight try to delve into the second connutation group by considering M, the oaxinal abelian unranified covering bundle over ti. Then H, (Hi) is a aodule of finite type over the integral group ring of H, (it) which is just: = Zona", 1 77 For knots-of-rotation, H, Gp is free of rank @,) over this ring. Can one expect a similar rank (over the generic point of Spee (A*) ) for all aonic knots? Eroof of Theoreus 4 and §: Letting F stand for either Zp) or z in either circunstence we hove that H, (Hl) G F is nonic, as a nodule over F(T], This follows because: (a) The inclusion Zim] “?Flrths flat. Consequently »roperty IIT of hi applies yielding dete cy (Hy CO F) =i A(t). (b) A(t) is a synzetric polynocial. Con- sequently since i 4(0) is a unit in F, so is the leading coefficient, duality, es Theoren 3 gives us that it is of projective diaension 1, hence Theoren 2 of £ applies, q.e-d. A special case of a nonic knot is one for which the zeroes of the Alexander Polynouial are of absolute value 1. (One wi call then cyclotomic knots), It/follow fron Theoren 2and ‘Veat the fundanental autoaorphisa is periodic in this case i.e. This "aninates" the phenonenon of period- Y= 1 for soney). icity tabulated in (4). Proof of Theoren 3: We first prove (i): bet 6B: ZCMP 7 Q(t) denote the inbedding of 217) in its field of fractions. #, aw 82 =0 Leuna 6: ee (t) is acyclic See ( (13), Leanna 4 and page 145). Theoren The assertion is that Broof: 3 will then follow fron the general assertion: Lenoa 7: Let @ ve a free chain couplex overA= Z (7), such that H, (@)=Z (i.e. GAs connected). Let y: + B be a ring homonorphisa. Then the nztural aap 1 @Ra + HC is injective. Proof: Since € is free, we cay use the spectral sequence: (See theoren 5.5.1 page 102, (6) ) 24 2 KR we y= Tory Uy (, 3) 3H, (C@)- , ‘The natural aap i factors: ve Bt a Hy OB _ vo,1 ost 2% (ote) and the vertical sequence is exact at the point Bey. Leona 7 will follow if Bj, = 0 Buti- a oF non (Hy (8), B)= tors(Z, B) = the niddle isonorphism cones by hypothesis and the last since Z. has projective dinension 1 overA= Z@ (1. qee.d. Proof of (ii) and (iii a Tet us denote the cells of F of dinension q by Cs (je Tyee eGg) Suppose (5 a, ‘Then since }, = 1 and the euler characteristic of F is zero, we have: §,=n+1. Take eto , be such that 2&, = (t-1). €, (Coupare (13)) and regard the basis: ee, Be ay , yon eel as free bases of the A-sodules 0, and G, respectively. In terus of these vases, the boundary hononorphisa p+ 6,76, nay be written 15 an ox a + 1 untrix with coefficients in A. (me Mexander Untrix of this presentation F), | Jay (+)||. Consider the following conmutative diagras Hence€iAis the submodule of %, generated v4, Gf is the free Anodule generated by: Ch. ... ,C.,, 7 the natural projection , and Z, is the subnodule of 1-cycles. Lenna8 : p is an isonorphisa. Consequently H, (M) admits the free A-resolution: vee ~, 0-03 6,7 By (i) +0. Lemna 8 will then prove (ii), Also (iii) will follow, since the deterninant of Hy aa may then be computed fron the -resolution (*): me? But-the latter deterainant is the classical Alexander Polynomial. det, {H. i) = det x= det |la (t) fJcatnm 1 Ay) Ja, (Compare (13) ). Proof of Ieama 8: First a 1 Bn {4} ={o) vecause 9¢1\) =A(t-1). C9, which is zero only if A= 0. #1 94 at B44 © GH. Since (4-1).A CP for sone Therefore p is injective. Now let C* 3, (0) E(t-1). G, we have 3, (o*) heh bet c= ct -Ael, ThenceZ, and p(c) = ot. ‘Therefore p is surjective. 26 5. Branched Cyclie Coverings Let Mybe the #2 cyclic covering bundle over Ml (i.e, the bundle associated to the subgroup of 7, (If) which is the universe inage of 7” © 7 under the natural nap oO Gr, (8), MON] + 7% (it) +7 +0 Here = ( *"e TIAEE) ) Then My nay be "coapleted" to a ‘covering space with singularities! Sy, over $3, branched exactly at the knot K, Sy is called the branched cyclic covering of K, of degreey. See (3), The Mayer-Vietoris sequence for honology yields the following exact sequence? H, (8!) > Hy Qh) ¢ Hy (Sy) 40 where X represents a standard loop in My, "transversal to the knot K", The CW-structure F, representing the honotopy type of M will lift to a CW-structure Fy yielding a free chain couplex Cy over the ring Aj= Yiy-_r). One has the re}ation C= TH Ay and the natural uaps p,,: My M give rise to conautative diagrans: enna 9: Hy (Mav) =H, (Cu) 7H, (FQN » v Bey J \ey A le H, (My) = #, (C,) =H, (C&, Ay) aT (>) #, QM) = HY (6) [e | (Gm Avie ve N HU) = H, (Cm) Using the spectral sequence, x > + oe , A) > Tor, (Hy (¢), A) ? Hyg (FG; A) agein, as in $4, lenaa 7, and that By 9 = Tord ZA) = 0, we get an exact sequence: 07H, (1) @ Av > Hy (Oe, Aud*for, (H,(8),A,) -» 0 Using the resolution Ad FAtAa AS 0 +AaheAe 0 one sees that = Por! (H, (B),Av) cH, (B)@A. is the infinite cyclic subgroup generated by ea gt tie 4, (@) &. A where (ef ° ) is the homology. class of oo, Combining exact sequences, we get: aa a Tor, (H,(C),A.) +0 where the diagonal arrows are the couposites. Proposition 5: “. (hence also 'l,) is an isonorphisn (which proves assertion (iv) of Theorea 3, £4. 28 By diagran-chasing, \yis an isonorphisa if Y;is, Since both H, (Ss!) ana Tory (H, (6) A.) are infinite cyclic, it suffices to show that a generator of H, (8!) is sent by ty to a generator of Tor, (By (8,0), By choice of €/, Xusends a generator of H, (8') to wrk to om w ty G « G= C@ Av. ye The honoworphisn € is the natural "step-ladder" uap of the double complex @@A . That is, if hc H, (C@hv) is a class, &(h) aay be obtained by choosing a cycle 2 € ©, @iAvwnien represents h, and ascending the following staircase: 9 Tor, h,, Av) Ce@”A + HI@A +0 ~ we bie) oy Gt) oi CN 9 BG@,N + alors iu Ow + 4 Av Bg GN, 70 q % % (Here H, = H, (8) Thus, if ZC, @),\ is a class uapping onto 2 we nay represent “<(h) by the following class in HL @. Nt (VQ-4) 9 2) e Beas Thus for 2 =E 48 €}, take which gives us: aed, 29 4s a conplenent to Proposition 5, we have: Broposition 6: For all integers 4, ¥the diagrans: BAO May EF AL (Sur) 4 H, (UG, Ay > ey are commutative, where the vertical hononorphisns are induced fron the natural asps Puy» Si Sv 6 Agar» Nuen® Ar Proof: The Y's are the conposites Hy (ik) Nur > Hy E@p Muy) <2 Hs (Mur) > Hy Gur) | v % hoa, EBAY =r tly) 7H 6) The right-hand square is connutative since it is induced by a coasutative square of continuous naps. The left-hand square is comautative by naturality of the Spectral Sequence fron which it comes, and the aidéle square is conautative by lenna 9. Corollary 1: The induced honozorphisn pay © Hy Gay) —-» 4, (S,) is always surjective (i.e. for allu,r). (Compare Th.4 of (4)). Corollary 2: H,()@. Z = fel Proof: Hy (MZ = Hy (54) =0 since S, is the 3-sphere, by Let A Ay denote the surjective aap and set S,=€,(t). 30 Corollary 3: re H, (M)\@, Ay is @ torsion acdule over Ay then A ~) (i) t (4) tort (Hy (Fi), Av) = H(A = (45) aetay (4 (MG Av) = A(Sy) Proof: (i) Proposition 4 of $3 shows that we nay identify the above two aodules and they are both contained in free uodules over Ay, The sequence y 4 9» Toc’ (Hi, (i), My) FGA 7 LON? 4, W@Ar © where h@ Ay ,P,@ Ay are both free over Ayof equal (and finite) rank, shows that if H, (Mk®,Ay is a torsion aodule, so is Tors (Hs (Si), Av): Lenaa 10: Consider X, a nodule over a commutative ring P with unit which is both a torsion aodule and contsined in 2 free aodule overP, ‘hen X = {0 } : Denna 10 will conclude the denoastration of (i), which gives us that H, (Mj, Ny is of projective dinension 1 (naking use of (4) plus the above exact sequence) so that det, (H, (ais Ay) is defined ané property III of $1, then applies to give us (ii). To prove Lena 10:Suppose Kc F and F free over P, Then FeF aq (P), 2nd the natural diagran F < FQ) 4 «e) v * X D7 Xp y (Y) shows that i is an inclusion q.e.d. 31 Corollary 4: If B, (li)@), Ay is a finite group, its order f, is given by: _ ; A= On ny Ur bez fe (En Av | tr a (§).! Se y'h ote of L (Renark: This is (6.3) of (5) ) Clearly, for finite abelian groups, G, (G:1) = det 7 (G). If H,(MAy is a finite group it is torsion Ay-nodule gna Cor.6 (i) applies, Using property 5 of we have: Ack [4 (I Mr] = Nard (4 (Sf =F cst) sFo Denote by G,a priaitive r%® root of 1 and consider the com- utative diagran = Aye 2B & cr] c where is the su tjective hononorphisa sending Sto oe Since Z 2 n is in Z we huve: " 7 a (74) x 7 4 (sf) - dS = But xt Y-7 dg an FF! a (64) = a! 4 (82) } or alr " G+ yth’ riots of 1 . qeend, Renarks: (1) Reading Corollary 4 for y= 1, and Cor.2 we obtain the well-known fact A(}) (2) Therefore we aay write & Tw 1 A(S)| y SAT) vy th cctsef 1 32 It is interesting to coupare this with the classical analytical fornula for the class nuaber tines the regulator of a finite abelian extension of the rational nuaber field, (Hasse (9), page 7, (4). Compare (12) ). @ 64 Bai Bs 19s 05 1 Mey REFERENCES M. 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