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A relao professor e aluno tem a proposta, que a escola pode sim, por meio

de interaes, motivar e sensibilizar tanto o aluno, quanto o professor a

repensar suas aes do ambiente escolar. O conhecimento do aluno tem a
importncia fundamental para criao de algumas possibilidades e
condies favorveis, em quais os alunos e a professores puderam refletir
sobre a prtica e passaram a atuar num clima mais condizente com o
Em todo processo de aprendizagem, a interao social e a mediao ou
outro tem fundamental importncia. Na escola pode dizer que a interao
professor e aluno imprescindvel para que ocorra o sucesso no processo
de aprendizagem.

The relationship between teacher and student have the proposal , the
school can yes, through interactions , motivate and sensitize both the
student and the teacher to rethink their actions the school environment .
The student's knowledge has a fundamental importance for creating some
opportunities and favorable conditions in which students and teachers were
able to reflect on practice and began to act in a more conducive climate for
the environment .
Throughout the learning process, social interaction and mediation or other is
of fundamental importance . At school you can say that the teacher and
student interaction is essential for success to occur in the learning process .

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